[PATCH 4/4] reg: Clean up reg_delete

xantares 09 xantares09 at hotmail.com
Fri Jul 31 01:03:08 CDT 2015


 programs/reg/reg.c       | 128 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------

 programs/reg/tests/reg.c |   2 +-

 2 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 64 deletions(-)

diff --git a/programs/reg/reg.c b/programs/reg/reg.c

index 86c2e20..6b32aa6 100644

--- a/programs/reg/reg.c

+++ b/programs/reg/reg.c

@@ -403,111 +403,113 @@ static int reg_add(const WCHAR *key_name, const WCHAR *value_name, const BOOL va

     return 0;


-static int reg_delete(WCHAR *key_name, WCHAR *value_name, BOOL value_empty,

-    BOOL value_all, BOOL force)

+static int reg_delete(const WCHAR *key_name, const WCHAR *value_name, const BOOL value_empty,

+    const BOOL value_all, const BOOL force)


-    HKEY subkey;

+    HKEY key = NULL;

     LONG err;

-    static const WCHAR stubW[] = {'D','E','L','E','T','E',

-        ' ','-',' ','%','s',' ','%','s',' ','%','d',' ','%','d',' ','%','d','\n'

-        ,0};

-    reg_printfW(stubW, key_name, value_name, value_empty, value_all, force);


     if (!sane_path(key_name))

         return 1;

-    subkey = path_open(key_name, FALSE);

-    if (!subkey)

-        return 1;


-    if (value_name && value_empty)

+    /* Mutually exclusive options */

+    if ((!!value_name + !!value_empty + !!value_all) > 1)



         return 1;


-    if (value_empty && value_all)

-    {

-        reg_message(STRING_INVALID_CMDLINE);

+    key = path_open(key_name, FALSE);

+    if (!key)

         return 1;

-    }

     if (!force)


-        /* FIXME:  Prompt for delete */

+        WINE_FIXME("Prompt for delete\n");


-    /* Delete subtree only if no /v* option is given */

-    if (!value_name && !value_empty && !value_all)

+    if (value_empty || value_name)


-        err = RegDeleteTreeW(subkey, NULL);

-        if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)

-        {

-            reg_message(STRING_CANNOT_FIND);

-            return 1;

-        }

+        if (value_name && value_name[0])

+            err = RegDeleteValueW(key, value_name);

+        else

+            err = RegDeleteValueW(key, NULL);

-        err = RegDeleteKeyW(subkey, empty_wstr);

         if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)


-            reg_message(STRING_CANNOT_FIND);

+            RegCloseKey(key);

+            reg_message(STRING_ERROR);

             return 1;


-        reg_message(STRING_SUCCESS);

-        return 0;



-    if (value_all)

+    else if (value_all)


-        LPWSTR szValue;

-        DWORD maxValue;

-        DWORD count;

-        LONG rc;


-        rc = RegQueryInfoKeyW(subkey, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,

-            &maxValue, NULL, NULL, NULL);

-        if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)

+        WCHAR *enum_v_name;

+        DWORD count, max_size, this_size, i = 0, errors = 0;


+        err = RegQueryInfoKeyW(key, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,

+            &count, &max_size, NULL, NULL, NULL);

+        if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)


-            /* FIXME: failure */

-            RegCloseKey(subkey);

+            RegCloseKey(key);

+            reg_message(STRING_ERROR);

             return 1;


-        maxValue++;

-        szValue = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(),0,maxValue*sizeof(WCHAR));

-        while (1)

+        enum_v_name = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, ++max_size * sizeof(WCHAR));


+        while (i < count)


-            count = maxValue;

-            rc = RegEnumValueW(subkey, 0, szValue, &count, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

-            if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS)

+            this_size = max_size;


+            err = RegEnumValueW(key, i, enum_v_name, &this_size, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

+            if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)

+            {

+                i++;

+                errors++;

+                continue;

+            }


+            err = RegDeleteValueW(key, enum_v_name);

+            if (err != ERROR_SUCCESS)


-                rc = RegDeleteValueW(subkey, szValue);

-                if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)

-                    break;

+                i++;

+                errors++;

+                continue;


-            else break;


+            count--;


-        if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS)


+        HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, enum_v_name);


+        if (errors)


-            /* FIXME  delete failed */

+            RegCloseKey(key);

+            reg_message(STRING_ERROR);

+            return 1;



-    else if (value_name)

+    /* Delete subtree only if no /v* option is given */

+    else


-        if (RegDeleteValueW(subkey,value_name) != ERROR_SUCCESS)

+        if (key == path_get_rootkey(key_name))


-            RegCloseKey(subkey);

-            reg_message(STRING_CANNOT_FIND);

+            /* "This works well enough on native to make you regret you pressed enter" - stefand */

+            WINE_FIXME("Deleting a root key is not implemented.\n");

+            RegCloseKey(key);

+            return 1;

+        }


+        if (RegDeleteTreeW(key, NULL) != ERROR_SUCCESS || RegDeleteKeyW(key, empty_wstr))

+        {

+            RegCloseKey(key);

+            reg_message(STRING_ERROR);

             return 1;


-    }

-    else if (value_empty)

-    {

-        RegSetValueExW(subkey,NULL,0,REG_SZ,NULL,0);


-    RegCloseKey(subkey);

+    RegCloseKey(key);


     return 0;


diff --git a/programs/reg/tests/reg.c b/programs/reg/tests/reg.c

index a3ecdfb..20ef7af 100644

--- a/programs/reg/tests/reg.c

+++ b/programs/reg/tests/reg.c

@@ -388,7 +388,7 @@ static void test_delete(void)

     run_reg_exe("reg delete HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /ve /f", &r);

     ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);

     err = RegQueryValueExA(hkey, "", NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

-    todo_wine ok(err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "got %d\n", err);

+    ok(err == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "got %d\n", err);

     run_reg_exe("reg delete HKCU\\" KEY_BASE " /va /f", &r);

     ok(r == REG_EXIT_SUCCESS, "got exit code %d, expected 0\n", r);


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