riched20/tests:Add conformance test for EM_FINDWORDBREAK.

James McKenzie jjmckenzie51 at
Sun May 8 10:48:38 CDT 2011

Conformance tests for bugs 14401 and 23292.

This patch is released in to the public domain without reservation for any
lawful purpose.
 dlls/riched20/tests/editor.c |  278 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 278 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/riched20/tests/editor.c b/dlls/riched20/tests/editor.c
index c0ad42f..426a0e3 100644
--- a/dlls/riched20/tests/editor.c
+++ b/dlls/riched20/tests/editor.c
@@ -7034,6 +7034,283 @@ static void test_dialogmode(void)
+static void test_EM_FINDWORDBREAK(void)
+    HWND hwndRichEdit = new_richedit(NULL);
+    long result, class;
+    char text[] = "Text for wordbreak proc!!!    test.member ...";
+    /*             0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
+     *                      10        20        30        40   {0}
+     */
+    /* Unicode representation of above */
+    WCHAR in_text[] = {'T','e','x','t',' ','f','o','r',' ','w','o','r','d','b','r',
+                     /* 0   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  */
+                       'e','a','k',' ','p','r','o','c','!','!','!',' ',' ',' ',' ',
+                     /*15  16  17  18  19  20  21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  */
+                       't','e','s','t','.','m','e','m','b','e','r',' ','.','.','.', 0};
+                     /*30  31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40  41  42  43  44  45  */
+    WCHAR wide_classify_text[] = { 0 , 0 };
+    static const struct {
+      const char newchar;
+      int location;
+      BOOL isdelimiter;
+      WORD class;
+    } fmtstrings[] = {
+      {'<', 4, 0, 1},
+      {'>', 4, 0, 1},
+      {'{', 5, 0, 1},
+      {'}', 5, 0, 1},
+      {'(', 6, 0, 1},
+      {')', 6, 0, 1},
+      {'[', 4, 0, 1},
+      {']', 4, 0, 1},
+      {'\t', 5, 0, 0x13},
+      {'$', 5, 0, 1},
+      {'!', 6, 0, 1},
+      {'%', 6, 0, 1},
+      {'-', 4, 0, 0x41},
+      {'?', 4, 0, 1},
+      {'\\', 5, 0, 1},
+      {0x20, 5, TRUE, 0x32},
+      {0x0a, 6, FALSE, 0x14}, /* newline */
+      {0x0b, 6, FALSE, 0x14}, /* vertical tab mark */
+      {0x0c, 4, FALSE, 0x14}, /* form feed */
+      {0x0d, 4, FALSE, 0x14}, /* carriage return */
+      {'A', 6, 0, 0}
+    };
+    static const struct {
+      const WCHAR newchar;
+      int location;
+      BOOL isdelimiter;
+      WORD class;
+    } Widestrings[] = {
+      {0xf020, 4, TRUE, 0x32},
+      {0x00a0, 4, FALSE, 0x12},
+      {0x3000, 5, FALSE, 0x12},
+      {WCH_EMBEDDING, 5, FALSE, 0x42},
+      {0x85, 6, FALSE, 0x14},  /* detected as Class 0 for Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2K SP4 */
+      {0x1680, 6, FALSE, 0x14}, /* detected as Class 0 for Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2K SP4 */
+      {0x180e, 4, FALSE, 0x14}, /* detected as Class 0 for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2K SP4, WinXP SP3 and Windows 2K3 SE SP2 */
+      {0x2000, 4, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x2002, 5, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x2003, 5, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x2004, 6, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x2005, 6, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x2006, 4, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x2008, 4, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x2009, 5, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x200a, 5, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x2028, 6, FALSE, 0x14}, /* secondary UNICODE */
+      {0x2029, 6, FALSE, 0x14},
+      {0x202f, 4, FALSE, 0x14}, /* detected as Class 0 for Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2K SP4 */
+      {0x205f, 4, FALSE, 0x14}, /* detected as Class 0 for Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2K SP4, WinXP SP3 and Windows 2K3 SE SP2 */
+      {0xf061, 6, FALSE, 0},  /* High order UNICODE Capital letter A */
+      {0x1100, 6, FALSE, 0x0}, /* Hangul Choseong Kiyeok (G sound) Ordinary Letter*/
+      {0x11ff, 6, FALSE, 0x0}, /* Hangul Jongseoung Kiyeok-Hieuh (Hard N sound) Ordinary Letter*/
+      {0x115f, 6, FALSE, 0x0}, /* Hangul Choseong Filler (no sound, used with two letter Hangul words) Ordinary Letter */
+      {0xac00, 6, FALSE, 0x80}, /* Hangul character GA*/
+      {0xd7af, 6, FALSE, 0x80} /*End of Hangul character chart */
+    };
+    static const struct {
+      int start;
+      int left_location;
+      int leftword_location;
+      int leftbreak_location;
+      int right_location;
+      int rightword_location;
+      int rightbreak_location;
+    } postest[] ={
+      { -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0 },  /* test for underflow, all cases should point to beginning of text */
