[1/2] widl: Get rid of the typeref_t structure, simplify code

Dan Hipschman dsh at linux.ucla.edu
Mon Apr 30 20:31:27 CDT 2007

This patch removes the typeref_t structure, which is unnecessary and slightly
confusing.  It cleans the code up a bit and simplifies the structures.  I did
a diff on the widl generated headers before and after this patch, and this
doesn't change them one bit.  Nor does it change the generated typelibs.  The
widl tests continue to pass, as well.  This is just makes the code nicer.

 tools/widl/header.c    |    4 +-
 tools/widl/parser.y    |  101 +++++++++++++-----------------------------------
 tools/widl/typegen.c   |    4 +-
 tools/widl/widltypes.h |    8 +---
 4 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 85 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/widl/header.c b/tools/widl/header.c
index b7fd983..faeadfb 100644
--- a/tools/widl/header.c
+++ b/tools/widl/header.c
@@ -397,13 +397,13 @@ void write_expr(FILE *h, const expr_t *e, int brackets)
   case EXPR_CAST:
     fprintf(h, "(");
-    write_type(h, e->u.tref->ref, NULL, e->u.tref->name);
+    write_type(h, e->u.tref, NULL, e->u.tref->name);
     fprintf(h, ")");
     write_expr(h, e->ref, 1);
   case EXPR_SIZEOF:
     fprintf(h, "sizeof(");
-    write_type(h, e->u.tref->ref, NULL, e->u.tref->name);
+    write_type(h, e->u.tref, NULL, e->u.tref->name);
     fprintf(h, ")");
   case EXPR_SHL:
diff --git a/tools/widl/parser.y b/tools/widl/parser.y
index b757c5c..fc916d4 100644
--- a/tools/widl/parser.y
+++ b/tools/widl/parser.y
@@ -72,17 +72,14 @@ static attr_t *make_attrp(enum attr_type type, void *val);
 static expr_t *make_expr(enum expr_type type);
 static expr_t *make_exprl(enum expr_type type, long val);
 static expr_t *make_exprs(enum expr_type type, char *val);
-static expr_t *make_exprt(enum expr_type type, typeref_t *tref, expr_t *expr);
+static expr_t *make_exprt(enum expr_type type, type_t *tref, expr_t *expr);
 static expr_t *make_expr1(enum expr_type type, expr_t *expr);
 static expr_t *make_expr2(enum expr_type type, expr_t *exp1, expr_t *exp2);
 static expr_t *make_expr3(enum expr_type type, expr_t *expr1, expr_t *expr2, expr_t *expr3);
 static type_t *make_type(unsigned char type, type_t *ref);
 static expr_list_t *append_expr(expr_list_t *list, expr_t *expr);
 static array_dims_t *append_array(array_dims_t *list, expr_t *expr);
-static typeref_t *make_tref(char *name, type_t *ref);
-static typeref_t *uniq_tref(typeref_t *ref);
-static type_t *type_ref(typeref_t *ref);
-static void set_type(var_t *v, typeref_t *ref, array_dims_t *arr);
+static void set_type(var_t *v, type_t *type, array_dims_t *arr);
 static ifref_list_t *append_ifref(ifref_list_t *list, ifref_t *iface);
 static ifref_t *make_ifref(type_t *iface);
 static var_list_t *append_var(var_list_t *list, var_t *var);
@@ -90,7 +87,7 @@ static var_t *make_var(char *name);
 static func_list_t *append_func(func_list_t *list, func_t *func);
 static func_t *make_func(var_t *def, var_list_t *args);
 static type_t *make_class(char *name);
-static type_t *make_safearray(typeref_t *tref);
+static type_t *make_safearray(type_t *type);
 static type_t *make_builtin(char *name);
 static type_t *make_int(int sign);
@@ -128,7 +125,6 @@ static void check_arg(var_t *arg);
 	expr_list_t *expr_list;
 	array_dims_t *array_dims;
 	type_t *type;
-	typeref_t *tref;
 	var_t *var;
 	var_list_t *var_list;
 	func_t *func;
@@ -234,9 +230,9 @@ static void check_arg(var_t *arg);
 %type <type> module modulehdr moduledef
