[PATCH 3/4] wined3d: Set the gl resource type in resource_init.

Stefan Dösinger stefan at codeweavers.com
Sat Jun 6 10:53:53 CDT 2015

I don't want to add an extra "none" resource type to the enum because
we're storing it in bitfields.
 dlls/wined3d/buffer.c          |   2 +-
 dlls/wined3d/resource.c        | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 dlls/wined3d/surface.c         |   2 +-
 dlls/wined3d/texture.c         |  48 ++++---------------
 dlls/wined3d/volume.c          |   4 +-
 dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 95 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/buffer.c b/dlls/wined3d/buffer.c
index 857bae6..ea584df 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/buffer.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/buffer.c
@@ -1145,7 +1145,7 @@ static HRESULT buffer_init(struct wined3d_buffer *buffer, struct wined3d_device
-    hr = resource_init(&buffer->resource, device, WINED3D_RTYPE_BUFFER, WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_BUFFER, format,
+    hr = resource_init(&buffer->resource, device, WINED3D_RTYPE_BUFFER, format,
             WINED3D_MULTISAMPLE_NONE, 0, usage, pool, size, 1, 1, size, parent, parent_ops, &buffer_resource_ops);
     if (FAILED(hr))
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/resource.c b/dlls/wined3d/resource.c
index d5a0041..04b3516 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/resource.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/resource.c
@@ -72,16 +72,96 @@ static void resource_check_usage(DWORD usage)
 HRESULT resource_init(struct wined3d_resource *resource, struct wined3d_device *device,
-        enum wined3d_resource_type type, enum wined3d_gl_resource_type gl_type, const struct wined3d_format *format,
+        enum wined3d_resource_type type, const struct wined3d_format *format,
         enum wined3d_multisample_type multisample_type, UINT multisample_quality,
         DWORD usage, enum wined3d_pool pool, UINT width, UINT height, UINT depth, UINT size,
         void *parent, const struct wined3d_parent_ops *parent_ops,
         const struct wined3d_resource_ops *resource_ops)
     const struct wined3d *d3d = device->wined3d;
+    const struct wined3d_gl_info *gl_info = &device->adapter->gl_info;
+    static const enum wined3d_gl_resource_type gl_resource_types[][3] =
+    {
+        /* 0                            */ {WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT},
+    };
+    enum wined3d_gl_resource_type gl_type = WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT;
+    enum wined3d_gl_resource_type base_type = gl_resource_types[type][0];
+    if (base_type != WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT)
+    {
+        unsigned int i;
+        BOOL tex_2d_ok = FALSE;
+        for (i = 0; (gl_type = gl_resource_types[type][i]) != WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT; i++)
+        {
+            if ((usage & WINED3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET) && !(format->flags[gl_type] & WINED3DFMT_FLAG_RENDERTARGET))
+            {
+                WARN("Format %s cannot be used for render targets.\n", debug_d3dformat(format->id));
+                continue;
+            }
+            if ((usage & WINED3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL) &&
+                    !(format->flags[gl_type] & (WINED3DFMT_FLAG_DEPTH | WINED3DFMT_FLAG_STENCIL)))
+            {
+                WARN("Format %s cannot be used for depth/stencil buffers.\n", debug_d3dformat(format->id));
+                continue;
+            }
+            if ((usage & WINED3DUSAGE_TEXTURE) && !(format->flags[gl_type] & WINED3DFMT_FLAG_TEXTURE))
+            {
+                WARN("Format %s cannot be used for texturing.\n", debug_d3dformat(format->id));
+                continue;
+            }
+            if (((width & (width - 1)) || (height & (height - 1)))
+                    && !gl_info->supported[ARB_TEXTURE_NON_POWER_OF_TWO]
+                    && !gl_info->supported[WINED3D_GL_NORMALIZED_TEXRECT]
+                    && gl_type == WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_2D)
+            {
+                TRACE("Skipping 2D texture type to try texture rectangle.\n");
+                tex_2d_ok = TRUE;
+                continue;
+            }
+            break;
+        }
+        if (gl_type == WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT)
+        {
+            if (tex_2d_ok)
+            {
+                /* Non power of 2 texture and rectangle textures or renderbuffers do not work.
