Progman: remove broken execute dialog, replace with Shell32 RunDialog

Steven Edwards winehacker at
Sat May 10 11:00:50 CDT 2008

On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Steven Edwards <winehacker at> wrote:
> This has pissed me off for years, partly because if you read the
> changelog I tried to fix it years ago and never got it quite right and
> its always been on my TODO list to fix. Rather than reinvent the
> wheel, just dump the whole thing in favor of a Shell32 RunDialog.

I spent some time lastnight and this morning reviewing the code in
Program Manager and I think we'd be better off just removing the
stupid thing. In Windows XP SP2 and higher its just a stub that
invokes explorer so I think we would be better off removing it for 1.0
(as its totally broken anyway) and if by some chance in hell we find
some old application that depends on progman.exe being there, we can
write a stub like Microsoft did.

Steven Edwards

"There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and
that is an idea whose time has come." - Victor Hugo

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