urlmon/tests: Fix protocol tests when proxy is configured (try 2)

Ge van Geldorp ge at gse.nl
Mon Jan 19 19:56:46 CST 2009

There is a large amount of proxy configurations possible on Windows (WPAD,
proxy.pac, fixed proxy values), which might behave differently on a second
run of the protocol test compared to the first run. These configurations
influence when/how IInternetProtocolSink methods are called. For example,
with a standard, direct connection you'll get the following ReportProgress
notifications during the https test:
However, when you run the protocol test for the second time on a machine
with a fixed proxy server configured, you'll only get these notifications:

When a proxy is used, the BINDSTATUS_FINDINGRESOURCE and
BINDSTATUS_CONNECTING notifications report the hostname/ip address of the
proxy server, not the end destination.

Try 2: call CLEAR_CALLED for ignored events.

  urlmon/tests: Fix protocol tests when proxy is configured

 dlls/urlmon/tests/protocol.c |   39
 1 files changed, 18 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-)

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