[PATCH 2/5] d3d8/tests: Get rid of some pointless BeginScene() checks.

Henri Verbeet hverbeet at codeweavers.com
Mon Apr 14 02:59:26 CDT 2014

 dlls/d3d8/tests/device.c |   16 +-
 dlls/d3d8/tests/visual.c |  456 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 2 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 256 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/d3d8/tests/device.c b/dlls/d3d8/tests/device.c
index 8d5403c..a1f237c 100644
--- a/dlls/d3d8/tests/device.c
+++ b/dlls/d3d8/tests/device.c
@@ -1942,16 +1942,12 @@ static void test_render_zero_triangles(void)
     ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader returned %#08x\n", hr);
     hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
-    ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-    if(hr == D3D_OK)
-    {
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 0 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                    0 /*PrimCount */, NULL, D3DFMT_INDEX16, quad, sizeof(quad[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-    }
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 0 /* NumVerts */,
+            0 /* PrimCount */, NULL, D3DFMT_INDEX16, quad, sizeof(quad[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
     IDirect3DDevice8_Present(device, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
diff --git a/dlls/d3d8/tests/visual.c b/dlls/d3d8/tests/visual.c
index 616dd41..74d9a0e 100644
--- a/dlls/d3d8/tests/visual.c
+++ b/dlls/d3d8/tests/visual.c
@@ -249,40 +249,38 @@ static void lighting_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
     ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader returned %#08x\n", hr);
     hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
-    ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-    if(hr == D3D_OK)
-    {
-        /* No lights are defined... That means, lit vertices should be entirely black */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                    2 /*PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, unlitquad, sizeof(unlitquad[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                    2 /*PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, litquad, sizeof(litquad[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, nfvf);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                    2 /*PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, unlitnquad, sizeof(unlitnquad[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                    2 /*PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, litnquad, sizeof(litnquad[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP failed with %#08x\n", hr);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene failed with %#08x\n", hr);
-    }
+    /* No lights are defined... That means, lit vertices should be entirely black. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
+            2 /* PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, unlitquad, sizeof(unlitquad[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
+            2 /* PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, litquad, sizeof(litquad[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, nfvf);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set vertex shader, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
+            2 /* PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, unlitnquad, sizeof(unlitnquad[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, TRUE);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
+            2 /* PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, litnquad, sizeof(litnquad[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
     color = getPixelColor(device, 160, 360); /* Lower left quad - unlit without normals */
     ok(color == 0x00ff0000, "Unlit quad without normals has color 0x%08x, expected 0x00ff0000.\n", color);
@@ -495,53 +493,45 @@ static void fog_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
     hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_FOGEND, *((DWORD *) &end));
     ok(hr == D3D_OK, "Setting fog start returned %#08x\n", hr);
-    if(IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device) == D3D_OK)
-    {
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR);
-        ok( hr == D3D_OK, "SetVertexShader returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        /* Untransformed, vertex fog = NONE, table fog = NONE: Read the fog weighting from the specular color */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                     2 /*PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, untransformed_1,
-                                                     sizeof(untransformed_1[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        /* That makes it use the Z value */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE, D3DFOG_LINEAR);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "Setting fog vertex mode to D3DFOG_LINEAR returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        /* Untransformed, vertex fog != none (or table fog != none):
-         * Use the Z value as input into the equation
-         */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                     2 /*PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, untransformed_2,
-                                                     sizeof(untransformed_2[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        /* transformed verts */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR);
-        ok( hr == D3D_OK, "SetVertexShader returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        /* Transformed, vertex fog != NONE, pixel fog == NONE: Use specular color alpha component */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                     2 /*PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, transformed_1,
-                                                     sizeof(transformed_1[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP returned %#08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE, D3DFOG_LINEAR);
-        ok( hr == D3D_OK, "Setting fog table mode to D3DFOG_LINEAR returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        /* Transformed, table fog != none, vertex anything: Use Z value as input to the fog
-         * equation
-         */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
-                                                     2 /*PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, transformed_2,
-                                                     sizeof(transformed_2[0]));
-        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP returned %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set vertex shader, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    /* Untransformed, vertex fog = NONE, table fog = NONE:
+     * Read the fog weighting from the specular color. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
+            2 /* PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, untransformed_1, sizeof(untransformed_1[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "EndScene returned %#08x\n", hr);
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        ok(FALSE, "BeginScene failed\n");
-    }
+    /* This makes it use the Z value. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_FOGVERTEXMODE, D3DFOG_LINEAR);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    /* Untransformed, vertex fog != none (or table fog != none):
+     * Use the Z value as input into the equation. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
+            2 /* PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, untransformed_2, sizeof(untransformed_2[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    /* Transformed vertices. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZRHW | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set vertex shader, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    /* Transformed, vertex fog != NONE, pixel fog == NONE:
+     * Use specular color alpha component. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
+            2 /* PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, transformed_1, sizeof(transformed_1[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_FOGTABLEMODE, D3DFOG_LINEAR);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    /* Transformed, table fog != none, vertex anything:
+     * Use Z value as input to the fog equation. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0 /* MinIndex */, 4 /* NumVerts */,
+            2 /* PrimCount */, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, transformed_2, sizeof(transformed_2[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
     color = getPixelColor(device, 160, 360);
     ok(color_match(color, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00), 1),
@@ -572,26 +562,18 @@ static void fog_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
         hr = IDirect3DDevice8_Clear(device, 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0xffff00ff, 0.0, 0);
         ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_Clear returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        if (IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device) == D3D_OK)
-        {
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "SetVertexShader returned %#08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4,
-                    2, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, far_quad1, sizeof(far_quad1[0]));
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP returned %#08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4,
-                    2, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, far_quad2, sizeof(far_quad2[0]));
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP returned %#08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "EndScene returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ok(FALSE, "BeginScene failed\n");
-        }
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set vertex shader, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4,
+                2, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, far_quad1, sizeof(far_quad1[0]));
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4,
+                2, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, far_quad2, sizeof(far_quad2[0]));
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
         color = getPixelColor(device, 160, 360);
         ok(color_match(color, 0x00ff0000, 4), "Unfogged quad has color %08x\n", color);
@@ -610,26 +592,18 @@ static void fog_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
         hr = IDirect3DDevice8_Clear(device, 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0xffff00ff, 0.0, 0);
         ok(hr == D3D_OK, "Clear returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        if (IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device) == D3D_OK)
-        {
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "SetVertexShader returned %#08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4,
-                    2, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, untransformed_1, sizeof(untransformed_1[0]));
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP returned %#08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4,
-                    2, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, untransformed_2, sizeof(untransformed_2[0]));
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP returned %#08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "EndScene returned %#08x\n", hr);
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            ok(FALSE, "BeginScene failed\n");
-        }
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE | D3DFVF_SPECULAR);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set vertex shader, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4,
+                2, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, untransformed_1, sizeof(untransformed_1[0]));
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawIndexedPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 4,
+                2, Indices, D3DFMT_INDEX16, untransformed_2, sizeof(untransformed_2[0]));
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
         color = getPixelColor(device, 160, 360);
         ok(color_match(color, 0x00e51900, 4), "Partially fogged quad has color %08x\n", color);
@@ -1875,27 +1849,29 @@ static void offscreen_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
     hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_LIGHTING, FALSE);
     ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState returned %08x\n", hr);
-    if(IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device) == D3D_OK) {
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget(device, offscreen, depthstencil);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "SetRenderTarget failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_Clear(device, 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0xffff00ff, 0.0, 0);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "Clear failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        /* Draw without textures - Should result in a white quad */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, sizeof(quad[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget(device, offscreen, depthstencil);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render target, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_Clear(device, 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0xffff00ff, 1.0f, 0);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to clear, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget(device, backbuffer, depthstencil);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "SetRenderTarget failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *) offscreenTexture);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "SetTexture failed, %08x\n", hr);
+    /* Draw without textures - Should result in a white quad. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, sizeof(quad[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        /* This time with the texture */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, sizeof(quad[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget(device, backbuffer, depthstencil);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render target, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *)offscreenTexture);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-    }
+    /* This time with the texture .*/
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, sizeof(quad[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
     /* Center quad - should be white */
     color = getPixelColor(device, 320, 240);
@@ -2003,66 +1979,67 @@ static void alpha_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
     hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, TRUE);
     ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-    if(IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device) == D3D_OK) {
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        /* Draw two quads, one with src alpha blending, one with dest alpha blending. */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad1, sizeof(quad1[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
+    /* Draw two quads, one with src alpha blending, one with dest alpha blending. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad1, sizeof(quad1[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVDESTALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad2, sizeof(quad2[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVDESTALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad2, sizeof(quad2[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        /* Switch to the offscreen buffer, and redo the testing. The offscreen render target
-         * doesn't have an alpha channel. DESTALPHA and INVDESTALPHA "don't work" on render
-         * targets without alpha channel, they give essentially ZERO and ONE blend factors. */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget(device, offscreen, 0);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "Can't get back buffer, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_Clear(device, 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0x80ff0000, 0.0, 0);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "Clear failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+    /* Switch to the offscreen buffer, and redo the testing. The offscreen
+     * render target doesn't have an alpha channel. DESTALPHA and INVDESTALPHA
+     * "don't work" on render targets without alpha channel, they give
+     * essentially ZERO and ONE blend factors. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget(device, offscreen, 0);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render target, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_Clear(device, 0, NULL, D3DCLEAR_TARGET, 0x80ff0000, 0.0, 0);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to clear, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad1, sizeof(quad1[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad1, sizeof(quad1[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVDESTALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad2, sizeof(quad2[0]));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_DESTALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVDESTALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad2, sizeof(quad2[0]));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget(device, backbuffer, depthstencil);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "Can't get back buffer, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderTarget(device, backbuffer, depthstencil);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render target, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        /* Render the offscreen texture onto the frame buffer to be able to compare it regularly.
