[AppDB] Part 2 of 2 Allow mantainers/administrators to reject an application submition instead of just deleting it.

Tony Lambregts tony.lambregts at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 20:51:54 CDT 2005

This is the users side of the patch

Change Log: Allow mantainers/administrators to reject an application submition instead of just deleting it.

Files added: admin/rejected.php

-------------- next part --------------
--- /dev/null	2005-07-16 05:32:20.814944808 -0600
+++ admin/rejected.php	2005-08-14 19:24:41.000000000 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+/* code to View and resubmit Apps    */
+function get_vendor_from_keywords($sKeywords)
+    $aKeywords = explode(" *** ",$sKeywords);
+    $iLastElt = (sizeOf($aKeywords)-1);
+    return($aKeywords[$iLastElt]);
+if ($_REQUEST['sub'])
+    if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['appId']))
+    {
+        $oApp = new Application($_REQUEST['appId']);
+        // if we are processing a queued application there MUST be an implicitly queued 
+        // version to go along with it.  Find this version so we can display its information 
+        // during application processing so the admin can make a better choice about 
+        // whether to accept or reject the overall application 
+        $sQuery = "Select versionId from appVersion where appId='".$_REQUEST['appId']."';";
+        $hResult = query_appdb($sQuery);
+        $oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult);
+        // make sure the user has permission to view this version 
+        if(!$_SESSION['current']->hasAppVersionModifyPermission($oRow->versionId) && 
+           (($oRow->queued=="false")?true:false) &&
+           !$_SESSION['current']->isVersionSubmitter($oRow->versionId))
+        {
+            errorpage("Insufficient privileges.");
+            exit;
+        }
+        $oVersion = new Version($oRow->versionId);
+    } elseif(is_numeric($_REQUEST['versionId']))
+    {
+        // make sure the user has permission to view this version 
+        if(!$_SESSION['current']->hasAppVersionModifyPermission($_REQUEST['versionId'])&& 
+           (($oRow->queued=="false")?true:false) &&
+           !$_SESSION['current']->isVersionSubmitter($oRow->versionId))
+        {
+            errorpage("Insufficient privileges.");
+            exit;
+        }
+        $oVersion = new Version($_REQUEST['versionId']);
+    } else
+    {
+        //error no Id!
+        addmsg("Application Not Found!", "red");
+        redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
+    }
+    //process according to sub flag
+    if ($_REQUEST['sub'] == 'view')
+    {
+        $x = new TableVE("view");
+        apidb_header("Admin Rejected App Queue");
+<link rel="stylesheet" href="./application.css" type="text/css">
+<!-- load HTMLArea -->
+<script type="text/javascript" src="../htmlarea/htmlarea_loader.js"></script>
+        echo '<form name="qform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">',"\n";
+        echo '<input type="hidden" name="sub" value="ReQueue">',"\n"; 
+        echo html_back_link(1,$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
+        if (!$oApp) //app version
+        { 
+            echo html_frame_start("Potential duplicate versions in the database","90%","",0);
+            $oApp = new Application($oVersion->iAppId);
+            display_versions($oApp->iAppId, $oApp->aVersionsIds);
+            echo html_frame_end("&nbsp;");
+            //help
+            echo "<div align=center><table width='90%' border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0><tr><td>\n\n";
+            echo "<p>This is the full view of the application version that has been Rejected. \n";
+            echo "<b>App Version</b> This type of application will be nested under the selected application parent.\n";
+            echo "<p>Click delete to remove the selected item from the queue an email will automatically be sent to the\n";
+            echo "submitter to let him know the item was deleted.</p>\n\n";        
+            echo "</td></tr></table></div>\n\n";    
+            echo html_frame_start("Rejected Version Form",400,"",0);
+            echo "<table width='100%' border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>\n";
+            //app parent
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class=color0><b>Application</b></td><td>',"\n";
+            $x->make_option_list("appId",$oVersion->iAppId,"appFamily","appId","appName");
+            echo '</td></tr>',"\n";
+            //version
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0"><b>Version name</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><input type=text name="versionName" value="'.$oVersion->sName.'" size="20"></td></tr>',"\n";
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class=color0><b>Description</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><p style="width:700px"><textarea  cols="80" rows="20" id="editor" name="versionDescription">'.stripslashes($oVersion->sDescription).'</textarea></p></td></tr>',"\n";
