Assorted spelling fixes.

Francois Gouget fgouget at
Fri Feb 9 05:21:41 CST 2007

 dlls/atl/atl_main.c            |    4 ++--
 dlls/comctl32/string.c         |    2 +-
 dlls/comdlg32/printdlg.c       |    6 +++---
 dlls/mapi32/tests/imalloc.c    |    4 ++--
 dlls/mshtml/tests/htmldoc.c    |    2 +-
 dlls/oleaut32/tests/vartest.c  |    4 ++--
 dlls/shell32/shelllink.c       |    4 ++--
 dlls/shell32/shellord.c        |    4 ++--
 dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c |    2 +-
 dlls/shlwapi/string.c          |    6 +++---
 dlls/winealsa.drv/dsoutput.c   |    2 +-
 dlls/wined3d/device.c          |    2 +-
 dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c     |    2 +-
 dlls/wined3d/state.c           |    2 +-
 dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c       |    2 +-
 dlls/winspool.drv/tests/info.c |    2 +-
 dlls/ws2_32/socket.c           |    2 +-
 programs/uninstaller/main.c    |    2 +-
 18 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/atl/atl_main.c b/dlls/atl/atl_main.c
index 4e1ea13..b03effc 100644
--- a/dlls/atl/atl_main.c
+++ b/dlls/atl/atl_main.c
@@ -421,8 +421,8 @@ HRESULT WINAPI AtlModuleUnregisterServer(_ATL_MODULEW *pm, const CLSID *clsid)
  *  Can be called multiple times without error, unlike RegisterClassEx().
- *  If the class name is NULL then it a class with a name of "ATLxxxxxxxx" is
- *  registered, where the x's represent an unique value.
+ *  If the class name is NULL, then a class with a name of "ATLxxxxxxxx" is
+ *  registered, where the 'x's represent a unique value.
 ATOM WINAPI AtlModuleRegisterWndClassInfoW(_ATL_MODULEW *pm, _ATL_WNDCLASSINFOW *wci, WNDPROC *pProc)
diff --git a/dlls/comctl32/string.c b/dlls/comctl32/string.c
index 1c01b08..c362081 100644
--- a/dlls/comctl32/string.c
+++ b/dlls/comctl32/string.c
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(commctrl);
  * Internal helper for ChrCmpA/COMCTL32_ChrCmpIA.
- *  Both this function and its Unicode counterpart are very inneficient. To
+ *  Both this function and its Unicode counterpart are very inefficient. To
  *  fix this, CompareString must be completely implemented and optimised
  *  first. Then the core character test can be taken out of that function and
  *  placed here, so that it need never be called at all. Until then, do not
diff --git a/dlls/comdlg32/printdlg.c b/dlls/comdlg32/printdlg.c
index 85ffe00..98ed375 100644
--- a/dlls/comdlg32/printdlg.c
+++ b/dlls/comdlg32/printdlg.c
@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI PrintDlgW(LPPRINTDLGW lppd)
  *          PageSetupDlg
  * rad1 - portrait
  * rad2 - landscape
- * cmb1 - printer select (not in standart dialog template)
+ * cmb1 - printer select (not in standard dialog template)
  * cmb2 - paper size
  * cmb3 - source (tray?)
