[1/2] include: Add more string types.

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Mon Sep 24 09:33:08 CDT 2012


They are mostly annotated variations on the standard types to indicate 
whether the string is supposed to be aligned or not, nul terminated or 
not, etc. We don't care right now but I think it could be useful in the 
future. If not for special architectures (ARM?), at least for automated 

 include/winnt.h |   46 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 39 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/winnt.h b/include/winnt.h
index 7588a7d..c474db0 100644
--- a/include/winnt.h
+++ b/include/winnt.h
@@ -449,6 +449,11 @@ typedef wchar_t         WCHAR,      *PWCHAR;
 typedef unsigned short  WCHAR,      *PWCHAR;
+typedef ULONG           UCSCHAR;
+#define MIN_UCSCHAR                 (0)
+#define MAX_UCSCHAR                 (0x0010ffff)
+#define UCSCHAR_INVALID_CHARACTER   (0xffffffff)
 /* 'Extended/Wide' numerical types */
 #ifndef _ULONGLONG_
 # define _ULONGLONG_
@@ -471,7 +476,8 @@ typedef ULONGLONG   DECLSPEC_ALIGN(8) DWORDLONG,   *PDWORDLONG;
 /* ANSI string types */
-typedef CHAR           *PCH,        *LPCH;
+typedef CHAR           *PCH,        *LPCH,      *PNZCH;
+typedef const CHAR     *PCCH,       *LPCCH,     *PCNZCH;
 typedef const CHAR     *PCCH,       *LPCCH;
 typedef CHAR           *PSTR,       *LPSTR,     *NPSTR;
 typedef const CHAR     *PCSTR,      *LPCSTR;
@@ -479,12 +485,18 @@ typedef CHAR           *PZZSTR;
 typedef const CHAR     *PCZZSTR;
 /* Unicode string types */
+typedef WCHAR          *PWCHAR;
+typedef const WCHAR    *PCWCHAR,    *LPCUWCHAR, *PCUWCHAR;
 typedef WCHAR          *PWCH,       *LPWCH;
 typedef const WCHAR    *PCWCH,      *LPCWCH;
+typedef WCHAR          *PNZWCH,     *PUNZWCH;
+typedef const WCHAR    *PCNZWCH,    *PCUNZWCH;
 typedef WCHAR          *PWSTR,      *LPWSTR,    *NWPSTR;
 typedef const WCHAR    *PCWSTR,     *LPCWSTR;
-typedef WCHAR          *PZZWSTR;
-typedef const WCHAR    *PCZZWSTR;
+typedef WCHAR          *PZZWSTR,    *PUZZWSTR;
+typedef const WCHAR    *PCZZWSTR,   *PCUZZWSTR;
+typedef PWSTR          *PZPWSTR;
+typedef PCWSTR         *PZPCWSTR;
 /* Neutral character and string types */
 /* These are only defined for Winelib, i.e. _not_ defined for
@@ -497,22 +509,42 @@ typedef const WCHAR    *PCZZWSTR;
 typedef WCHAR           TCHAR,      *PTCHAR;
 # define _TCHAR_DEFINED
+typedef LPWCH           PTCH,        LPTCH;
+typedef LPCWCH          PCTCH,       LPCTCH;
 typedef LPWSTR          PTSTR,       LPTSTR;
 typedef LPCWSTR         PCTSTR,      LPCTSTR;
-typedef PZZSTR          PZZTSTR;
-typedef PCZZSTR         PCZZTSTR;
+typedef LPWSTR          PUTSTR,      LPUTSTR;
+typedef LPCWSTR         PCUTSTR,     LPCUTSTR;
+typedef PNZWCH          PNZTCH;
+typedef PUNZWCH         PUNZTCH;
+typedef PCNZWCH         PCNZTCH;
+typedef PCUNZWCH        PCUNZTCH;
+typedef PZZWSTR         PZZTSTR;
+typedef PCZZWSTR        PCZZTSTR;
+typedef PUZZWSTR        PUZZTSTR;
 # else  /* UNICODE */
 # ifndef _TCHAR_DEFINED
 typedef CHAR            TCHAR,      *PTCHAR;
 # define _TCHAR_DEFINED
 # endif
+typedef LPCH            PTCH,        LPTCH;
+typedef LPCCH           PCTCH,       LPCTCH;
 typedef LPSTR           PTSTR,       LPTSTR;
 typedef LPCSTR          PCTSTR,      LPCTSTR;
-typedef PZZWSTR         PZZTSTR;
-typedef PCZZWSTR        PCZZTSTR;
+typedef PNZCH           PNZTCH,      PUNZTCH;
+typedef PCNZCH          PCNZTCH,     PCUNZTCH;
+typedef PZZSTR          PZZTSTR,     PUZZTSTR;
+typedef PCZZSTR         PCZZTSTR,    PCUZZTSTR;
 # endif /* UNICODE */
 #endif   /* WINE_NO_UNICODE_MACROS */
+/* UCS string types */
+typedef UCSCHAR         *PUCSCHAR,  *PUUCSCHAR;
+typedef UCSCHAR         *PUCSSTR,   *PUUCSSTR;
+typedef const UCSCHAR   *PCUCSSTR,  *PCUUCSSTR;
 /* Misc common WIN32 types */
 typedef char            CCHAR;
 typedef DWORD           LCID,       *PLCID;

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