Dimensions of month calendar control should not depend on the client window size

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Mon Nov 8 06:55:17 CST 2004


ControlSpy shows that dimensions of the native month calendar control do not
depend on the client window size. Due to this problem MCM_GETMINREQRECT was
returning wrong values.

This patch makes control size calculations do not depend on the window
client area size and also makes small adjustments to make control look
more like a native equivalent.

    Dmitry Timoshkov <dmitry at codeweavers.com>
    Dimensions of month calendar control should not depend on the client
    window size.

--- cvs/hq/wine/dlls/comctl32/monthcal.c	2004-11-08 13:38:33.000000000 +0800
+++ wine/dlls/comctl32/monthcal.c	2004-11-08 19:34:12.000000000 +0800
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(monthcal);
 typedef struct
+    HWND hwndSelf;
     COLORREF	bk;
     COLORREF	txt;
     COLORREF	titlebk;
@@ -84,8 +85,6 @@ typedef struct
     int		textWidth;
     int		height_increment;
     int		width_increment;
-    int		left_offset;
-    int		top_offset;
     int		firstDayplace; /* place of the first day of the current month */
     int		delta;	/* scroll rate; # of months that the */
                         /* control moves when user clicks a scroll button */
@@ -106,8 +105,6 @@ typedef struct
     SYSTEMTIME	minDate;
     SYSTEMTIME	maxDate;
-    RECT rcClient;	/* rect for whole client area */
-    RECT rcDraw;	/* rect for drawable portion of client area */
     RECT title;		/* rect for the header above the calendar */
     RECT titlebtnnext;	/* the `next month' button in the header */
     RECT titlebtnprev;  /* the `prev month' button in the header */
@@ -208,12 +205,15 @@ static int MONTHCAL_CalcDayFromPos(MONTH
 				   int *daypos,int *weekpos)
   int retval, firstDay;
+  RECT rcClient;
+  GetClientRect(infoPtr->hwndSelf, &rcClient);
   /* if the point is outside the x bounds of the window put
   it at the boundry */
-  if(x > infoPtr->rcClient.right) {
-    x = infoPtr->rcClient.right ;
-  }
+  if (x > rcClient.right)
+    x = rcClient.right;
   *daypos = (x - infoPtr->days.left ) / infoPtr->width_increment;
   *weekpos = (y - infoPtr->days.top ) / infoPtr->height_increment;
@@ -407,8 +407,6 @@ static void MONTHCAL_DrawDay(HDC hdc, MO
 static void MONTHCAL_Refresh(HWND hwnd, HDC hdc, PAINTSTRUCT* ps)
   MONTHCAL_INFO *infoPtr=MONTHCAL_GetInfoPtr(hwnd);
-  RECT *rcClient=&infoPtr->rcClient;
-  RECT *rcDraw=&infoPtr->rcDraw;
   RECT *title=&infoPtr->title;
   RECT *prev=&infoPtr->titlebtnprev;
   RECT *next=&infoPtr->titlebtnnext;
@@ -435,10 +433,9 @@ static void MONTHCAL_Refresh(HWND hwnd, 
   oldTextColor = SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_WINDOWTEXT));
   /* fill background */
   hbr = CreateSolidBrush (infoPtr->bk);
-  FillRect(hdc, rcClient, hbr);
+  FillRect(hdc, &ps->rcPaint, hbr);
   /* draw header */
@@ -519,8 +516,7 @@ static void MONTHCAL_Refresh(HWND hwnd, 
 /* draw line under day abbreviatons */
   MoveToEx(hdc, infoPtr->days.left + 3, title->bottom + textHeight + 1, NULL);
-  LineTo(hdc, rcDraw->right - 3, title->bottom + textHeight + 1);
+  LineTo(hdc, infoPtr->days.right - 3, title->bottom + textHeight + 1);
   prevMonth = infoPtr->currentMonth - 1;
   if(prevMonth == 0) /* if currentMonth is january(1) prevMonth is */
@@ -787,10 +783,14 @@ MONTHCAL_GetMinReqRect(HWND hwnd, WPARAM
   if((infoPtr==NULL) ||(lpRect == NULL) ) return FALSE;
-  lpRect->left = infoPtr->rcClient.left;
-  lpRect->right = infoPtr->rcClient.right;
-  lpRect->top = infoPtr->rcClient.top;
-  lpRect->bottom = infoPtr->rcClient.bottom;
