[21/21] gdiplus: extend GdipDrawImagePointsRect

Evan Stade estade at gmail.com
Tue Jul 31 21:16:23 CDT 2007


* render more image types (i.e. not just metafiles)

 dlls/gdiplus/graphics.c |   28 +++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

Evan Stade
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/dlls/gdiplus/graphics.c b/dlls/gdiplus/graphics.c
index bf976b6..4fd2f64 100644
--- a/dlls/gdiplus/graphics.c
+++ b/dlls/gdiplus/graphics.c
@@ -1039,6 +1039,7 @@ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipDrawImagePointsR
     GpPointF ptf[3];
     POINT pti[3];
+    REAL dx, dy;
     TRACE("%p %p %p %d %f %f %f %f %d %p %p %p\n", graphics, image, points, count,
           srcx, srcy, srcwidth, srcheight, srcUnit, imageAttributes, callback,
@@ -1047,20 +1048,33 @@ GpStatus WINGDIPAPI GdipDrawImagePointsR
     if(!graphics || !image || !points || !imageAttributes || count != 3)
          return InvalidParameter;
-    if(image->type != ImageTypeMetafile)
-        return NotImplemented;
-    if((points[0].X != points[2].X) || (points[0].Y != points[1].Y))
-        return NotImplemented;
-    if(srcUnit != UnitInch)
+    if(srcUnit == UnitInch)
+        dx = dy = (REAL) INCH_HIMETRIC;
+    else if(srcUnit == UnitPixel){
+        dx = ((REAL) INCH_HIMETRIC) /
+             ((REAL) GetDeviceCaps(graphics->hdc, LOGPIXELSX));
+        dy = ((REAL) INCH_HIMETRIC) /
+             ((REAL) GetDeviceCaps(graphics->hdc, LOGPIXELSY));
+    }
+    else
         return NotImplemented;
     memcpy(ptf, points, 3 * sizeof(GpPointF));
     transform_and_round_points(graphics, pti, ptf, 3);
+    /* IPicture renders bitmaps with the y-axis reversed
+     * FIXME: flipping for unknown image type might not be correct. */
+    if(image->type != ImageTypeMetafile){
+        INT temp;
+        temp = pti[0].y;
+        pti[0].y = pti[2].y;
+        pti[2].y = temp;
+    }
     if(IPicture_Render(image->picture, graphics->hdc,
         pti[0].x, pti[0].y, pti[1].x - pti[0].x, pti[2].y - pti[0].y,
-        srcx * INCH_HIMETRIC, srcy * INCH_HIMETRIC,
-        srcwidth * INCH_HIMETRIC, srcheight * INCH_HIMETRIC,
+        srcx * dx, srcy * dy,
+        srcwidth * dx, srcheight * dy,
         NULL) != S_OK){

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