[PATCH 1/6] OLE: Remove tabs from olepicture.c test file.

Nathan Beckmann nathan.beckmann at gmail.com
Sun Feb 24 09:57:14 CST 2008

 dlls/oleaut32/tests/olepicture.c |  520 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 1 files changed, 260 insertions(+), 260 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/oleaut32/tests/olepicture.c b/dlls/oleaut32/tests/olepicture.c
index c0d0de9..6e732c1 100644
--- a/dlls/oleaut32/tests/olepicture.c
+++ b/dlls/oleaut32/tests/olepicture.c
@@ -123,12 +123,12 @@ static const unsigned char apmdata[] = {
 struct NoStatStreamImpl
-	const IStreamVtbl	*lpVtbl;   
-	LONG			ref;
+        const IStreamVtbl       *lpVtbl;   
+        LONG                    ref;
-	HGLOBAL			supportHandle;
-	ULARGE_INTEGER		streamSize;
-	ULARGE_INTEGER		currentPosition;
+        HGLOBAL                 supportHandle;
+        ULARGE_INTEGER          streamSize;
+        ULARGE_INTEGER          currentPosition;
 typedef struct NoStatStreamImpl NoStatStreamImpl;
 static NoStatStreamImpl* NoStatStreamImpl_Construct(HGLOBAL hGlobal);
@@ -136,212 +136,212 @@ static NoStatStreamImpl* NoStatStreamImpl_Construct(HGLOBAL hGlobal);
 static void
 test_pic_with_stream(LPSTREAM stream, unsigned int imgsize)
-	IPicture*	pic = NULL;
-	HRESULT		hres;
-	LPVOID		pvObj = NULL;
-	OLE_HANDLE	handle, hPal;
-	short		type;
-	DWORD		attr;
-	ULONG		res;
-	pvObj = NULL;
-	hres = pOleLoadPicture(stream, imgsize, TRUE, &IID_IPicture, &pvObj);
-	pic = pvObj;
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"OLP (NULL,..) does not return 0, but 0x%08x\n",hres);
-	ok(pic != NULL,"OLP (NULL,..) returns NULL, instead of !NULL\n");
-	if (pic == NULL)
-		return;
-	pvObj = NULL;
-	hres = IPicture_QueryInterface (pic, &IID_IPicture, &pvObj);
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_QI does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok(pvObj != NULL,"IPicture_QI does return NULL, instead of a ptr\n");
-	IPicture_Release ((IPicture*)pvObj);
-	handle = 0;
-	hres = IPicture_get_Handle (pic, &handle);
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Handle does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok(handle != 0, "IPicture_get_Handle returns a NULL handle, but it should be non NULL\n");
-	width = 0;
-	hres = IPicture_get_Width (pic, &width);
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Width does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok(width != 0, "IPicture_get_Width returns 0, but it should not be 0.\n");
-	height = 0;
-	hres = IPicture_get_Height (pic, &height);
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Height does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok(height != 0, "IPicture_get_Height returns 0, but it should not be 0.\n");
-	type = 0;
-	hres = IPicture_get_Type (pic, &type);
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Type does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok(type == PICTYPE_BITMAP, "IPicture_get_Type returns %d, but it should be PICTYPE_BITMAP(%d).\n", type, PICTYPE_BITMAP);
-	attr = 0;
-	hres = IPicture_get_Attributes (pic, &attr);
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Attributes does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok(attr == 0, "IPicture_get_Attributes returns %d, but it should be 0.\n", attr);
-	hPal = 0;
-	hres = IPicture_get_hPal (pic, &hPal);
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_hPal does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	/* a single pixel b/w image has no palette */
-	ok(hPal == 0, "IPicture_get_hPal returns %d, but it should be 0.\n", hPal);
-	res = IPicture_Release (pic);
-	ok (res == 0, "refcount after release is %d, but should be 0?\n", res);
+        IPicture*       pic = NULL;
+        HRESULT         hres;
+        LPVOID          pvObj = NULL;
+        OLE_HANDLE      handle, hPal;
+        OLE_XSIZE_HIMETRIC      width;
+        OLE_YSIZE_HIMETRIC      height;
+        short           type;
+        DWORD           attr;
+        ULONG           res;
+        pvObj = NULL;
+        hres = pOleLoadPicture(stream, imgsize, TRUE, &IID_IPicture, &pvObj);
+        pic = pvObj;
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"OLP (NULL,..) does not return 0, but 0x%08x\n",hres);
+        ok(pic != NULL,"OLP (NULL,..) returns NULL, instead of !NULL\n");
+        if (pic == NULL)
+                return;
+        pvObj = NULL;
+        hres = IPicture_QueryInterface (pic, &IID_IPicture, &pvObj);
