[PATCH 1/2] [cmd] Fix handling of redundant information on goto/labels

Ann and Jason Edmeades jason at edmeades.me.uk
Sun Jun 2 16:56:30 CDT 2013

Handle label and goto commands, ensuring redundant information
left on the line does not affect the processing. Added lots of
tests for edge cases as well.

[Fixes bug 33635]
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From a69789f81ce9f617a1fb805d6fa8531f1544222c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jason Edmeades <jason at edmeades.me.uk>
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2013 00:17:30 +0100
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [cmd] Fix handling of redundant information on

Handle label and goto commands, ensuring redundant information
left on the line does not affect the processing. Added lots of
tests for edge cases as well.

[Fixes bug 33635]
 programs/cmd/builtins.c                  |   34 ++++++++++++------
 programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd     |   55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp |    6 ++++
 programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c                  |   22 ++++++------
 4 files changed, 97 insertions(+), 20 deletions(-)

diff --git a/programs/cmd/builtins.c b/programs/cmd/builtins.c
index 1d9fc15..3c06e13 100644
--- a/programs/cmd/builtins.c
+++ b/programs/cmd/builtins.c
@@ -2501,7 +2501,8 @@ void WCMD_give_help (const WCHAR *args)
 void WCMD_goto (CMD_LIST **cmdList) {
   WCHAR string[MAX_PATH];
-  WCHAR current[MAX_PATH];
+  WCHAR *labelend = NULL;
+  const WCHAR labelEndsW[] = {'>','<','|','&',' ',':','\t','\0'};
   /* Do not process any more parts of a processed multipart or multilines command */
   if (cmdList) *cmdList = NULL;
@@ -2521,25 +2522,38 @@ void WCMD_goto (CMD_LIST **cmdList) {
-    /* Support goto :label as well as goto label */
+    /* Support goto :label as well as goto label plus remove trailing chars */
     if (*paramStart == ':') paramStart++;
+    labelend = strpbrkW(paramStart, labelEndsW);
+    if (labelend) *labelend = 0x00;
+    WINE_TRACE("goto label: '%s'\n", wine_dbgstr_w(paramStart));
     SetFilePointer (context -> h, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
-    while (WCMD_fgets (string, sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR), context -> h)) {
+    while (*paramStart &&
+           WCMD_fgets (string, sizeof(string)/sizeof(WCHAR), context -> h)) {
       str = string;
-      while (isspaceW (*str)) str++;
+      /* Ignore leading whitespace or no-echo character */
+      while (*str=='@' || isspaceW (*str)) str++;
+      /* If the first real character is a : then this is a label */
       if (*str == ':') {
-        DWORD index = 0;
-        while (((current[index] = str[index])) && (!isspaceW (current[index])))
-            index++;
-        /* ignore space at the end */
-        current[index] = 0;
-        if (lstrcmpiW (current, paramStart) == 0) return;
+        /* Skip spaces between : and label */
+        while (isspaceW (*str)) str++;
+        WINE_TRACE("str before brk %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(str));
+        /* Label ends at whitespace or redirection characters */
+        labelend = strpbrkW(str, labelEndsW);
+        if (labelend) *labelend = 0x00;
+        WINE_TRACE("comparing found label %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(str));
+        if (lstrcmpiW (str, paramStart) == 0) return;
+    context -> skip_rest = TRUE;
diff --git a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
index 54070bc..f3aa1a9 100644
--- a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
+++ b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd
@@ -2538,17 +2538,72 @@ echo %ErrorLevel% should still be 7
 echo ------------ Testing GOTO ------------
 if a==a goto dest1
+echo FAILURE at dest 1
 echo goto with no leading space worked
+if a==a goto :dest1b
+echo FAILURE at dest 1b
+echo goto with colon and no leading space worked
 if b==b goto dest2
+echo FAILURE at dest 2
 echo goto with a leading space worked
 if c==c goto dest3
+echo FAILURE at dest 3
 echo goto with a leading tab worked
 if d==d goto dest4
+echo FAILURE at dest 4
 :dest4 at space@
 echo goto with a following space worked
+if e==e goto dest5
+echo FAILURE at dest 5
+:dest5&& echo FAILURE
+echo goto with following amphersands worked
+del failure.txt >nul 2>&1
+if f==f goto dest6
+echo FAILURE at dest 6
+if exist FAILURE.TXT echo FAILURE at dest 6 as file exists
+echo goto with redirections worked
+del FAILURE.TXT >nul 2>&1
+:: some text that is ignored | dir >cmd_output | another test
+if exist cmd_output echo FAILURE at dest 6 as file exists
+echo Ignoring double colons worked
+del cmd_output >nul 2>&1
+rem goto a label which does not exist issues an error message and
