[PATCH v6 1/3] shell32/tests: Add tests for FolderItems_Item and FolderItems_get_Count.

Alex Henrie alexhenrie24 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 22:32:34 CDT 2016

v6 removes the FolderItems_Item tests with the strings "0" through "9",
since the other tests are sufficient to show that FolderItems_Item with
VT_BSTR expects a filename, not a numeric index.

If this still isn't good enough, please assign this patchset to someone
who can point out what's wrong.

Signed-off-by: Alex Henrie <alexhenrie24 at gmail.com>
 dlls/shell32/tests/Makefile.in     |   2 +-
 dlls/shell32/tests/shelldispatch.c | 221 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 2 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/shell32/tests/Makefile.in b/dlls/shell32/tests/Makefile.in
index cfe0c50..ef95b52 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/tests/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/shell32/tests/Makefile.in
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 TESTDLL   = shell32.dll
-IMPORTS   = shell32 ole32 oleaut32 user32 advapi32
+IMPORTS   = shell32 ole32 oleaut32 user32 advapi32 shlwapi
 C_SRCS = \
 	appbar.c \
diff --git a/dlls/shell32/tests/shelldispatch.c b/dlls/shell32/tests/shelldispatch.c
index 9a47c67..8f2329f 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/tests/shelldispatch.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/tests/shelldispatch.c
@@ -25,13 +25,14 @@
 #include "shldisp.h"
 #include "shlobj.h"
 #include "shlwapi.h"
+#include "shellapi.h"
 #include "winsvc.h"
 #include "wine/test.h"
 #define EXPECT_HR(hr,hr_exp) \
     ok(hr == hr_exp, "got 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x\n", hr, hr_exp)
-static const WCHAR winetestW[] = {'w','i','n','e','t','e','s','t',0};
+static const WCHAR winetestW[] = {'w','i','n','e','t','e','s','t',0,0};
@@ -310,19 +311,46 @@ static void test_namespace(void)
 static void test_items(void)
-    WCHAR wstr[MAX_PATH], orig_dir[MAX_PATH];
+    static const struct
+    {
+        char name[32];
+        enum
+        {
+            DIRECTORY,
+            SHORTCUT,
+            EMPTY,
+            RANDOM,
+        }
+        type;
+    }
+    file_defs[] =
+    {
+        { "00-Myfolder",       DIRECTORY },
+        { "01-empty.lnk",      EMPTY     },
+        { "02-shortcut.lnk",   SHORTCUT  },
+        { "03-empty.bin",      EMPTY     },
+        { "04-random.bin",     RANDOM    },
+    };
+    WCHAR wstr[MAX_PATH], wstr2[MAX_PATH], orig_dir[MAX_PATH];
     HRESULT r;
     IShellDispatch *sd = NULL;
     Folder *folder = NULL;
     FolderItems *items = NULL;
     FolderItems2 *items2 = NULL;
     FolderItems3 *items3 = NULL;
-    FolderItem *item = (FolderItem*)0xdeadbeef;
+    FolderItem *item = (FolderItem*)0xdeadbeef, *item2 = (FolderItem*)0xdeadbeef;
     IDispatch *disp = NULL;
     IUnknown *unk = NULL;
     FolderItemVerbs *verbs = (FolderItemVerbs*)0xdeadbeef;
     VARIANT var;
     LONG lcount = -1;
+    HANDLE file;
+    DWORD dwcount;
+    IPersistFile *shortcut = NULL;
+    BSTR bstr;
+    char buf[512];
+    int i, j;
     r = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_Shell, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IShellDispatch, (void**)&sd);
     ok(SUCCEEDED(r), "CoCreateInstance failed: %08x\n", r);
@@ -345,13 +373,6 @@ static void test_items(void)
     r = Folder_Items(folder, &items);
     ok(r == S_OK, "Folder::Items failed: %08x\n", r);
     ok(!!items, "items is null\n");
-    r = FolderItems_QueryInterface(items, &IID_FolderItems2, (void**)&items2);
-    ok(r == S_OK || broken(E_NOINTERFACE) /* xp and later */, "FolderItems::QueryInterface failed: %08x\n", r);
