[PATCH 2/6] CMD.EXE: [Reworked] Attempt to launch pgm even if fails to locate it

Jason Edmeades us at edmeades.me.uk
Thu Apr 5 16:47:54 CDT 2007

For example, this lets cmd.exe launch xcopy for which there is no
dummy exe on the path. Note for internal only programs, currently
the code launches and waits
 programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c |   29 ++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c b/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
index 4a2d239..c627421 100644
--- a/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
+++ b/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
@@ -814,6 +814,7 @@ void WCMD_run_program (char *command, int called) {
   BOOL  extensionsupplied = FALSE;
   BOOL  launched = FALSE;
   BOOL  status;
+  BOOL  assumeInternal = FALSE;
   DWORD len;
@@ -849,6 +850,7 @@ void WCMD_run_program (char *command, int called) {
   /* Loop through the search path, dir by dir */
   pathposn = pathtosearch;
+  WINE_TRACE("Searching in '%s' for '%s'\n", pathtosearch, stemofsearch);
   while (!launched && pathposn) {
     char  thisDir[MAX_PATH] = "";
@@ -917,8 +919,20 @@ void WCMD_run_program (char *command, int called) {
+   /* Internal programs wont be picked up by this search, so even
+      though not found, try one last createprocess and wait for it
+      to complete.
+      Note: Ideally we could tell between a console app (wait) and a
+      windows app, but the API's for it fail in this case           */
+    if (!found && pathposn == NULL) {
+        assumeInternal = TRUE;
+    } else {
+        WINE_TRACE("Found as %s\n", thisDir);
+    }
     /* Once found, launch it */
-    if (found) {
+    if (found || assumeInternal) {
       STARTUPINFO st;
       SHFILEINFO psfi;
@@ -938,7 +952,7 @@ void WCMD_run_program (char *command, int called) {
         /* thisDir contains the file to be launched, but with what?
            eg. a.exe will require a.exe to be launched, a.html may be iexplore */
-        hinst = FindExecutable (param1, NULL, temp);
+        hinst = FindExecutable (thisDir, NULL, temp);
         if ((INT_PTR)hinst < 32)
           console = 0;
@@ -948,9 +962,10 @@ void WCMD_run_program (char *command, int called) {
         st.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
-        /* Launch the process and if a CUI wait on it to complete */
-        status = CreateProcess (thisDir, command, NULL, NULL, TRUE,
-                                0, NULL, NULL, &st, &pe);
+        /* Launch the process and if a CUI wait on it to complete
+           Note: Launchng internal wine processes cannot specify a full path to exe */
+        status = CreateProcess (assumeInternal?NULL : thisDir,
+                                command, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &st, &pe);
         if ((opt_c || opt_k) && !opt_s && !status
             && GetLastError()==ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND && command[0]=='\"') {
           /* strip first and last quote characters and try again */
@@ -966,10 +981,10 @@ void WCMD_run_program (char *command, int called) {
           errorlevel = 9009;
-        if (!console) errorlevel = 0;
+        if (!assumeInternal && !console) errorlevel = 0;
-            if (!HIWORD(console)) WaitForSingleObject (pe.hProcess, INFINITE);
+            if (assumeInternal || !HIWORD(console)) WaitForSingleObject (pe.hProcess, INFINITE);
             GetExitCodeProcess (pe.hProcess, &errorlevel);
             if (errorlevel == STILL_ACTIVE) errorlevel = 0;

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