shell32: Implement IDD_MAKENEWFOLDER.

Jonathan Armond jon.armond at
Thu Mar 26 06:05:38 CDT 2009

Implements the Make New Folder button in the SHBrowseForFolders dialog. NB 
renaming of the new folder is still unimplemented.


 dlls/shell32/brsfolder.c |   47 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/shell32/brsfolder.c b/dlls/shell32/brsfolder.c
index cc8a91d..675c1b6 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/brsfolder.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/brsfolder.c
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
  * FIXME:
  *  - many memory leaks
  *  - many flags unimplemented
- *    - implement new dialog style "make new folder" button
  *    - implement editbox
@@ -656,7 +655,7 @@ static BOOL BrsFolder_OnCreate( HWND hWnd, browse_info 
*info )
 static BOOL BrsFolder_OnCommand( browse_info *info, UINT id )
     LPBROWSEINFOW lpBrowseInfo = info->lpBrowseInfo;
     switch (id)
@@ -677,8 +676,48 @@ static BOOL BrsFolder_OnCommand( browse_info *info, UINT 
id )
         return TRUE;
-        FIXME("make new folder not implemented\n");
-        return TRUE;
+        if (info->pidlRet == NULL)
+            return FALSE;
+        {
+            static WCHAR newFolderName[] = {'N','e','w',' ','F','o',
+                                                  'l','d','e','r',0};
+            WCHAR path[MAX_PATH];
+            HTREEITEM hParent;
+            HRESULT hr;
+            LPITEMIDLIST pidlChild;
+            IShellFolder *lpsfDesktop, *lpsfParent;
+            hParent = TreeView_GetSelection( info->hwndTreeView );
+            SHGetPathFromIDListW( info->pidlRet, path );
+            PathAppendAW( path, newFolderName );
+            if (SHCreateDirectoryExW( info->hwndTreeView, path, NULL ) != 
+            {
+				MessageBoxA( info->hwndTreeView,
+                   "You cannot create a new folder here. Choose a different 
+                   "Invalid location", MB_OK );
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+            /* Insert into treeview */
+            hr = SHGetDesktopFolder(&lpsfDesktop);
+            if (FAILED(hr)) {
+                WARN("SHGetDesktopFolder failed! hr = %08x\n", hr);
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+            hr = IShellFolder_BindToObject(lpsfDesktop, info->pidlRet, 0, 
&IID_IShellFolder, (LPVOID*)&lpsfParent);
+            if (FAILED(hr)) {
+                WARN("IShellFolder_BindToObject failed! hr = %08x\n", hr);
+                return FALSE;
+            }
+            IShellFolder_Release(lpsfDesktop);
+            pidlChild = ILFindLastID(ILCreateFromPathW(path));
+            InsertTreeViewItem( info, lpsfParent, pidlChild,
+                               info->pidlRet, NULL, hParent );
+            ILFree(pidlChild);
+            IShellFolder_Release(lpsfParent);
+            return TRUE;
+        }
     return FALSE;

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