-    ok(!!items2 || broken(!items2) /* xp and later */, "items2 is null\n");
-    r = FolderItems_QueryInterface(items, &IID_FolderItems3, (void**)&items3);
-    ok(r == S_OK, "FolderItems::QueryInterface failed: %08x\n", r);
-    ok(!!items3, "items3 is null\n");
-    Folder_Release(folder);
     if (0) /* crashes on all versions of Windows */
         r = FolderItems_get_Count(items, NULL);
@@ -373,6 +394,180 @@ todo_wine
     ok(r == S_FALSE, "expected S_FALSE, got %08x\n", r);
     ok(!item, "item is not null\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(file_defs)/sizeof(file_defs[0]); i++)
+    {
+        switch (file_defs[i].type)
+        {
+            case DIRECTORY:
+                CreateDirectoryA(file_defs[i].name, NULL);
+                PathCombineA(buf, file_defs[i].name, "foo.txt");
+                CloseHandle(CreateFileA(buf, 0, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL));
+                break;
+            case SHORTCUT:
+                CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, &IID_IPersistFile, (void**)&shortcut);
+                MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, file_defs[i].name, -1, wstr, sizeof(wstr)/sizeof(WCHAR));
+                IPersistFile_Save(shortcut, wstr, FALSE);
+                IPersistFile_Release(shortcut);
+                break;
+            case EMPTY:
+                CloseHandle(CreateFileA(file_defs[i].name, 0, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL));
+                break;
+            case RANDOM:
+                file = CreateFileA(file_defs[i].name, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
+                                   CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL);
+                for (j = 0; j < sizeof(buf); j++)
+                    buf[j] = rand() % 256;
+                WriteFile(file, buf, sizeof(buf), &dwcount, NULL);
+                CloseHandle(file);
+                break;
+        }
+    }
+    lcount = -1;
+    r = FolderItems_get_Count(items, &lcount);
+    ok(r == S_OK, "FolderItems::get_Count failed: %08x\n", r);
+    ok(!lcount, "expected 0 files, got %d\n", lcount);
+    FolderItems_Release(items);
+    items = NULL;
+    r = Folder_Items(folder, &items);
+    ok(r == S_OK, "Folder::Items failed: %08x\n", r);
+    ok(!!items, "items is null\n");
+    r = FolderItems_QueryInterface(items, &IID_FolderItems2, (void**)&items2);
+    ok(r == S_OK || broken(E_NOINTERFACE) /* xp and later */, "FolderItems::QueryInterface failed: %08x\n", r);
+    if (r == S_OK) ok(!!items2, "items2 is null\n");
+    r = FolderItems_QueryInterface(items, &IID_FolderItems3, (void**)&items3);
+    ok(r == S_OK, "FolderItems::QueryInterface failed: %08x\n", r);
+    ok(!!items3, "items3 is null\n");
+    Folder_Release(folder);
+    lcount = -1;
+    r = FolderItems_get_Count(items, &lcount);
+    ok(r == S_OK, "FolderItems::get_Count failed: %08x\n", r);
+    ok(lcount == sizeof(file_defs)/sizeof(file_defs[0]),
+       "expected %d files, got %d\n", sizeof(file_defs)/sizeof(file_defs[0]), lcount);
+    VariantInit(&var);
+    for (i = -10; i < 0x10000; i++)
+    {
+        item = NULL;
+        V_VT(&var) = i;
+        r = FolderItems_Item(items, var, &item);
+        if (i == VT_I2 || i == VT_I4 || i == VT_ERROR)
+        {
+            ok(r == S_OK, "type %d: expected S_OK, got %08x\n", i, r);
+            ok(!!item, "item is null\n");
+        }
+        else if (i == VT_BSTR)
+        {
+            ok(r == S_FALSE, "type %d: expected S_FALSE, got %08x\n", i, r);