  * edt4 - border left
@@ -2315,7 +2315,7 @@ typedef struct {
     LPPAGESETUPDLGA	dlga; /* Handler to user defined struct */
     PRINTDLGA		pdlg;
     HWND 		hDlg; /* Page Setup dialog handler */
-    PAGESETUPDLGA	curdlg; /* Struct means cerrent dialog state */
+    PAGESETUPDLGA	curdlg; /* Stores the current dialog state */
     RECT		rtDrawRect; /* Drawing rect for page */
 } PageSetupDataA;
@@ -2479,7 +2479,7 @@ _c_str2sizeW(PAGESETUPDLGW *dlga, LPCWSTR strin) {
  *  hDlg	[in] 	 main window dialog HANDLE
- *  pda 	[in/out] ptr to PageSetupDataA structere
+ *  pda 	[in/out] ptr to PageSetupDataA structure
  *  TRUE
diff --git a/dlls/mapi32/tests/imalloc.c b/dlls/mapi32/tests/imalloc.c
index e8efc4a..f882a20 100644
--- a/dlls/mapi32/tests/imalloc.c
+++ b/dlls/mapi32/tests/imalloc.c
@@ -53,13 +53,13 @@ static void test_IMalloc(void)
     lpVoid = NULL;
     hRet = IMalloc_QueryInterface(lpMalloc, &IID_IUnknown, &lpVoid);
     ok (hRet == S_OK && lpVoid != NULL,
-        "IID_IUnknown: exepected S_OK, non-null, got 0x%08x, %p\n",
+        "IID_IUnknown: expected S_OK, non-null, got 0x%08x, %p\n",
         hRet, lpVoid);
     lpVoid = NULL;
     hRet = IMalloc_QueryInterface(lpMalloc, &IID_IMalloc, &lpVoid);
     ok (hRet == S_OK && lpVoid != NULL,
-        "IID_IIMalloc: exepected S_OK, non-null, got 0x%08x, %p\n",
+        "IID_IIMalloc: expected S_OK, non-null, got 0x%08x, %p\n",
         hRet, lpVoid);
     /* Prove that native mapi uses LocalAlloc/LocalFree */
diff --git a/dlls/mshtml/tests/htmldoc.c b/dlls/mshtml/tests/htmldoc.c
index 33deb5e..ebcbc01 100644
--- a/dlls/mshtml/tests/htmldoc.c
+++ b/dlls/mshtml/tests/htmldoc.c
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI Moniker_BindToStorage(IMoniker *iface, IBindCtx *pbc, IMon
     ok(bindinfo.dwOptionsFlags == 0, "bindinfo.dwOptionsFlags=%d\n", bindinfo.dwOptionsFlags);
     /* TODO: test dwCodePage */
     /* TODO: test securityAttributes */
-    ok(IsEqualGUID(&IID_NULL, &bindinfo.iid), "unexepected bindinfo.iid\n");
+    ok(IsEqualGUID(&IID_NULL, &bindinfo.iid), "unexpected bindinfo.iid\n");
     ok(bindinfo.pUnk == NULL, "bindinfo.pUnk=%p\n", bindinfo.pUnk);
     ok(bindinfo.dwReserved == 0, "bindinfo.dwReserved=%d\n", bindinfo.dwReserved);
diff --git a/dlls/oleaut32/tests/vartest.c b/dlls/oleaut32/tests/vartest.c
index ed00a40..44cc5c3 100644
--- a/dlls/oleaut32/tests/vartest.c
+++ b/dlls/oleaut32/tests/vartest.c
@@ -6321,7 +6321,7 @@ static void test_VarCmp(void)
     SETDEC64(dec,20,0,0x5,0x6BC75E2D,0x63100001);     /* 1+1e-20 */
-    VARCMP(DECIMAL,dec,R8,1,VARCMP_GT); /* DECIMAL has higher precission */
+    VARCMP(DECIMAL,dec,R8,1,VARCMP_GT); /* DECIMAL has higher precision */
     /* Show that DATE is handled just as a R8 */
@@ -6334,7 +6334,7 @@ static void test_VarCmp(void)
-    /* R4 precission handling */
+    /* R4 precision handling */
diff --git a/dlls/shell32/shelllink.c b/dlls/shell32/shelllink.c
index 8a3d69d..8d9c73c 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/shelllink.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/shelllink.c
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
- *   Nearly complete informations about the binary formats 
+ *   Nearly complete information about the binary formats 
  *   of .lnk files available at
  *  You can use winedump to examine the contents of a link file:
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ typedef struct
 	LONG            ref;
-	/* data structures according to the informations in the link */
+	/* data structures according to the information in the link */
 	WORD		wHotKey;
diff --git a/dlls/shell32/shellord.c b/dlls/shell32/shellord.c
index f85c533..4719c77 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/shellord.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/shellord.c
@@ -1319,14 +1319,14 @@ HRESULT WINAPI SetAppStartingCursor(HWND u, DWORD v)
  * SHLoadOLE					[SHELL32.151]
- * To reduce the memory usage of Windows 95 it's shell32 contained an
+ * To reduce the memory usage of Windows 95, its shell32 contained an
  * internal implementation of a part of COM (see e.g. SHGetMalloc, SHCoCreateInstance,
  * SHRegisterDragDrop etc.) that allowed to use in-process STA objects without
  * the need to load OLE32.DLL. If OLE32.DLL was already loaded, the SH* function
  * would just call the Co* functions.