+                 * Use 2D textures, the texture code will pad to a power of 2 size. */
+                gl_type = WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_2D;
+            }
+            else if (pool == WINED3D_POOL_SCRATCH)
+            {
+                /* Needed for proper format information. */
+                gl_type = base_type;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                WARN("Did not find a suitable GL resource type, resource type, d3d type %u.\n", type);
+                return WINED3DERR_INVALIDCALL;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (base_type != WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT
+            && (format->flags[base_type] & (WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BLOCKS | WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BLOCKS_NO_VERIFY))
+            == WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BLOCKS)
+    {
+        UINT width_mask = format->block_width - 1;
+        UINT height_mask = format->block_height - 1;
+        if (width & width_mask || height & height_mask)
+            return WINED3DERR_INVALIDCALL;
+    }
     resource->ref = 1;
     resource->device = device;
     resource->type = type;
@@ -106,26 +186,6 @@ HRESULT resource_init(struct wined3d_resource *resource, struct wined3d_device *
     resource->resource_ops = resource_ops;
     resource->map_binding = WINED3D_LOCATION_SYSMEM;
-    if (pool != WINED3D_POOL_SCRATCH && type != WINED3D_RTYPE_BUFFER && gl_type < WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT)
-    {
-        if ((usage & WINED3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET) && !(resource->format_flags & WINED3DFMT_FLAG_RENDERTARGET))
-        {
-            WARN("Format %s cannot be used for render targets.\n", debug_d3dformat(format->id));
-            return WINED3DERR_INVALIDCALL;
-        }
-        if ((usage & WINED3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL) &&
-                !(resource->format_flags & (WINED3DFMT_FLAG_DEPTH | WINED3DFMT_FLAG_STENCIL)))
-        {
-            WARN("Format %s cannot be used for depth/stencil buffers.\n", debug_d3dformat(format->id));
-            return WINED3DERR_INVALIDCALL;
-        }
-        if ((usage & WINED3DUSAGE_TEXTURE) && !(resource->format_flags & WINED3DFMT_FLAG_TEXTURE))
-        {
-            WARN("Format %s cannot be used for texturing.\n", debug_d3dformat(format->id));
-            return WINED3DERR_INVALIDCALL;
-        }
-    }
     if (size)
         if (!wined3d_resource_allocate_sysmem(resource))
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/surface.c b/dlls/wined3d/surface.c
index f4b69e2..97b4797 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/surface.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/surface.c
@@ -5459,7 +5459,7 @@ static HRESULT surface_init(struct wined3d_surface *surface, struct wined3d_text
         surface->surface_ops = &surface_ops;
-    if (FAILED(hr = resource_init(&surface->resource, device, WINED3D_RTYPE_SURFACE, WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT,
+    if (FAILED(hr = resource_init(&surface->resource, device, WINED3D_RTYPE_SURFACE,
             format, desc->multisample_type, multisample_quality, desc->usage, desc->pool, desc->width, desc->height,
             1, resource_size, NULL, &wined3d_null_parent_ops, &surface_resource_ops)))
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/texture.c b/dlls/wined3d/texture.c
index 916bcb2..1e039e4 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/texture.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/texture.c
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ WINE_DECLARE_DEBUG_CHANNEL(winediag);
 static HRESULT wined3d_texture_init(struct wined3d_texture *texture, const struct wined3d_texture_ops *texture_ops,
         UINT layer_count, UINT level_count, const struct wined3d_resource_desc *desc, DWORD surface_flags,
-        enum wined3d_gl_resource_type gl_type, struct wined3d_device *device, void *parent,
-        const struct wined3d_parent_ops *parent_ops, const struct wined3d_resource_ops *resource_ops)
