testbot/build(*): Rename BuildSingleTest.pl to Build.pl for consistency with the type of the corresponding tasks.

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Thu Oct 11 10:11:46 CDT 2012

(*) Compatibility Note: This requires updating the WineTestBot checkout on the build VM.

 testbot/bin/WineRunBuild.pl          |    8 +-
 testbot/bin/build/Build.pl           |  379 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 testbot/bin/build/BuildSingleTest.pl |  379 ----------------------------------
 3 files changed, 383 insertions(+), 383 deletions(-)
 create mode 100755 testbot/bin/build/Build.pl
 delete mode 100755 testbot/bin/build/BuildSingleTest.pl

diff --git a/testbot/bin/WineRunBuild.pl b/testbot/bin/WineRunBuild.pl
index 56161da..868b378 100755
--- a/testbot/bin/WineRunBuild.pl
+++ b/testbot/bin/WineRunBuild.pl
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ sub ProcessRawlog
         while (defined($Line = <RAWLOG>))
-          if ($Line =~ m/^BuildSingleTest: (.*)$/)
+          if ($Line =~ m/^Build: (.*)$/)
             if ($1 eq "ok")
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ if (defined($ErrMessage))
              $FullErrFileName, $Job, $Step, $Task;
 my $Script = "#!/bin/sh\n";
-$Script .= "$BinDir/build/BuildSingleTest.pl $FileName " . $Step->FileType .
+$Script .= "$BinDir/build/Build.pl $FileName " . $Step->FileType .
            " $BaseName 32";
 if ($Run64)
@@ -251,14 +251,14 @@ $Script .= "\n";
 $ErrMessage = $VM->RunScriptInGuestTimeout("", $Script, $Task->Timeout);
 if (defined($ErrMessage))
-  $VM->CopyFileFromGuestToHost("$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log",
+  $VM->CopyFileFromGuestToHost("$LogDir/Build.log",
   ProcessRawlog($FullRawlogFileName, $FullLogFileName, $FullErrFileName);
   FatalError "Failure running script in VM: $ErrMessage\n",
              $FullErrFileName, $Job, $Step, $Task;
-$ErrMessage = $VM->CopyFileFromGuestToHost("$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log",
+$ErrMessage = $VM->CopyFileFromGuestToHost("$LogDir/Build.log",
 if (defined($ErrMessage))
diff --git a/testbot/bin/build/Build.pl b/testbot/bin/build/Build.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..a37537e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testbot/bin/build/Build.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
+# Performs the 'build' task in the build machine. Specifically this applies a
+# conformance test patch, rebuilds the impacted test and retrieves the
+# resulting 32 and 64 bit binaries.
+# Copyright 2009 Ge van Geldorp
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+use strict;
+my $Dir;
+sub BEGIN
+  $main::BuildEnv = 1;
+  $0 =~ m=^(.*)/[^/]*$=;
+  $Dir = $1;
+use lib "$Dir/../../lib";
+use WineTestBot::Config;
+sub InfoMsg
+  my $oldumask = umask(002);
+  if (open LOGFILE, ">>$LogDir/Build.log")
+  {
+    print LOGFILE @_;
+    close LOGFILE;
+  }
+  umask($oldumask);
+sub LogMsg
+  my $oldumask = umask(002);
+  if (open LOGFILE, ">>$LogDir/Build.log")
+  {
+    print LOGFILE "Build: ", @_;
+    close LOGFILE;
+  }
+  umask($oldumask);
+sub FatalError
+  LogMsg @_;
+  exit 1;
+sub ApplyPatch
+  my ($PatchFile, $PatchType, $BaseName) = @_;
+  my $NeedMakefile = 0;
+  my $NeedMakeInclude = !1;
+  my $NeedBuildDeps = !1;
+  my $NeedImplib = !1;
+  my $NeedAutoconf = !1;
+  my $NeedConfigure = !1;
+  if (open (FH, "<$PatchFile"))
+  {
+    my $Line;
+    while (defined($Line = <FH>) &&
+           ($NeedMakefile == 0 || ! $NeedMakeInclude || ! $NeedBuildDeps ||
+            ! $NeedImplib || ! $NeedAutoconf || ! $NeedConfigure))
+    {
+      if ($Line =~ m=^diff.*tests/Makefile\.in=)
+      {
+        $NeedMakefile = 1;
+      }
+      elsif ($Line =~ m=^diff.*include/.*\.idl=)
+      {
+        $NeedMakeInclude = 1;
+      }
+      elsif ($Line =~ m=^diff.*\.spec=)
+      {
+        $NeedBuildDeps = 1;
+      }
+      elsif ($PatchType eq "dlls" && $Line =~ m=^diff.*$BaseName/Makefile\.in=)
+      {
+        $NeedImplib = 1;
+      }
+      elsif ($Line =~ m=^diff.*configure\.ac=)
+      {
+        $NeedAutoconf = 1;
+      }
+      elsif ($Line =~ m=^diff.*configure=)
+      {
+        $NeedConfigure = 1;
+      }
+    }
+    close FH;
+  }
+  InfoMsg "Applying patch\n";
+  system("git apply --verbose --directory=$DataDir/wine-git $PatchFile " .
