[1/3] comctl32/tests: listview header notifications

Daniel Jelinski djelinski1 at gmail.com
Sat Dec 8 08:07:55 CST 2012

-------------- next part --------------
From 737a4aaccef59d165541763a9328dc341aa09954 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Daniel Jelinski <djelinski1 at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 8 Dec 2012 09:08:26 +0100
Subject: comctl32/tests: listview header notifications

tests for bug 31527:
Listview's header control always sends notifications in Unicode format.
Listview forwards some of these notifications to its parent window,
changing them to ANSI if necessary. Wine allocates new memory for forwarded
notifications, and native reuses the structure it got from header.
These tests illustrate that behavior, and Delphi 7 depends on it.
 dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c |  160 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 files changed, 160 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c b/dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c
index 255ef50..2622cc3 100644
--- a/dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c
+++ b/dlls/comctl32/tests/listview.c
@@ -312,6 +312,21 @@ static const struct message listview_header_changed_seq[] = {
     { 0 }
+static const struct message parent_header_click_seq[] = {
+    { WM_NOTIFY, sent|id, 0, 0, LVN_COLUMNCLICK },
+    { WM_NOTIFY, sent|id, 0, 0, HDN_ITEMCLICKA },
+    { 0 }
+static const struct message parent_header_divider_dclick_seq[] = {
+    { WM_NOTIFY, sent|id, 0, 0, HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA },
+    { WM_NOTIFY, sent|id, 0, 0, NM_CUSTOMDRAW },
+    { WM_NOTIFY, sent|id, 0, 0, NM_CUSTOMDRAW },
+    { WM_NOTIFY, sent|id, 0, 0, HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA },
+    { WM_NOTIFY, sent|id, 0, 0, HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKA },
+    { 0 }
 static LRESULT WINAPI parent_wnd_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
     static LONG defwndproc_counter = 0;
@@ -4910,6 +4925,150 @@ static void test_header_notification(void)
+static void test_header_notification2(void)
+    static char textA[] = "newtext";
+    HWND list, header;
+    HDITEMW itemW;
+    NMHEADERW nmhdr;
+    LVCOLUMNA col;
+    DWORD ret;
+    WCHAR buffer[100];
+    struct message parent_header_notify_seq[] = {
+        { WM_NOTIFY, sent|id, 0, 0, 0 },
+        { 0 }
+    };
+    list = create_listview_control(LVS_REPORT);
+    ok(list != NULL, "failed to create listview window\n");
+    memset(&col, 0, sizeof(col));
+    col.mask = LVCF_WIDTH | LVCF_TEXT;
+    col.cx = 100;
+    col.pszText = textA;
+    ret = SendMessage(list, LVM_INSERTCOLUMNA, 0, (LPARAM)&col);
+    expect(0, ret);
+    header = ListView_GetHeader(list);
+    ok(header != 0, "No header\n");
+    memset(&itemW, 0, sizeof(itemW));
+    itemW.mask = HDI_WIDTH | HDI_ORDER | HDI_TEXT;
+    itemW.pszText = buffer;
+    itemW.cchTextMax = sizeof(buffer);
+    ret = SendMessageW(header, HDM_GETITEMW, 0, (LPARAM)&itemW);
+    expect(1, ret);
+    nmhdr.hdr.hwndFrom = header;
+    nmhdr.hdr.idFrom = GetWindowLongPtr(header, GWLP_ID);
+    nmhdr.iItem = 0;
+    nmhdr.iButton = 0;
+    nmhdr.pitem = &itemW;
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ITEMCHANGINGW;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    parent_header_notify_seq[0].id = HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA;
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, parent_header_notify_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", TRUE);
+    todo_wine
+    ok(nmhdr.hdr.code == HDN_ITEMCHANGINGA, "Expected ANSI notification code\n");
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ITEMCHANGEDW;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    parent_header_notify_seq[0].id = HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA;
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, parent_header_notify_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", TRUE);
+    todo_wine
+    ok(nmhdr.hdr.code == HDN_ITEMCHANGEDA, "Expected ANSI notification code\n");
+    /* HDN_ITEMCLICK sets focus to list, which generates messages we don't want to check */
+    SetFocus(list);
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ITEMCLICKW;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, parent_header_click_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    todo_wine
+    ok(nmhdr.hdr.code == HDN_ITEMCLICKA, "Expected ANSI notification code\n");
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKW;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, empty_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    ok(nmhdr.hdr.code == HDN_ITEMDBLCLICKW, "Expected Unicode notification code\n");
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKW;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, parent_header_divider_dclick_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", TRUE);
+    todo_wine
+    ok(nmhdr.hdr.code == HDN_DIVIDERDBLCLICKA, "Expected ANSI notification code\n");
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_BEGINTRACKW;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, empty_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    ok(nmhdr.hdr.code == HDN_BEGINTRACKW, "Expected Unicode notification code\n");
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ENDTRACKW;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    parent_header_notify_seq[0].id = HDN_ENDTRACKA;
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, parent_header_notify_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", TRUE);
+    todo_wine
+    ok(nmhdr.hdr.code == HDN_ENDTRACKA, "Expected ANSI notification code\n");
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_TRACKW;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    parent_header_notify_seq[0].id = HDN_TRACKA;
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, parent_header_notify_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", TRUE);
+    todo_wine
+    ok(nmhdr.hdr.code == HDN_TRACKA, "Expected ANSI notification code\n");
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_BEGINDRAG;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, empty_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", TRUE);
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ENDDRAG;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    parent_header_notify_seq[0].id = HDN_ENDDRAG;
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, parent_header_notify_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_FILTERCHANGE;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    parent_header_notify_seq[0].id = HDN_FILTERCHANGE;
+    parent_header_notify_seq[0].flags |= optional; /* NT4 does not send this message */
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, parent_header_notify_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    parent_header_notify_seq[0].flags &= ~optional;
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_BEGINFILTEREDIT;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, empty_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ENDFILTEREDIT;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, empty_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ITEMSTATEICONCLICK;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, empty_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    nmhdr.hdr.code = HDN_ITEMKEYDOWN;
+    ret = SendMessageW(list, WM_NOTIFY, 0, (LPARAM)&nmhdr);
+    ok_sequence(sequences, PARENT_SEQ_INDEX, empty_seq,
+                "header notify, parent", FALSE);
+    flush_sequences(sequences, NUM_MSG_SEQUENCES);
+    DestroyWindow(list);
 static void test_createdragimage(void)
     HIMAGELIST himl;
@@ -5028,6 +5187,7 @@ START_TEST(listview)
     g_is_below_5 = is_below_comctl_5();
+    test_header_notification2();

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