+        struct wined3d_device *device, void *parent, const struct wined3d_parent_ops *parent_ops,
+        const struct wined3d_resource_ops *resource_ops)
     const struct wined3d_format *format = wined3d_get_format(&device->adapter->gl_info, desc->format);
     HRESULT hr;
@@ -43,16 +43,7 @@ static HRESULT wined3d_texture_init(struct wined3d_texture *texture, const struc
             debug_d3dusage(desc->usage), debug_d3dpool(desc->pool), desc->width, desc->height, desc->depth,
             surface_flags, device, parent, parent_ops, resource_ops);
-    if ((format->flags[gl_type] & (WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BLOCKS | WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BLOCKS_NO_VERIFY))
-            == WINED3DFMT_FLAG_BLOCKS)
-    {
-        UINT width_mask = format->block_width - 1;
-        UINT height_mask = format->block_height - 1;
-        if (desc->width & width_mask || desc->height & height_mask)
-            return WINED3DERR_INVALIDCALL;
-    }
-    if (FAILED(hr = resource_init(&texture->resource, device, desc->resource_type, gl_type, format,
+    if (FAILED(hr = resource_init(&texture->resource, device, desc->resource_type, format,
             desc->multisample_type, desc->multisample_quality, desc->usage, desc->pool,
             desc->width, desc->height, desc->depth, 0, parent, parent_ops, resource_ops)))
@@ -61,8 +52,8 @@ static HRESULT wined3d_texture_init(struct wined3d_texture *texture, const struc
         /* DXTn 3D textures are not supported. Do not write the ERR for them. */
         if ((desc->format == WINED3DFMT_DXT1 || desc->format == WINED3DFMT_DXT2 || desc->format == WINED3DFMT_DXT3
                 || desc->format == WINED3DFMT_DXT4 || desc->format == WINED3DFMT_DXT5)
-                && !(format->flags[gl_type] & WINED3DFMT_FLAG_TEXTURE) && gl_type != WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_3D
-                && !once++)
+                && !(format->flags[WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_2D] & WINED3DFMT_FLAG_TEXTURE)
+                && desc->resource_type != WINED3D_RTYPE_VOLUME_TEXTURE && !once++)
             ERR_(winediag)("The application tried to create a DXTn texture, but the driver does not support them.\n");
         WARN("Failed to initialize resource, returning %#x\n", hr);
@@ -1017,7 +1008,7 @@ static HRESULT cubetexture_init(struct wined3d_texture *texture, const struct wi
     if (FAILED(hr = wined3d_texture_init(texture, &texture2d_ops, 6, levels, desc,
-            surface_flags, WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_CUBE, device, parent, parent_ops, &texture_resource_ops)))
+            surface_flags, device, parent, parent_ops, &texture_resource_ops)))
         WARN("Failed to initialize texture, returning %#x\n", hr);
         return hr;
@@ -1076,9 +1067,6 @@ static HRESULT texture_init(struct wined3d_texture *texture, const struct wined3
     UINT pow2_width, pow2_height;
     unsigned int i;
     HRESULT hr;
-    enum wined3d_gl_resource_type gl_type;
-    unsigned int required_flags = 0, ds_flags = WINED3DFMT_FLAG_DEPTH | WINED3DFMT_FLAG_STENCIL;
-    const struct wined3d_format *format;
     /* TODO: It should only be possible to create textures for formats
      * that are reported as supported. */
@@ -1087,7 +1075,6 @@ static HRESULT texture_init(struct wined3d_texture *texture, const struct wined3
         WARN("(%p) : Texture cannot be created with a format of WINED3DFMT_UNKNOWN.\n", texture);
-    format = wined3d_get_format(gl_info, desc->format);
     /* Non-power2 support. */
     if (gl_info->supported[ARB_TEXTURE_NON_POWER_OF_TWO])
@@ -1138,32 +1125,15 @@ static HRESULT texture_init(struct wined3d_texture *texture, const struct wined3
-    if (desc->usage & WINED3DUSAGE_TEXTURE)
-        required_flags |= WINED3DFMT_FLAG_TEXTURE;
-    if (desc->usage & WINED3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET)
-        required_flags |= WINED3DFMT_FLAG_RENDERTARGET;
-    if ((format->flags[WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_2D] & required_flags) == required_flags