+         ">> $LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+  if ($? != 0)
+  {
+    LogMsg "Patch failed to apply\n";
+    return (-1, $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib, $NeedConfigure);
+  }
+  if ($NeedAutoconf && ! $NeedConfigure)
+  {
+    InfoMsg "Running autoconf\n";
+    system("( cd $DataDir/wine-git && set -x && " .
+           "  autoconf --output configure configure.ac " .
+           ") >>$LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+    if ($? != 0)
+    {
+       LogMsg "Autoconf failed\n";
+       return (-1, $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib,
+               $NeedConfigure);
+    }
+    $NeedConfigure = 1;
+  }
+  if ($NeedImplib)
+  {
+    if (open (FH, "<$DataDir/wine-git/$PatchType/$BaseName/Makefile.in"))
+    {
+      $NeedImplib = !1;
+      my $Line;
+      while (defined($Line = <FH>) && ! $NeedImplib)
+      {
+        $NeedImplib = ($Line =~ m/^\s*IMPORTLIB\s*=.*$BaseName/)
+      }
+      close FH;
+    }
+  }
+  return ($NeedMakefile, $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib,
+          $NeedConfigure);
+my $ncpus;
+sub CountCPUs()
+    if (open(my $fh, "<", "/proc/cpuinfo"))
+    {
+        # Linux
+        map { $ncpus++ if (/^processor/); } <$fh>;
+        close($fh);
+    }
+    $ncpus ||= 1;
+sub BuildTestExecutable
+  my ($BaseName, $PatchType, $Bits, $NeedConfigure, $NeedMakefile,
+      $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib) = @_;
+  if ($NeedConfigure)
+  {
+    InfoMsg "Reconfigure $Bits-bit crossbuild\n";
+    my $Host = ($Bits == 64 ? "x86_64-w64-mingw32" : "i686-pc-mingw32");
+    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
+           "  ../wine-git/configure --host=$Host --with-wine-tools=../build-native --without-x --without-freetype " .
+           ") >>$LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+    if ($? != 0)
+    {
+      LogMsg "Reconfigure of $Bits-bit crossbuild failed\n";
+      return !1;
+    }
+  }
+  if ($NeedMakeInclude || $NeedConfigure)
+  {
+    InfoMsg "Recreating include/Makefile\n";
+    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
+           "  ./config.status --file include/Makefile:Make.vars.in:include/Makefile.in " .
+           ") >>$LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+    if ($? != 0)
+    {
+      LogMsg "Recreation of include/Makefile failed\n";
+      return !1;
+    }
+    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
+           "  make -j$ncpus include " .
+           ") >> $LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+    if ($? != 0)
+    {
+      LogMsg "Make in include dir failed\n";
+      return !1;
+    }
+  }
+  if ($NeedImplib || $NeedConfigure)
+  {
+    InfoMsg "Rebuilding $BaseName import lib\n";
+    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
+           "  ./config.status --file $PatchType/$BaseName/Makefile:Make.vars.in:$PatchType/$BaseName/Makefile.in " .
+           ") >>$LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+    if ($? != 0)
+    {
+      LogMsg "Unable to regenerate $PatchType/$BaseName/Makefile\n";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
+             "  make -j$ncpus -C $PatchType/$BaseName lib$BaseName.a " .
+             ") >>$LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+      if ($? != 0)
+      {
+        InfoMsg "Make of import library failed\n";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if ($NeedMakefile || $NeedConfigure)
+  {
+    InfoMsg "Recreating tests/Makefile\n";
+    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
+           "  ./config.status --file $PatchType/$BaseName/tests/Makefile:Make.vars.in:$PatchType/$BaseName/tests/Makefile.in " .
+           ") >>$LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+    if ($? != 0)
+    {
+      LogMsg "Recreation of tests/Makefile failed\n";
+      return !1;
+    }
+  }
+  if ($NeedBuildDeps)
+  {
+    InfoMsg "Making build dependencies\n";
+    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
+           "  make -j$ncpus __builddeps__ " .