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_QI does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok(pvObj != NULL,"IPicture_QI does return NULL, instead of a ptr\n");
+        IPicture_Release ((IPicture*)pvObj);
+        handle = 0;
+        hres = IPicture_get_Handle (pic, &handle);
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Handle does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok(handle != 0, "IPicture_get_Handle returns a NULL handle, but it should be non NULL\n");
+        width = 0;
+        hres = IPicture_get_Width (pic, &width);
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Width does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok(width != 0, "IPicture_get_Width returns 0, but it should not be 0.\n");
+        height = 0;
+        hres = IPicture_get_Height (pic, &height);
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Height does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok(height != 0, "IPicture_get_Height returns 0, but it should not be 0.\n");
+        type = 0;
+        hres = IPicture_get_Type (pic, &type);
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Type does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok(type == PICTYPE_BITMAP, "IPicture_get_Type returns %d, but it should be PICTYPE_BITMAP(%d).\n", type, PICTYPE_BITMAP);
+        attr = 0;
+        hres = IPicture_get_Attributes (pic, &attr);
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_Attributes does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok(attr == 0, "IPicture_get_Attributes returns %d, but it should be 0.\n", attr);
+        hPal = 0;
+        hres = IPicture_get_hPal (pic, &hPal);
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"IPicture_get_hPal does not return S_OK, but 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        /* a single pixel b/w image has no palette */
+        ok(hPal == 0, "IPicture_get_hPal returns %d, but it should be 0.\n", hPal);
+        res = IPicture_Release (pic);
+        ok (res == 0, "refcount after release is %d, but should be 0?\n", res);
 static void
 test_pic(const unsigned char *imgdata, unsigned int imgsize)
-	LPSTREAM 	stream;
-	HGLOBAL		hglob;
-	LPBYTE		data;
-	HRESULT		hres;
-	DWORD * 	header;
-	unsigned int 	i,j;
-	/* Let the fun begin */
-	hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, imgsize);
-	data = GlobalLock (hglob);
-	memcpy(data, imgdata, imgsize);
-	GlobalUnlock(hglob); data = NULL;
-	hres = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, FALSE, &stream);
-	ok (hres == S_OK, "createstreamonhglobal failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	memset(&seekto,0,sizeof(seekto));
-	hres = IStream_Seek(stream,seekto,SEEK_CUR,&newpos1);
-	ok (hres == S_OK, "istream seek failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	test_pic_with_stream(stream, imgsize);
-	IStream_Release(stream);
-	/* again with Non Statable and Non Seekable stream */
-	stream = (LPSTREAM)NoStatStreamImpl_Construct(hglob);
-	hglob = 0;  /* Non-statable impl always deletes on release */
-	test_pic_with_stream(stream, 0);
-	IStream_Release(stream);
-	for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
-		/* more fun!!! */
-		hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, imgsize + i * (2 * sizeof(DWORD)));
-		data = GlobalLock (hglob);
-		header = (DWORD *)data;
-		/* multiple copies of header */
-		memcpy(data,"lt\0\0",4);
-		header[1] = imgsize;
-		for (j = 2; j <= i; j++) {
-			memcpy(&(header[2 * (j - 1)]), header, 2 * sizeof(DWORD));
-		}
-		memcpy(data + i * (2 * sizeof(DWORD)), imgdata, imgsize);
-		GlobalUnlock(hglob); data = NULL;
-		hres = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, FALSE, &stream);
-		ok (hres == S_OK, "createstreamonhglobal failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-		memset(&seekto,0,sizeof(seekto));
-		hres = IStream_Seek(stream,seekto,SEEK_CUR,&newpos1);
-		ok (hres == S_OK, "istream seek failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-		test_pic_with_stream(stream, imgsize);
-		IStream_Release(stream);
-		/* again with Non Statable and Non Seekable stream */
-		stream = (LPSTREAM)NoStatStreamImpl_Construct(hglob);
-		hglob = 0;  /* Non-statable impl always deletes on release */
-		test_pic_with_stream(stream, 0);
-		IStream_Release(stream);
-	}
+        LPSTREAM        stream;
+        HGLOBAL         hglob;
+        LPBYTE          data;
