winedos/kernel: MCB implementation Resend

Markus Amsler markus.amsler at
Sat Sep 18 10:36:24 CDT 2004

Alexandre Julliard wrote:

>What you probably want is to make the DOSMEM functions call out to the MCB
I tested the win16 front end with my test programm (see attachement 
The DOS frontend was tested with running FreeCOM and some apps in it. To 
get FreeCOM started you also need patch[2] (don't aply it, gets 
obsoleted with the IO redirection patch i'm working on).
I tested the win16 side also with DOS area not in first megabyte. But 
there was a problem in himem.c (see next patch).

Please let me know if there's something wrong with this patch.



* Implement memory control block management in DOS convential memory.

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null	2004-07-13 09:22:32.000000000 +0200
+++ dlls/winedos/mcb.c	2004-09-18 16:38:05.000000000 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,396 @@
+ * Memory Control Block (MCB) Management.
+ *
+ * Copyright 2004 Markus Amsler
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ */
+#include "dosexe.h"
+#include "wine/debug.h"
+#include "wine/winbase16.h"
+ * All function parameters and results are in segments and paragraphs,
+ *   so it's impossible to specify non paragraph aligned values.
+ *
+ * FIXME: implement Allocation Strategy
+ */
+#define MCB_DUMP(mc) TRACE ("MCB_DUMP base=%p type=%02xh psp=%04xh size=%04xh\n", mc, mc->type, mc->psp , mc->size )
+#define MCB_NEXT(mc) \
+        (MCB*) ((mc->type==MCB_TYPE_LAST) ? NULL : (char*)(mc) + ((mc->size + 1) << 4) )
+#define MCB_TYPE_NORMAL    0x4d
+#define MCB_TYPE_LAST      0x5a
+#define MCB_PSP_DOS        0x0060  
+#define MCB_PSP_FREE       0
+/* psp and size of MCB needs to be byte aligned */
+typedef struct {
+    BYTE type;
+    WORD_ALIGNED_BYTE psp;     /* segment of owner psp */
+    WORD_ALIGNED_BYTE size;    /* in paragraphs */
+    BYTE pad[3];
+    BYTE name[8];
+} MCB;
+/* DOS memory base */
+char *MCB_dosmem = NULL;
+/* first segment of dos convential memory */
+static WORD MCB_segFirst;
+/* last segment of dos convential memory */
+static WORD MCB_segLast;
+ *           MCB_Valid
+ *
+ * Helper function for internal use only.
+ * Checks wether given MCB is not corrupted.
+ */
+BOOL MCB_Valid( MCB* mcb )
+    /* FIXME: should we check more? */
+    return (mcb->type==MCB_TYPE_NORMAL) || (mcb->type==MCB_TYPE_LAST);
+ *           MCB_Collapse
+ *
+ * Helper function for internal use only.
+ * Atach all following free blocks to this one, even if this one is not free.
+ */
+void MCB_Collapse( MCB* mcb )
+    MCB* next = MCB_NEXT( mcb );
+    while (next && next->psp == MCB_PSP_FREE)
+    {
+        mcb->size = mcb->size + next->size + 1;
+        mcb->type = next->type;    /* make sure keeping MCB_TYPE_LAST */
+        next = MCB_NEXT( next );
+    }
+ *           MCB_SegToLin
+ *
+ * DOS real mode segment to linear address.
+ */
+LPVOID MCB_SegToLin( WORD seg ){
+    return (LPVOID) (void*)(((unsigned int)(seg) << 4) + (unsigned int) MCB_dosmem);
+ *           MCB_LinToSeg
+ *
+ * Linear address to DOS segment.
+ */
+WORD MCB_LinToSeg( LPVOID lin ){
+    if ((DWORD)lin > (DWORD)MCB_dosmem && (DWORD)lin < ((DWORD)MCB_dosmem + 0x100000))
+    {
+        return (WORD)(((unsigned int)(lin) - (unsigned int)MCB_dosmem) >> 4);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        return 0;
+    }
+ *           MCB_Init
+ *
+ * Initializes the first MCB.
+ * Gets called on the first call of MCB_First.
+ */
+void MCB_Init( void )
+    /* 
+     * reproduce dosmem, MCB_segFirst from Kernel exported values.
+     * dosmem is the linear start addresse of the DOS memory space 
+     *   (normaly NULL, but can be different in Win16)
+     * MCB_segFirst is the first real mode segment (relative to dosmem)
+     *   of the DOS convential memory
+     */
+    LDT_ENTRY entry;
+    FARPROC16 proc;
+    HMODULE16 hmod;
+    DWORD __0000H, __F000H;
+    hmod = GetModuleHandle16( "KERNEL" );
+    proc = GetProcAddress16( hmod, (LPCSTR)(ULONG_PTR)183 );  /* KERNEL.183: __0000H */
+    wine_ldt_get_entry( LOWORD(proc), &entry );
+    __0000H = (DWORD) wine_ldt_get_base( &entry );
+    proc = GetProcAddress16( hmod, (LPCSTR)(ULONG_PTR)194 );  /* KERNEL.194: __0000H */
+    wine_ldt_get_entry( LOWORD(proc), &entry );
+    __F000H = (DWORD) wine_ldt_get_base( &entry );
+    MCB_dosmem = (LPVOID) (__F000H - 0xf0000);
+    if (__0000H)
+    {
+        MCB_segFirst = 0x1000;    /* Win16, with protected first 64k */
+    }else{
+        MCB_segFirst = 0x0060;    /* DOS real mode */
+    }
+    MCB_segLast = 0x9fff;
+    MCB *first = MCB_SegToLin (MCB_segFirst);
+    first->type = MCB_TYPE_LAST;
+    first->psp = MCB_PSP_FREE;
+    first->size = MCB_segLast - MCB_segFirst- 1 ;
+    TRACE(" segFirst=%04xh segLast=%04xh dosmem=%p\n", MCB_segFirst, MCB_segLast, MCB_dosmem);
+ *           MCB_First
+ *
+ * Get the segment of the first MCB in the chain.
