[11/23] user32/tests: Fix listbox tests compilation with __WINESRC__ defined.

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at baikal.ru
Wed Oct 23 00:53:49 CDT 2013

 dlls/user32/tests/listbox.c | 456 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 1 file changed, 228 insertions(+), 228 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/user32/tests/listbox.c b/dlls/user32/tests/listbox.c
index 0a000cc..fdc190d 100644
--- a/dlls/user32/tests/listbox.c
+++ b/dlls/user32/tests/listbox.c
@@ -53,16 +53,16 @@ create_listbox (DWORD add_style, HWND parent)
   INT_PTR ctl_id=0;
   if (parent)
-  handle=CreateWindow ("LISTBOX", "TestList",
+  handle=CreateWindowA("LISTBOX", "TestList",
                             (LBS_STANDARD & ~LBS_SORT) | add_style,
                             0, 0, 100, 100,
                             parent, (HMENU)ctl_id, NULL, 0);
   assert (handle);
-  SendMessage (handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) strings[0]);
-  SendMessage (handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) strings[1]);
-  SendMessage (handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) strings[2]);
-  SendMessage (handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) strings[3]);
+  SendMessageA(handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) strings[0]);
+  SendMessageA(handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) strings[1]);
+  SendMessageA(handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) strings[2]);
+  SendMessageA(handle, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) strings[3]);
 #ifdef VISIBLE
   ShowWindow (handle, SW_SHOW);
@@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ struct listbox_test {
 static void
 listbox_query (HWND handle, struct listbox_stat *results)
-  results->selected = SendMessage (handle, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
-  results->anchor   = SendMessage (handle, LB_GETANCHORINDEX, 0, 0);
-  results->caret    = SendMessage (handle, LB_GETCARETINDEX, 0, 0);
-  results->selcount = SendMessage (handle, LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0);
+  results->selected = SendMessageA(handle, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0);
+  results->anchor   = SendMessageA(handle, LB_GETANCHORINDEX, 0, 0);
+  results->caret    = SendMessageA(handle, LB_GETCARETINDEX, 0, 0);
+  results->selcount = SendMessageA(handle, LB_GETSELCOUNT, 0, 0);
 static void
@@ -103,8 +103,8 @@ buttonpress (HWND handle, WORD x, WORD y)
   LPARAM lp=x+(y<<16);
-  SendMessage (handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, lp);
-  SendMessage (handle, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, lp);
+  SendMessageA(handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, MK_LBUTTON, lp);
+  SendMessageA(handle, WM_LBUTTONUP, 0, lp);
@@ -114,8 +114,8 @@ keypress (HWND handle, WPARAM keycode, BYTE scancode, BOOL extended)
   LPARAM lp=1+(scancode<<16)+(extended?KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY:0);
-  SendMessage (handle, WM_KEYDOWN, keycode, lp);
-  SendMessage (handle, WM_KEYUP  , keycode, lp | 0xc000000);
+  SendMessageA(handle, WM_KEYDOWN, keycode, lp);
+  SendMessageA(handle, WM_KEYUP  , keycode, lp | 0xc000000);
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ check (const struct listbox_test test)
   listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
   listbox_ok (test, init, answer);
-  SendMessage (hLB, LB_GETITEMRECT, 1, (LPARAM) &second_item);
+  SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETITEMRECT, 1, (LPARAM) &second_item);
   buttonpress(hLB, (WORD)second_item.left, (WORD)second_item.top);
   listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
@@ -160,12 +160,12 @@ check (const struct listbox_test test)
   DestroyWindow (hLB);
   hLB=create_listbox (test.prop.add_style, 0);
   listbox_query (hLB, &answer);
   listbox_ok (test, sel, answer);
   for (i=0;i<4;i++) {
-	DWORD size = SendMessage (hLB, LB_GETTEXTLEN, i, 0);
+	DWORD size = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETTEXTLEN, i, 0);
 	CHAR *txt;
 	WCHAR *txtw;
 	int resA, resW;
@@ -189,13 +189,13 @@ check (const struct listbox_test test)
   /* Confirm the count of items, and that an invalid delete does not remove anything */
-  res = SendMessage (hLB, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+  res = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
   ok((res==4), "Expected 4 items, got %d\n", res);
-  res = SendMessage (hLB, LB_DELETESTRING, -1, 0);
+  res = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_DELETESTRING, -1, 0);
   ok((res==LB_ERR), "Expected LB_ERR items, got %d\n", res);
-  res = SendMessage (hLB, LB_DELETESTRING, 4, 0);
+  res = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_DELETESTRING, 4, 0);
   ok((res==LB_ERR), "Expected LB_ERR items, got %d\n", res);
-  res = SendMessage (hLB, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+  res = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
   ok((res==4), "Expected 4 items, got %d\n", res);
@@ -207,29 +207,29 @@ static void check_item_height(void)
     HWND hLB;
     HDC hdc;
     HFONT font;
     INT itemHeight;
     hLB = create_listbox (0, 0);
     ok ((hdc = GetDCEx( hLB, 0, DCX_CACHE )) != 0, "Can't get hdc\n");
     ok ((font = GetCurrentObject(hdc, OBJ_FONT)) != 0, "Can't get the current font\n");
-    ok (GetTextMetrics( hdc, &tm ), "Can't read font metrics\n");
+    ok (GetTextMetricsA( hdc, &tm ), "Can't read font metrics\n");
     ReleaseDC( hLB, hdc);
-    ok (SendMessage(hLB, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)font, 0) == 0, "Can't set font\n");
+    ok (SendMessageA(hLB, WM_SETFONT, (WPARAM)font, 0) == 0, "Can't set font\n");
-    itemHeight = SendMessage(hLB, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
+    itemHeight = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemHeight == tm.tmHeight, "Item height wrong, got %d, expecting %d\n", itemHeight, tm.tmHeight);
     DestroyWindow (hLB);
-    hLB = CreateWindow ("LISTBOX", "TestList", LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE,
+    hLB = CreateWindowA("LISTBOX", "TestList", LBS_OWNERDRAWVARIABLE,
                          0, 0, 100, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0);
-    itemHeight = SendMessage(hLB, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
+    itemHeight = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