-            && (!(desc->usage & WINED3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL) || (format->flags[WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_2D] & ds_flags))
-            && (gl_info->supported[WINED3D_GL_NORMALIZED_TEXRECT]
-            || (desc->width == pow2_width && desc->height == pow2_height)))
-        gl_type = WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_2D;
-    else if ((format->flags[WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_RECT] & required_flags) == required_flags
-            && (!(desc->usage & WINED3DUSAGE_DEPTHSTENCIL) || (format->flags[WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_RECT] & ds_flags)))
-        gl_type = WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_RECT;
-    else
-        gl_type = WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_2D; /* No error, may be SCRATCH pool or emulated conditional np2. */
     if (FAILED(hr = wined3d_texture_init(texture, &texture2d_ops, 1, levels, desc,
-            surface_flags, WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_2D, device, parent, parent_ops, &texture_resource_ops)))
+            surface_flags, device, parent, parent_ops, &texture_resource_ops)))
         WARN("Failed to initialize texture, returning %#x.\n", hr);
         return hr;
     /* Precalculated scaling for 'faked' non power of two texture coords. */
-    if (gl_type == WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_RECT)
+    if (texture->resource.gl_type == WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_RECT)
         texture->pow2_matrix[0] = (float)desc->width;
         texture->pow2_matrix[5] = (float)desc->height;
@@ -1389,7 +1359,7 @@ static HRESULT volumetexture_init(struct wined3d_texture *texture, const struct
     if (FAILED(hr = wined3d_texture_init(texture, &texture3d_ops, 1, levels, desc,
-            0, WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_TEX_3D, device, parent, parent_ops, &texture_resource_ops)))
+            0, device, parent, parent_ops, &texture_resource_ops)))
         WARN("Failed to initialize texture, returning %#x.\n", hr);
         return hr;
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/volume.c b/dlls/wined3d/volume.c
index 0f02f34..424938a 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/volume.c
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/volume.c
@@ -759,8 +759,8 @@ static HRESULT volume_init(struct wined3d_volume *volume, struct wined3d_texture
     size = wined3d_format_calculate_size(format, device->surface_alignment, desc->width, desc->height, desc->depth);
-    if (FAILED(hr = resource_init(&volume->resource, device, WINED3D_RTYPE_VOLUME, WINED3D_GL_RES_TYPE_COUNT,
-            format, WINED3D_MULTISAMPLE_NONE, 0, desc->usage, desc->pool, desc->width, desc->height, desc->depth,
+    if (FAILED(hr = resource_init(&volume->resource, device, WINED3D_RTYPE_VOLUME, format,
+            WINED3D_MULTISAMPLE_NONE, 0, desc->usage, desc->pool, desc->width, desc->height, desc->depth,
             size, NULL, &wined3d_null_parent_ops, &volume_resource_ops)))
         WARN("Failed to initialize resource, returning %#x.\n", hr);
diff --git a/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h b/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
index 7438f7f..dd31229 100644
--- a/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
+++ b/dlls/wined3d/wined3d_private.h
@@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ static inline ULONG wined3d_resource_decref(struct wined3d_resource *resource)
 void resource_cleanup(struct wined3d_resource *resource) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 HRESULT resource_init(struct wined3d_resource *resource, struct wined3d_device *device,
-        enum wined3d_resource_type type, enum wined3d_gl_resource_type gl_type, const struct wined3d_format *format,
+        enum wined3d_resource_type type, const struct wined3d_format *format,
         enum wined3d_multisample_type multisample_type, UINT multisample_quality,
         DWORD usage, enum wined3d_pool pool, UINT width, UINT height, UINT depth, UINT size,
         void *parent, const struct wined3d_parent_ops *parent_ops,

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