+           ") >>$LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+    if ($? != 0)
+    {
+      LogMsg "Making build dependencies failed\n";
+      return !1;
+    }
+  }
+  my $TestsDir = "$PatchType/$BaseName/tests";
+  my $TestExecutable = "$TestsDir/$BaseName";
+  if ($PatchType eq "programs")
+  {
+    $TestExecutable .= ".exe";
+  }
+  $TestExecutable .= "_test.exe";
+  unlink("$DataDir/build-mingw${Bits}/$TestExecutable");
+  InfoMsg "Making test executable\n";
+  system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
+         "  make -j$ncpus -C $TestsDir " .
+         ") >>$LogDir/Build.log 2>&1");
+  if ($? != 0)
+  {
+    LogMsg "Make failed\n";
+    return !1;
+  }
+  if (! -f "$DataDir/build-mingw${Bits}/$TestExecutable")
+  {
+    LogMsg "Make didn't produce a $TestExecutable file\n";
+    return !1;
+  }
+  return 1;
+$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/bin:/bin";
+delete $ENV{ENV};
+# Start with clean logfile
+my ($PatchFile, $PatchType, $BaseName, $BitIndicators) = @ARGV;
+if (! $PatchFile || ! $PatchType || ! $BaseName || !$BitIndicators)
+  FatalError "Usage: Build.pl <patchfile> <patchtype> <basename> <bits>\n";
+# Untaint parameters
+if ($PatchFile =~ m/^([\w_.\-]+)$/)
+  $PatchFile = "$DataDir/staging/$1";
+  if (! -r $PatchFile)
+  {
+    FatalError "Patch file $PatchFile not readable\n";
+  }
+  FatalError "Invalid patch file $PatchFile\n";
+if ($PatchType =~ m/^patch(dlls|programs)$/)
+  $PatchType = $1;
+  FatalError "Invalid patch type $PatchType\n";
+if ($BaseName =~ m/^([\w_.\-]+)$/)
+  $BaseName = $1;
+  FatalError "Invalid DLL base name $BaseName\n";
+my $Run32 = !1;
+my $Run64 = !1;
+if ($BitIndicators =~ m/^([\d,]+)$/)
+  my @Bits = split /,/, $1;
+  foreach my $BitsValue (@Bits)
+  {
+    if ($BitsValue == 32)
+    {
+      $Run32 = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($BitsValue == 64)
+    {
+      $Run64 = 1;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      FatalError "Invalid number of bits $BitsValue\n";
+    }
+  }
+  if (! $Run32 && ! $Run64)
+  {
+    FatalError "Specify at least one of 32 or 64 bits\n";
+  }
+  FatalError "Invalid number of bits $BitIndicators\n";
+my ($NeedMakefile, $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib,
+    $NeedConfigure) = ApplyPatch($PatchFile, $PatchType, $BaseName);
+if ($NeedMakefile < 0)
+  exit(1);
+if ($Run32 && ! BuildTestExecutable($BaseName, $PatchType, 32,
+                                    $NeedConfigure, 0 < $NeedMakefile,
+                                    $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps,
+                                    $NeedImplib))
+  exit(1);
+if ($Run64 && ! BuildTestExecutable($BaseName, $PatchType, 64,
+                                    $NeedConfigure, 0 < $NeedMakefile,
+                                    $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps,
+                                    $NeedImplib))
+  exit(1);
+LogMsg "ok\n";
diff --git a/testbot/bin/build/BuildSingleTest.pl b/testbot/bin/build/BuildSingleTest.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 8d06614..0000000
--- a/testbot/bin/build/BuildSingleTest.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
-# Performs the 'build' task in the build machine. Specifically this applies a
-# conformance test patch, rebuilds the impacted test and retrieves the
-# resulting 32 and 64 bit binaries.