+      { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0 },  /* start at beginning of text, all left cases should return zero */
+      { 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 5, 4 },  /* Set to s in Test */
+      { 5, 4, 0, 4, 5, 9, 5 },  /* Set to first letter in for */
+      { 6, 5, 5, 4, 9, 9, 8 },  /* Set to second letter in for */
+      { 21, 19, 19, 18, 30, 23, 26 },  /* set to 'o' in proc */
+      { 27, 26, 23, 26, 30, 30, 30 }, /* Middle of spaces after triple exclamation points */
+      { 31, 30, 30, 26, 42, 34, 41 }, /* e in the word test in test.member */
+      { 36, 30, 35, 26, 42, 42, 41 }, /* e in the work member in test.member */
+      { 43, 41, 42, 41, 45, 45, 45 }, /* middle of ellipsis at end of text line */
+      { 47, 46, 45, 46, 46, 46, 46 }  /* overflow test.  MOVEWORD_LEFT finds NULL at end of string */
+    };
+    int i, j, len;
+    int length = sizeof(in_text);
+    struct {
+      WORD buf_size;
+      char out_text[4096];
+    } buffer;
+    struct StringWithLength cookie;
+    buffer.buf_size = sizeof(buffer.out_text);
+    SendMessageA(hwndRichEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) text);
+    gtl.flags = GTL_NUMCHARS | GTL_PRECISE;
+    gtl.codepage = CP_ACP;
+    len = SendMessageA(hwndRichEdit, EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM)&gtl, 0);
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(postest)/sizeof(postest[0]); i++)
+    {
+      /* Test executes Send Message for WB_LEFT */
+      result = SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_LEFT, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+         ok(result == postest[i].left_location,"EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_LEFT ANSI %d: "
+            "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].left_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes Send Message for WB_MOVEWORDLEFT */
+      result = SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_MOVEWORDLEFT, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+         ok(result == postest[i].leftword_location,"EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_MOVEWORDLEFT %d: "
+            "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].leftword_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes Send Message for WB_LEFT/PREVBREAK */
+      result = SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_LEFTBREAK, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == postest[i].leftbreak_location,"EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_LEFTBREAK %d: "
+           "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].leftbreak_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes Send Message for WB_RIGHT */
+      result = SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_RIGHT, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == postest[i].right_location, "EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_RIGHT %d: "
+           "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].right_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes SendMessage for WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT */
+      result = SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == postest[i].rightword_location, "EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT %d: "
+           "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].rightword_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes SendMessage for WB_RIGHT/NEXTBREAK */
+      result = SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_RIGHTBREAK, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == postest[i].rightbreak_location, "EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_RIGHTBREAK %d: "
+           "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].rightbreak_location, result);
+      }
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(fmtstrings)/sizeof(fmtstrings[0]); i++)
+    {
+      j = fmtstrings[i].location;
+      text[j] = fmtstrings[i].newchar;
+      SendMessageA(hwndRichEdit, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM) text);
+      /* Test WB_ISDELIMITER Case */
+      result = SendMessageA(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_ISDELIMITER, j);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == fmtstrings[i].isdelimiter, "%c at %d not detected as a delimiter\n", text[j], j);
+      }
+      /* Add tests for WB_CLASSIFY  */
+      class = SendMessageA(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_CLASSIFY, j);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(class == fmtstrings[i].class, "%c at %d detected as class %x\n", text[j], j, class);
+      }
+    }