+ */
+WORD MCB_First( void )
+    /* first call => initialize conventional memory */
+    if (!MCB_segFirst)
+    {
+        MCB_Init();
+    }
+    return MCB_segFirst;
+ *           MCB_Available
+ *
+ * Returns size of the largest free block.
+ */
+WORD MCB_Available( void )
+    UINT  available = 0;
+    UINT  total = 0;
+    MCB *curr = (MCB*) MCB_SegToLin (MCB_First ());
+    /* loop over all MCB and search the largest free MCB */
+    while (curr)
+    {
+        if (!MCB_Valid (curr))
+        {
+            ERR( "MCB List Corrupt\n" );
+            MCB_DUMP( curr );
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (curr->psp == MCB_PSP_FREE &&
+            curr->size > available )
+            available = curr->size;
+        total += curr->size + 1;
+        curr = MCB_NEXT( curr );
+    }
+    TRACE( " %04xh of %04xh paragraphs available\n", available, total );
+    return available;
+ *           MCB_Alloc
+ *
+ * Allocates memory
+ * Returns segment of allocated memory, or 0 on error.
+ */
+WORD MCB_Alloc( WORD size )
+    MCB *curr = MCB_SegToLin (MCB_First ());
+    MCB *next = NULL;
+    WORD psp=DOSVM_psp;
+    if (!psp)
+        psp = MCB_PSP_DOS;
+    /* loop over all MCB and search the next large enough MCB */
+    TRACE( "(%04xh)\n", size );
+    while (curr)
+    {
+        if (!MCB_Valid (curr))
+        {
+            ERR( "MCB List Corrupt\n" );
+            MCB_DUMP( curr );
+            return 0;
+        }
+        if (curr->psp == MCB_PSP_FREE)
+        {
+            MCB_Collapse( curr );            
+            /* is it large enough (one paragaph for the MCB)? */
+            if (curr->size >= size)
+            {
+                if (curr->size > size)
+                {
+                    /* split curr */
+                    next = (MCB *) ((char*) curr + (size+1) * 16);
+                    next->psp = MCB_PSP_FREE;
+                    next->size = curr->size - (size+1);
+                    next->type = curr->type;
+                    curr->type = MCB_TYPE_NORMAL;
+                    curr->size = size;
+                }
+                /* curr is the found block */
+                curr->psp = psp;
+                return MCB_LinToSeg (curr) + 1;
+            }
+        }
+        curr = MCB_NEXT(curr);
+    }
+    return 0;
+ *           MCB_Free
+ *
+ * Frees previously allocated memory
+ */
+BOOL MCB_Free( WORD seg )
+    MCB* mcb = (MCB*) MCB_SegToLin (seg-1);
+    TRACE( "(%04xh)\n", seg );
+    if (!MCB_Valid (mcb))
+    {
+        ERR( "MCB invalid\n" );
+        MCB_DUMP( mcb );
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    mcb->psp = MCB_PSP_FREE;
+    MCB_Collapse( mcb );
+    return TRUE;
+ *           MCB_Resize
+ *
+ * Resize DOS memory block in place. Returns block size or -1 on error.
+ *
+ * If exact is TRUE, returned value is either old or requested block
+ * size. If exact is FALSE, block is expanded even if there is not
+ * enough space for full requested block size.
