[Tools 12/12] winetest: We have one test executable per dll, and each contains multiple unit tests. Align the variable names accordingly.

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Fri Mar 14 11:31:24 CDT 2008


It's a bit strange to index a dllmissing hash table with a variable 
called '$unit' that contains the name of a dll. Also '$test' variables 
are already quite common and refer to different things. Hence this patch 
which hopes to clear some of the confusion. 

 winetest/dissect |   20 ++++++++++----------
 winetest/gather  |   18 +++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/winetest/dissect b/winetest/dissect
index 0d017fc..f3a0f13 100755
--- a/winetest/dissect
+++ b/winetest/dissect
@@ -151,27 +151,27 @@ if (/^Dll info:\r?$/) {
 /Test output:\r?/ or mydie "no test header: $_";
-my ($unit, $test, $source, $rev, $result);
+my ($dll, $unit, $source, $rev, $result);
 my ($lines,$total, $todo, $failed, $skipped);
-$unit = undef;                  # state machine starts
+$dll = undef;                   # state machine starts
 $total = $todo = $failed = $skipped = 0;
 $lines = 0;
 while (<IN>) {
-    if (!defined $unit) {       # new test
+    if (!defined $dll) {        # new test
         next if /^\s*$/;
         m[([_.a-z0-9]+):([_a-z0-9]+) start ([/_.a-z0-9]+) (-|[.0-9]+)\r?$]
           or mydie "no start line:$.: $_";
-        ($unit,$test,$source,$rev) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
+        ($dll,$unit,$source,$rev) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
         open OUT, ">:raw", $tmpfile or mydie "can't open $tmpfile: $!\n";
         print OUT;
-    } elsif (/^(.*$test.*: (\d+) tests executed \((\d+) marked as todo, (\d+) failures?\), (\d+) skipped\.)\r?$/) {
+    } elsif (/^(.*$unit.*: (\d+) tests executed \((\d+) marked as todo, (\d+) failures?\), (\d+) skipped\.)\r?$/) {
         $total += $2;
         $todo += $3;
         $failed += $4;
         $skipped += $5;
         print OUT;
-    } elsif (/$unit:$test done \((-?\d+)\)\r?$/) {
+    } elsif (/$dll:$unit done \((-?\d+)\)\r?$/) {
         chomp;                  # current test ended
         if ($lines==0) {
             $result = "failed $1 - -";
@@ -179,22 +179,22 @@ while (<IN>) {
             $result = "$total $todo $failed $skipped";
-        print SUM "- $unit $test $result $source $rev\n";
+        print SUM "- $dll $unit $result $source $rev\n";
         print OUT;
         close OUT or mydie "error writing $tmpfile: $!\n";
         if (-s $tmpfile) {
-            my $testfile = "$tmpdir/${unit}:${test}.txt";
+            my $testfile = "$tmpdir/$dll:$unit.txt";
             rename $tmpfile, $testfile or
               mydie "can't rename $tmpfile to $testfile: $!\n";
-        $unit = undef;
+        $dll = undef;
         $total = $todo = $failed = $skipped = 0;
         $lines = 0;
     } else {                    # current test output
         print OUT;
-if (defined $unit) {
+if (defined $dll) {
     # Either winetest crashed or the report file was cut off
     if ($filesize == $maxfilesize) {
diff --git a/winetest/gather b/winetest/gather
index bf84b24..9f46589 100755
--- a/winetest/gather
+++ b/winetest/gather
@@ -102,13 +102,13 @@ foreach my $file (glob "$datadir/$build/*/summary.txt") {
     while (<TEST>) {
-        my ($digest, $unit, $test, $count, $todo, $error, $skipped,
+        my ($digest, $dll, $unit, $count, $todo, $error, $skipped,
             $source, $rev) = split;
-        my $testname = "$unit:$test";
+        my $testname = "$dll:$unit";
         # Leave this in for older type reports
-        if ($test =~ /_dll_missing/) {
+        if ($unit =~ /_dll_missing/) {
             # Mark the dll as missing on this system
-            $testref->{dllmissing}->{$unit} = 1;
+            $testref->{dllmissing}->{$dll} = 1;
         $testref->{results}->{$testname} = [$count, $todo, $error, $skipped];
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ foreach my $group (@groups) {
             if (!exists $test->{results}->{$testname}) {
                 # Make sure missing tests are shown in the group results
                 $group->{digests}->{$testname} = "differ";
-                my ($dll, $subtest) = split(/:/, $testname);
+                my ($dll, $unit) = split(/:/, $testname);
                 my $crash = $test->{crash};
                 my $filelimit = $test->{filelimit};
                 if (exists $test->{dllmissing}->{$dll}) {
@@ -253,13 +253,13 @@ print OUT <<"EOF";
 <table class="report">
-      <th class="test">unit:test</th>
+      <th class="test">dll:unit_test</th>
-      <th class="test">unit:test</th>
+      <th class="test">dll:unit_test</th>
@@ -392,13 +392,13 @@ EOF
 <table class="report">
-      <th class="test">unit:test</th>
+      <th class="test">dll:unit_test</th>
-      <th class="test">unit:test</th>
+      <th class="test">dll:unit_test</th>

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