wininet: fix the handling of insufficient buffers in InternetGetCookie*()

Eric van Beurden ericvb at
Tue Jun 29 10:38:24 CDT 2010

fixed the handling of insufficient buffers in InternetGetCookie*().
 - fixed the handling of insufficient buffers in the wide and ANSI 
versions of InternetGetCookie().
 - handled several behaviour differences between the ANSI and wide 
versions of InternetGetCookie().
 - added test cases for insufficient buffer sizes in InternetGetCookie().

Testing revealed that there were several differences between the wide 
and ANSI versions of InternetGetCookie().  Many of these differences 
went against what MSDN claimed as the correct behaviour for the function.

Since these changes were so inter-related, it wasn't easy to split up 
into separate patches.  I apologize for the size of this patch.

All of the wininet/internet tests pass on windows, and all pass under 
wine before and after this patch when run on the mac.
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