+ */
+WORD MCB_Resize( WORD seg, WORD size, BOOL exact, WORD* maxsize )
+    MCB* mcb = (MCB*) MCB_SegToLin (seg-1);
+    MCB* next;
+    TRACE( "(%04xh,%04xh,%s,%p)\n", seg, size, exact ? "TRUE" : "FALSE", maxsize );
+    if (!MCB_Valid (mcb))
+    {
+        ERR( "MCB invalid\n" );
+        MCB_DUMP( mcb );
+        *maxsize = 0;
+        return -1;
+    }
+    /* resize needed? */
+    if (mcb->size == size)
+        return size;
+    /* collapse free blocks */
+    MCB_Collapse( mcb );    
+    /* shrink mcb ? */
+    if (mcb->size > size)
+    {
+        *maxsize = mcb->size;
+        next = (MCB *) ((char*) mcb + (size+1) * 16);
+        next->type = mcb->type;
+        next->psp = MCB_PSP_FREE;
+        next->size = mcb->size - (size+1);
+        mcb->type = MCB_TYPE_NORMAL;
+        mcb->size = size;
+        return size;
+    }
+    if (!exact)
+    {
+        *maxsize = mcb->size;
+        return mcb->size;
+    }
+    return -1;
+ *           MCB_SetPSP
+ *
+ * set psp property of given MCB
+ */
+BOOL MCB_SetPSP( WORD seg, WORD psp )
+    /* FIXME: check if MCB is a valid PSP */
+    MCB* mcb = (MCB*) MCB_SegToLin (seg-1);
+    TRACE ("(%04xh,%04xh)\n", seg, psp);   
+    if (!MCB_Valid (mcb))
+    {
+        ERR( "given MCB is invalid\n" );
+        MCB_DUMP( mcb );
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    mcb->psp = psp;
+    return TRUE;
+ *           MCB_FreePSP
+ *
+ * Frees all blocks belonging to given psp
+ */
+    /* FIXME: check if psp is a valid PSP */
+    MCB *curr = MCB_SegToLin (MCB_First ());
+    TRACE ("(%04xh)\n", psp);   
+    while( curr ) /* collapse free blocks */
+    {
+        if (curr->psp == psp)
+            curr->psp = MCB_PSP_FREE;
+        curr = MCB_NEXT(curr);
+    }
+    return TRUE;
Index: include/miscemu.h
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/include/miscemu.h,v
retrieving revision 1.77
diff -u -r1.77 miscemu.h
--- include/miscemu.h	9 Jan 2004 22:18:49 -0000	1.77
+++ include/miscemu.h	18 Sep 2004 14:42:35 -0000
@@ -92,16 +92,26 @@
 extern WORD DOSMEM_BiosDataSeg;
 extern WORD DOSMEM_BiosSysSeg;
-/* msdos/dosmem.c */
+/* kernel/dosmem.c */
 extern BOOL DOSMEM_Init(BOOL);
 extern void   DOSMEM_Tick(WORD timer);
 extern WORD   DOSMEM_AllocSelector(WORD);
-extern LPVOID DOSMEM_GetBlock(UINT size, WORD* p);
-extern BOOL DOSMEM_FreeBlock(void* ptr);
-extern UINT DOSMEM_ResizeBlock(void* ptr, UINT size, BOOL exact);
-extern UINT DOSMEM_Available(void);
 extern LPVOID DOSMEM_MapRealToLinear(DWORD); /* real-mode to linear */
 extern LPVOID DOSMEM_MapDosToLinear(UINT); /* linear DOS to Wine */
 extern UINT DOSMEM_MapLinearToDos(LPVOID); /* linear Wine to DOS */
+/* winedos/mcb.c */
+extern LPVOID MCB_SegToLin( WORD seg );
+extern WORD MCB_LinToSeg( LPVOID lin );
+extern WORD MCB_First( void );
+extern WORD MCB_Available( void );
+extern WORD MCB_Alloc( WORD size );
+extern BOOL MCB_Free( WORD seg );
+extern WORD MCB_Resize( WORD seg, WORD size, BOOL exact, WORD* maxsize );
+extern BOOL MCB_FreePSP( WORD psp );
+extern BOOL MCB_SetPSP( WORD seg, WORD psp );
+// extern WORD MCB_Alloc (WORD);
 #endif /* __WINE_MISCEMU_H */
Index: dlls/kernel/
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/kernel/,v
retrieving revision 1.115
diff -u -r1.115
--- dlls/kernel/	19 Aug 2004 01:20:45 -0000	1.115
+++ dlls/kernel/	18 Sep 2004 14:42:37 -0000
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 VPATH     = @srcdir@
 MODULE    = kernel32.dll
 IMPORTS   = ntdll
 SPEC_SRCS16 = \
Index: dlls/kernel/dosmem.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/kernel/dosmem.c,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -u -r1.7 dosmem.c
--- dlls/kernel/dosmem.c	14 Jun 2004 17:04:35 -0000	1.7
+++ dlls/kernel/dosmem.c	18 Sep 2004 14:42:38 -0000
@@ -52,30 +52,6 @@
 WORD DOSMEM_BiosDataSeg;  /* BIOS data segment at 0x40:0 */
 WORD DOSMEM_BiosSysSeg;   /* BIOS ROM segment at 0xf000:0 */
-/* use 2 low bits of 'size' for the housekeeping */
-#define DM_BLOCK_DEBUG		0xABE00000
-#define DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL	0x00000001
-#define DM_BLOCK_FREE		0x00000002
-#define DM_BLOCK_MASK		0x001FFFFC
-#define __DOSMEM_DEBUG__
- */
-typedef struct {
-   unsigned	size;
-} dosmem_entry;
-typedef struct {
-  unsigned      blocks;
-  unsigned      free;
-} dosmem_info;
-#define NEXT_BLOCK(block) \
-        (dosmem_entry*)(((char*)(block)) + \
-	 sizeof(dosmem_entry) + ((block)->size & DM_BLOCK_MASK))
 #define VM_STUB(x) (0x90CF00CD|(x<<8)) /* INT x; IRET; NOP */
 #define VM_STUB_SEGMENT 0xf000         /* BIOS segment */
@@ -87,71 +63,6 @@
  * and only relocated to NULL when absolutely necessary */
 static char *DOSMEM_sysmem;
-/* Start of DOS conventional memory */
-static char *DOSMEM_membase;
-static void DOSMEM_InitMemory(void);
- *           DOSMEM_MemoryTop
- *
- * Gets the DOS memory top.
- */
-static char *DOSMEM_MemoryTop(void)
-    return DOSMEM_dosmem+0x9FFFC; /* 640K */
- *           DOSMEM_InfoBlock
- *
- * Gets the DOS memory info block.