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0"><b>email Text</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><textarea name="replyText" rows="10" cols="35"></textarea></td></tr>',"\n";
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class=color3 align=center colspan=2>' ,"\n";
+            echo '<input type="hidden" name="versionId" value="'.$oVersion->iVersionId.'" />';
+            echo '<input type="submit" value="Re-Submit Version Into Database " class="button">&nbsp',"\n";
+            echo '<input name="sub" type=submit value="Delete" class="button"></td></tr>',"\n";
+            echo '</table></form>',"\n";
+        } else // application
+        { 
+            echo html_frame_start("Potential duplicate applications in the database","90%","",0);
+            perform_search_and_output_results($oApp->sName);
+            echo html_frame_end("&nbsp;");
+            //help
+            echo "<div align=center><table width='90%' border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0><tr><td>\n\n";
+            echo "<p>This is the full view of the rejected application. \n";
+            echo "You need to pick a category before submitting \n";
+            echo "it into the database.\n";
+            echo "<p>Click delete to remove the selected item from the queue. An email will automatically be sent to the\n";
+            echo "submitter to let them know the item was deleted.</p>\n\n";        
+            echo "</td></tr></table></div>\n\n";    
+            //view application details
+            echo html_frame_start("New Application Form",400,"",0);
+            echo "<table width='100%' border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0>\n";
+            //category
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0>"<b>Category</b></td><td>',"\n";
+            $x->make_option_list("catId",$oApp->iCatId,"appCategory","catId","catName");
+            echo '</td></tr>',"\n";
+            //name
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0"><b>App Name</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><input type="text" name="appName" value="'.$oApp->sName.'" size=20></td></tr>',"\n";
+            // vendor/alt vendor fields
+            // if user selected a predefined vendorId:
+            $iVendorId = $oApp->iVendorId;
+            // If not, try for an exact match
+            // Use the first match if we found one and clear out the vendor field,
+            // otherwise don't pick a vendor
+            // N.B. The vendor string is the last word of the keywords field !
+            if(!$iVendorId)
+            {
+                $sVendor = get_vendor_from_keywords($oApp->sKeywords);
+                $sQuery = "SELECT vendorId FROM vendor WHERE vendorname = '".$sVendor."';";
+                $hResult = query_appdb($sQuery);
+                if($hResult)
+                {
+                    $oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult);
+                    $iVendorId = $oRow->vendorId;
+                }
+            }
+            // try for a partial match
+            if(!$iVendorId)
+            {
+                $sQuery = "select * from vendor where vendorname like '%".$sVendor."%';";
+                $hResult = query_appdb($sQuery);
+                if($hResult)
+                {
+                    $oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult);
+                    $iVendorId = $oRow->vendorId;
+                }
+            }
+            //vendor field
+            if($iVendorId)
+                $sVendor = "";
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0"><b>App Vendor</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><input type=text name="sVendor" value="'.$sVendor.'" size="20"></td>',"\n";
+            echo '</tr>',"\n";
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0">&nbsp;</td><td>',"\n";
+            $x->make_option_list("vendorId", $iVendorId ,"vendor","vendorId","vendorName");
+            echo '</td></tr>',"\n";
+            //url
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0"><b>App URL</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><input type=text name="webpage" value="'.$oApp->sWebpage.'" size="20"></td></tr>',"\n";
+            // application desc
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class=color0><b>Application Description</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><p style="width:700px"><textarea  cols="80" rows="20" name="applicationDescription">'.stripslashes($oApp->sDescription).'</textarea></p></td></tr>',"\n";
+            // version name
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0"><b>Version name</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><input type=text name="versionName" value="'.$oVersion->sName.'" size="20"></td></tr>',"\n";