     ok(itemHeight == tm.tmHeight, "itemHeight %d\n", itemHeight);
-    itemHeight = SendMessage(hLB, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 5, 0);
+    itemHeight = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 5, 0);
     ok(itemHeight == tm.tmHeight, "itemHeight %d\n", itemHeight);
-    itemHeight = SendMessage(hLB, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, -5, 0);
+    itemHeight = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, -5, 0);
     ok(itemHeight == tm.tmHeight, "itemHeight %d\n", itemHeight);
     DestroyWindow (hLB);
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI main_window_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARA
         trace("rcItem (%d,%d-%d,%d)\n", dis->rcItem.left, dis->rcItem.top,
                dis->rcItem.right, dis->rcItem.bottom);
-        SendMessage(dis->hwndItem, LB_GETITEMRECT, dis->itemID, (LPARAM)&rc_item);
+        SendMessageA(dis->hwndItem, LB_GETITEMRECT, dis->itemID, (LPARAM)&rc_item);
         trace("item rect (%d,%d-%d,%d)\n", rc_item.left, rc_item.top, rc_item.right, rc_item.bottom);
         ok(EqualRect(&dis->rcItem, &rc_item), "item rects are not equal\n");
@@ -271,12 +271,12 @@ static LRESULT WINAPI main_window_proc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARA
-    return DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
+    return DefWindowProcA(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
 static HWND create_parent( void )
-    WNDCLASS cls;
+    WNDCLASSA cls;
     HWND parent;
     static ATOM class;
@@ -286,20 +286,20 @@ static HWND create_parent( void )
         cls.lpfnWndProc = main_window_proc;
         cls.cbClsExtra = 0;
         cls.cbWndExtra = 0;
-        cls.hInstance = GetModuleHandle(0);
+        cls.hInstance = GetModuleHandleA(NULL);
         cls.hIcon = 0;
-        cls.hCursor = LoadCursor(0, IDC_ARROW);
+        cls.hCursor = LoadCursorA(0, (LPCSTR)IDC_ARROW);
         cls.hbrBackground = GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
         cls.lpszMenuName = NULL;
         cls.lpszClassName = "main_window_class";
-        class = RegisterClass( &cls );
+        class = RegisterClassA( &cls );
-    parent = CreateWindowEx(0, "main_window_class", NULL,
+    parent = CreateWindowExA(0, "main_window_class", NULL,
                             WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE,
                             100, 100, 400, 400,
                             GetDesktopWindow(), 0,
-                            GetModuleHandle(0), NULL);
+                            GetModuleHandleA(NULL), NULL);
     return parent;
@@ -319,16 +319,16 @@ static void test_ownerdraw(void)
     /* make height short enough */
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_GETITEMRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rc);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETITEMRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rc);
     SetWindowPos(hLB, 0, 0, 0, 100, rc.bottom - rc.top + 1,
                  SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE);
     /* make 0 item invisible */
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_SETTOPINDEX, 1, 0);
-    ret = SendMessage(hLB, LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SETTOPINDEX, 1, 0);
+    ret = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0);
     ok(ret == 1, "wrong top index %d\n", ret);
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_GETITEMRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rc);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_GETITEMRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rc);
     trace("item 0 rect (%d,%d-%d,%d)\n", rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom);
     ok(!IsRectEmpty(&rc), "empty item rect\n");
     ok(rc.top < 0, "rc.top is not negative (%d)\n", rc.top);
@@ -361,61 +361,61 @@ static void test_selection(void)
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    ret = SendMessage(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(1, 2));
+    ret = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(1, 2));
     ok(ret == LB_OKAY, "LB_SELITEMRANGE returned %d instead of LB_OKAY\n", ret);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_1, answer);
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    ret = SendMessage(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(0, 4));
+    ret = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(0, 4));
     ok(ret == LB_OKAY, "LB_SELITEMRANGE returned %d instead of LB_OKAY\n", ret);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_3, answer);
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    ret = SendMessage(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(-5, 5));
+    ret = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(-5, 5));
     ok(ret == LB_OKAY, "LB_SELITEMRANGE returned %d instead of LB_OKAY\n", ret);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    ret = SendMessage(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(2, 10));
+    ret = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(2, 10));
     ok(ret == LB_OKAY, "LB_SELITEMRANGE returned %d instead of LB_OKAY\n", ret);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_1, answer);
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    ret = SendMessage(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(4, 10));
+    ret = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(4, 10));
     ok(ret == LB_OKAY, "LB_SELITEMRANGE returned %d instead of LB_OKAY\n", ret);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    ret = SendMessage(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(10, 1));
+    ret = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(10, 1));
     ok(ret == LB_OKAY, "LB_SELITEMRANGE returned %d instead of LB_OKAY\n", ret);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_2, answer);
-    SendMessage(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
+    SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SETSEL, FALSE, -1);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_nosel, answer);
-    ret = SendMessage(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(1, -1));
+    ret = SendMessageA(hLB, LB_SELITEMRANGE, TRUE, MAKELPARAM(1, -1));
     ok(ret == LB_OKAY, "LB_SELITEMRANGE returned %d instead of LB_OKAY\n", ret);
     listbox_query(hLB, &answer);
     listbox_test_query(test_2, answer);
@@ -428,35 +428,35 @@ static void test_listbox_height(void)
