[PATCH] d3dx9_36: Implement D3DXCreateLine and add stubbed interface for ID3DXLine + tests

Christian Costa titan.costa at wanadoo.fr
Fri Apr 2 01:54:42 CDT 2010


 dlls/d3dx9_36/Makefile.in       |    1 
 dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec     |    2 
 dlls/d3dx9_36/line.c            |  276 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/Makefile.in |    1 
 dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/line.c      |   76 +++++++++++
 5 files changed, 355 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 dlls/d3dx9_36/line.c
 create mode 100644 dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/line.c
-------------- next part --------------
diff --git a/dlls/d3dx9_36/Makefile.in b/dlls/d3dx9_36/Makefile.in
index e38c62a..15c208c 100644
--- a/dlls/d3dx9_36/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/d3dx9_36/Makefile.in
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ C_SRCS = \
 	d3dx9_36_main.c \
 	effect.c \
 	font.c \
+	line.c \
 	math.c \
 	mesh.c \
 	shader.c \
diff --git a/dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec b/dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec
index a847aac..1534348 100644
--- a/dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec
+++ b/dlls/d3dx9_36/d3dx9_36.spec
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 @ stub D3DXCreateFragmentLinker
 @ stub D3DXCreateFragmentLinkerEx
 @ stub D3DXCreateKeyframedAnimationSet
-@ stub D3DXCreateLine
+@ stdcall D3DXCreateLine(ptr ptr)
 @ stdcall D3DXCreateMatrixStack(long ptr)
 @ stub D3DXCreateMesh
 @ stub D3DXCreateMeshFVF
diff --git a/dlls/d3dx9_36/line.c b/dlls/d3dx9_36/line.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5ce98e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/d3dx9_36/line.c
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+ * Copyright 2010 Christian Costa
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ *
+ */
+#include "wine/debug.h"
+#include "d3dx9_36_private.h"
+static const struct ID3DXLineVtbl ID3DXLine_Vtbl;
+typedef struct ID3DXLineImpl {
+    const ID3DXLineVtbl *lpVtbl;
+    LONG ref;
+} ID3DXLineImpl;
+/*** IUnknown methods ***/
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_QueryInterface(ID3DXLine* iface, REFIID riid, LPVOID* object)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p)->(%s, %p)\n", This, debugstr_guid(riid), object);
+    if (IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_IUnknown) ||
+        IsEqualGUID(riid, &IID_ID3DXLine))
+    {
+        ID3DXLine_AddRef(iface);
+        *object = This;
+        return S_OK;
+    }
+    ERR("Interface %s not found\n", debugstr_guid(riid));
+    return E_NOINTERFACE;
+static ULONG WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_AddRef(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    TRACE("(%p)->(): AddRef from %u\n", This, This->ref);
+    return InterlockedIncrement(&This->ref);
+static ULONG WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_Release(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    ULONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&This->ref);
+    TRACE("(%p)->(): Release from %u\n", This, ref + 1);
+    if (!ref)
+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, This);
+    return ref;
+/*** ID3DXLine methods ***/
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_GetDevice(ID3DXLine* iface, LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9* device)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(%p): stub\n", This, device);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_Begin(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_Draw(ID3DXLine* iface, CONST D3DXVECTOR2* vertexlist, DWORD vertexlistcount, D3DCOLOR color)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(%p, %u, %#x): stub\n", This, vertexlist, vertexlistcount, color);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_DrawTransform(ID3DXLine* iface, CONST D3DXVECTOR3* vertexlist, DWORD vertexlistcount,
+                                                  CONST D3DXMATRIX* transform, D3DCOLOR color)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(%p, %u, %p, %#x): stub\n", This, vertexlist, vertexlistcount, transform, color);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_SetPattern(ID3DXLine* iface, DWORD pattern)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(%#x): stub\n", This, pattern);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static DWORD WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_GetPattern(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return 0xFFFFFFFF;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_SetPatternScale(ID3DXLine* iface, FLOAT scale)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(%f): stub\n", This, scale);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static FLOAT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_GetPatternScale(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return 1.0f;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_SetWidth(ID3DXLine* iface, FLOAT width)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(%f): stub\n", This, width);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static FLOAT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_GetWidth(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return 1.0f;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_SetAntialias(ID3DXLine* iface, BOOL