+        HRESULT         hres;
+        LARGE_INTEGER   seekto;
+        ULARGE_INTEGER  newpos1;
+        DWORD *         header;
+        unsigned int    i,j;
+        /* Let the fun begin */
+        hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, imgsize);
+        data = GlobalLock (hglob);
+        memcpy(data, imgdata, imgsize);
+        GlobalUnlock(hglob); data = NULL;
+        hres = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, FALSE, &stream);
+        ok (hres == S_OK, "createstreamonhglobal failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        memset(&seekto,0,sizeof(seekto));
+        hres = IStream_Seek(stream,seekto,SEEK_CUR,&newpos1);
+        ok (hres == S_OK, "istream seek failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        test_pic_with_stream(stream, imgsize);
+        IStream_Release(stream);
+        /* again with Non Statable and Non Seekable stream */
+        stream = (LPSTREAM)NoStatStreamImpl_Construct(hglob);
+        hglob = 0;  /* Non-statable impl always deletes on release */
+        test_pic_with_stream(stream, 0);
+        IStream_Release(stream);
+        for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) {
+                /* more fun!!! */
+                hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, imgsize + i * (2 * sizeof(DWORD)));
+                data = GlobalLock (hglob);
+                header = (DWORD *)data;
+                /* multiple copies of header */
+                memcpy(data,"lt\0\0",4);
+                header[1] = imgsize;
+                for (j = 2; j <= i; j++) {
+                        memcpy(&(header[2 * (j - 1)]), header, 2 * sizeof(DWORD));
+                }
+                memcpy(data + i * (2 * sizeof(DWORD)), imgdata, imgsize);
+                GlobalUnlock(hglob); data = NULL;
+                hres = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, FALSE, &stream);
+                ok (hres == S_OK, "createstreamonhglobal failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+                memset(&seekto,0,sizeof(seekto));
+                hres = IStream_Seek(stream,seekto,SEEK_CUR,&newpos1);
+                ok (hres == S_OK, "istream seek failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+                test_pic_with_stream(stream, imgsize);
+                IStream_Release(stream);
+                /* again with Non Statable and Non Seekable stream */
+                stream = (LPSTREAM)NoStatStreamImpl_Construct(hglob);
+                hglob = 0;  /* Non-statable impl always deletes on release */
+                test_pic_with_stream(stream, 0);
+                IStream_Release(stream);
+        }
 static void test_empty_image(void) {
-	LPBYTE		data;
-	LPSTREAM	stream;
-	IPicture*	pic = NULL;
-	HRESULT		hres;
-	LPVOID		pvObj = NULL;
-	HGLOBAL		hglob;
-	OLE_HANDLE	handle;
-	short		type;
-	/* Empty image. Happens occasionally in VB programs. */
-	hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, 8);
-	data = GlobalLock (hglob);
-	memcpy(data,"lt\0\0",4);
-	((DWORD*)data)[1] = 0;
-	hres = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, TRUE, &stream);
-	ok (hres == S_OK, "CreatestreamOnHGlobal failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	memset(&seekto,0,sizeof(seekto));
-	hres = IStream_Seek(stream,seekto,SEEK_CUR,&newpos1);
-	ok (hres == S_OK, "istream seek failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	pvObj = NULL;
-	hres = pOleLoadPicture(stream, 8, TRUE, &IID_IPicture, &pvObj);
-	pic = pvObj;
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"empty picture not loaded, hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok(pic != NULL,"empty picture not loaded, pic is NULL\n");
-	hres = IPicture_get_Type (pic, &type);
-	ok (hres == S_OK,"empty picture get type failed with hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok (type == PICTYPE_NONE,"type is %d, but should be PICTYPE_NONE(0)\n", type);
-	hres = IPicture_get_Handle (pic, &handle);
-	ok (hres == S_OK,"empty picture get handle failed with hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok (handle == 0, "empty picture get handle did not return 0, but 0x%08x\n", handle);
-	IPicture_Release (pic);
+        LPBYTE          data;
+        LPSTREAM        stream;
+        IPicture*       pic = NULL;
+        HRESULT         hres;
+        LPVOID          pvObj = NULL;
+        HGLOBAL         hglob;
+        OLE_HANDLE      handle;