     HWND hList;
     int r, id;
-    hList = CreateWindow( "ListBox", "list test", 0, 
+    hList = CreateWindowA( "ListBox", "list test", 0,
                           1, 1, 600, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
     ok( hList != NULL, "failed to create listbox\n");
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi");
     ok( id == 0, "item id wrong\n");
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 20, 0 ));
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 20, 0 ));
     ok( r == 0, "send message failed\n");
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 );
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 );
     ok( r == 20, "height wrong\n");
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 0, 30 ));
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 0, 30 ));
     ok( r == -1, "send message failed\n");
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 );
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 );
     ok( r == 20, "height wrong\n");
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 0x100, 0 ));
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 0x100, 0 ));
     ok( r == -1, "send message failed\n");
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 );
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 );
     ok( r == 20, "height wrong\n");
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 0xff, 0 ));
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 0xff, 0 ));
     ok( r == 0, "send message failed\n");
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 );
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0 );
     ok( r == 0xff, "height wrong\n");
     DestroyWindow( hList );
@@ -468,81 +468,81 @@ static void test_itemfrompoint(void)
        without caption). LBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT is required in order to test
        behavior of partially-displayed item.
-    HWND hList = CreateWindow( "ListBox", "list test",
+    HWND hList = CreateWindowA( "ListBox", "list test",
                                1, 1, 600, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
     ULONG r, id;
     RECT rc;
     /* For an empty listbox win2k returns 0x1ffff, win98 returns 0x10000, nt4 returns 0xffffffff */
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( /* x */ 30, /* y */ 30 ));
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( /* x */ 30, /* y */ 30 ));
     ok( r == 0x1ffff || r == 0x10000 || r == 0xffffffff, "ret %x\n", r );
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 700, 30 ));
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 700, 30 ));
     ok( r == 0x1ffff || r == 0x10000 || r == 0xffffffff, "ret %x\n", r );
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 30, 300 ));
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( 30, 300 ));
     ok( r == 0x1ffff || r == 0x10000 || r == 0xffffffff, "ret %x\n", r );
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi");
     ok( id == 0, "item id wrong\n");
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi1");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi1");
     ok( id == 1, "item id wrong\n");
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( /* x */ 30, /* y */ 30 ));
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( /* x */ 30, /* y */ 30 ));
     ok( r == 0x1, "ret %x\n", r );
-    r = SendMessage(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( /* x */ 30, /* y */ 601 ));
+    r = SendMessageA(hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM( /* x */ 30, /* y */ 601 ));
     ok( r == 0x10001 || broken(r == 1), /* nt4 */
         "ret %x\n", r );
     /* Resize control so that below assertions about sizes are valid */
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_GETITEMRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rc);
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_GETITEMRECT, 0, (LPARAM)&rc);
     ok( r == 1, "ret %x\n", r);
     r = MoveWindow(hList, 1, 1, 600, (rc.bottom - rc.top + 1) * 9 / 2, TRUE);
     ok( r != 0, "ret %x\n", r);
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi2");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi2");
     ok( id == 2, "item id wrong\n");
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi3");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi3");
     ok( id == 3, "item id wrong\n");
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi4");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi4");
     ok( id == 4, "item id wrong\n");
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi5");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi5");
     ok( id == 5, "item id wrong\n");
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi6");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi6");
     ok( id == 6, "item id wrong\n");
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi7");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi7");
     ok( id == 7, "item id wrong\n");
     /* Set the listbox up so that id 1 is at the top, this leaves 5
        partially visible at the bottom and 6, 7 are invisible */
-    SendMessage( hList, LB_SETTOPINDEX, 1, 0);
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0);
+    SendMessageA( hList, LB_SETTOPINDEX, 1, 0);
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0);
     ok( r == 1, "top %d\n", r);
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_GETITEMRECT, 5, (LPARAM)&rc);
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_GETITEMRECT, 5, (LPARAM)&rc);
     ok( r == 1, "ret %x\n", r);
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_GETITEMRECT, 6, (LPARAM)&rc);
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_GETITEMRECT, 6, (LPARAM)&rc);
     ok( r == 0, "ret %x\n", r);
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(/* x */ 10, /* y */ 10) );
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(/* x */ 10, /* y */ 10) );
     ok( r == 1, "ret %x\n", r);
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(1000, 10) );
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(1000, 10) );
     ok( r == 0x10001 || broken(r == 1), /* nt4 */
         "ret %x\n", r );
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(10, -10) );
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(10, -10) );
     ok( r == 0x10001 || broken(r == 1), /* nt4 */
         "ret %x\n", r );
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(10, 100) );