antialias)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(%u): stub\n", This, antialias);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static BOOL WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_GetAntialias(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return FALSE;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_SetGLLines(ID3DXLine* iface, BOOL gl_lines)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(%u): stub\n", This, gl_lines);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static BOOL WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_GetGLLines(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return FALSE;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_End(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_OnLostDevice(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI ID3DXLineImpl_OnResetDevice(ID3DXLine* iface)
+    ID3DXLineImpl *This = (ID3DXLineImpl *)iface;
+    FIXME("(%p)->(): stub\n", This);
+    return E_NOTIMPL;
+static const struct ID3DXLineVtbl ID3DXLine_Vtbl =
+    /*** IUnknown methods ***/
+    ID3DXLineImpl_QueryInterface,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_AddRef,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_Release,
+    /*** ID3DXLine methods ***/
+    ID3DXLineImpl_GetDevice,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_Begin,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_Draw,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_DrawTransform,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_SetPattern,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_GetPattern,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_SetPatternScale,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_GetPatternScale,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_SetWidth,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_GetWidth,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_SetAntialias,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_GetAntialias,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_SetGLLines,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_GetGLLines,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_End,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_OnLostDevice,
+    ID3DXLineImpl_OnResetDevice
+    ID3DXLineImpl* object;
+    TRACE("(%p, %p)\n", device, line);
+    if (!device || !line)
+        return D3DERR_INVALIDCALL;
+    object = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(ID3DXLineImpl));
+    if (!object)
+    {
+        ERR("Out of memory\n");
+        return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+    }
+    object->lpVtbl = &ID3DXLine_Vtbl;
+    object->ref = 1;
+    *line = (LPD3DXLINE)object;
+    return D3D_OK;
diff --git a/dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/Makefile.in b/dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/Makefile.in
index e121358..59ac277 100644
--- a/dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/Makefile.in
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ C_SRCS = \
 	asm.c \
 	core.c \
 	effect.c \
+	line.c \
 	math.c \
 	mesh.c \
 	shader.c \
diff --git a/dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/line.c b/dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/line.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..56bc7f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/d3dx9_36/tests/line.c
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+ * Copyright 2010 Christian Costa
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include "wine/test.h"
+#include "d3dx9.h"
+static void test_create_line(IDirect3DDevice9* device)
+    HRESULT hr;
+    LPD3DXLINE line = NULL;
+    hr = D3DXCreateLine(NULL, &line);
+    ok(hr == D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, "Got result %x, expected %x (D3D_INVALIDCALL)\n", hr, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);
+    hr = D3DXCreateLine(device, NULL);
+    ok(hr == D3DERR_INVALIDCALL, "Got result %x, expected %x (D3D_INVALIDCALL)\n", hr, D3DERR_INVALIDCALL);
+    hr = D3DXCreateLine(device, &line);
+    ok(hr == D3D_OK, "Got result %x, expected 0 (D3D_OK)\n", hr);
+    if (line)
+        ID3DXLine_Release(line);
+    HWND wnd;
+    IDirect3D9* d3d;
+    IDirect3DDevice9* device;
+    HRESULT hr;
+    wnd = CreateWindow("static", "d3dx9_test", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    d3d = Direct3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
+    if (!wnd) {
+        skip("Couldn't create application window\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    if (!d3d) {
+        skip("Couldn't create IDirect3D9 object\n");
+        DestroyWindow(wnd);
+        return;
+    }
+    ZeroMemory(&d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp));
+    d3dpp.Windowed = TRUE;
+    d3dpp.SwapEffect = D3DSWAPEFFECT_DISCARD;
+    hr = IDirect3D9_CreateDevice(d3d, D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, D3DDEVTYPE_HAL, wnd, D3DCREATE_MIXED_VERTEXPROCESSING, &d3dpp, &device);
+    if (FAILED(hr)) {
+        skip("Failed to create IDirect3DDevice9 object %#x\n", hr);
+        IDirect3D9_Release(d3d);
+        DestroyWindow(wnd);
+        return;
+    }
+    test_create_line(device);
+    IDirect3DDevice9_Release(device);
+    IDirect3D9_Release(d3d);
+    DestroyWindow(wnd);

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