+            // version description
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class=color0><b>Version Description</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><p style="width:700px"><textarea  cols="80" rows="20" id="editor" name="versionDescription">'.$oVersion->sDescription.'</textarea></p></td></tr>',"\n";
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class="color0"><b>email Text</b></td>',"\n";
+            echo '<td><textarea name="replyText" rows=10 cols=35></textarea></td></tr>',"\n";
+            echo '<tr valign=top><td class=color3 align=center colspan=2>' ,"\n";
+            echo '<input type="hidden" name="appId" value="'.$oApp->iAppId.'" />';
+            echo '<input type=submit value=" Re-Submit App Into Database " class=button>&nbsp',"\n";
+            echo '<input name="sub" type="submit" value="Delete" class="button" />',"\n";
+            echo '</td></tr>',"\n";
+            echo '</table></form>',"\n";
+        }
+        echo html_frame_end("&nbsp;");
+        echo html_back_link(1,$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
+    }
+    else  if ($_REQUEST['sub'] == 'ReQueue')
+    {
+        if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['appId']) && !is_numeric($_REQUEST['versionId'])) // application
+        {
+            // get the queued versions that refers to the application entry we just removed
+            // and delete them as we implicitly added a version entry when adding a new application
+            $sQuery = "SELECT versionId FROM appVersion WHERE appVersion.appId = '".$_REQUEST['appId']."' AND appVersion.queued = 'rejected';";
+            $hResult = query_appdb($sQuery);
+            if($hResult)
+            {
+                while($oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult))
+                {
+                    $oVersion = new Version($oRow->versionId);
+                    $oVersion->update($_REQUEST['versionName'], $_REQUEST['versionDescription'],null,null,$_REQUEST['appId']);
+                    $oVersion->ReQueue();
+                }
+            }
+            // delete the application entry
+            $oApp = new Application($_REQUEST['appId']);
+            $oApp->update($_REQUEST['appName'], $_REQUEST['applicationDescription'], $_REQUEST['keywords'], $_REQUEST['webpage'], $_REQUEST['vendorId'], $_REQUEST['catId']);
+            $oApp->ReQueue();
+        } else if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['versionId']))  // version
+        {
+            $oVersion = new Version($_REQUEST['versionId']);
+            $oVersion->update($_REQUEST['versionName'], $_REQUEST['versionDescription'],null,null,$_REQUEST['appId']);
+            $oVersion->ReQueue();
+        }
+        redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
+    }
+    else  if ($_REQUEST['sub'] == 'Delete')
+    {
+        if (is_numeric($_REQUEST['appId']) && !is_numeric($_REQUEST['versionId'])) // application
+        {
+            // get the queued versions that refers to the application entry we just removed
+            // and delete them as we implicitly added a version entry when adding a new application
+            $sQuery = "SELECT versionId FROM appVersion WHERE appVersion.appId = '".$_REQUEST['appId']."' AND appVersion.queued = 'rejected';";
+            $hResult = query_appdb($sQuery);
+            if($hResult)
+            {
+                while($oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult))
+                {
+                    $oVersion = new Version($oRow->versionId);
+                    $oVersion->delete();
+                }
+            }
+            // delete the application entry
+            $oApp = new Application($_REQUEST['appId']);
+            $oApp->delete();
+        } else if(is_numeric($_REQUEST['versionId']))  // version
+        {
+            $oVersion = new Version($_REQUEST['versionId']);
+            $oVersion->delete();
+        }
+        redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+        // error no sub!
+        addmsg("Internal Routine Not Found!!", "red");
+        redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
+    } 
+else // if ($_REQUEST['sub']) is not defined, display the main app queue page 
+    apidb_header("Resubmit application");
+    // get queued apps that the current user should see
+    $hResult = $_SESSION['current']->getAppRejectQueueQuery(true); // query for the app family 
+    if(!$hResult || !mysql_num_rows($hResult))
+    {
+         //no apps in queue
+        echo html_frame_start("Application Queue","90%");
+        echo '<p><b>The Resubmit Application Queue is empty.</b></p>',"\n";
+        echo html_frame_end("&nbsp;");         
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        //help
+        echo "<div align=center><table width='90%' border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0><tr><td>\n\n";
