shell32: Replace inline static with static inline

Andrew Talbot Andrew.Talbot at
Thu Mar 22 13:27:53 CDT 2007

    shell32: Replace inline static with static inline.

diff -urN a/dlls/shell32/shell32_main.h b/dlls/shell32/shell32_main.h
--- a/dlls/shell32/shell32_main.h	2007-02-12 15:36:49.000000000 +0000
+++ b/dlls/shell32/shell32_main.h	2007-03-22 18:17:58.000000000 +0000
@@ -175,7 +175,7 @@
 void WINAPI _InsertMenuItem (HMENU hmenu, UINT indexMenu, BOOL fByPosition,
 			UINT wID, UINT fType, LPCSTR dwTypeData, UINT fState);
-inline static BOOL SHELL_OsIsUnicode(void)
+static inline BOOL SHELL_OsIsUnicode(void)
     /* if high-bit of version is 0, we are emulating NT */
     return !(GetVersion() & 0x80000000);
@@ -186,26 +186,26 @@
 	  SHFree(*ptr); \
 	  *ptr = NULL; \
-inline static void __SHCloneStrA(char ** target,const char * source)
+static inline void __SHCloneStrA(char ** target,const char * source)
 	*target = SHAlloc(strlen(source)+1);
 	strcpy(*target, source);
-inline static void __SHCloneStrWtoA(char ** target, const WCHAR * source)
+static inline void __SHCloneStrWtoA(char ** target, const WCHAR * source)
 	int len = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, source, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
 	*target = SHAlloc(len);
 	WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, source, -1, *target, len, NULL, NULL);
-inline static void __SHCloneStrW(WCHAR ** target, const WCHAR * source)
+static inline void __SHCloneStrW(WCHAR ** target, const WCHAR * source)
 	*target = SHAlloc( (lstrlenW(source)+1) * sizeof(WCHAR) );
 	lstrcpyW(*target, source);
-inline static WCHAR * __SHCloneStrAtoW(WCHAR ** target, const char * source)
+static inline WCHAR * __SHCloneStrAtoW(WCHAR ** target, const char * source)
 	int len = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, source, -1, NULL, 0);
 	*target = SHAlloc(len*sizeof(WCHAR));
diff -urN a/dlls/shell32/shelllink.c b/dlls/shell32/shelllink.c
--- a/dlls/shell32/shelllink.c	2007-02-22 14:22:36.000000000 +0000
+++ b/dlls/shell32/shelllink.c	2007-03-22 18:18:12.000000000 +0000
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@
 static HRESULT ShellLink_UpdatePath(LPWSTR sPathRel, LPCWSTR path, LPCWSTR sWorkDir, LPWSTR* psPath);
 /* strdup on the process heap */
-inline static LPWSTR HEAP_strdupAtoW( HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPCSTR str)
+static inline LPWSTR HEAP_strdupAtoW( HANDLE heap, DWORD flags, LPCSTR str)
     INT len = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, NULL, 0 );
     LPWSTR p = HeapAlloc( heap, flags, len*sizeof (WCHAR) );
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
     return p;
-inline static LPWSTR strdupW( LPCWSTR src )
+static inline LPWSTR strdupW( LPCWSTR src )
     LPWSTR dest;
     if (!src) return NULL;

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