+            ok(!item, "item is not null\n");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            ok(r == E_NOTIMPL, "type %d: expected E_NOTIMPL, got %08x\n", i, r);
+            ok(!item, "item is not null\n");
+        }
+        if (item) FolderItem_Release(item);
+    }
+    for (i = -10; i < 10; i++)
+    {
+        item = NULL;
+        V_VT(&var) = VT_ERROR;
+        V_ERROR(&var) = 0;
+        r = FolderItems_Item(items, var, &item);
+        ok(r == S_OK, "expected S_OK, got %08x\n", r);
+        ok(!!item, "item is null\n");
+        if (!item) continue;
+        bstr = NULL;
+        r = FolderItem_get_Path(item, &bstr);
+        ok(r == S_OK, "FolderItem::get_Path failed: %08x\n", r);
+        ok(!!bstr, "bstr is null\n");
+        GetCurrentDirectoryW(MAX_PATH, wstr);
+        GetLongPathNameW(wstr, wstr2, MAX_PATH);
+        ok(!lstrcmpW(bstr, wstr2),
+           "expected %s, got %s\n", wine_dbgstr_w(wstr2), wine_dbgstr_w(bstr));
+        SysFreeString(bstr);
+        FolderItem_Release(item);
+    }
+    item = NULL;
+    V_VT(&var) = VT_I4;
+    V_I4(&var) = -1;
+    r = FolderItems_Item(items, var, &item);
+    ok(r == S_FALSE, "expected S_FALSE, got %08x\n", r);
+    ok(!item, "item is not null\n");
+    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(file_defs)/sizeof(file_defs[0]); i++)
+    {
+        for (j = 0; j < 2; j++)
+        {
+            item = NULL;
+            MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, file_defs[i].name, -1, wstr, MAX_PATH);
+            if (j == 0)
+            {
+                V_VT(&var) = VT_I4;
+                V_I4(&var) = i;
+                r = FolderItems_Item(items, var, &item);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                V_VT(&var) = VT_BSTR;
+                V_BSTR(&var) = SysAllocString(wstr);
+                r = FolderItems_Item(items, var, &item);
+                SysFreeString(V_BSTR(&var));
+            }
+            ok(r == S_OK, "file_defs[%d], %d: FolderItems::Item failed: %08x\n", i, j, r);
+            ok(!!item, "file_defs[%d], %d: item is null\n", i, j);
+            if (!item) continue;
+            r = FolderItems_Item(items, var, &item2);
+            ok(r == S_OK, "file_defs[%d], %d: FolderItems::Item failed: %08x\n", i, j, r);
+            ok(item2 != item, "file_defs[%d], %d: item and item2 are the same\n", i, j);
+            FolderItem_Release(item2);
+            bstr = NULL;
+            r = FolderItem_get_Path(item, &bstr);
+            ok(r == S_OK, "file_defs[%d], %d: FolderItem::get_Path failed: %08x\n", i, j, r);
+            ok(!!bstr, "file_defs[%d], %d: bstr is null\n", i, j);
+            GetFullPathNameW(wstr, MAX_PATH, wstr2, NULL);
+            GetLongPathNameW(wstr2, wstr, MAX_PATH);
+            ok(!lstrcmpW(bstr, wstr),
+               "file_defs[%d], %d: expected %s, got %s\n", i, j, wine_dbgstr_w(wstr), wine_dbgstr_w(bstr));
+            SysFreeString(bstr);
+            FolderItem_Release(item);
+        }
+    }
+    V_VT(&var) = VT_I4;
+    V_I4(&var) = sizeof(file_defs)/sizeof(file_defs[0]);
+    item = NULL;
+    r = FolderItems_Item(items, var, &item);
+    ok(r == S_FALSE, "expected S_FALSE, got %08x\n", r);
+    ok(!item, "item is not null\n");
     if (0) /* crashes on xp */
         r = FolderItems_get_Application(items, NULL);
@@ -430,7 +625,11 @@ todo_wine
     GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH, wstr);
-    RemoveDirectoryW(winetestW);
+    memset(&del, 0, sizeof(del));
+    del.wFunc = FO_DELETE;
+    del.pFrom = winetestW;
+    del.fFlags = FOF_NO_UI;
+    SHFileOperationW(&del);

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