[PATCH] msvcr120: Add remainder (try3)

Daniel Lehman dlehman at esri.com
Tue Apr 5 18:00:58 CDT 2016

Try2: handle y==0
Try3: add tests and error handling for both x and y, but I have a question:

Based on the tests, remainder on 32-bit Windows differs from 64-bit Windows in errno handling.  Other math functions, like acosf, behave the same - if tests for it were added, the current Wine implementation would differ from 32-bit Windows

The #ifdef is admittedly ugly but makes it match both Windows 32-bit and 64-bit

is it preferable to match Windows exactly?  or could I drop the #ifdef and use the 64-bit errno handling, like acosf?  could I skip the tests that differ on 32-bit?


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