-# Copyright 2009 Ge van Geldorp
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
-use strict;
-my $Dir;
-sub BEGIN
-  $main::BuildEnv = 1;
-  $0 =~ m=^(.*)/[^/]*$=;
-  $Dir = $1;
-use lib "$Dir/../../lib";
-use WineTestBot::Config;
-sub InfoMsg
-  my $oldumask = umask(002);
-  if (open LOGFILE, ">>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log")
-  {
-    print LOGFILE @_;
-    close LOGFILE;
-  }
-  umask($oldumask);
-sub LogMsg
-  my $oldumask = umask(002);
-  if (open LOGFILE, ">>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log")
-  {
-    print LOGFILE "BuildSingleTest: ", @_;
-    close LOGFILE;
-  }
-  umask($oldumask);
-sub FatalError
-  LogMsg @_;
-  exit 1;
-sub ApplyPatch
-  my ($PatchFile, $PatchType, $BaseName) = @_;
-  my $NeedMakefile = 0;
-  my $NeedMakeInclude = !1;
-  my $NeedBuildDeps = !1;
-  my $NeedImplib = !1;
-  my $NeedAutoconf = !1;
-  my $NeedConfigure = !1;
-  if (open (FH, "<$PatchFile"))
-  {
-    my $Line;
-    while (defined($Line = <FH>) &&
-           ($NeedMakefile == 0 || ! $NeedMakeInclude || ! $NeedBuildDeps ||
-            ! $NeedImplib || ! $NeedAutoconf || ! $NeedConfigure))
-    {
-      if ($Line =~ m=^diff.*tests/Makefile\.in=)
-      {
-        $NeedMakefile = 1;
-      }
-      elsif ($Line =~ m=^diff.*include/.*\.idl=)
-      {
-        $NeedMakeInclude = 1;
-      }
-      elsif ($Line =~ m=^diff.*\.spec=)
-      {
-        $NeedBuildDeps = 1;
-      }
-      elsif ($PatchType eq "dlls" && $Line =~ m=^diff.*$BaseName/Makefile\.in=)
-      {
-        $NeedImplib = 1;
-      }
-      elsif ($Line =~ m=^diff.*configure\.ac=)
-      {
-        $NeedAutoconf = 1;
-      }
-      elsif ($Line =~ m=^diff.*configure=)
-      {
-        $NeedConfigure = 1;
-      }
-    }
-    close FH;
-  }
-  InfoMsg "Applying patch\n";
-  system("git apply --verbose --directory=$DataDir/wine-git $PatchFile " .
-         ">> $LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-  if ($? != 0)
-  {
-    LogMsg "Patch failed to apply\n";
-    return (-1, $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib, $NeedConfigure);
-  }
-  if ($NeedAutoconf && ! $NeedConfigure)
-  {
-    InfoMsg "Running autoconf\n";
-    system("( cd $DataDir/wine-git && set -x && " .
-           "  autoconf --output configure configure.ac " .
-           ") >>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-    if ($? != 0)
-    {
-       LogMsg "Autoconf failed\n";
-       return (-1, $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib,
-               $NeedConfigure);
-    }
-    $NeedConfigure = 1;
-  }
-  if ($NeedImplib)
-  {
-    if (open (FH, "<$DataDir/wine-git/$PatchType/$BaseName/Makefile.in"))
-    {
-      $NeedImplib = !1;
-      my $Line;
-      while (defined($Line = <FH>) && ! $NeedImplib)
-      {
-        $NeedImplib = ($Line =~ m/^\s*IMPORTLIB\s*=.*$BaseName/)
-      }
-      close FH;
-    }
-  }
-  return ($NeedMakefile, $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib,
-          $NeedConfigure);
-my $ncpus;
-sub CountCPUs()
-    if (open(my $fh, "<", "/proc/cpuinfo"))
-    {
-        # Linux
-        map { $ncpus++ if (/^processor/); } <$fh>;
-        close($fh);
-    }
-    $ncpus ||= 1;
-sub BuildTestExecutable
-  my ($BaseName, $PatchType, $Bits, $NeedConfigure, $NeedMakefile,
-      $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib) = @_;
-  if ($NeedConfigure)
-  {
-    InfoMsg "Reconfigure $Bits-bit crossbuild\n";
-    my $Host = ($Bits == 64 ? "x86_64-w64-mingw32" : "i686-pc-mingw32");
-    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
-           "  ../wine-git/configure --host=$Host --with-wine-tools=../build-native --without-x --without-freetype " .
-           ") >>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-    if ($? != 0)
-    {
-      LogMsg "Reconfigure of $Bits-bit crossbuild failed\n";
-      return !1;
-    }
-  }
-  if ($NeedMakeInclude || $NeedConfigure)
-  {
-    InfoMsg "Recreating include/Makefile\n";
-    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
-           "  ./config.status --file include/Makefile:Make.vars.in:include/Makefile.in " .
-           ") >>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-    if ($? != 0)
-    {
-      LogMsg "Recreation of include/Makefile failed\n";
-      return !1;
-    }
-    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
-           "  make -j$ncpus include " .
-           ") >> $LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-    if ($? != 0)
-    {
-      LogMsg "Make in include dir failed\n";
-      return !1;
-    }
-  }
-  if ($NeedImplib || $NeedConfigure)
-  {
-    InfoMsg "Rebuilding $BaseName import lib\n";
-    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
-           "  ./config.status --file $PatchType/$BaseName/Makefile:Make.vars.in:$PatchType/$BaseName/Makefile.in " .