+        ULARGE_INTEGER  newpos1;
+        LARGE_INTEGER   seekto;
+        short           type;
+        /* Empty image. Happens occasionally in VB programs. */
+        hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, 8);
+        data = GlobalLock (hglob);
+        memcpy(data,"lt\0\0",4);
+        ((DWORD*)data)[1] = 0;
+        hres = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, TRUE, &stream);
+        ok (hres == S_OK, "CreatestreamOnHGlobal failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        memset(&seekto,0,sizeof(seekto));
+        hres = IStream_Seek(stream,seekto,SEEK_CUR,&newpos1);
+        ok (hres == S_OK, "istream seek failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        pvObj = NULL;
+        hres = pOleLoadPicture(stream, 8, TRUE, &IID_IPicture, &pvObj);
+        pic = pvObj;
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"empty picture not loaded, hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok(pic != NULL,"empty picture not loaded, pic is NULL\n");
+        hres = IPicture_get_Type (pic, &type);
+        ok (hres == S_OK,"empty picture get type failed with hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok (type == PICTYPE_NONE,"type is %d, but should be PICTYPE_NONE(0)\n", type);
+        hres = IPicture_get_Handle (pic, &handle);
+        ok (hres == S_OK,"empty picture get handle failed with hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok (handle == 0, "empty picture get handle did not return 0, but 0x%08x\n", handle);
+        IPicture_Release (pic);
 static void test_empty_image_2(void) {
-	LPBYTE		data;
-	LPSTREAM	stream;
-	IPicture*	pic = NULL;
-	HRESULT		hres;
-	LPVOID		pvObj = NULL;
-	HGLOBAL		hglob;
-	short		type;
-	/* Empty image at random stream position. */
-	hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, 200);
-	data = GlobalLock (hglob);
-	data += 42;
-	memcpy(data,"lt\0\0",4);
-	((DWORD*)data)[1] = 0;
-	hres = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, TRUE, &stream);
-	ok (hres == S_OK, "CreatestreamOnHGlobal failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	memset(&seekto,0,sizeof(seekto));
-	seekto.u.LowPart = 42;
-	hres = IStream_Seek(stream,seekto,SEEK_CUR,&newpos1);
-	ok (hres == S_OK, "istream seek failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	pvObj = NULL;
-	hres = pOleLoadPicture(stream, 8, TRUE, &IID_IPicture, &pvObj);
-	pic = pvObj;
-	ok(hres == S_OK,"empty picture not loaded, hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok(pic != NULL,"empty picture not loaded, pic is NULL\n");
-	hres = IPicture_get_Type (pic, &type);
-	ok (hres == S_OK,"empty picture get type failed with hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
-	ok (type == PICTYPE_NONE,"type is %d, but should be PICTYPE_NONE(0)\n", type);
-	IPicture_Release (pic);
+        LPBYTE          data;
+        LPSTREAM        stream;
+        IPicture*       pic = NULL;
+        HRESULT         hres;
+        LPVOID          pvObj = NULL;
+        HGLOBAL         hglob;
+        ULARGE_INTEGER  newpos1;
+        LARGE_INTEGER   seekto;
+        short           type;
+        /* Empty image at random stream position. */
+        hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, 200);
+        data = GlobalLock (hglob);
+        data += 42;
+        memcpy(data,"lt\0\0",4);
+        ((DWORD*)data)[1] = 0;
+        hres = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, TRUE, &stream);
+        ok (hres == S_OK, "CreatestreamOnHGlobal failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        memset(&seekto,0,sizeof(seekto));
+        seekto.u.LowPart = 42;
+        hres = IStream_Seek(stream,seekto,SEEK_CUR,&newpos1);
+        ok (hres == S_OK, "istream seek failed? doubt it... hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        pvObj = NULL;
+        hres = pOleLoadPicture(stream, 8, TRUE, &IID_IPicture, &pvObj);
+        pic = pvObj;
+        ok(hres == S_OK,"empty picture not loaded, hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok(pic != NULL,"empty picture not loaded, pic is NULL\n");
+        hres = IPicture_get_Type (pic, &type);
+        ok (hres == S_OK,"empty picture get type failed with hres 0x%08x\n", hres);
+        ok (type == PICTYPE_NONE,"type is %d, but should be PICTYPE_NONE(0)\n", type);
+        IPicture_Release (pic);
 static void test_Invoke(void)
@@ -355,15 +355,15 @@ static void test_Invoke(void)