-         * Disable alpha blending for the final composition
-         */
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, FALSE);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "SetVertexShader failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
+    /* Render the offscreen texture onto the frame buffer to be able to
+     * compare it regularly. Disable alpha blending for the final
+     * composition. */
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_ALPHABLENDENABLE, FALSE);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set vertex shader, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *) offscreenTexture);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, composite_quad, sizeof(float) * 5);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, NULL);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *) offscreenTexture);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, composite_quad, sizeof(float) * 5);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, NULL);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice7_EndScene failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-    }
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
     color = getPixelColor(device, 160, 360);
     ok(color_match(color, D3DCOLOR_ARGB(0x00, 0xbf, 0x40, 0x00), 1),
@@ -2187,37 +2164,33 @@ static void p8_texture_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
     ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetPaletteEntries failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
     hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
-    ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-    if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "SetVertexShader failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette(device, 0);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *) texture2);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, 5 * sizeof(float));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set vertex shader, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette(device, 0);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture palette, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *)texture2);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, 5 * sizeof(float));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *) texture);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, 5 * sizeof(float));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *)texture);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, 5 * sizeof(float));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette(device, 1);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad2, 5 * sizeof(float));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette(device, 1);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture palette, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad2, 5 * sizeof(float));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-    }
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
     color = getPixelColor(device, 32, 32);
     ok(color_match(color, 0x00ff0000, 0), "Got unexpected color 0x%08x.\n", color);
@@ -2231,18 +2204,13 @@ static void p8_texture_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
     ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_Clear failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
     hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
-    ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-    if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *) texture2);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, 5 * sizeof(float));
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-    }
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetTexture(device, 0, (IDirect3DBaseTexture8 *)texture2);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, 5 * sizeof(float));
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
     color = getPixelColor(device, 32, 32);
     ok(color_match(color, 0x000000ff, 0), "Got unexpected color 0x%08x.\n", color);
@@ -2277,31 +2245,27 @@ static void p8_texture_test(IDirect3DDevice8 *device)
         ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetPaletteEntries failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
         hr = IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene(device);
-        ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_BeginScene failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "SetVertexShader failed, hr = %#08x\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette(device, 0);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to begin scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, 5 * sizeof(float));
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_SRCBLEND, D3DBLEND_SRCALPHA);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetRenderState(device, D3DRS_DESTBLEND, D3DBLEND_INVSRCALPHA);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set render state, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetVertexShader(device, D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_TEX1);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set vertex shader, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette(device, 1);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette(device, 0);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture palette, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad, 5 * sizeof(float));
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad2, 5 * sizeof(float));
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_SetCurrentTexturePalette(device, 1);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to set texture palette, hr %#x.\n", hr);
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_DrawPrimitiveUP(device, D3DPT_TRIANGLESTRIP, 2, quad2, 5 * sizeof(float));
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to draw, hr %#x.\n", hr);
-            hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
-            ok(hr == D3D_OK, "IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene failed, hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        }
+        hr = IDirect3DDevice8_EndScene(device);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "Failed to end scene, hr %#x.\n", hr);
         color = getPixelColor(device, 32, 32);
         ok(color_match(color, 0x00800000, 1), "Got unexpected color 0x%08x.\n", color);

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