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(10, 100) );
     ok( r == 0x10005 || broken(r == 5), /* nt4 */
         "item %x\n", r );
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(10, 200) );
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ITEMFROMPOINT, 0, MAKELPARAM(10, 200) );
     ok( r == 0x10005 || broken(r == 5), /* nt4 */
         "item %x\n", r );
@@ -554,17 +554,17 @@ static void test_listbox_item_data(void)
     HWND hList;
     int r, id;
-    hList = CreateWindow( "ListBox", "list test", 0,
+    hList = CreateWindowA( "ListBox", "list test", 0,
                           1, 1, 600, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
     ok( hList != NULL, "failed to create listbox\n");
-    id = SendMessage( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi");
+    id = SendMessageA( hList, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM) "hi");
     ok( id == 0, "item id wrong\n");
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_SETITEMDATA, 0, MAKELPARAM( 20, 0 ));
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_SETITEMDATA, 0, MAKELPARAM( 20, 0 ));
     ok(r == TRUE, "LB_SETITEMDATA returned %d instead of TRUE\n", r);
-    r = SendMessage( hList, LB_GETITEMDATA, 0, 0);
+    r = SendMessageA( hList, LB_GETITEMDATA, 0, 0);
     ok( r == 20, "get item data failed\n");
     DestroyWindow( hList );
@@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
        one file that fits the wildcard w*.c . Normally, the test
        directory itself satisfies both conditions.
-    hList = CreateWindow( "ListBox", "list test", WS_VISIBLE|WS_POPUP,
+    hList = CreateWindowA( "ListBox", "list test", WS_VISIBLE|WS_POPUP,
                           1, 1, 600, 100, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL );
@@ -602,18 +602,18 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* This should list all the files in the test directory. */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, wildcard);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     if (res == -1)  /* "*" wildcard doesn't work on win9x */
         wildcard = "*.*";
         strcpy(pathBuffer, wildcard);
-        res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res >= 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, 0, *) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be some content in the listbox */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount > 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) did NOT fill the listbox!\n");
     itemCount_allFiles = itemCount;
     ok(res + 1 == itemCount,
@@ -622,12 +622,12 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* This tests behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res == -1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, 0, %s) returned %d, expected -1\n", BAD_EXTENSION, res);
     /* There should be NO content in the listbox */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) DID fill the listbox!\n");
@@ -635,8 +635,8 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
      * As of this writing, this includes win.c, winstation.c, wsprintf.c
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res >= 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, 0, w*.c) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* Path specification does NOT converted to uppercase */
@@ -644,7 +644,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
         "expected no change to pathBuffer, got %s\n", pathBuffer);
     /* There should be some content in the listbox */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount > 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) did NOT fill the listbox!\n");
     itemCount_justFiles = itemCount;
     ok(res + 1 == itemCount,
@@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* Every single item in the control should start with a w and end in .c */
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         p = pathBuffer + strlen(pathBuffer);
         ok(((pathBuffer[0] == 'w' || pathBuffer[0] == 'W') &&
             (*(p-1) == 'c' || *(p-1) == 'C') &&
@@ -663,14 +663,14 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* Test DDL_DIRECTORY */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, wildcard);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res > 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, *) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be some content in the listbox.
      * All files plus "[..]"
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     itemCount_allDirs = itemCount - itemCount_allFiles;
     ok (itemCount > itemCount_allFiles,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, *) filled with %d entries, expected > %d\n",
@@ -681,25 +681,25 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* This tests behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res == -1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, %s) returned %d, expected -1\n", BAD_EXTENSION, res);
     /* There should be NO content in the listbox */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) DID fill the listbox!\n");
     /* Test DDL_DIRECTORY */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res >= 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, w*.c) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be some content in the listbox. Since the parent directory does not
      * fit w*.c, there should be exactly the same number of items as without DDL_DIRECTORY
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justFiles,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY, w*.c) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justFiles);
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* Every single item in the control should start with a w and end in .c. */
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         p = pathBuffer + strlen(pathBuffer);
             ((pathBuffer[0] == 'w' || pathBuffer[0] == 'W') &&
@@ -721,8 +721,8 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     strcpy(pathBuffer, wildcard);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res >= 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, *)  failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be some content in the listbox. In particular, there should
@@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
      * have been added. Depending on the user setting, more drives might have
      * been added.
