[PATCH 5/5] wined3d: Update GLSL vertex pipe replacement TODO comment.

Matteo Bruni mbruni at codeweavers.com
Tue Jul 28 16:14:39 CDT 2015

It turns out most of that has been implemented since the comment was
originally written.
 dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c | 14 +-------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c b/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c
index 9880df1..7bcf102 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/glsl_shader.c
@@ -8111,19 +8111,7 @@ static const struct StateEntryTemplate glsl_vertex_pipe_vp_states[] =
 /* TODO:
- *   - This currently depends on GL fixed function functions to set things
- *     like light parameters. Ideally we'd use regular uniforms for that.
- *   - In part because of the previous point, much of this is modelled after
- *     GL fixed function, and has much of the same limitations. For example,
- *     D3D spot lights are slightly different from GL spot lights.
- *   - We can now implement drawing transformed vertices using the GLSL pipe,
- *     instead of using the immediate mode fallback.
- *   - Similarly, we don't need the fallback for certain combinations of
- *     material sources anymore.
- *   - Implement vertex tweening.
- *   - Handle WINED3D_TSS_TEXCOORD_INDEX in the shader, instead of duplicating
- *     attribute arrays in load_tex_coords().
- *   - Per-vertex point sizes. */
+ *   - Implement vertex tweening. */
 const struct wined3d_vertex_pipe_ops glsl_vertex_pipe =

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