 %type <type> base_type int_std
 %type <type> enumdef structdef uniondef
+%type <type> type
 %type <ifref> coclass_int
 %type <ifref_list> gbl_statements coclass_ints
-%type <tref> type
 %type <var> arg field s_field case enum constdef externdef
 %type <var_list> m_args no_args args fields cases enums enum_list pident_list dispint_props
 %type <var> m_ident t_ident ident p_ident pident
@@ -457,13 +453,13 @@ attribute:					{ $$ = NULL; }
 	| tSOURCE				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_SOURCE); }
 	| tSTRING				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_STRING); }
 	| tSWITCHIS '(' expr ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SWITCHIS, $3); }
-	| tSWITCHTYPE '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SWITCHTYPE, type_ref($3)); }
-	| tTRANSMITAS '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_TRANSMITAS, type_ref($3)); }
+	| tSWITCHTYPE '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_SWITCHTYPE, $3); }
+	| tTRANSMITAS '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_TRANSMITAS, $3); }
 	| tUUID '(' aUUID ')'			{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_UUID, $3); }
 	| tV1ENUM				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_V1ENUM); }
 	| tVARARG				{ $$ = make_attr(ATTR_VARARG); }
 	| tVERSION '(' version ')'		{ $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_VERSION, $3); }
-	| tWIREMARSHAL '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_WIREMARSHAL, type_ref($3)); }
+	| tWIREMARSHAL '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_attrp(ATTR_WIREMARSHAL, $3); }
 	| pointer_type				{ $$ = make_attrv(ATTR_POINTERTYPE, $1); }
@@ -823,20 +819,20 @@ structdef: tSTRUCT t_ident '{' fields '}'	{ $$ = get_typev(RPC_FC_STRUCT, $2, ts
-type:	  tVOID					{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, duptype(find_type("void", 0), 1)); }
-	| aKNOWNTYPE				{ $$ = make_tref($1, find_type($1, 0)); }
-	| base_type				{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, $1); }
-	| tCONST type				{ $$ = uniq_tref($2); $$->ref->is_const = TRUE; }
-	| enumdef				{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, $1); }
-	| tENUM aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, find_type2($2, tsENUM)); }
-	| structdef				{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, $1); }
-	| tSTRUCT aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, get_type(RPC_FC_STRUCT, $2, tsSTRUCT)); }
-	| uniondef				{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, $1); }
-	| tUNION aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, find_type2($2, tsUNION)); }
-	| tSAFEARRAY '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_tref(NULL, make_safearray($3)); }
+type:	  tVOID					{ $$ = duptype(find_type("void", 0), 1); }
+	| aKNOWNTYPE				{ $$ = find_type($1, 0); }
+	| base_type				{ $$ = $1; }
+	| tCONST type				{ $$ = duptype($2, 1); $$->is_const = TRUE; }
+	| enumdef				{ $$ = $1; }
+	| tENUM aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = find_type2($2, tsENUM); }
+	| structdef				{ $$ = $1; }
+	| tSTRUCT aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = get_type(RPC_FC_STRUCT, $2, tsSTRUCT); }
+	| uniondef				{ $$ = $1; }
+	| tUNION aIDENTIFIER			{ $$ = find_type2($2, tsUNION); }
+	| tSAFEARRAY '(' type ')'		{ $$ = make_safearray($3); }
-typedef: tTYPEDEF m_attributes type pident_list	{ reg_typedefs(type_ref($3), $4, $2);
+typedef: tTYPEDEF m_attributes type pident_list	{ reg_typedefs($3, $4, $2);
