msi 1: Add tests for MsiQueryComponentState

James Hawkins truiken at
Mon Aug 6 21:27:54 CDT 2007


* Add tests for MsiQueryComponentState.

 dlls/msi/tests/msi.c |  238 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 238 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

James Hawkins
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/dlls/msi/tests/msi.c b/dlls/msi/tests/msi.c
index 38126d4..99be877 100644
--- a/dlls/msi/tests/msi.c
+++ b/dlls/msi/tests/msi.c
@@ -644,6 +644,243 @@ static void test_MsiQueryFeatureState(vo
+static void test_MsiQueryComponentState(void)
+    HKEY compkey, prodkey;
+    CHAR prodcode[MAX_PATH];
+    CHAR prod_squashed[MAX_PATH];
+    CHAR component[MAX_PATH];
+    CHAR comp_base85[MAX_PATH];
+    CHAR comp_squashed[MAX_PATH];
+    CHAR keypath[MAX_PATH];
+    INSTALLSTATE state;
+    LPSTR usersid;
+    LONG res;
+    UINT r;
+    create_test_guid(prodcode, prod_squashed);
+    compose_base85_guid(component, comp_base85, comp_squashed);
+    get_user_sid(&usersid);
+    /* NULL szProductCode */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(NULL, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    /* empty szProductCode */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA("", NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);\
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    /* random szProductCode */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA("random", NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    /* GUID-length szProductCode */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA("DJANE93KNDNAS-2KN2NR93KMN3LN13=L1N3KDE", NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    /* GUID-length with brackets */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA("{JANE93KNDNAS-2KN2NR93KMN3LN13=L1N3KD}", NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "Expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    /* actual GUID */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    ok(r == ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT, "Expected ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT, got %d\n", r);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(state == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    /* create local system product key */
+    lstrcpyA(keypath, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Products\\");
+    lstrcatA(keypath, prod_squashed);
+    lstrcatA(keypath, "\\InstallProperties");
+    res = RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keypath, &prodkey);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    res = RegSetValueExA(prodkey, "LocalPackage", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"msitest.msi", 11);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    /* local system product key exists */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT, "Expected ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT, got %d\n", r);
+    }
+    ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, got %d\n", state);
+    lstrcpyA(keypath, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Components\\");
+    lstrcatA(keypath, comp_squashed);
+    res = RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keypath, &compkey);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    /* component key exists */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT, "Expected ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT, got %d\n", r);
+    }
+    ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, got %d\n", state);
+    res = RegSetValueExA(compkey, prod_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"", 0);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    /* component\product exists */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_NOTUSED, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_NOTUSED, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    res = RegSetValueExA(compkey, prod_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"hi", 2);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    RegDeleteValueA(prodkey, "LocalPackage");
+    RegDeleteKeyA(prodkey, "");
+    RegDeleteValueA(compkey, prod_squashed);
+    RegDeleteKeyA(prodkey, "");
+    RegCloseKey(prodkey);
+    RegCloseKey(compkey);
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, component, &state);
+    ok(r == ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT, "Expected ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT, got %d\n", r);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(state == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    lstrcpyA(keypath, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\");
+    lstrcatA(keypath, usersid);
+    lstrcatA(keypath, "\\Products\\");
+    lstrcatA(keypath, prod_squashed);
+    lstrcatA(keypath, "\\InstallProperties");
+    res = RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keypath, &prodkey);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    res = RegSetValueExA(prodkey, "LocalPackage", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"msitest.msi", 11);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT, "Expected ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT, got %d\n", r);
+    }
+    ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, got %d\n", state);
+    lstrcpyA(keypath, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Installer\\UserData\\");
+    lstrcatA(keypath, usersid);
+    lstrcatA(keypath, "\\Components\\");
+    lstrcatA(keypath, comp_squashed);
+    res = RegCreateKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, keypath, &compkey);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    /* component key exists */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT, "Expected ERROR_UNKNOWN_COMPONENT, got %d\n", r);
+    }
+    ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, got %d\n", state);
+    res = RegSetValueExA(compkey, prod_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"", 0);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    /* component\product exists */
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_NOTUSED, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_NOTUSED, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    res = RegSetValueExA(compkey, prod_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"hi", 2);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, component, &state);
+    ok(r == ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT, "Expected ERROR_UNKNOWN_PRODUCT, got %d\n", r);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(state == 0xdeadbeef, "Expected 0xdeadbeef, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    res = RegSetValueExA(prodkey, "ManagedLocalPackage", 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"msitest.msi", 11);
+    ok(res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", res);
+    state = 0xdeadbeef;
+    r = MsiQueryComponentStateA(prodcode, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, component, &state);
+    todo_wine
+    {
+        ok(r == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected ERROR_SUCCESS, got %d\n", r);
+        ok(state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, "Expected INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, got %d\n", state);
+    }
+    RegDeleteValueA(prodkey, "LocalPackage");
+    RegDeleteValueA(prodkey, "ManagedLocalPackage");
+    RegDeleteKeyA(prodkey, "");
+    RegDeleteValueA(compkey, prod_squashed);
+    RegDeleteKeyA(compkey, "");
+    RegCloseKey(prodkey);
+    RegCloseKey(compkey);
     HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandle("msi.dll");
@@ -664,4 +901,5 @@ START_TEST(msi)
+    test_MsiQueryComponentState();

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