- */
-static dosmem_info *DOSMEM_InfoBlock(void)
-    if (!DOSMEM_membase)
-    {
-        DWORD         reserve;
-        /*
-         * Reserve either:
-         * - lowest 64k for NULL pointer catching (Win16)
-         * - lowest 1k for interrupt handlers and 
-         *   another 0.5k for BIOS, DOS and intra-application
-         *   areas (DOS)
-         */
-        if (DOSMEM_dosmem != DOSMEM_sysmem)
-            reserve = 0x10000; /* 64k */
-        else
-            reserve = 0x600; /* 1.5k */
-        /*
-         * Round to paragraph boundary in order to make 
-         * sure the alignment is correct.
-         */
-        reserve = ((reserve + 15) >> 4) << 4;
-        /*
-         * Set DOS memory base and initialize conventional memory.
-         */
-        DOSMEM_membase = DOSMEM_dosmem + reserve;
-        DOSMEM_InitMemory();
-    }
-    return (dosmem_info*)DOSMEM_membase;
- *           DOSMEM_RootBlock
- *
- * Gets the DOS memory root block.
- */
-static dosmem_entry *DOSMEM_RootBlock(void)
-    /* first block has to be paragraph-aligned */
-    return (dosmem_entry*)(((char*)DOSMEM_InfoBlock()) +
-                           ((((sizeof(dosmem_info) + 0xf) & ~0xf) - sizeof(dosmem_entry))));
  *           DOSMEM_FillIsrTable
@@ -173,6 +84,12 @@
     for (x=0; x<256; x++) isr[x]=MAKESEGPTR(VM_STUB_SEGMENT,x*4);
+ *          DOSMEM_MakeIsrStubs
+ *
+ * Initializes real mode interrupt stubs
+ */
 static void DOSMEM_MakeIsrStubs(void)
     DWORD *stub = (DWORD*)(DOSMEM_dosmem + (VM_STUB_SEGMENT << 4));
@@ -181,11 +98,18 @@
     for (x=0; x<256; x++) stub[x]=VM_STUB(x);
+ *          DOSMEM_BiosData
+ *
+ * Returns linear address of the BIOS
+ */
 static BIOSDATA * DOSMEM_BiosData(void)
     return (BIOSDATA *)(DOSMEM_sysmem + 0x400);
  *          DOSMEM_GetTicksSinceMidnight
@@ -208,6 +132,7 @@
                   (tvs.tv_usec / 54927);
  *           DOSMEM_FillBiosSegments
@@ -270,34 +195,6 @@
     *(DWORD*)(pBiosSys + 0xfff0) = VM_STUB(0x19);
- *           DOSMEM_InitMemory
- *
- * Initialises the DOS memory structures.
- */
-static void DOSMEM_InitMemory(void)
-    dosmem_info*        info_block = DOSMEM_InfoBlock();
-    dosmem_entry*       root_block = DOSMEM_RootBlock();
-    dosmem_entry*       dm;
-    root_block->size = DOSMEM_MemoryTop() - (((char*)root_block) + sizeof(dosmem_entry));
-    info_block->blocks = 0;
-    info_block->free = root_block->size;
-    dm = NEXT_BLOCK(root_block);
-    dm->size = DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL;
-    root_block->size |= DM_BLOCK_FREE
-#ifdef __DOSMEM_DEBUG__
-		     | DM_BLOCK_DEBUG
-		     ;
-    TRACE( "DOS conventional memory initialized, %d bytes free.\n", 
-           DOSMEM_Available() );
  *		setup_dos_mem
@@ -410,226 +307,6 @@
     if (pBiosData) pBiosData->Ticks++;
- *           DOSMEM_GetBlock
- *
- * Carve a chunk of the DOS memory block (without selector).
- */
-LPVOID DOSMEM_GetBlock(UINT size, UINT16* pseg)
-   UINT  	 blocksize;
-   char         *block = NULL;
-   dosmem_info  *info_block = DOSMEM_InfoBlock();
-   dosmem_entry *dm;
-#ifdef __DOSMEM_DEBUG_
-   dosmem_entry *prev = NULL;
-   if( size > info_block->free ) return NULL;
-   dm = DOSMEM_RootBlock();
-   while (dm && dm->size != DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL)
-   {
-#ifdef __DOSMEM_DEBUG__
-       if( (dm->size & DM_BLOCK_DEBUG) != DM_BLOCK_DEBUG )
-       {
-	    WARN("MCB overrun! [prev = 0x%08x]\n", 4 + (UINT)prev);
-	    return NULL;
-       }
-       prev = dm;
-       if( dm->size & DM_BLOCK_FREE )
-       {
-	   dosmem_entry  *next = NEXT_BLOCK(dm);
-	   while( next->size & DM_BLOCK_FREE ) /* collapse free blocks */
-	   {
-	       dm->size += sizeof(dosmem_entry) + (next->size & DM_BLOCK_MASK);
-	       next->size = (DM_BLOCK_FREE | DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL);
-	       next = NEXT_BLOCK(dm);
-	   }
-	   blocksize = dm->size & DM_BLOCK_MASK;