@@ -1014,7 +1010,7 @@ static expr_t *make_exprs(enum expr_type type, char *val)
   return e;
-static expr_t *make_exprt(enum expr_type type, typeref_t *tref, expr_t *expr)
+static expr_t *make_exprt(enum expr_type type, type_t *tref, expr_t *expr)
   expr_t *e;
   e = xmalloc(sizeof(expr_t));
@@ -1024,7 +1020,7 @@ static expr_t *make_exprt(enum expr_type type, typeref_t *tref, expr_t *expr)
   e->is_const = FALSE;
   /* check for cast of constant expression */
   if (type == EXPR_SIZEOF) {
-    switch (tref->ref->type) {
+    switch (tref->type) {
       case RPC_FC_BYTE:
       case RPC_FC_CHAR:
       case RPC_FC_SMALL:
@@ -1199,49 +1195,9 @@ static type_t *make_type(unsigned char type, type_t *ref)
   return t;
-static typeref_t *make_tref(char *name, type_t *ref)
+static void set_type(var_t *v, type_t *type, array_dims_t *arr)
-  typeref_t *t = xmalloc(sizeof(typeref_t));
-  t->name = name;
-  t->ref = ref;
-  t->uniq = ref ? 0 : 1;
-  return t;
-static typeref_t *uniq_tref(typeref_t *ref)
-  typeref_t *t = ref;
-  type_t *tp;
-  if (t->uniq) return t;
-  if (t->name)
-  {
-    tp = duptype(t->ref, 0);
-    tp->name = t->name;
-  }
-  else
-    tp = duptype(t->ref, 1);
-  t->name = NULL;
-  t->ref = tp;
-  t->uniq = 1;
-  return t;
-static type_t *type_ref(typeref_t *ref)
-  type_t *t = ref->ref;
-  free(ref->name);
-  free(ref);
-  return t;
-static void set_type(var_t *v, typeref_t *ref, array_dims_t *arr)
-  v->type = ref->ref;
-  v->tname = ref->name;
-  ref->name = NULL;
-  free(ref);
+  v->type = type;
   v->array = arr;
@@ -1321,17 +1277,14 @@ static type_t *make_class(char *name)
   return c;
-static type_t *make_safearray(typeref_t *tref)
+static type_t *make_safearray(type_t *type)
-  const type_t *sa_orig = find_type("SAFEARRAY", 0);
-  type_t *sa = make_type(sa_orig->type, sa_orig->ref);
+  type_t *sa = duptype(find_type("SAFEARRAY", 0), 1);
   type_t *ptr;
-  if (sa_orig->name)
-    sa->name = strdup(sa_orig->name);
-  sa->ref = type_ref(tref);
+  sa->ref = type;
   ptr = make_type(RPC_FC_FP, sa);
-  ptr->name = strdup("SAFEARRAY");
+  ptr->name = xstrdup("SAFEARRAY");
   return ptr;
diff --git a/tools/widl/typegen.c b/tools/widl/typegen.c
index d63c49a..b35a7d5 100644
--- a/tools/widl/typegen.c
+++ b/tools/widl/typegen.c
@@ -2214,13 +2214,13 @@ static void write_struct_expr(FILE *h, const expr_t *e, int brackets,
         case EXPR_CAST:
             fprintf(h, "(");
-            write_type(h, e->u.tref->ref, NULL, e->u.tref->name);
+            write_type(h, e->u.tref, NULL, e->u.tref->name);
             fprintf(h, ")");
             write_struct_expr(h, e->ref, 1, fields, structvar);
         case EXPR_SIZEOF:
             fprintf(h, "sizeof(");
-            write_type(h, e->u.tref->ref, NULL, e->u.tref->name);
+            write_type(h, e->u.tref, NULL, e->u.tref->name);
             fprintf(h, ")");
         case EXPR_SHL:
diff --git a/tools/widl/widltypes.h b/tools/widl/widltypes.h
index 29ebd5e..8cb1320 100644
--- a/tools/widl/widltypes.h
+++ b/tools/widl/widltypes.h
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ struct _expr_t {
     long lval;
     const char *sval;
     const expr_t *ext;
-    const typeref_t *tref;
+    type_t *tref;
   } u;
   const expr_t *ext2;
   int is_const;
@@ -210,12 +210,6 @@ struct _type_t {
   int typelib_idx;
-struct _typeref_t {
-  char *name;
-  type_t *ref;
-  int uniq;
 struct _var_t {
   char *name;
   int ptr_level;

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