create DEVICEMAP\SERIALCOMM registry entries

Paul Chitescu paulc at
Wed Nov 26 08:20:03 CST 2008

On Wednesday 26 November 2008 03:17:45 A C Hurst wrote:
> This one scans /dev/ttyS* first, then scans dosdevices/com* for anything
> overriding these. Disallows duplicates, and links to non-existant ttyS*
> devices.
> I think the logic is good, even if it still isn't in the HAL section.


Please reconsider how you build the keyname and keydata strings. You must use 
a ...sprintf() call instead of adding to '0' since that would work only for 
indexes and ports between 0 and 9.

Remember to allocate enough buffer space to accommodate "\\Device\\Serial255" 
and "COM256".

And while we are at it what about /dev/ttyUSB* and /dev/ttyACM* ? And remember 
these device names are Linux specific...

Paul Chitescu

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