dinput: Don't limit mouse move events to 10ms intervals.

Vitaliy Margolen wine-patch at kievinfo.com
Sun May 14 17:38:48 CDT 2006

dinput: Don't limit mouse move events to 10ms intervals.

This introduces a problem [Bug 3596] when games recenter cursor themselves.

 dlls/dinput/mouse.c |   11 -----------
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/dlls/dinput/mouse.c b/dlls/dinput/mouse.c
index 53b5499..22492b0 100644
--- a/dlls/dinput/mouse.c
+++ b/dlls/dinput/mouse.c
@@ -418,7 +418,6 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK dinput_mouse_hoo
     SysMouseImpl* This = (SysMouseImpl*) current_lock;
     DWORD dwCoop;
-    static long last_event = 0;
     int wdata;
     if (code != HC_ACTION) return CallNextHookEx( 0, code, wparam, lparam );
@@ -426,16 +425,6 @@ static LRESULT CALLBACK dinput_mouse_hoo
     dwCoop = This->dwCoopLevel;
-    /* Only allow mouse events every 10 ms.
-     * This is to allow the cursor to start acceleration before
-     * the warps happen. But if it involves a mouse button event we
-     * allow it since we don't want to lose the clicks.
-     */
-    if (((GetCurrentTime() - last_event) < 10)
-        && wparam == WM_MOUSEMOVE)
-	goto end;
-    else last_event = GetCurrentTime();
     /* Mouse moved -> send event if asked */
     if (This->hEvent)

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