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount >= 1,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, *) filled with %d entries, expected at least %d\n",
         itemCount, 1);
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         ok( strlen(pathBuffer) == 5, "Length of drive string is not 5\n" );
         ok( sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1, "Element %d (%s) does not fit [-X-]\n", i, pathBuffer);
         ok( driveletter >= 'a' && driveletter <= 'z', "Drive letter not in range a..z, got ascii %d\n", driveletter);
@@ -754,12 +754,12 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* This tests behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res == itemCount_justDrives -1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, %s) returned %d, expected %d\n",
         BAD_EXTENSION, res, itemCount_justDrives -1);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) returned %d expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justDrives);
@@ -768,8 +768,8 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* Test DDL_DRIVES. */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, wildcard);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res > 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, *)  failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be some content in the listbox. In particular, there should
@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
      * have been added. Depending on the user setting, more drives might have
      * been added.
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allFiles,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, *) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allFiles);
@@ -785,19 +785,19 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* This tests behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res == itemCount_justDrives -1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, %s) returned %d, expected %d\n",
         BAD_EXTENSION, res, itemCount_justDrives -1);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == res + 1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) returned %d expected %d\n", itemCount, res + 1);
     /* Test DDL_DRIVES. */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res > 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, w*.c)  failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be some content in the listbox. In particular, there should
@@ -805,7 +805,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
      * have been added. Depending on the user setting, more drives might have
      * been added.
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_justFiles,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DRIVES, w*.c) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_justFiles);
@@ -815,7 +815,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         p = pathBuffer + strlen(pathBuffer);
         if (sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1) {
             ok( strlen(pathBuffer) == 5, "Length of drive string is not 5\n" );
@@ -831,14 +831,14 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* Test DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES. This does *not* imply DDL_EXCLUSIVE */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, wildcard);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res > 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, *) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be some content in the listbox. In particular, there should
      * be exactly the number of plain files, plus the number of mapped drives.
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_allFiles + itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_allFiles + itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs);
@@ -851,7 +851,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         if (sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1) {
             ok( driveletter >= 'a' && driveletter <= 'z', "Drive letter not in range a..z, got ascii %d\n", driveletter);
@@ -859,26 +859,26 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* This tests behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res == itemCount_justDrives -1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, %s) returned %d, expected %d\n",
         BAD_EXTENSION, res, itemCount_justDrives -1);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == res + 1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) returned %d expected %d\n", itemCount, res + 1);
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res > 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES, w*.c) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be some content in the listbox. In particular, there should
      * be exactly the number of plain files, plus the number of mapped drives.
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justFiles + itemCount_justDrives,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justFiles + itemCount_justDrives);
@@ -891,7 +891,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         p = pathBuffer + strlen(pathBuffer);
         if (sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1) {
             ok( driveletter >= 'a' && driveletter <= 'z', "Drive letter not in range a..z, got ascii %d\n", driveletter);
@@ -905,11 +905,11 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     strcpy(pathBuffer, wildcard);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res != -1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, *) failed err %u\n", GetLastError());
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_allDirs,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_allDirs);
@@ -918,41 +918,41 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     if (itemCount && GetCurrentDirectoryA( MAX_PATH, pathBuffer ) > 3)  /* there's no [..] in drive root */
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         ok( !strcmp(pathBuffer, "[..]"), "First element is not [..]\n");
     /* This tests behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res == -1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, %s) returned %d, expected %d\n",
         BAD_EXTENSION, res, -1);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == res + 1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) returned %d expected %d\n", itemCount, res + 1);
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res == LB_ERR, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, w*.c) returned %d expected %d\n", res, LB_ERR);
     /* There should be no elements, since "[..]" does not fit w*.c */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == 0,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, 0);
     strcpy(pathBuffer, wildcard);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res > 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, w*.c,) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be no plain files on the listbox */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs);
@@ -961,7 +961,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         if (sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1) {
             ok( driveletter >= 'a' && driveletter <= 'z', "Drive letter not in range a..z, got ascii %d\n", driveletter);
         } else {
@@ -972,22 +972,22 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     /* This tests behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res == itemCount_justDrives -1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, %s) returned %d, expected %d\n",
         BAD_EXTENSION, res, itemCount_justDrives -1);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == res + 1, "SendMessage(LB_DIR) returned %d expected %d\n", itemCount, res + 1);