-           ") >>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-    if ($? != 0)
-    {
-      LogMsg "Unable to regenerate $PatchType/$BaseName/Makefile\n";
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
-             "  make -j$ncpus -C $PatchType/$BaseName lib$BaseName.a " .
-             ") >>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-      if ($? != 0)
-      {
-        InfoMsg "Make of import library failed\n";
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if ($NeedMakefile || $NeedConfigure)
-  {
-    InfoMsg "Recreating tests/Makefile\n";
-    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
-           "  ./config.status --file $PatchType/$BaseName/tests/Makefile:Make.vars.in:$PatchType/$BaseName/tests/Makefile.in " .
-           ") >>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-    if ($? != 0)
-    {
-      LogMsg "Recreation of tests/Makefile failed\n";
-      return !1;
-    }
-  }
-  if ($NeedBuildDeps)
-  {
-    InfoMsg "Making build dependencies\n";
-    system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
-           "  make -j$ncpus __builddeps__ " .
-           ") >>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-    if ($? != 0)
-    {
-      LogMsg "Making build dependencies failed\n";
-      return !1;
-    }
-  }
-  my $TestsDir = "$PatchType/$BaseName/tests";
-  my $TestExecutable = "$TestsDir/$BaseName";
-  if ($PatchType eq "programs")
-  {
-    $TestExecutable .= ".exe";
-  }
-  $TestExecutable .= "_test.exe";
-  unlink("$DataDir/build-mingw${Bits}/$TestExecutable");
-  InfoMsg "Making test executable\n";
-  system("( cd $DataDir/build-mingw$Bits && set -x && " .
-         "  make -j$ncpus -C $TestsDir " .
-         ") >>$LogDir/BuildSingleTest.log 2>&1");
-  if ($? != 0)
-  {
-    LogMsg "Make failed\n";
-    return !1;
-  }
-  if (! -f "$DataDir/build-mingw${Bits}/$TestExecutable")
-  {
-    LogMsg "Make didn't produce a $TestExecutable file\n";
-    return !1;
-  }
-  return 1;
-$ENV{PATH} = "/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/bin:/bin";
-delete $ENV{ENV};
-# Start with clean logfile
-my ($PatchFile, $PatchType, $BaseName, $BitIndicators) = @ARGV;
-if (! $PatchFile || ! $PatchType || ! $BaseName || !$BitIndicators)
-  FatalError "Usage: BuildSingleTest.pl <patchfile> <patchtype> <basename> <bits>\n";
-# Untaint parameters
-if ($PatchFile =~ m/^([\w_.\-]+)$/)
-  $PatchFile = "$DataDir/staging/$1";
-  if (! -r $PatchFile)
-  {
-    FatalError "Patch file $PatchFile not readable\n";
-  }
-  FatalError "Invalid patch file $PatchFile\n";
-if ($PatchType =~ m/^patch(dlls|programs)$/)
-  $PatchType = $1;
-  FatalError "Invalid patch type $PatchType\n";
-if ($BaseName =~ m/^([\w_.\-]+)$/)
-  $BaseName = $1;
-  FatalError "Invalid DLL base name $BaseName\n";
-my $Run32 = !1;
-my $Run64 = !1;
-if ($BitIndicators =~ m/^([\d,]+)$/)
-  my @Bits = split /,/, $1;
-  foreach my $BitsValue (@Bits)
-  {
-    if ($BitsValue == 32)
-    {
-      $Run32 = 1;
-    }
-    elsif ($BitsValue == 64)
-    {
-      $Run64 = 1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-      FatalError "Invalid number of bits $BitsValue\n";
-    }
-  }
-  if (! $Run32 && ! $Run64)
-  {
-    FatalError "Specify at least one of 32 or 64 bits\n";
-  }
-  FatalError "Invalid number of bits $BitIndicators\n";
-my ($NeedMakefile, $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps, $NeedImplib,
-    $NeedConfigure) = ApplyPatch($PatchFile, $PatchType, $BaseName);
-if ($NeedMakefile < 0)
-  exit(1);
-if ($Run32 && ! BuildTestExecutable($BaseName, $PatchType, 32,
-                                    $NeedConfigure, 0 < $NeedMakefile,
-                                    $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps,
-                                    $NeedImplib))
-  exit(1);
-if ($Run64 && ! BuildTestExecutable($BaseName, $PatchType, 64,
-                                    $NeedConfigure, 0 < $NeedMakefile,
-                                    $NeedMakeInclude, $NeedBuildDeps,
-                                    $NeedImplib))
-  exit(1);
-LogMsg "ok\n";

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