  * The SHLoadOLE was called when OLE32.DLL was being loaded to transfer all the
- * informations from the shell32 "mini-COM" to ole32.dll.
+ * information from the shell32 "mini-COM" to ole32.dll.
  * See for a
  * detailed description.
diff --git a/dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c b/dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c
index 4606fff..f35fa5d 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ static void test_GetDisplayName(void)
                 SHGDN_FORPARSING, NULL);
         ok (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED), "SetNameOf succeeded! hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        /* Rename the file back to it's original name. SetNameOf ignores the fact, that the 
+        /* Rename the file back to its original name. SetNameOf ignores the fact, that the 
          * SHGDN flags specify an absolute path. */
         hr = IShellFolder_SetNameOf(psfPersonal, NULL, pidlNew, wszFileName, SHGDN_FORPARSING, NULL);
         ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetNameOf failed! hr = %08x\n", hr);
diff --git a/dlls/shlwapi/string.c b/dlls/shlwapi/string.c
index b8cabf1..fd85d07 100644
--- a/dlls/shlwapi/string.c
+++ b/dlls/shlwapi/string.c
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ static int FormatDouble(double value, int decimals, LPWSTR pszBuf, int cchBuf)
  * Internal helper for SHLWAPI_ChrCmpA/ChrCMPIA.
- *  Both this function and its Unicode counterpart are very inneficient. To
+ *  Both this function and its Unicode counterpart are very inefficient. To
  *  fix this, CompareString must be completely implemented and optimised
  *  first. Then the core character test can be taken out of that function and
  *  placed here, so that it need never be called at all. Until then, do not
@@ -2172,7 +2172,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI StrIsIntlEqualW(BOOL bCase, LPCWSTR lpszStr, LPCWSTR lpszComp,
  *  iLen     [I] Maximum number of chars to copy
- *  Success: A pointer to the last character written to lpszDest..
+ *  Success: A pointer to the last character written to lpszDest.
  *  Failure: lpszDest, if any arguments are invalid.
 LPSTR WINAPI StrCpyNXA(LPSTR lpszDest, LPCSTR lpszSrc, int iLen)
@@ -2772,7 +2772,7 @@ BOOL WINAPI DoesStringRoundTripW(LPCWSTR lpSrcStr, LPSTR lpDst, INT iLen)
  *      SHLoadIndirectString    [SHLWAPI.@]
- * If passed a string that begins with a '@' extract the string from the
+ * If passed a string that begins with '@', extract the string from the
  * appropriate resource, otherwise do a straight copy.