-	   if( blocksize >= size )
-           {
-	       block = ((char*)dm) + sizeof(dosmem_entry);
-	       if( blocksize - size > 0x20 )
-	       {
-		   /* split dm so that the next one stays
-		    * paragraph-aligned (and dm loses free bit) */
-	           dm->size = (((size + 0xf + sizeof(dosmem_entry)) & ~0xf) -
-			         	      sizeof(dosmem_entry));
-	           next = (dosmem_entry*)(((char*)dm) +
-	 		   sizeof(dosmem_entry) + dm->size);
-	           next->size = (blocksize - (dm->size +
-			   sizeof(dosmem_entry))) | DM_BLOCK_FREE
-#ifdef __DOSMEM_DEBUG__
-					          | DM_BLOCK_DEBUG
-						  ;
-	       } else dm->size &= DM_BLOCK_MASK;
-	       info_block->blocks++;
-	       info_block->free -= dm->size;
-	       if( pseg ) *pseg = (block - DOSMEM_dosmem) >> 4;
-#ifdef __DOSMEM_DEBUG__
-               dm->size |= DM_BLOCK_DEBUG;
-	       break;
-	   }
- 	   dm = next;
-       }
-       else dm = NEXT_BLOCK(dm);
-   }
-   return (LPVOID)block;
- *           DOSMEM_FreeBlock
- */
-BOOL DOSMEM_FreeBlock(void* ptr)
-   dosmem_info  *info_block = DOSMEM_InfoBlock();
-   if( ptr >= (void*)(((char*)DOSMEM_RootBlock()) + sizeof(dosmem_entry)) &&
-       ptr < (void*)DOSMEM_MemoryTop() && !((((char*)ptr)
-                  - DOSMEM_dosmem) & 0xf) )
-   {
-       dosmem_entry  *dm = (dosmem_entry*)(((char*)ptr) - sizeof(dosmem_entry));
-       if( !(dm->size & (DM_BLOCK_FREE | DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL))
-#ifdef __DOSMEM_DEBUG__
-	 && ((dm->size & DM_BLOCK_DEBUG) == DM_BLOCK_DEBUG )
-	 )
-       {
-	     info_block->blocks--;
-	     info_block->free += dm->size;
-	     dm->size |= DM_BLOCK_FREE;
-	     return TRUE;
-       }
-   }
-   return FALSE;
- *           DOSMEM_ResizeBlock
- *
- * Resize DOS memory block in place. Returns block size or -1 on error.
- *
- * If exact is TRUE, returned value is either old or requested block
- * size. If exact is FALSE, block is expanded even if there is not
- * enough space for full requested block size.
- */
-UINT DOSMEM_ResizeBlock(void *ptr, UINT size, BOOL exact)
-   char         *block = NULL;
-   dosmem_info  *info_block = DOSMEM_InfoBlock();
-   dosmem_entry *dm;
-   dosmem_entry *next;
-   UINT blocksize;
-   UINT orgsize;
-   if( (ptr < (void*)(sizeof(dosmem_entry) + (char*)DOSMEM_RootBlock())) ||
-       (ptr >= (void*)DOSMEM_MemoryTop()) ||
-       (((((char*)ptr) - DOSMEM_dosmem) & 0xf) != 0) )
-     return (UINT)-1;
-   dm = (dosmem_entry*)(((char*)ptr) - sizeof(dosmem_entry));
-   if( dm->size & (DM_BLOCK_FREE | DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL) )
-       return (UINT)-1;
-   next = NEXT_BLOCK(dm);
-   orgsize = dm->size & DM_BLOCK_MASK;
-   /* collapse free blocks */
-   while( next->size & DM_BLOCK_FREE )
-   {
-       dm->size += sizeof(dosmem_entry) + (next->size & DM_BLOCK_MASK);
-       next->size = (DM_BLOCK_FREE | DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL);
-       next = NEXT_BLOCK(dm);
-   }
-   blocksize = dm->size & DM_BLOCK_MASK;
-   /*
-    * If collapse didn't help we either expand block to maximum
-    * available size (exact == FALSE) or give collapsed blocks
-    * back to free storage (exact == TRUE).
-    */
-   if (blocksize < size)
-       size = exact ? orgsize : blocksize;
-   block = ((char*)dm) + sizeof(dosmem_entry);
-   if( blocksize - size > 0x20 )
-   {
-       /*
-        * split dm so that the next one stays
-        * paragraph-aligned (and next gains free bit) 
-        */
-       dm->size = (((size + 0xf + sizeof(dosmem_entry)) & ~0xf) -
-                   sizeof(dosmem_entry));
-       next = (dosmem_entry*)(((char*)dm) +
-                              sizeof(dosmem_entry) + dm->size);
-       next->size = (blocksize - (dm->size +
-                                  sizeof(dosmem_entry))) | DM_BLOCK_FREE;
-   } 
-   else 
-   {
-       dm->size &= DM_BLOCK_MASK;
-   }
-   /*
-    * Adjust available memory if block size changes.
