[msi, 4/4, try 7] msi: Add full JScript/VBScript support.

Misha Koshelev mk144210 at bcm.tmc.edu
Fri Apr 6 16:35:36 CDT 2007

Same as previous version. Implements the IActiveScriptSite interface
which links with the session object implemented in patch #3 and then
adds a call to the script handler from the common script handling
function implemented in patch #4. This fixes bug #7357 and possibly

I would make a conformation test for this if it were possible (or if
someone has a suggestion on how to do this), but since this uses the
native MS Script that the individual installers install, and wine does
not have native scripting support, I don't know how I would make a
proper conformance test. Given that, I don't believe that this an
absolute reason not to include the scripting patches, as MSDN explicitly
states that MS Script is not part of MSI and must be installed by the
individual installers (see first paragraph
http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa371538.aspx ) and this
functionality is required by installers, such as in bug #7357 for Vector


	* msi: Add full JScript/VBScript support.
-------------- next part --------------
From ebab815fd78da03dd13588f1ea5576d80c8705bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Misha Koshelev <mk144210 at bcm.tmc.edu>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2007 16:05:50 -0500
Subject: msi: Add full JScript/VBScript support.
 dlls/msi/Makefile.in  |    1 
 dlls/msi/automation.c |    6 +
 dlls/msi/custom.c     |   12 +-
 dlls/msi/msipriv.h    |    5 +
 dlls/msi/script.c     |  365 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 5 files changed, 388 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/msi/Makefile.in b/dlls/msi/Makefile.in
index 3418fb5..5b7a991 100644
--- a/dlls/msi/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/msi/Makefile.in
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ C_SRCS = \
 	record.c \
 	registry.c \
 	regsvr.c \
+        script.c \
 	select.c \
 	source.c \
 	string.c \
diff --git a/dlls/msi/automation.c b/dlls/msi/automation.c
index 0978198..c7f4791 100644
--- a/dlls/msi/automation.c
+++ b/dlls/msi/automation.c
@@ -1011,3 +1011,9 @@ HRESULT create_msiserver(IUnknown *pOute
     return create_automation_object(0, pOuter, ppObj, &DIID_Installer, InstallerImpl_Invoke);
+/* Wrapper around create_automation_object to create a session object. */
+HRESULT create_session(MSIHANDLE msiHandle, IDispatch **pDispatch)
+    return create_automation_object(msiHandle, NULL, (LPVOID)pDispatch, &DIID_Session, SessionImpl_Invoke);
diff --git a/dlls/msi/custom.c b/dlls/msi/custom.c
index 239d475..09c27b1 100644
--- a/dlls/msi/custom.c
+++ b/dlls/msi/custom.c
@@ -883,6 +883,7 @@ static UINT HANDLE_CustomType34(MSIPACKA
 static DWORD WINAPI ACTION_CallScript( const LPGUID guid )
     msi_custom_action_info *info;
+    MSIHANDLE hPackage;
     info = find_action_by_guid( guid );
@@ -892,7 +893,16 @@ static DWORD WINAPI ACTION_CallScript( c
         return r;
-    FIXME("function %s, script %s\n", debugstr_w( info->function ), debugstr_w( info->dllname ) );
+    TRACE("function %s, script %s\n", debugstr_w( info->function ), debugstr_w( info->dllname ) );
+    hPackage = alloc_msihandle( &info->package->hdr );
+    if (hPackage)
+    {
+        r = call_script( hPackage, info->type, info->dllname, info->function, info->action );
+        MsiCloseHandle( hPackage );
+    }
+    else
+        ERR("failed to create handle for %p\n", info->package );
     if (info->type & msidbCustomActionTypeAsync &&
         info->type & msidbCustomActionTypeContinue)
diff --git a/dlls/msi/msipriv.h b/dlls/msi/msipriv.h
index f160e2c..1ad4ef2 100644
--- a/dlls/msi/msipriv.h
+++ b/dlls/msi/msipriv.h
@@ -790,6 +790,11 @@ extern VOID ControlEvent_UnSubscribeToEv
 /* OLE automation */
 extern HRESULT create_msiserver(IUnknown *pOuter, LPVOID *ppObj);
+extern HRESULT create_session(MSIHANDLE msiHandle, IDispatch **pDispatch);
+extern HRESULT WINAPI LoadTypeInfo(IDispatch *iface, ITypeInfo **pptinfo, REFIID clsid, LCID lcid);
+/* Scripting */
+extern DWORD call_script(MSIHANDLE hPackage, INT type, LPCWSTR script, LPCWSTR function, LPCWSTR action);
 /* User Interface messages from the actions */
 extern void ui_progress(MSIPACKAGE *, int, int, int, int);
diff --git a/dlls/msi/script.c b/dlls/msi/script.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6384d31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/msi/script.c
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+ * Implementation of scripting for Microsoft Installer (msi.dll)
+ *
+ * Copyright 2007 Misha Koshelev
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "windef.h"
+#include "winbase.h"
+#include "winerror.h"
+#include "winuser.h"
+#include "msidefs.h"
+#include "msipriv.h"
+#include "activscp.h"
+#include "oleauto.h"
+#include "wine/debug.h"
+#include "wine/unicode.h"
+#include "msiserver.h"
+const WCHAR szJScript[] = { 'J','S','c','r','i','p','t',0};
+const WCHAR szVBScript[] = { 'V','B','S','c','r','i','p','t',0};
+const WCHAR szSession[] = {'S','e','s','s','i','o','n',0};
+ * MsiActiveScriptSite - Our IActiveScriptSite implementation.
+ */
+typedef struct {