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    SendMessage(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    res = SendMessage(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(hList, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    res = SendMessageA(hList, LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     ok (res >= 0, "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE, w*.c,) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be no plain files on the listbox, and no [..], since it does not fit w*.c */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives,
         "SendMessage(LB_DIR, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justDrives);
@@ -996,7 +996,7 @@ static void test_listbox_LB_DIR(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(hList, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         ok (sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1, "Element %d (%s) does not fit [-X-]\n", i, pathBuffer);
         ok( driveletter >= 'a' && driveletter <= 'z', "Drive letter not in range a..z, got ascii %d\n", driveletter);
@@ -1011,16 +1011,16 @@ static HWND g_label;
 #define ID_TEST_LABEL    1001
 #define ID_TEST_LISTBOX  1002
-static BOOL on_listbox_container_create (HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCT lpcs)
+static BOOL on_listbox_container_create (HWND hwnd, LPCREATESTRUCTA lpcs)
-    g_label = CreateWindow(
+    g_label = CreateWindowA(
         "Contents of static control before DlgDirList.",
         10, 10, 512, 32,
         hwnd, (HMENU)ID_TEST_LABEL, NULL, 0);
     if (!g_label) return FALSE;
-    g_listBox = CreateWindow(
+    g_listBox = CreateWindowA(
         "DlgDirList test",
@@ -1060,7 +1060,7 @@ static BOOL RegisterListboxWindowClass(HINSTANCE hInst)
     cls.cbWndExtra = 0;
     cls.hInstance = hInst;
     cls.hIcon = NULL;
-    cls.hCursor = LoadCursorA (NULL, IDC_ARROW);
+    cls.hCursor = LoadCursorA (NULL, (LPCSTR)IDC_ARROW);
     cls.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1);
     cls.lpszMenuName = NULL;
     cls.lpfnWndProc = listbox_container_window_procA;
@@ -1098,7 +1098,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     hInst = GetModuleHandleA(0);
     if (!RegisterListboxWindowClass(hInst)) assert(0);
-    hWnd = CreateWindow("ListboxContainerClass", "ListboxContainerClass",
+    hWnd = CreateWindowA("ListboxContainerClass", "ListboxContainerClass",
                     WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,
             NULL, NULL, hInst, 0);
@@ -1107,13 +1107,13 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Test for standard usage */
     /* The following should be overwritten by the directory path */
-    SendMessage(g_label, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"default contents");
+    SendMessageA(g_label, WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)"default contents");
     /* This should list all the w*.c files in the test directory
      * As of this writing, this includes win.c, winstation.c, wsprintf.c
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL, 0);
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL, 0);
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(*.c, 0) returned %d - expected 1 - 0x%08x\n", res, GetLastError());
     /* Path specification gets converted to uppercase */
@@ -1121,19 +1121,19 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
         "expected conversion to uppercase, got %s\n", pathBuffer);
     /* Loaded path should have overwritten the label text */
-    SendMessage(g_label, WM_GETTEXT, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+    SendMessageA(g_label, WM_GETTEXT, MAX_PATH, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
     trace("Static control after DlgDirList: %s\n", pathBuffer);
     ok (strcmp("default contents", pathBuffer), "DlgDirList() did not modify static control!\n");
     /* There should be some content in the listbox */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount > 0, "DlgDirList() did NOT fill the listbox!\n");
     itemCount_justFiles = itemCount;
     /* Every single item in the control should start with a w and end in .c */
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         p = pathBuffer + strlen(pathBuffer);
         ok(((pathBuffer[0] == 'w' || pathBuffer[0] == 'W') &&
             (*(p-1) == 'c' || *(p-1) == 'C') &&
@@ -1142,15 +1142,15 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Test behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL, 0);
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL, 0);
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(%s, 0) returned %d expected 1\n", BAD_EXTENSION, res);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == 0, "DlgDirList() DID fill the listbox!\n");
     /* Test DDL_DIRECTORY */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(*.c, DDL_DIRECTORY) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
@@ -1158,7 +1158,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
      * be exactly more elements than before, since the directories should
      * have been added.
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     itemCount_allDirs = itemCount - itemCount_justFiles;
     ok (itemCount >= itemCount_justFiles,
         "DlgDirList(DDL_DIRECTORY) filled with %d entries, expected > %d\n",
@@ -1169,7 +1169,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         p = pathBuffer + strlen(pathBuffer);
         ok( (pathBuffer[0] == '[' && pathBuffer[strlen(pathBuffer)-1] == ']') ||
             ((pathBuffer[0] == 'w' || pathBuffer[0] == 'W') &&
@@ -1179,17 +1179,17 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Test behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(%s, DDL_DIRECTORY) returned %d expected 1\n", BAD_EXTENSION, res);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_allDirs,
         "DlgDirList() incorrectly filled the listbox! (expected %d got %d)\n",
         itemCount_allDirs, itemCount);
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         ok( pathBuffer[0] == '[' && pathBuffer[strlen(pathBuffer)-1] == ']',
             "Element %d (%s) does not fit requested [...]\n", i, pathBuffer);
@@ -1197,7 +1197,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Test DDL_DRIVES. At least on WinXP-SP2, this implies DDL_EXCLUSIVE */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(*.c, DDL_DRIVES) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
      * have been added. Depending on the user setting, more drives might have
      * been added.
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount >= 1,
         "DlgDirList(DDL_DRIVES) filled with %d entries, expected at least %d\n",
         itemCount, 1);
@@ -1216,7 +1216,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         ok( strlen(pathBuffer) == 5, "Length of drive string is not 5\n" );
         ok( sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1, "Element %d (%s) does not fit [-X-]\n", i, pathBuffer);
         ok( driveletter >= 'a' && driveletter <= 'z', "Drive letter not in range a..z, got ascii %d\n", driveletter);
@@ -1229,17 +1229,17 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Test behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(%s, DDL_DRIVES) returned %d expected 1\n", BAD_EXTENSION, res);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives, "DlgDirList() incorrectly filled the listbox!\n");
     /* Test DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES. This does *not* imply DDL_EXCLUSIVE */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(*.c, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
@@ -1247,7 +1247,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
      * be exactly the number of plain files, plus the number of mapped drives,
      * plus one "[..]"
