[PATCH 13/13] quartz: Add tests for dsoundrender

Maarten Lankhorst m.b.lankhorst at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 03:41:08 CST 2010

 dlls/quartz/tests/Makefile.in    |    1 +
 dlls/quartz/tests/dsoundrender.c |  230 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 231 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 dlls/quartz/tests/dsoundrender.c

diff --git a/dlls/quartz/tests/Makefile.in b/dlls/quartz/tests/Makefile.in
index d21f281..b98efaa 100644
--- a/dlls/quartz/tests/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/quartz/tests/Makefile.in
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ IMPORTS   = oleaut32 ole32 advapi32 kernel32
 	avisplitter.c \
+	dsoundrender.c \
 	filtergraph.c \
 	filtermapper.c \
 	memallocator.c \
diff --git a/dlls/quartz/tests/dsoundrender.c b/dlls/quartz/tests/dsoundrender.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2d33dc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/quartz/tests/dsoundrender.c
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+ * Unit tests for DSound Renderer functions
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Maarten Lankhorst for Codeweavers
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Google (Lei Zhang)
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include "wine/test.h"
+#include "dshow.h"
+#include "initguid.h"
+#include "dsound.h"
+#define QI_SUCCEED(iface, riid, ppv) hr = IUnknown_QueryInterface(iface, &riid, (LPVOID*)&ppv); \
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "IUnknown_QueryInterface returned %x\n", hr); \
+    ok(ppv != NULL, "Pointer is NULL\n");
+#define RELEASE_EXPECT(iface, num) if (iface) { \
+    hr = IUnknown_Release(iface); \
+    ok(hr == num, "IUnknown_Release should return %d, got %d\n", num, hr); \
+static IUnknown *pDSRender = NULL;
+static int create_dsound_renderer(void)
+    HRESULT hr;
+    hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DSoundRender, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
+                          &IID_IUnknown, (LPVOID*)&pDSRender);
+    return (hr == S_OK && pDSRender != NULL);
+static void release_dsound_renderer(void)
+    HRESULT hr;
+    hr = IUnknown_Release(pDSRender);
+    ok(hr == 0, "IUnknown_Release failed with %x\n", hr);
+static HRESULT WINAPI PB_QueryInterface(IPropertyBag *iface, REFIID riid, void **ppv)
+    ok(0, "Should not be called\n");
+    *ppv = NULL;
+    return E_NOINTERFACE;
+static ULONG WINAPI PB_AddRef(IPropertyBag *iface)
+    ok(0, "Should not be called\n");
+    return 2;
+static ULONG WINAPI PB_Release(IPropertyBag *iface)
+    ok(0, "Should not be called\n");
+    return 1;
+static HRESULT WINAPI PB_Read(IPropertyBag *iface, LPCOLESTR name, VARIANT *var, IErrorLog *log)
+    static const WCHAR dsguid[] = { 'D','S','G','u','i','d', 0 };
+    char temp[50];
+    WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, name, -1, temp, sizeof(temp)-1, NULL, NULL);
+    temp[sizeof(temp)-1] = 0;
+    trace("Trying to read %s, type %u\n", temp, var->n1.n2.vt);
+    if (!lstrcmpW(name, dsguid))
+    {
+        static const WCHAR defaultplayback[] =
+        {
+            '{','D','E','F','0','0','0','0','0','-',
+            '9','C','6','D','-','4','7','E','D','-',
+            'A','A','F','1','-','4','D','D','A','8',
+            'F','2','B','5','C','0','3','}',0
+        };
+        ok(var->n1.n2.vt == VT_BSTR, "Wrong type asked: %u\n", var->n1.n2.vt);
+        var->n1.n2.n3.bstrVal = SysAllocString(defaultplayback);
+        return S_OK;
+    }
+    ok(0, "Unknown property '%s' queried\n", temp);
+    return E_FAIL;
+static HRESULT WINAPI PB_Write(IPropertyBag *iface, LPCOLESTR name, VARIANT *var)
