Fixed an infite loop in winedbg: review wanted

Eric Pouech eric.pouech at
Wed Sep 10 14:18:25 CDT 2008

Florian Köberle a écrit :
> Hello
> This patch address the infinite loop found at bug 15209:
> At least one of the lines I moved in the loop doesn't make sense outsite:
> count -= min(count, 256);
> because the value of count will be always 0 after the loop.
> I also moved the following line which might be at the wrong position
> too. About that I am not sure:
> +                    fcp->Start += 256;
> Best regards,
> Florian Koeberle
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
looks a correct fix to me (moving both lines)

Eric Pouech
"The problem with designing something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of a complete idiot." (Douglas Adams)

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