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justFiles + itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs,
         "DlgDirList(DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justFiles + itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs);
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         p = pathBuffer + strlen(pathBuffer);
         if (sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1) {
             ok( driveletter >= 'a' && driveletter <= 'z', "Drive letter not in range a..z, got ascii %d\n", driveletter);
@@ -1273,11 +1273,11 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Test behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(%s, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES) returned %d expected 1\n", BAD_EXTENSION, res);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs,
         "DlgDirList() incorrectly filled the listbox! (expected %d got %d)\n",
         itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs, itemCount);
@@ -1286,12 +1286,12 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(*.c, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be exactly one element: "[..]" */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_allDirs,
         "DlgDirList(DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_allDirs);
@@ -1299,28 +1299,28 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     if (itemCount && GetCurrentDirectoryA( MAX_PATH, pathBuffer ) > 3)  /* there's no [..] in drive root */
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         ok( !strcmp(pathBuffer, "[..]"), "First (and only) element is not [..]\n");
     /* Test behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(%s, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) returned %d expected 1\n", BAD_EXTENSION, res);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_allDirs, "DlgDirList() incorrectly filled the listbox!\n");
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "w*.c");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(*.c, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
     /* There should be no plain files on the listbox */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs,
         "DlgDirList(DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) filled with %d entries, expected %d\n",
         itemCount, itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs);
@@ -1328,7 +1328,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)pathBuffer);
         if (sscanf(pathBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1) {
             ok( driveletter >= 'a' && driveletter <= 'z', "Drive letter not in range a..z, got ascii %d\n", driveletter);
         } else {
@@ -1339,25 +1339,25 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Test behavior when no files match the wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, BAD_EXTENSION);
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res == 1, "DlgDirList(%s, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES|DDL_EXCLUSIVE) returned %d expected 1\n", BAD_EXTENSION, res);
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     ok (itemCount == itemCount_justDrives + itemCount_allDirs,
         "DlgDirList() incorrectly filled the listbox!\n");
     /* Now test DlgDirSelectEx() in normal operation */
     /* Fill with everything - drives, directory and all plain files. */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "*");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, ID_TEST_LABEL,
     ok (res != 0, "DlgDirList(*, DDL_DIRECTORY|DDL_DRIVES) failed - 0x%08x\n", GetLastError());
-    SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0); /* Unselect any current selection */
+    SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_SETCURSEL, -1, 0); /* Unselect any current selection */
     memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
-    res = DlgDirSelectEx(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
+    res = DlgDirSelectExA(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
     ok (GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
         "DlgDirSelectEx() with no selection modified last error code from 0xdeadbeef to 0x%08x\n",
@@ -1367,19 +1367,19 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     ok (strlen(pathBuffer) == 0, "DlgDirSelectEx() with no selection filled buffer with %s\n", pathBuffer);
     /* Test proper drive/dir/file recognition */
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(itemBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         memset(tempBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)itemBuffer);
-        res = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_SETCURSEL, i, 0);
-        ok (res == i, "SendMessage(LB_SETCURSEL, %d) failed\n", i);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)itemBuffer);
+        res = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_SETCURSEL, i, 0);
+        ok (res == i, "SendMessageA(LB_SETCURSEL, %d) failed\n", i);
         if (sscanf(itemBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1) {
             /* Current item is a drive letter */
-            res = DlgDirSelectEx(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
+            res = DlgDirSelectExA(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
             ok (GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
                "DlgDirSelectEx() with selection at %d modified last error code from 0xdeadbeef to 0x%08x\n",
                 i, GetLastError());
@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
         } else if (itemBuffer[0] == '[') {
             /* Current item is the parent directory */
-            res = DlgDirSelectEx(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
+            res = DlgDirSelectExA(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
             ok (GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
                "DlgDirSelectEx() with selection at %d modified last error code from 0xdeadbeef to 0x%08x\n",
                 i, GetLastError());
@@ -1402,13 +1402,13 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
             ok (*(p-1) == '\\', "DlgDirSelectEx did NOT tack on a backslash to dir, got %s\n", pathBuffer);
             tempBuffer[0] = '[';
-            strncpy(tempBuffer + 1, pathBuffer, strlen(pathBuffer) - 1);
+            lstrcpynA(tempBuffer + 1, pathBuffer, strlen(pathBuffer));
             strcat(tempBuffer, "]");
             ok (!strcmp(tempBuffer, itemBuffer), "Formatted directory should be %s, got %s\n", tempBuffer, itemBuffer);
         } else {
             /* Current item is a plain file */
-            res = DlgDirSelectEx(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