+    ok(0, "Should not be called\n");
+    return E_FAIL;
+static IPropertyBagVtbl PB_Vtbl =
+    PB_QueryInterface,
+    PB_AddRef,
+    PB_Release,
+    PB_Read,
+    PB_Write
+static void test_query_interface(void)
+    HRESULT hr;
+    IBaseFilter *pBaseFilter = NULL;
+    IBasicAudio *pBasicAudio = NULL;
+    IMediaPosition *pMediaPosition = NULL;
+    IMediaSeeking *pMediaSeeking = NULL;
+    IQualityControl *pQualityControl = NULL;
+    IPersistPropertyBag *ppb = NULL;
+    IDirectSound3DBuffer *ds3dbuf = NULL;
+    IReferenceClock *clock = NULL;
+    QI_SUCCEED(pDSRender, IID_IBaseFilter, pBaseFilter);
+    RELEASE_EXPECT(pBaseFilter, 1);
+    QI_SUCCEED(pDSRender, IID_IBasicAudio, pBasicAudio);
+    RELEASE_EXPECT(pBasicAudio, 1);
+    QI_SUCCEED(pDSRender, IID_IMediaSeeking, pMediaSeeking);
+    RELEASE_EXPECT(pMediaSeeking, 1);
+    QI_SUCCEED(pDSRender, IID_IReferenceClock, clock);
+    RELEASE_EXPECT(clock, 1);
+    todo_wine {
+    QI_SUCCEED(pDSRender, IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer, ds3dbuf);
+    RELEASE_EXPECT(ds3dbuf, 1);
+    QI_SUCCEED(pDSRender, IID_IPersistPropertyBag, ppb);
+    if (ppb)
+    {
+        IPropertyBag bag = { &PB_Vtbl };
+        hr = IPersistPropertyBag_Load(ppb, &bag, NULL);
+        ok(hr == S_OK, "Couldn't load default device: %08x\n", hr);
+    }
+    RELEASE_EXPECT(ppb, 1);
+    QI_SUCCEED(pDSRender, IID_IMediaPosition, pMediaPosition);
+    RELEASE_EXPECT(pMediaPosition, 1);
+    QI_SUCCEED(pDSRender, IID_IQualityControl, pQualityControl);
+    RELEASE_EXPECT(pQualityControl, 1);
+    }
+static void test_pin(IPin *pin)
+    IMemInputPin *mpin = NULL;
+    IPin_QueryInterface(pin, &IID_IMemInputPin, (void **)&mpin);
+    ok(mpin != NULL, "No IMemInputPin found!\n");
+    if (mpin)
+    {
+        ok(IMemInputPin_ReceiveCanBlock(mpin) == S_OK, "Receive can't block for pin!\n");
+        ok(IMemInputPin_NotifyAllocator(mpin, NULL, 0) == E_POINTER, "NotifyAllocator likes a NULL pointer argument\n");
+        IMemInputPin_Release(mpin);
+    }
+    /* TODO */
+static void test_basefilter(void)
+    IEnumPins *pin_enum = NULL;
+    IBaseFilter *base = NULL;
+    IPin *pins[2];
+    ULONG ref;
+    HRESULT hr;
+    IUnknown_QueryInterface(pDSRender, &IID_IBaseFilter, (void *)&base);
+    if (base == NULL)
+    {
+        /* test_query_interface handles this case */
+        skip("No IBaseFilter\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    hr = IBaseFilter_EnumPins(base, NULL);
+    ok(hr == E_POINTER, "hr = %08x and not E_POINTER\n", hr);
+    hr= IBaseFilter_EnumPins(base, &pin_enum);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "hr = %08x and not S_OK\n", hr);
+    hr = IEnumPins_Next(pin_enum, 1, NULL, NULL);
+    ok(hr == E_POINTER, "hr = %08x and not E_POINTER\n", hr);
+    hr = IEnumPins_Next(pin_enum, 2, pins, NULL);
+    ok(hr == E_INVALIDARG, "hr = %08x and not E_INVALIDARG\n", hr);
+    pins[0] = (void *)0xdead;
+    pins[1] = (void *)0xdeed;
+    hr = IEnumPins_Next(pin_enum, 2, pins, &ref);
+    ok(hr == S_FALSE, "hr = %08x instead of S_FALSE\n", hr);
+    ok(pins[0] != (void *)0xdead && pins[0] != NULL, "pins[0] = %p\n", pins[0]);
+    if (pins[0] != (void *)0xdead && pins[0] != NULL)
+    {
+        test_pin(pins[0]);
+        IPin_Release(pins[0]);
+    }
+    ok(pins[1] == (void *)0xdeed, "pins[1] = %p\n", pins[1]);
+    ref = IEnumPins_Release(pin_enum);
+    ok(ref == 0, "ref is %u and not 0!\n", ref);
+    IBaseFilter_Release(base);
+    CoInitialize(NULL);
+    if (!create_dsound_renderer())
+        return;
+    test_query_interface();
+    test_basefilter();
+    release_dsound_renderer();
+    CoUninitialize();


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