     HGLOBAL hglob;
     void *data;
-	hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, sizeof(gifimage));
-	data = GlobalLock(hglob);
-	memcpy(data, gifimage, sizeof(gifimage));
+        hglob = GlobalAlloc (0, sizeof(gifimage));
+        data = GlobalLock(hglob);
+        memcpy(data, gifimage, sizeof(gifimage));
-	hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, FALSE, &stream);
+        hr = CreateStreamOnHGlobal (hglob, FALSE, &stream);
     ok_ole_success(hr, "CreateStreamOnHGlobal");
-	hr = pOleLoadPicture(stream, sizeof(gifimage), TRUE, &IID_IPictureDisp, (void **)&picdisp);
+        hr = pOleLoadPicture(stream, sizeof(gifimage), TRUE, &IID_IPictureDisp, (void **)&picdisp);
     ok_ole_success(hr, "OleLoadPicture");
@@ -482,27 +482,27 @@ static void test_apm()
-	hOleaut32 = GetModuleHandleA("oleaut32.dll");
-	pOleLoadPicture = (void*)GetProcAddress(hOleaut32, "OleLoadPicture");
-	pOleCreatePictureIndirect = (void*)GetProcAddress(hOleaut32, "OleCreatePictureIndirect");
-	if (!pOleLoadPicture)
-	{
-	    skip("OleLoadPicture is not available\n");
-	    return;
-	}
-	/* Test regular 1x1 pixel images of gif, jpg, bmp type */
+        hOleaut32 = GetModuleHandleA("oleaut32.dll");
+        pOleLoadPicture = (void*)GetProcAddress(hOleaut32, "OleLoadPicture");
+        pOleCreatePictureIndirect = (void*)GetProcAddress(hOleaut32, "OleCreatePictureIndirect");
+        if (!pOleLoadPicture)
+        {
+            skip("OleLoadPicture is not available\n");
+            return;
+        }
+        /* Test regular 1x1 pixel images of gif, jpg, bmp type */
         test_pic(gifimage, sizeof(gifimage));
-	test_pic(jpgimage, sizeof(jpgimage));
-	test_pic(bmpimage, sizeof(bmpimage));
+        test_pic(jpgimage, sizeof(jpgimage));
+        test_pic(bmpimage, sizeof(bmpimage));
         test_pic(gif4pixel, sizeof(gif4pixel));
-	/* FIXME: No PNG support yet in Wine or in older Windows... */
-	if (0) test_pic(pngimage, sizeof(pngimage));
-	test_empty_image();
-	test_empty_image_2();
+        /* FIXME: No PNG support yet in Wine or in older Windows... */
+        if (0) test_pic(pngimage, sizeof(pngimage));
+        test_empty_image();
+        test_empty_image_2();
-	test_Invoke();
+        test_Invoke();
@@ -518,16 +518,16 @@ static void NoStatStreamImpl_Destroy(NoStatStreamImpl* This)
 static ULONG WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_AddRef(
-		IStream* iface)
+                IStream* iface)
   NoStatStreamImpl* const This=(NoStatStreamImpl*)iface;
   return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_QueryInterface(
-		  IStream*     iface,
-		  REFIID         riid,	      /* [in] */
-		  void**         ppvObject)   /* [iid_is][out] */
+                  IStream*     iface,
+                  REFIID         riid,        /* [in] */
+                  void**         ppvObject)   /* [iid_is][out] */
   NoStatStreamImpl* const This=(NoStatStreamImpl*)iface;
   if (ppvObject==0) return E_INVALIDARG;
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_QueryInterface(
 static ULONG WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Release(
-		IStream* iface)
+                IStream* iface)
   NoStatStreamImpl* const This=(NoStatStreamImpl*)iface;
   ULONG newRef = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
@@ -558,10 +558,10 @@ static ULONG WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Release(
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Read(
-		  IStream*     iface,
-		  void*          pv,        /* [length_is][size_is][out] */
-		  ULONG          cb,        /* [in] */
-		  ULONG*         pcbRead)   /* [out] */
+                  IStream*     iface,
+                  void*          pv,        /* [length_is][size_is][out] */
+                  ULONG          cb,        /* [in] */
+                  ULONG*         pcbRead)   /* [out] */
   NoStatStreamImpl* const This=(NoStatStreamImpl*)iface;
   void* supportBuffer;
@@ -582,10 +582,10 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Read(
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Write(
-	          IStream*     iface,
-		  const void*    pv,          /* [size_is][in] */
-		  ULONG          cb,          /* [in] */
-		  ULONG*         pcbWritten)  /* [out] */
+                  IStream*     iface,
+                  const void*    pv,          /* [size_is][in] */
+                  ULONG          cb,          /* [in] */