-    */
-   info_block->free += orgsize - dm->size;
-   return size;
- *           DOSMEM_Available
- */
-UINT DOSMEM_Available(void)
-   UINT  	 blocksize, available = 0;
-   dosmem_entry *dm;
-   dm = DOSMEM_RootBlock();
-   while (dm && dm->size != DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL)
-   {
-#ifdef __DOSMEM_DEBUG__
-       if( (dm->size & DM_BLOCK_DEBUG) != DM_BLOCK_DEBUG )
-       {
-	    WARN("MCB overrun! [prev = 0x%08x]\n", 4 + (UINT)prev);
-	    return NULL;
-       }
-       prev = dm;
-       if( dm->size & DM_BLOCK_FREE )
-       {
-	   dosmem_entry  *next = NEXT_BLOCK(dm);
-	   while( next->size & DM_BLOCK_FREE ) /* collapse free blocks */
-	   {
-	       dm->size += sizeof(dosmem_entry) + (next->size & DM_BLOCK_MASK);
-	       next->size = (DM_BLOCK_FREE | DM_BLOCK_TERMINAL);
-	       next = NEXT_BLOCK(dm);
-	   }
-	   blocksize = dm->size & DM_BLOCK_MASK;
-	   if ( blocksize > available ) available = blocksize;
- 	   dm = next;
-       }
-       else dm = NEXT_BLOCK(dm);
-   }
-   return available;
  *           DOSMEM_MapLinearToDos
@@ -670,6 +347,7 @@
    TRACE_(selector)("(0x%08lx) returns %p.\n", x, lin );
    return lin;
  *           DOSMEM_AllocSelector
Index: dlls/kernel/global16.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/kernel/global16.c,v
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -r1.6 global16.c
--- dlls/kernel/global16.c	10 Aug 2004 23:43:21 -0000	1.6
+++ dlls/kernel/global16.c	18 Sep 2004 14:42:43 -0000
@@ -268,6 +268,7 @@
                  UINT16 flags      /* [in] How to reallocate object */
 ) {
     WORD selcount;
+    WORD maxsize;
     DWORD oldsize;
     void *ptr, *newptr;
     GLOBALARENA *pArena, *pNewArena;
@@ -292,7 +293,7 @@
             !(pArena->flags & GA_DISCARDABLE) ||
             (pArena->lockCount > 0) || (pArena->pageLockCount > 0)) return 0;
         if (pArena->flags & GA_DOSMEM)
-            DOSMEM_FreeBlock( (void *)pArena->base );
+            MCB_Free( MCB_LinToSeg((void *)pArena->base) );
             HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, (void *)pArena->base );
         pArena->base = 0;
@@ -330,17 +331,17 @@
     if (pArena->flags & GA_DOSMEM)
-        if (DOSMEM_ResizeBlock(ptr, size, TRUE) == size) 
+        if (MCB_Resize(MCB_LinToSeg(ptr), (size+15)>>4, TRUE, &maxsize) == (size+15)>>4) 
             newptr = ptr;
         else if(pArena->pageLockCount > 0)
             newptr = 0;
-            newptr = DOSMEM_GetBlock( size, 0 );
+            newptr = MCB_SegToLin(MCB_Alloc( (size+15)>>4 ) );
             if (newptr)
                 memcpy( newptr, ptr, oldsize );
-                DOSMEM_FreeBlock( ptr );
+                MCB_Free( MCB_LinToSeg(ptr) );
@@ -369,7 +370,7 @@
         if (pArena->pageLockCount <1)
             if (pArena->flags & GA_DOSMEM)
-                DOSMEM_FreeBlock( (void *)pArena->base );
+                MCB_Free( MCB_LinToSeg((void *)pArena->base) );
                 HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr );
             SELECTOR_FreeBlock( sel );
@@ -385,7 +386,7 @@
     if (!sel)
         if (pArena->flags & GA_DOSMEM)
-            DOSMEM_FreeBlock( (void *)pArena->base );
+            MCB_Free( MCB_LinToSeg((void *)pArena->base) );
             HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr );
         memset( pArena, 0, sizeof(GLOBALARENA) );
@@ -396,7 +397,7 @@
     if (!(pNewArena = GLOBAL_GetArena( sel, selcount )))
         if (pArena->flags & GA_DOSMEM)
-            DOSMEM_FreeBlock( (void *)pArena->base );
+            MCB_Free( MCB_LinToSeg((void *)pArena->base) );
             HeapFree( GetProcessHeap(), 0, ptr );
         SELECTOR_FreeBlock( sel );
@@ -757,14 +758,16 @@
              DWORD size /* [in] Number of bytes to be allocated */
 ) {
    UINT16    uParagraph;
-   LPVOID    lpBlock = DOSMEM_GetBlock( size, &uParagraph );
+   LPVOID    lpBlock = NULL;
+   uParagraph = MCB_Alloc( (size + 15) >> 4 );
-   if( lpBlock )
+   if( uParagraph )
        HMODULE16 hModule = GetModuleHandle16("KERNEL");
        WORD	 wSelector;
        GLOBALARENA *pArena;
+       lpBlock = MCB_SegToLin (uParagraph);
        wSelector = GLOBAL_CreateBlock(GMEM_FIXED, lpBlock, size, hModule, WINE_LDT_FLAGS_DATA );
        pArena = GET_ARENA_PTR(wSelector);
        pArena->flags |= GA_DOSMEM;
@@ -776,6 +779,9 @@
  *           GlobalDOSFree      (KERNEL.185)
+ *      On windows returns always success state.