+            res = DlgDirSelectExA(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
             ok (GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
                "DlgDirSelectEx() with selection at %d modified last error code from 0xdeadbeef to 0x%08x\n",
                 i, GetLastError());
@@ -1427,22 +1427,22 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Now test DlgDirSelectEx() in abnormal operation */
     /* Fill list with bogus entries, that look somewhat valid */
-    SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
-    SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"[notexist.dir]");
-    SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"notexist.fil");
-    itemCount = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
+    SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0);
+    SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"[notexist.dir]");
+    SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"notexist.fil");
+    itemCount = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
     for (i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
         memset(itemBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         memset(pathBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         memset(tempBuffer, 0, MAX_PATH);
         driveletter = '\0';
-        SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)itemBuffer);
-        res = SendMessage(g_listBox, LB_SETCURSEL, i, 0);
+        SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_GETTEXT, i, (LPARAM)itemBuffer);
+        res = SendMessageA(g_listBox, LB_SETCURSEL, i, 0);
         ok (res == i, "SendMessage(LB_SETCURSEL, %d) failed\n", i);
         if (sscanf(itemBuffer, "[-%c-]", &driveletter) == 1) {
             /* Current item is a drive letter */
-            res = DlgDirSelectEx(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
+            res = DlgDirSelectExA(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
             ok (GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
                "DlgDirSelectEx() with selection at %d modified last error code from 0xdeadbeef to 0x%08x\n",
                 i, GetLastError());
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
         } else if (itemBuffer[0] == '[') {
             /* Current item is the parent directory */
-            res = DlgDirSelectEx(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
+            res = DlgDirSelectExA(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
             ok (GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
                "DlgDirSelectEx() with selection at %d modified last error code from 0xdeadbeef to 0x%08x\n",
                 i, GetLastError());
@@ -1465,13 +1465,13 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
             ok (*(p-1) == '\\', "DlgDirSelectEx did NOT tack on a backslash to dir, got %s\n", pathBuffer);
             tempBuffer[0] = '[';
-            strncpy(tempBuffer + 1, pathBuffer, strlen(pathBuffer) - 1);
+            lstrcpynA(tempBuffer + 1, pathBuffer, strlen(pathBuffer));
             strcat(tempBuffer, "]");
             ok (!strcmp(tempBuffer, itemBuffer), "Formatted directory should be %s, got %s\n", tempBuffer, itemBuffer);
         } else {
             /* Current item is a plain file */
-            res = DlgDirSelectEx(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
+            res = DlgDirSelectExA(hWnd, pathBuffer, MAX_PATH, ID_TEST_LISTBOX);
             ok (GetLastError() == 0xdeadbeef,
                "DlgDirSelectEx() with selection at %d modified last error code from 0xdeadbeef to 0x%08x\n",
                 i, GetLastError());
@@ -1488,13 +1488,13 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Test behavior when loading folders from root with and without wildcard */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "C:\\");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, 0, DDL_DIRECTORY | DDL_EXCLUSIVE);
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, 0, DDL_DIRECTORY | DDL_EXCLUSIVE);
     ok(res || broken(!res) /* NT4/W2K */, "DlgDirList failed to list C:\\ folders\n");
     todo_wine ok(!strcmp(pathBuffer, "*") || broken(!res) /* NT4/W2K */,
        "DlgDirList set the invalid path spec '%s', expected '*'\n", pathBuffer);
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "C:\\*");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, 0, DDL_DIRECTORY | DDL_EXCLUSIVE);
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, 0, DDL_DIRECTORY | DDL_EXCLUSIVE);
     ok(res || broken(!res) /* NT4/W2K */, "DlgDirList failed to list C:\\* folders\n");
     ok(!strcmp(pathBuffer, "*") || broken(!res) /* NT4/W2K */,
        "DlgDirList set the invalid path spec '%s', expected '*'\n", pathBuffer);
@@ -1502,7 +1502,7 @@ static void test_listbox_dlgdir(void)
     /* Try loading files from an invalid folder */
     strcpy(pathBuffer, "C:\\INVALID$$DIR");
-    res = DlgDirList(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, 0, DDL_DIRECTORY | DDL_EXCLUSIVE);
+    res = DlgDirListA(hWnd, pathBuffer, ID_TEST_LISTBOX, 0, DDL_DIRECTORY | DDL_EXCLUSIVE);
     todo_wine ok(!res, "DlgDirList should have failed with 0 but %d was returned\n", res);
     todo_wine ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_WILDCARD_CHARACTERS,
        "GetLastError should return 0x589, got 0x%X\n",GetLastError());
@@ -1523,9 +1523,9 @@ static void test_set_count( void )
     GetUpdateRect( listbox, &r, TRUE );
     ok( IsRectEmpty( &r ), "got non-empty rect\n");
-    ret = SendMessage( listbox, LB_SETCOUNT, 100, 0 );
+    ret = SendMessageA( listbox, LB_SETCOUNT, 100, 0 );
     ok( ret == 0, "got %d\n", ret );
-    ret = SendMessage( listbox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0 );
+    ret = SendMessageA( listbox, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0 );
     ok( ret == 100, "got %d\n", ret );
     GetUpdateRect( listbox, &r, TRUE );
@@ -1535,7 +1535,7 @@ static void test_set_count( void )
     GetUpdateRect( listbox, &r, TRUE );
     ok( IsRectEmpty( &r ), "got non-empty rect\n");
-    ret = SendMessage( listbox, LB_SETCOUNT, 99, 0 );
+    ret = SendMessageA( listbox, LB_SETCOUNT, 99, 0 );
     ok( ret == 0, "got %d\n", ret );
     GetUpdateRect( listbox, &r, TRUE );
@@ -1564,7 +1564,7 @@ static void test_GetListBoxInfo(void)
     WNDPROC oldproc;
     DWORD ret;
-    pGetListBoxInfo = (void*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandle("user32"), "GetListBoxInfo");
+    pGetListBoxInfo = (void*)GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll"), "GetListBoxInfo");
     if (!pGetListBoxInfo)

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