+    SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, WM_SETTEXT, SF_TEXT|SF_UNICODE, (LPARAM) in_text);
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(postest)/sizeof(postest[0]); i++)
+    {
+      /* Test executes Send Message for WB_LEFT */
+      result = SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_LEFT, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+         ok(result == postest[i].left_location,"EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_LEFT Unicode %d: "
+            "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].left_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes Send Message for WB_MOVEWORDLEFT */
+      result = SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_MOVEWORDLEFT, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+         ok(result == postest[i].leftword_location,"EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_MOVEWORDLEFT Unicode %d: "
+            "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].leftword_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes Send Message for WB_LEFT/PREVBREAK */
+      result = SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_LEFTBREAK, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == postest[i].leftbreak_location,"EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_LEFTBREAK Unicode %d: "
+           "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].leftbreak_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes Send Message for WB_RIGHT */
+      result = SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_RIGHT, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == postest[i].right_location, "EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_RIGHT Unicode %d: "
+           "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].right_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes SendMessage for WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT */
+      result = SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == postest[i].rightword_location, "EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_MOVEWORDRIGHT Unicode %d: "
+           "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].rightword_location, result);
+      }
+      /* Test executes SendMessage for WB_RIGHT/NEXTBREAK */
+      result = SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_RIGHTBREAK, postest[i].start);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == postest[i].rightbreak_location, "EM_FINDWORDBREAK WB_RIGHTBREAK Unicode %d: "
+           "expected: %d actual: %ld\n", postest[i].start, postest[i].rightbreak_location, result);
+      }
+    }
+    /* WB_CLASSIFY and WB_DELIMITER Tests using Widestrings [] */
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(Widestrings)/sizeof(Widestrings[0]); i++)
+    {
+      j = Widestrings[i].location;
+      in_text[j] = Widestrings[i].newchar;
+      length = sizeof(in_text);
+      es.dwError = 0;
+      cookie.buffer = (char *)in_text;
+      cookie.length = length;
+      es.dwCookie = (DWORD_PTR)&cookie;
+      es.pfnCallback = test_EM_STREAMIN_esCallback2;
+      /* use EM_STREAMIN so that we can insert NULL bytes */
+      SendMessageW(hwndRichEdit, EM_STREAMIN, SF_TEXT|SF_UNICODE, (LPARAM)&es);
+      /* Test WB_ISDELIMITER Case */
+      result = SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_ISDELIMITER, j);
+      todo_wine {
+        ok(result == Widestrings[i].isdelimiter, "%x at %d not detected as a delimiter\n", in_text[j], j);
+      }
+      /* Add tests for WB_CLASSIFY  */
+      class = SendMessage(hwndRichEdit, EM_FINDWORDBREAK, WB_CLASSIFY, j);
+      todo_wine {
+      switch (Widestrings[i].newchar) {
+        case 0x85:
+        case 0x1680:
+        case 0x202f:
+          ok (class == Widestrings[i].class || broken (class == 0), /* WINNT/WIN2K */ "UNICODE Char %x detected as class %x, should be class %x",
+              Widestrings[i].newchar, class, Widestrings[i].class);
+          break;
+        case 0x180e:
+        case 0x205f:
+          ok (class == Widestrings[i].class || broken (class == 0), /*WINNT/WIN2K/WINXP/WIN2K3 */  "UNICODE char %x detected as class %x, "
+              "should be class %x", Widestrings[i], class, Widestrings[i].class);
+          break;
+        default:
+          ok(class == Widestrings[i].class, "%x detected as class %x, should be %x\n", in_text[j], class, Widestrings[i].class);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  DestroyWindow(hwndRichEdit);
 START_TEST( editor )
   BOOL ret;
@@ -7090,6 +7367,7 @@ START_TEST( editor )
   /* Set the environment variable WINETEST_RICHED20 to keep windows
    * responsive and open for 30 seconds. This is useful for debugging.


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