+ *
  *	NULL: Success
  *	sel: Failure
@@ -783,16 +789,17 @@
             WORD sel /* [in] Selector */
 ) {
+   WORD    seg;
    DWORD   block = GetSelectorBase(sel);
-   if( block && block < 0x100000 )
+   seg = MCB_LinToSeg ((LPVOID)DOSMEM_MapDosToLinear(block));
+   if( block && seg )
-       LPVOID lpBlock = DOSMEM_MapDosToLinear( block );
-       if( DOSMEM_FreeBlock( lpBlock ) )
+       if( MCB_Free( seg ) )
 	   GLOBAL_FreeBlock( sel );
-       sel = 0;
-   return sel;
+   return 0;
Index: dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.138
diff -u -r1.138 kernel32.spec
--- dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec	24 Aug 2004 18:46:05 -0000	1.138
+++ dlls/kernel/kernel32.spec	18 Sep 2004 14:42:46 -0000
@@ -1166,11 +1166,7 @@
 # Wine dll separation hacks, these will go away, don't use them
 @ cdecl DOSMEM_AllocSelector(long)
-@ cdecl DOSMEM_Available()
-@ cdecl DOSMEM_FreeBlock(ptr)
-@ cdecl DOSMEM_GetBlock(long ptr)
 @ cdecl DOSMEM_Init(long)
-@ cdecl DOSMEM_ResizeBlock(ptr long long)
 @ cdecl LOCAL_Alloc(long long long)
 @ cdecl LOCAL_Compact(long long long)
 @ cdecl LOCAL_CountFree(long)
? dlls/winedos/mcb.c
Index: dlls/winedos/
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/winedos/,v
retrieving revision 1.28
diff -u -r1.28
--- dlls/winedos/	11 Aug 2004 23:59:07 -0000	1.28
+++ dlls/winedos/	18 Sep 2004 14:42:58 -0000
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 	int67.c \
 	interrupts.c \
 	ioports.c \
+	mcb.c \
 	module.c \
 	ppdev.c \
 	relay.c \
Index: dlls/winedos/devices.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/winedos/devices.c,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -r1.11 devices.c
--- dlls/winedos/devices.c	15 Nov 2003 00:13:21 -0000	1.11
+++ dlls/winedos/devices.c	18 Sep 2004 14:42:59 -0000
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
   DOS_LOL->sharing_retry_delay	= 1;
   DOS_LOL->ptr_disk_buf		= 0x0;
   DOS_LOL->offs_unread_CON		= 0x0;
-  DOS_LOL->seg_first_MCB		= 0x0;
+  DOS_LOL->seg_first_MCB		= MCB_First();
   DOS_LOL->ptr_first_DPB		= 0x0;
   DOS_LOL->ptr_first_SysFileTable	= 0x0;
   DOS_LOL->ptr_clock_dev_hdr		= 0x0;
Index: dlls/winedos/dosexe.h
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/winedos/dosexe.h,v
retrieving revision 1.34
diff -u -r1.34 dosexe.h
--- dlls/winedos/dosexe.h	15 Nov 2003 00:13:21 -0000	1.34
+++ dlls/winedos/dosexe.h	18 Sep 2004 14:43:00 -0000
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
 extern WORD DOSVM_psp;     /* psp of current DOS task */
 extern WORD DOSVM_retval;  /* return value of previous DOS task */
 extern struct DPMI_segments *DOSVM_dpmi_segments;
+extern char *MCB_dosmem;   /* start of DOS memory */
 #if defined(linux) && defined(__i386__) && defined(HAVE_SYS_VM86_H)
 # define MZ_SUPPORTED
Index: dlls/winedos/int21.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/winedos/int21.c,v
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -u -r1.71 int21.c
--- dlls/winedos/int21.c	8 Sep 2004 19:05:43 -0000	1.71
+++ dlls/winedos/int21.c	18 Sep 2004 14:43:10 -0000
@@ -4097,7 +4105,6 @@
 void WINAPI DOSVM_Int21Handler( CONTEXT86 *context )
     BOOL bSetDOSExtendedError = FALSE;
     TRACE( "AX=%04x BX=%04x CX=%04x DX=%04x "
            "SI=%04x DI=%04x DS=%04x ES=%04x EFL=%08lx\n",
            AX_reg(context), BX_reg(context), 
@@ -4894,7 +4901,7 @@
                 selector = LOWORD( rv );
-                DOSMEM_GetBlock( bytes, &selector );
+                selector = MCB_Alloc (BX_reg (context));
             if (selector)
@@ -4905,7 +4912,7 @@
                 SET_AX( context, 0x0008 ); /* insufficient memory */
-                SET_BX( context, DOSMEM_Available() >> 4 );
+                SET_BX( context, MCB_Available() );
@@ -4924,7 +4931,7 @@
                     context->SegEs = 0;
-                ok = DOSMEM_FreeBlock( (void*)((DWORD)context->SegEs << 4) );
+                ok = MCB_Free( context->SegEs );
             if (!ok)
@@ -4939,7 +4946,8 @@
         TRACE( "RESIZE MEMORY segment %04lX to %d paragraphs\n", 
                context->SegEs, BX_reg(context) );
-            DWORD newsize = (DWORD)BX_reg(context) << 4;
+            WORD maxsize;
+            WORD newsize = BX_reg(context);
             if (!ISV86(context) && DOSVM_IsWin16())
@@ -4948,8 +4956,7 @@
-                LPVOID address = (void*)((DWORD)context->SegEs << 4);
-                UINT blocksize = DOSMEM_ResizeBlock( address, newsize, FALSE );
+                UINT blocksize = MCB_Resize( context->SegEs, newsize, FALSE, &maxsize );
                 if (blocksize == (UINT)-1)
@@ -4961,7 +4968,7 @@
