kernel32: Fix for WritePrivateProfileString Sharing Problem [1/2] (ATTEMPT 3)

Erich Hoover ehoover at
Thu Apr 10 19:58:04 CDT 2008

Real Name:
    Erich Hoover
    Fixes incorrect file sharing mode in PROFILE_FlushFile and PROFILE_Open
that result in WritePrivateProfileString failing under certain
circumstances.  This problem is specifically evident in the "Thief: Deadly
Shadows" installer (demo and full), which writes an empty config file that
later causes the game to crash (Bug #5024). This version is functionally
equivalent to Attempt 2; however, it uses NtCreateFile so there is no need
to push and pop the error code.  This version also sets ERROR_SUCCESS, as
opposed to S_OK, for Get* functions.  Conformance test included in part 2.
    kernel32: Fix for WritePrivateProfileString Sharing Problem
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