+    IActiveScriptSite lpVtbl;
+    IDispatch *pSession;
+    LONG ref;
+} MsiActiveScriptSite;
+static const struct IActiveScriptSiteVtbl ASS_Vtbl;
+static HRESULT create_ActiveScriptSite(IUnknown *pUnkOuter, LPVOID *ppObj)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite* object; 
+    TRACE("(%p,%p)\n", pUnkOuter, ppObj);
+    if( pUnkOuter )
+        return CLASS_E_NOAGGREGATION;
+    object = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(MsiActiveScriptSite));
+    object->lpVtbl.lpVtbl = &ASS_Vtbl;
+    object->ref = 1;
+    object->pSession = NULL;
+    *ppObj = object;
+    return S_OK;
+ * Call a script. 
+ */
+DWORD call_script(MSIHANDLE hPackage, INT type, LPCWSTR script, LPCWSTR function, LPCWSTR action)
+    HRESULT hr;
+    IActiveScript *pActiveScript = NULL;
+    IActiveScriptParse *pActiveScriptParse = NULL;
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *pActiveScriptSite = NULL;
+    IDispatch *pDispatch = NULL;
+    DISPPARAMS dispparamsNoArgs = {NULL, NULL, 0, 0};
+    DISPID dispid;
+    CLSID clsid;
+    VARIANT var;
+    /* Return success by default (if Windows Script not installed) - not native behavior. This
+     * should be here until we implement wine scripting. */
+    DWORD ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;    
+    CoInitialize(NULL);
+    /* Create MsiActiveScriptSite object */
+    hr = create_ActiveScriptSite(NULL, (void **)&pActiveScriptSite);
+    if (hr != S_OK) goto done;
+    /* Create a session object */
+    hr = create_session(hPackage, &pActiveScriptSite->pSession);
+    if (hr != S_OK) goto done;
+    IUnknown_AddRef((IUnknown *)pActiveScriptSite->pSession);
+    /* Create the scripting engine */
+    if (type & msidbCustomActionTypeJScript)
+	hr = CLSIDFromProgID(szJScript, &clsid);
+    else if (type & msidbCustomActionTypeVBScript)
+	hr = CLSIDFromProgID(szVBScript, &clsid);
+    else {
+	ERR("Unknown script type %d\n", type);
+	goto done;
+    }
+    if (FAILED(hr)) {
+	ERR("Could not find CLSID for Windows Script\n");
+	goto done;
+    }
+    hr = CoCreateInstance(&clsid, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IActiveScript, (void **)&pActiveScript);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) {
+	ERR("Could not instantiate class for Windows Script\n");
+	goto done;
+    }
+    /* If we got this far, Windows Script is installed, so don't return success by default anymore */
+    /* Get the IActiveScriptParse engine interface */
+    hr = IActiveScript_QueryInterface(pActiveScript, &IID_IActiveScriptParse, (void **)&pActiveScriptParse);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
+    /* Give our host to the engine */
+    hr = IActiveScript_SetScriptSite(pActiveScript, (IActiveScriptSite *)pActiveScriptSite);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
+    /* Initialize the script engine */
+    hr = IActiveScriptParse_InitNew(pActiveScriptParse);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
+    /* Add the session object */
+    hr = IActiveScript_AddNamedItem(pActiveScript, szSession, SCRIPTITEM_ISVISIBLE);
+    /* Pass the script to the engine */
+    hr = IActiveScriptParse_ParseScriptText(pActiveScriptParse, script, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, 0L, NULL, NULL);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
+    /* Start processing the script */
+    hr = IActiveScript_SetScriptState(pActiveScript, SCRIPTSTATE_CONNECTED);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
+    /* Call a function if necessary through the IDispatch interface */
+    if (function != NULL && strlenW(function) > 0) {
+	TRACE("Calling function %s\n", debugstr_w(function));
+	hr = IActiveScript_GetScriptDispatch(pActiveScript, NULL, &pDispatch);
+	if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; 
+	hr = IDispatch_GetIDsOfNames(pDispatch, &IID_NULL, (WCHAR **)&function, 1,LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, &dispid);
+	if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
+	hr = IDispatch_Invoke(pDispatch, dispid, &IID_NULL, LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, DISPATCH_METHOD, &dispparamsNoArgs, &var, NULL, NULL);
+	if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
+	/* Check return value, if it's not IDOK we failed */
+	hr = VariantChangeType(&var, &var, 0, VT_I4);
+	if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
+	if (V_I4(&var) == IDOK) 
+	    ret = ERROR_SUCCESS;
+	VariantClear(&var);
+    } else {
+	/* If no function to be called, MSI behavior is to succeed */
+    }
+    /* Free everything that needs to be freed */
+    if (pDispatch) IDispatch_Release(pDispatch);
+    if (pActiveScript) IActiveScriptSite_Release(pActiveScript);
+    if (pActiveScriptSite &&
+	pActiveScriptSite->pSession) IUnknown_Release((IUnknown *)pActiveScriptSite->pSession);
+    if (pActiveScriptSite) IUnknown_Release((IUnknown *)pActiveScriptSite);
+    CoUninitialize();    /* must call even if CoInitialize failed */
+    return ret;  
+ * MsiActiveScriptSite
+ */
+/*** IUnknown methods ***/
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_QueryInterface(IActiveScriptSite* iface, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)->(%s,%p)\n", iface, This, debugstr_guid(riid), ppvObject);