                     SET_CFLAG( context );
                     SET_AX( context, 0x0008 );    /* insufficient memory */
-                    SET_BX( context, blocksize >> 4 ); /* new block size */
+                    SET_BX( context, blocksize ); /* new block size */
Index: dlls/winedos/int31.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/winedos/int31.c,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -r1.41 int31.c
--- dlls/winedos/int31.c	25 Nov 2003 00:42:27 -0000	1.41
+++ dlls/winedos/int31.c	18 Sep 2004 14:43:13 -0000
@@ -470,7 +470,8 @@
     if (!already) {
         if (!context->SegSs) {
             alloc = 1; /* allocate default stack */
-            stack16 = addr = DOSMEM_GetBlock( 64, (UINT16 *)&(context->SegSs) );
+            context->SegSs = MCB_Alloc( 16 );
+            stack16 = addr = MCB_SegToLin( context->SegSs );
             context->Esp = 64-2;
             stack16 += 32-1;
             if (!addr) {
@@ -511,7 +512,7 @@
         DOSVM_Enter( context );
         TRACE("returned from real-mode call\n");
-    if (alloc) DOSMEM_FreeBlock( addr );
+    if (alloc) MCB_Free( context->SegSs );
     return 0;
@@ -649,7 +650,8 @@
     if (NewRMCB)
-	LPVOID RMCBmem = DOSMEM_GetBlock(4, &uParagraph);
+    	uParagraph = MCB_Alloc(1);
+ 	LPVOID RMCBmem = MCB_SegToLin(uParagraph);
 	LPBYTE p = RMCBmem;
 	*p++ = 0xcd; /* RMCB: */
@@ -697,7 +699,7 @@
 	PrevRMCB->next = CurrRMCB->next;
 	FirstRMCB = CurrRMCB->next;
+	MCB_Free(HIWORD(CurrRMCB->address));
 	HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, CurrRMCB);
 	return 0;
@@ -1042,7 +1044,7 @@
                 SET_DX( context, LOWORD(dw) );
             } else {
                 SET_AX( context, 0x0008 ); /* insufficient memory */
-                SET_BX( context, DOSMEM_Available() >> 4 );
+                SET_BX( context, MCB_Available() );
Index: dlls/winedos/module.c
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/winedos/module.c,v
retrieving revision 1.44
diff -u -r1.44 module.c
--- dlls/winedos/module.c	13 Aug 2004 00:39:16 -0000	1.44
+++ dlls/winedos/module.c	18 Sep 2004 14:43:14 -0000
@@ -167,7 +167,8 @@
   while (env[sz++]) sz+=strlen(env+sz)+1;
  } else sz++;
  /* allocate it */
- envblk=DOSMEM_GetBlock(sz+sizeof(WORD)+strlen(name)+1,&seg);
+ seg = MCB_Alloc( ((sz+sizeof(WORD)+strlen(name))>>4)+1);
+ envblk = (LPSTR) MCB_SegToLin (seg);
  /* fill it */
  if (env) {
@@ -191,7 +192,6 @@
 static BOOL MZ_InitMemory(void)
-    /* initialize the memory */
     TRACE("Initializing DOS memory structures\n");
@@ -265,14 +265,18 @@
     /* allocate memory for the executable */
     TRACE("Allocating DOS memory (min=%ld, max=%ld)\n",min_size,max_size);
-    avail=DOSMEM_Available();
+    avail=MCB_Available() << 4;
     if (avail<min_size) {
       ERR("insufficient DOS memory\n");
       goto load_error;
     if (avail>max_size) avail=max_size;
-    psp_start=DOSMEM_GetBlock(avail,&DOSVM_psp);
+    DOSVM_psp = MCB_Alloc ((avail+15)>>4);
+    /* A PSP is identified, that the MCB has stored itself as the owner process */
+    MCB_SetPSP (DOSVM_psp, DOSVM_psp);
+    MCB_SetPSP (env_seg, DOSVM_psp);
+    psp_start = MCB_SegToLin (DOSVM_psp);
     if (!psp_start) {
       ERR("error allocating DOS memory\n");
@@ -677,10 +681,8 @@
       DOSVM_SetRMHandler(0x23, psp->savedint23);
       DOSVM_SetRMHandler(0x24, psp->savedint24);
       /* FIXME: deallocate file handles etc */
-      /* free process's associated memory
-       * FIXME: walk memory and deallocate all blocks owned by process */
-      DOSMEM_FreeBlock( PTR_REAL_TO_LIN(psp->environment,0) );
-      DOSMEM_FreeBlock( PTR_REAL_TO_LIN(DOSVM_psp,0) );
+      /* free process's associated memory */
+      MCB_FreePSP( DOSVM_psp );
       /* switch to parent's PSP */
       DOSVM_psp = parpsp;
       psp_start = (LPBYTE)((DWORD)parpsp << 4);
Index: dlls/winedos/winedos.spec
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/dlls/winedos/winedos.spec,v
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.17 winedos.spec
--- dlls/winedos/winedos.spec	17 Sep 2003 22:45:46 -0000	1.17
+++ dlls/winedos/winedos.spec	18 Sep 2004 14:43:14 -0000
@@ -6,3 +6,11 @@
 # I/O functions
 @ stdcall inport(long long) DOSVM_inport
 @ stdcall outport(long long long) DOSVM_outport
+# export DOS memory functions to kernel
+@ stdcall MCB_SegToLin(long) MCB_SegToLin
+@ stdcall MCB_LinToSeg(ptr) MCB_LinToSeg
+@ stdcall MCB_Available() MCB_Available
+@ stdcall MCB_Alloc (long) MCB_Alloc
+@ stdcall MCB_Free (long) MCB_Free
+@ stdcall MCB_Resize (long long long ptr) MCB_Resize

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