diff --git a/dlls/winealsa.drv/dsoutput.c b/dlls/winealsa.drv/dsoutput.c
index 1b7e9b1..5eca299 100644
--- a/dlls/winealsa.drv/dsoutput.c
+++ b/dlls/winealsa.drv/dsoutput.c
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ static int DSDB_CreateMMAP(IDsDriverBufferImpl* pdbi)
         psize *= 2;
         if (err < 0) {
-            ERR("Errno %d (%s) occured when setting buffer size\n", err, strerror(errno));
+            ERR("Errno %d (%s) occurred when setting buffer size\n", err, strerror(errno));
         TRACE("mmap'd buffer is an ALSA emulation of hardware buffer.\n");
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/device.c b/dlls/wined3d/device.c
index 2f95fb1..c37a7a0 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/device.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/device.c
@@ -1463,7 +1463,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DDeviceImpl_CreateAdditionalSwapChain(IWineD3DDevic
-    /** TODO: use a context mamager **/
+    /** TODO: use a context manager **/
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c b/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c
index 5fd6c5a..6e1d6bc 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c
@@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ void shader_glsl_mov(SHADER_OPCODE_ARG* arg) {
     write_mask = shader_glsl_append_dst(buffer, arg);
     shader_glsl_add_src_param(arg, arg->src[0], arg->src_addr[0], write_mask, &src0_param);
-    /* In vs_1_1 WINED3DSIO_MOV can write to the adress register. In later
+    /* In vs_1_1 WINED3DSIO_MOV can write to the address register. In later
      * shader versions WINED3DSIO_MOVA is used for this. */
     if ((WINED3DSHADER_VERSION_MAJOR(shader->baseShader.hex_version) == 1 &&
             !shader_is_pshader_version(shader->baseShader.hex_version) &&
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/state.c b/dlls/wined3d/state.c
index 40d4fa4..d2f1821 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/state.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/state.c
@@ -817,7 +817,7 @@ static void state_colormat(DWORD state, IWineD3DStateBlockImpl *stateblock) {
     WineDirect3DStridedData *diffuse = &device->strided_streams.u.s.diffuse;
     BOOL isDiffuseSupplied;
-    /* Depends on the decoded vertex declaration to read the existance of diffuse data.
+    /* Depends on the decoded vertex declaration to read the existence of diffuse data.
      * The vertex declaration will call this function if the fixed function pipeline is used.
     if(isStateDirty(device, STATE_VDECL)) {
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c b/dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c
index d975f26..0889bdf 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/swapchain.c
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IWineD3DSwapChainImpl_Present(IWineD3DSwapChain *iface, CO
     if (hDestWindowOverride && This->win_handle != hDestWindowOverride) {
         /* Set this swapchain up to point to the new destination.. */
-            /* TODO: use a context mamager */
+            /* TODO: use a context manager */
             /* FIXME: Never access */
diff --git a/dlls/winspool.drv/tests/info.c b/dlls/winspool.drv/tests/info.c
index 6c796b2..5a8994e 100644
--- a/dlls/winspool.drv/tests/info.c
+++ b/dlls/winspool.drv/tests/info.c
@@ -1773,7 +1773,7 @@ static void test_XcvDataW_PortIsValid(void)
         res, GetLastError(), needed, status);
-    /* a normal, writeable file is allowed */
+    /* a normal, writable file is allowed */
     needed = (DWORD) 0xdeadbeef;
     status = (DWORD) 0xdeadbeef;
diff --git a/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c b/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c
index a5c20d1..e7a5846 100644
--- a/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c
+++ b/dlls/ws2_32/socket.c
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ inline static DWORD NtStatusToWSAError( const DWORD status )
     case STATUS_NO_MEMORY:            wserr = WSAEFAULT;             break;
         if ( status >= WSABASEERR && status <= WSABASEERR+1004 )
-            /* It is not a NT status code but a winsock error */
+            /* It is not an NT status code but a winsock error */
             wserr = status;
diff --git a/programs/uninstaller/main.c b/programs/uninstaller/main.c
index 6b3f4c7..372f7a1 100644
--- a/programs/uninstaller/main.c
+++ b/programs/uninstaller/main.c
@@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ static int cmp_by_name(const void *a, const void *b)
- * Fetch informations from the uninstall key.
+ * Fetch information from the uninstall key.
 static int FetchUninstallInformation(void)

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