+                  ULONG*         pcbWritten)  /* [out] */
   NoStatStreamImpl* const This=(NoStatStreamImpl*)iface;
   void*          supportBuffer;
@@ -610,10 +610,10 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Write(
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Seek(
-		  IStream*      iface,
-		  LARGE_INTEGER   dlibMove,         /* [in] */
-		  DWORD           dwOrigin,         /* [in] */
-		  ULARGE_INTEGER* plibNewPosition) /* [out] */
+                  IStream*      iface,
+                  LARGE_INTEGER   dlibMove,         /* [in] */
+                  DWORD           dwOrigin,         /* [in] */
+                  ULARGE_INTEGER* plibNewPosition) /* [out] */
   NoStatStreamImpl* const This=(NoStatStreamImpl*)iface;
   ULARGE_INTEGER newPosition;
@@ -641,8 +641,8 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Seek(
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_SetSize(
-				     IStream*      iface,
-				     ULARGE_INTEGER  libNewSize)   /* [in] */
+                                     IStream*      iface,
+                                     ULARGE_INTEGER  libNewSize)   /* [in] */
   NoStatStreamImpl* const This=(NoStatStreamImpl*)iface;
   HGLOBAL supportHandle;
@@ -659,11 +659,11 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_SetSize(
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_CopyTo(
-				    IStream*      iface,
-				    IStream*      pstm,         /* [unique][in] */
-				    ULARGE_INTEGER  cb,           /* [in] */
-				    ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbRead,      /* [out] */
-				    ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbWritten)   /* [out] */
+                                    IStream*      iface,
+                                    IStream*      pstm,         /* [unique][in] */
+                                    ULARGE_INTEGER  cb,           /* [in] */
+                                    ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbRead,      /* [out] */
+                                    ULARGE_INTEGER* pcbWritten)   /* [out] */
   HRESULT        hr = S_OK;
   BYTE           tmpBuffer[128];
@@ -717,34 +717,34 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Commit(IStream* iface,DWORD grfCommitFlag
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Revert(IStream* iface) { return S_OK; }
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_LockRegion(
-		  IStream*       iface,
-		  ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset,   /* [in] */
-		  ULARGE_INTEGER cb,          /* [in] */
-		  DWORD          dwLockType)  /* [in] */
+                  IStream*       iface,
+                  ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset,   /* [in] */
+                  ULARGE_INTEGER cb,          /* [in] */
+                  DWORD          dwLockType)  /* [in] */
   return S_OK;
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_UnlockRegion(
-		  IStream*       iface,
-		  ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset,   /* [in] */
-		  ULARGE_INTEGER cb,          /* [in] */
-		  DWORD          dwLockType)  /* [in] */
+                  IStream*       iface,
+                  ULARGE_INTEGER libOffset,   /* [in] */
+                  ULARGE_INTEGER cb,          /* [in] */
+                  DWORD          dwLockType)  /* [in] */
   return S_OK;
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Stat(
-		  IStream*     iface,
-		  STATSTG*     pstatstg,     /* [out] */
-		  DWORD        grfStatFlag)  /* [in] */
+                  IStream*     iface,
+                  STATSTG*     pstatstg,     /* [out] */
+                  DWORD        grfStatFlag)  /* [in] */
   return E_NOTIMPL;
 static HRESULT WINAPI NoStatStreamImpl_Clone(
-		  IStream*     iface,
-		  IStream**    ppstm) /* [out] */
+                  IStream*     iface,
+                  IStream**    ppstm) /* [out] */
   return E_NOTIMPL;
@@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ static NoStatStreamImpl* NoStatStreamImpl_Construct(HGLOBAL hGlobal)
     if (!newStream->supportHandle)
       newStream->supportHandle = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE | GMEM_NODISCARD |
-					     GMEM_SHARE, 0);
+                                             GMEM_SHARE, 0);
     newStream->currentPosition.u.HighPart = 0;
     newStream->currentPosition.u.LowPart = 0;
     newStream->streamSize.u.HighPart = 0;

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