+  lpRect->left = infoPtr->title.left;
+  lpRect->top = infoPtr->title.top;
+  lpRect->right = infoPtr->title.right;
+  lpRect->bottom = infoPtr->todayrect.bottom;
+  AdjustWindowRect(lpRect, GetWindowLongW(hwnd, GWL_STYLE), FALSE);
+  TRACE("%s\n", wine_dbgstr_rect(lpRect));
   return TRUE;
@@ -1697,14 +1697,17 @@ done:
 static LRESULT
 MONTHCAL_Paint(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam)
-  MONTHCAL_INFO *infoPtr = MONTHCAL_GetInfoPtr(hwnd);
   HDC hdc;
-  /* fill ps.rcPaint with a default rect */
-  memcpy(&(ps.rcPaint), &(infoPtr->rcClient), sizeof(infoPtr->rcClient));
+  if (wParam)
+  {
+    GetClientRect(hwnd, &ps.rcPaint);
+    hdc = (HDC)wParam;
+  }
+  else
+    hdc = BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps);
-  hdc = (wParam==0 ? BeginPaint(hwnd, &ps) : (HDC)wParam);
   MONTHCAL_Refresh(hwnd, hdc, &ps);
   if(!wParam) EndPaint(hwnd, &ps);
   return 0;
@@ -1737,8 +1740,6 @@ static void MONTHCAL_UpdateSize(HWND hwn
   HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd);
   MONTHCAL_INFO *infoPtr = MONTHCAL_GetInfoPtr(hwnd);
-  RECT *rcClient=&infoPtr->rcClient;
-  RECT *rcDraw=&infoPtr->rcDraw;
   RECT *title=&infoPtr->title;
   RECT *prev=&infoPtr->titlebtnprev;
   RECT *next=&infoPtr->titlebtnnext;
@@ -1752,72 +1753,41 @@ static void MONTHCAL_UpdateSize(HWND hwn
   DWORD dwStyle = GetWindowLongA(hwnd, GWL_STYLE);
   HFONT currentFont;
-  double xdiv;
+  int xdiv, left_offset;
+  RECT rcClient;
-  currentFont = SelectObject(hdc, infoPtr->hFont);
+  GetClientRect(hwnd, &rcClient);
-  /* FIXME: need a way to determine current font, without setting it */
-  /*
-  if(infoPtr->hFont!=currentFont) {
-    SelectObject(hdc, currentFont);
-    infoPtr->hFont=currentFont;
-    GetObjectA(currentFont, sizeof(LOGFONTA), &logFont);
-    logFont.lfWeight=FW_BOLD;
-    infoPtr->hBoldFont = CreateFontIndirectA(&logFont);
-  }
-  */
+  currentFont = SelectObject(hdc, infoPtr->hFont);
   /* get the height and width of each day's text */
   GetTextMetricsA(hdc, &tm);
-  infoPtr->textHeight = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading;
+  infoPtr->textHeight = tm.tmHeight + tm.tmExternalLeading + tm.tmInternalLeading;
   GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdc, "Sun", 3, &size);
   infoPtr->textWidth = size.cx + 2;
-  /* retrieve the controls client rectangle info infoPtr->rcClient */
-  GetClientRect(hwnd, rcClient);
+  /* recalculate the height and width increments and offsets */
+  GetTextExtentPoint32A(hdc, "00", 2, &size);
-  /* rcDraw is the rectangle the control is drawn in */
-  rcDraw->left = rcClient->left;
-  rcDraw->right = rcClient->right;
-  rcDraw->top = rcClient->top;
-  rcDraw->bottom = rcClient->bottom;
+  xdiv = (dwStyle & MCS_WEEKNUMBERS) ? 8 : 7;
-  /* recalculate the height and width increments and offsets */
-  /* FIXME: We use up all available width. This will inhibit having multiple
-     calendars in a row, like win doesn
-  */
-  if(dwStyle & MCS_WEEKNUMBERS)
-    xdiv=8.0;
-  else
-    xdiv=7.0;
-  infoPtr->width_increment = (infoPtr->rcDraw.right - infoPtr->rcDraw.left) / xdiv;
-  infoPtr->height_increment = (infoPtr->rcDraw.bottom - infoPtr->rcDraw.top) / 10.0;
-  infoPtr->left_offset = (infoPtr->rcDraw.right - infoPtr->rcDraw.left) - (infoPtr->width_increment * xdiv);
-  infoPtr->top_offset = (infoPtr->rcDraw.bottom - infoPtr->rcDraw.top) - (infoPtr->height_increment * 10.0);
-  rcDraw->bottom = rcDraw->top + 10 * infoPtr->height_increment;
-  /* this is correct, the control does NOT expand vertically */
-  /* like it does horizontally */
-  /* make sure we don't move the controls bottom out of the client */