+    if (IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) ||
+        IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IActiveScriptSite))
+    {
+        IClassFactory_AddRef(iface);
+        *ppvObject = This;
+        return S_OK;
+    }
+    TRACE("(%p)->(%s,%p),not found\n",This,debugstr_guid(riid),ppvObject);
+    return E_NOINTERFACE;
+static ULONG WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_AddRef(IActiveScriptSite* iface)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)\n", iface, This);
+    return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
+static ULONG WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_Release(IActiveScriptSite* iface)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    ULONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)\n", iface, This);
+    if (!ref)
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This);
+    return ref;
+/*** IActiveScriptSite methods **/
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_GetLCID(IActiveScriptSite* iface, LCID* plcid)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;   
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)->(%p)\n", This, iface, plcid);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;  /* Script will use system-defined locale */
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_GetItemInfo(IActiveScriptSite* iface, LPCOLESTR pstrName, DWORD dwReturnMask, IUnknown** ppiunkItem, ITypeInfo** ppti)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)->(%p,%d,%p,%p)\n", This, iface, pstrName, dwReturnMask, ppiunkItem, ppti);
+    /* Determine the kind of pointer that is requested, and make sure placeholder is valid */
+    if (dwReturnMask & SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO) {
+	if (!ppti) return E_INVALIDARG;
+	*ppti = NULL;
+    }
+    if (dwReturnMask & SCRIPTINFO_IUNKNOWN) {
+	if (!ppiunkItem) return E_INVALIDARG;
+	*ppiunkItem = NULL;
+    }
+    /* Are we looking for the session object? */
+    if (!strcmpW(szSession, pstrName)) {
+	if (dwReturnMask & SCRIPTINFO_ITYPEINFO)                
+	    return LoadTypeInfo(This->pSession, ppti, &DIID_Session, 0); 
+	else if (dwReturnMask & SCRIPTINFO_IUNKNOWN) {
+	    IDispatch_QueryInterface(This->pSession, &IID_IUnknown, (void **)ppiunkItem);
+	    return S_OK;
+        }
+    }
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_GetDocVersionString(IActiveScriptSite* iface, BSTR* pbstrVersion)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)->(%p)\n", This, iface, pbstrVersion);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_OnScriptTerminate(IActiveScriptSite* iface, const VARIANT* pvarResult, const EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)->(%p,%p)\n", This, iface, pvarResult, pexcepinfo);
+    return S_OK;
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_OnStateChange(IActiveScriptSite* iface, SCRIPTSTATE ssScriptState)
+    switch (ssScriptState) {
+	      TRACE("State: Uninitialized.\n");
+	      break;
+	      TRACE("State: Initialized.\n");
+	      break;
+	      TRACE("State: Started.\n");
+	      break;
+	      TRACE("State: Connected.\n");
+	      break;
+	      TRACE("State: Disconnected.\n");
+	      break;
+	      TRACE("State: Closed.\n");
+	      break;
+	default:
+	      ERR("Unknown State: %d\n", ssScriptState);
+	      break;
+    }
+    return S_OK;
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_OnScriptError(IActiveScriptSite* iface, IActiveScriptError* pscripterror)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    EXCEPINFO exception;
+    HRESULT hr;
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)->(%p)\n", This, iface, pscripterror);
+    hr = IActiveScriptError_GetExceptionInfo(pscripterror, &exception);
+    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
+	ERR("script error: %s\n", debugstr_w(exception.bstrDescription));
+    return S_OK;
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_OnEnterScript(IActiveScriptSite* iface)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)\n", This, iface);
+    return S_OK;
+static HRESULT WINAPI MsiActiveScriptSite_OnLeaveScript(IActiveScriptSite* iface)
+    MsiActiveScriptSite *This = (MsiActiveScriptSite *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p/%p)\n", This, iface);
+    return S_OK;
+static const struct IActiveScriptSiteVtbl ASS_Vtbl = 
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_QueryInterface,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_AddRef,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_Release,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_GetLCID,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_GetItemInfo,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_GetDocVersionString,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_OnScriptTerminate,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_OnStateChange,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_OnScriptError,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_OnEnterScript,
+    MsiActiveScriptSite_OnLeaveScript    

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