+        echo "<p>This is the list of applications waiting for re-submition, or to be deleted.</p>\n";
+        echo "<p>To view a submission, click on its name. From that page you can delete or edit and\n";
+        echo "re-submit it into the AppDB .<br>\n";
+        echo "</td></tr></table></div>\n\n";
+        //show applist
+        echo html_frame_start("","90%","",0);
+        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\">
+               <tr class=color4>
+                  <td>Submission Date</td>
+                  <td>Submitter</td>
+                  <td>Vendor</td>
+                  <td>Application</td>
+                  <td align=\"center\">Action</td>
+               </tr>";
+        $c = 1;
+        while($oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult))
+        {
+            $oApp = new Application($oRow->appId);
+            $oSubmitter = new User($oApp->iSubmitterId);
+            if($oApp->iVendorId)
+            {
+                $oVendor = new Vendor($oApp->iVendorId);
+                $sVendor = $oVendor->sName;
+            } else
+            {
+                $sVendor = get_vendor_from_keywords($oApp->sKeywords);
+            }
+            if ($c % 2 == 1) { $bgcolor = 'color0'; } else { $bgcolor = 'color1'; }
+            echo "<tr class=\"$bgcolor\">\n";
+            echo "    <td>".print_date(mysqltimestamp_to_unixtimestamp($oApp->sSubmitTime))."</td>\n";
+            echo "    <td>\n";
+            echo $oSubmitter->sEmail ? "<a href=\"mailto:".$oSubmitter->sEmail."\">":"";
+            echo $oSubmitter->sRealname;
+            echo $oSubmitter->sEmail ? "</a>":"";
+            echo "    </td>\n";
+            echo "    <td>".$sVendor."</td>\n";
+            echo "    <td>".$oApp->sName."</td>\n";
+            echo "    <td align=\"center\">[<a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?sub=view&appId=".$oApp->iAppId.">process</a>]</td>\n";
+            echo "</tr>\n\n";
+            $c++;
+        }
+        echo "</table>\n\n";
+        echo html_frame_end("&nbsp;");
+    }
+     // get queued versions (only versions where application are not queued already)
+     $hResult = $_SESSION['current']->getAppRejectQueueQuery(false); // query for the app version 
+     if(!$hResult || !mysql_num_rows($hResult))
+     {
+         //no apps in queue
+         echo html_frame_start("Version Queue","90%");
+         echo '<p><b>The Resubmit Version Queue is empty.</b></p>',"\n";
+         echo html_frame_end("&nbsp;");         
+     }
+     else
+     {
+        //help
+        echo "<div align=center><table width='90%' border=0 cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0><tr><td>\n\n";
+        echo "<p>This is the list of versions waiting for re-submition or deletion.</p>\n";
+        echo "<p>To view a submission, click on its name. From that page you can delete or edit and re-submit it into \n";
+        echo "the AppDB .<br>\n";
+        echo "<p>Note that versions linked to application that have not been yet approved are not displayed in this list.</p>\n";
+        echo "the AppDB.<br>\n";
+        echo "</td></tr></table></div>\n\n";
+        //show applist
+        echo html_frame_start("","90%","",0);
+        echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\">
+               <tr class=color4>
+                  <td>Submission Date</td>
+                  <td>Submitter</td>
+                  <td>Vendor</td>
+                  <td>Application</td>
+                  <td>Version</td>
+                  <td align=\"center\">Action</td>
+               </tr>";
+        $c = 1;
+        while($oRow = mysql_fetch_object($hResult))
+        {
+            $oVersion = new Version($oRow->versionId);
+            $oApp = new Application($oVersion->iAppId);
+            $oSubmitter = new User($oVersion->iSubmitterId);
+            $oVendor = new Vendor($oApp->iVendorId);
+            $sVendor = $oVendor->sName;
+            if ($c % 2 == 1) { $bgcolor = 'color0'; } else { $bgcolor = 'color1'; }
+            echo "<tr class=\"$bgcolor\">\n";
+            echo "    <td>".print_date(mysqltimestamp_to_unixtimestamp($oVersion->sSubmitTime))."</td>\n";
+            echo "    <td>\n";
+            echo $oSubmitter->sEmail ? "<a href=\"mailto:".$oSubmitter->sEmail."\">":"";
+            echo $oSubmitter->sRealname;
+            echo $oSubmitter->sEmail ? "</a>":"";
+            echo "    </td>\n";
+            echo "    <td>".$sVendor."</td>\n";
+            echo "    <td>".$oApp->sName."</td>\n";
+            echo "    <td>".$oVersion->sName."</td>\n";
+            echo "    <td align=\"center\">[<a href=".$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']."?sub=view&versionId=".$oVersion->iVersionId.">process</a>]</td>\n";
+            echo "</tr>\n\n";
+            $c++;
+        }
+        echo "</table>\n\n";
+        echo html_frame_end("&nbsp;");
+    }

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