winspool: Add a test for DeviceCapabilities, fix some bugs found

Detlef Riekenberg at
Tue Apr 3 13:05:38 CDT 2007

On Di, 2007-04-03 at 23:40 +0900, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:

> Changelog:
>     winspool: Add a test for DeviceCapabilities, fix some bugs found.

> +    hComdlg32 = LoadLibrary("comdlg32.dll");
> +    assert(hComdlg32);
> +    pPrintDlg = GetProcAddress(hComdlg32, "PrintDlgA");
> +    assert(pPrintDlg);

Why are you using assert() and kill the test? 
Is skip not enough?

> +    ok(dm != NULL, "GlobalLock(prn_dlg.hDevMode) failed\n");
> +    trace("dmDeviceName \"%s\"\n", dm->dmDeviceName);

You added a ok() for "dm =! NULL", but "dm" is accessed always and will
crash the test.
> +    ok(dn != NULL, "GlobalLock(prn_dlg.hDevNames) failed\n");
> +    ok(dn->wDriverOffset, "expected not 0 wDriverOffset\n");

Same here for "dn".

> +    ok(lstrcmp((const char *)dm->dmDeviceName, (const char *)dn + dn->wDeviceOffset) == 0, "device names not match\n");

You introduced the same bug, as you did in in your previous Patch!

dm->dmDeviceName is limited to CCHDEVICENAME

> +    trace("fields %x\n", fields);
> +todo_wine
> +    ok(fields == dm->dmFields, "fields %x != dmFields %x\n", fields, dm->dmFields);

info.c:2093:fields 7b13
info.c:2095: Test succeeded inside todo block: fields 7b13 != dmFields

I get the same "succeeded inside todo" for all printers

>      test_SetDefaultPrinter();
>      test_XcvDataW_MonitorUI();
>      test_XcvDataW_PortIsValid();
> +    test_DeviceCapabilities();

Why is it so difficult to add the tests in alphabetic order? 

This Patch dump a lot of unneeded data.
Please remove the traces (or dump the data only in interactive mode).


By by ... Detlef

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