+rem acts the same as goto :EOF, and ensure ::label is never matched
+del testgoto.bat >nul 2>&1
+echo goto :dest7 ^>nul 2^>^&1 >> testgoto.bat
+echo echo FAILURE at dest 7 - Should have not found label and issued an error plus ended the batch>> testgoto.bat
+echo ::dest7>> testgoto.bat
+echo echo FAILURE at dest 7 - Incorrectly went to label >> testgoto.bat
+call testgoto.bat
+del testgoto.bat >nul 2>&1
+del testgoto.bat >nul 2>&1
+echo goto ::dest8 ^>nul 2^>^&1 >> testgoto.bat
+echo echo FAILURE at dest 8 - Should have not found label and issued an error plus ended the batch>> testgoto.bat
+echo ::dest8>> testgoto.bat
+echo echo FAILURE at dest 8 - Incorrectly went to label >> testgoto.bat
+call testgoto.bat
+del testgoto.bat >nul 2>&1
+if g==g goto dest9
+echo FAILURE at dest 9
+echo FAILURE at dest 91
+@   :     dest9>rubbish
+echo label with mixed whitespace and no echo worked
+if h==h goto :dest10:this is ignored
+echo FAILURE at dest 10
+:dest10:this is also ignored
+echo Correctly ignored trailing information
 echo ------------ Testing PATH ------------
 set WINE_backup_path=%path%
diff --git a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp
index ebfe8cd..dd6ccb5 100644
--- a/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp
+++ b/programs/cmd/tests/test_builtins.cmd.exp
@@ -1294,9 +1294,15 @@ errorlevel zero, good at or_broken@errorlevel nonzero, bad
 7 should still be 7
 ------------ Testing GOTO ------------
 goto with no leading space worked
+goto with colon and no leading space worked
 goto with a leading space worked
 goto with a leading tab worked
 goto with a following space worked
+goto with following amphersands worked
+goto with redirections worked
+Ignoring double colons worked
+label with mixed whitespace and no echo worked
+Correctly ignored trailing information
 ------------ Testing PATH ------------
diff --git a/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c b/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
index 95f2995..876bbef 100644
--- a/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
+++ b/programs/cmd/wcmdmain.c
@@ -1813,7 +1813,7 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(const WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE
     static const WCHAR forCmd[] = {'f','o','r'};
     static const WCHAR ifCmd[]  = {'i','f'};
     static const WCHAR ifElse[] = {'e','l','s','e'};
-    BOOL      inRem = FALSE;
+    BOOL      inOneLine = FALSE;
     BOOL      inFor = FALSE;
     BOOL      inIn  = FALSE;
     BOOL      inIf  = FALSE;
@@ -1910,9 +1910,10 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(const WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE
       if (curStringLen == 0 && curCopyTo == curString) {
         static const WCHAR forDO[] = {'d','o'};
-        /* If command starts with 'rem ', ignore any &&, ( etc. */
-        if (WCMD_keyword_ws_found(remCmd, sizeof(remCmd)/sizeof(remCmd[0]), curPos)) {
-          inRem = TRUE;
+        /* If command starts with 'rem ' or identifies a label, ignore any &&, ( etc. */
+        if (WCMD_keyword_ws_found(remCmd, sizeof(remCmd)/sizeof(remCmd[0]), curPos) ||
+            *curPos == ':') {
+          inOneLine = TRUE;
         } else if (WCMD_keyword_ws_found(forCmd, sizeof(forCmd)/sizeof(forCmd[0]), curPos)) {
           inFor = TRUE;
@@ -1971,11 +1972,12 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(const WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE
-      /* Nothing 'ends' a REM statement and &&, quotes etc are ineffective,
-         so just use the default processing ie skip character specific
-         matching below                                                    */
-      if (!inRem) thisChar = *curPos;
-      else        thisChar = 'X';  /* Character with no special processing */
+      /* Nothing 'ends' a one line statement (e.g. REM or :labels mean
+         the &&, quotes and redirection etc are ineffective, so just force
+         the use of the default processing by skipping character specific
+         matching below)                                                   */
+      if (!inOneLine) thisChar = *curPos;
+      else            thisChar = 'X';  /* Character with no special processing */
       lastWasWhiteSpace = FALSE; /* Will be reset below */
       lastWasCaret = FALSE;
@@ -2225,7 +2227,7 @@ WCHAR *WCMD_ReadAndParseLine(const WCHAR *optionalcmd, CMD_LIST **output, HANDLE
         WCHAR *extraData;
         WINE_TRACE("Need to read more data as outstanding brackets or carets\n");
-        inRem = FALSE;
+        inOneLine = FALSE;
         prevDelim = CMD_NONE;
         inQuotes = 0;
         memset(extraSpace, 0x00, (MAXSTRING+1) * sizeof(WCHAR));

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