-  /* area */
-  /* title line has about 3 text heights, abrev days line, 6 weeksline and today circle line*/
-  /*if((rcDraw->top + 9 * infoPtr->textHeight + 5) < rcDraw->bottom) {
-    rcDraw->bottom = rcDraw->top + 9 * infoPtr->textHeight + 5;
-    }*/
+  infoPtr->width_increment = size.cx * 2;
+  infoPtr->height_increment = infoPtr->textHeight;
+  left_offset = (rcClient.right - rcClient.left) - (infoPtr->width_increment * xdiv);
   /* calculate title area */
-  title->top    = rcClient->top;
-  title->bottom = title->top + 2 * infoPtr->height_increment;
-  title->left   = rcClient->left;
-  title->right  = rcClient->right;
+  title->top    = rcClient.top;
+  title->bottom = title->top + 3 * infoPtr->height_increment / 2;
+  title->left   = left_offset;
+  title->right  = rcClient.right;
   /* set the dimensions of the next and previous buttons and center */
   /* the month text vertically */
-  prev->top    = next->top    = title->top + 6;
-  prev->bottom = next->bottom = title->bottom - 6;
-  prev->left   = title->left  + 6;
+  prev->top    = next->top    = title->top + 4;
+  prev->bottom = next->bottom = title->bottom - 4;
+  prev->left   = title->left + 4;
   prev->right  = prev->left + (title->bottom - title->top) ;
-  next->right  = title->right - 6;
+  next->right  = title->right - 4;
   next->left   = next->right - (title->bottom - title->top);
   /* titlemonth->left and right change based upon the current month */
@@ -1828,7 +1798,7 @@ static void MONTHCAL_UpdateSize(HWND hwn
   /* setup the dimensions of the rectangle we draw the names of the */
   /* days of the week in */
-  weeknumrect->left =infoPtr->left_offset;
+  weeknumrect->left = left_offset;
   if(dwStyle & MCS_WEEKNUMBERS)
@@ -1839,22 +1809,20 @@ static void MONTHCAL_UpdateSize(HWND hwn
   wdays->bottom = wdays->top + infoPtr->height_increment;
   days->top    = weeknumrect->top = wdays->bottom ;
-  days->bottom = weeknumrect->bottom = days->top     + 6 * infoPtr->height_increment;
+  days->bottom = weeknumrect->bottom = days->top + 6 * infoPtr->height_increment;
-  todayrect->left   = rcClient->left;
-  todayrect->right  = rcClient->right;
+  todayrect->left   = rcClient.left;
+  todayrect->right  = rcClient.right;
   todayrect->top    = days->bottom;
   todayrect->bottom = days->bottom + infoPtr->height_increment;
-  /* uncomment for excessive debugging
-  TRACE("dx=%d dy=%d rcC[%d %d %d %d] t[%d %d %d %d] wd[%d %d %d %d] w[%d %d %d %d] t[%d %d %d %d]\n",
+  TRACE("dx=%d dy=%d client[%s] title[%s] wdays[%s] days[%s] today[%s]\n",
-	 rcClient->left, rcClient->right, rcClient->top, rcClient->bottom,
-	    title->left,    title->right,    title->top,    title->bottom,
-	    wdays->left,    wdays->right,    wdays->top,    wdays->bottom,
-	     days->left,     days->right,     days->top,     days->bottom,
-	todayrect->left,todayrect->right,todayrect->top,todayrect->bottom);
-  */
+        wine_dbgstr_rect(&rcClient),
+        wine_dbgstr_rect(title),
+        wine_dbgstr_rect(wdays),
+        wine_dbgstr_rect(days),
+        wine_dbgstr_rect(todayrect));
   /* restore the originally selected font */
   SelectObject(hdc, currentFont);
@@ -1889,11 +1857,8 @@ MONTHCAL_Create(HWND hwnd, WPARAM wParam
     ERR( "could not allocate info memory!\n");
     return 0;
-  if((MONTHCAL_INFO*)GetWindowLongPtrW(hwnd, 0) != infoPtr) {
-    ERR( "pointer assignment error!\n");
-    return 0;
-  }
+  infoPtr->hwndSelf = hwnd;
   infoPtr->hwndNotify = ((LPCREATESTRUCTW)lParam)->hwndParent;
   infoPtr->hFont = GetStockObject(DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);

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