[PATCH 09/12] shell32/tests: Test ShellExecuteEx()'s handling of classes.

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Mon Jan 4 16:31:50 CST 2016

Signed-off-by: Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>
 dlls/shell32/tests/shlexec.c | 109 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 109 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dlls/shell32/tests/shlexec.c b/dlls/shell32/tests/shlexec.c
index 146f3b8..3691062 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/tests/shlexec.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/tests/shlexec.c
@@ -1696,6 +1696,114 @@ static void test_filename(void)
+static void test_class(void)
+    HKEY classkey;
+    char filename[MAX_PATH];
+    INT_PTR rc;
+    if (skip_shlexec_tests ||
+        !create_test_association(".shclass") ||
+        !create_test_class("shlexec.shname", FALSE))
+    {
+        skip("Unable to create the .shclass association or shlexec.shname class\n");
+        return;
+    }
+    create_test_verb("shlexec.shclass", "open", 0, "Class \"%1\"");
+    create_test_verb("shlexec.shname", "open", 0, "ClassName \"%1\"");
+    classkey = NULL;
+    rc = RegOpenKeyExA(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "shlexec.shclass", 0, KEY_READ, &classkey);
+    ok(rc == ERROR_SUCCESS, "could not open the shlexec.shclass class\n");
+    sprintf(filename, "%s\\test file.shlexec", tmpdir);
+    /* A class overrides the normal association */
+    /* FIXME SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI is only needed due to Wine's bug */
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, "shlexec.shclass", NULL);
+    ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    okChildString("argvA3", "Class");
+    okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    /* FIXME SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI is only needed due to Wine's bug */
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSKEY | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, classkey);
+    ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    okChildString("argvA3", "Class");
+    okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    /* Passing an extension works too */
+    /* FIXME SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI is only needed due to Wine's bug */
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, ".shclass", NULL);
+    todo_wine ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    todo_wine okChildString("argvA3", "Class");
+    todo_wine okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    /* Setting the parameters has no effect without the corresponding flag */
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, "shlexec.shname", classkey);
+    ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    okChildString("argvA3", "Open");
+    okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSKEY | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, "shlexec.shname", classkey);
+    ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    okChildString("argvA3", "Class");
+    okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, "shlexec.shname", classkey);
+    ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    okChildString("argvA3", "ClassName");
+    okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    /* The class key overrides the class name */
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME | SEE_MASK_CLASSKEY | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, ".shname", classkey);
+    ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    okChildString("argvA3", "Class");
+    okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    /* The flags disable the regular lookup even if no class is specified */
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSKEY | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    todo_wine ok(rc == SE_ERR_NOASSOC || rc == SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    if (0) { /* FIXME Crashes in Wine */
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME | SEE_MASK_FLAG_NO_UI, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
+    ok(rc == SE_ERR_NOASSOC || rc == SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    }
+    /* A class compensates for the lack of an association */
+    sprintf(filename, "%s\\test file.noassoc", tmpdir);
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, "shlexec.shclass", NULL);
+    ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    okChildString("argvA3", "Class");
+    okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSKEY, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, NULL, classkey);
+    ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+    okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+    okChildString("argvA3", "Class");
+    okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    if (skip_noassoc_tests)
+        win_skip("Skipping nonexistent file + class test\n");
+    else
+    {
+        /* On some Windows versions nonexistent files are not an issue either */
+        sprintf(filename, "%s\\nonexistent.shlexec", tmpdir);
+        rc = shell_execute_ex(SEE_MASK_CLASSNAME, NULL, filename, NULL, NULL, "shlexec.shclass", NULL);
+        ok(rc > 32, "%s returned %lu\n", shell_call, rc);
+        okChildInt("argcA", 5);
+        okChildString("argvA3", "Class");
+        okChildString("argvA4", filename);
+    }
+    delete_test_association(".shclass");
+    delete_test_class("shlexec.shname");
 typedef struct
     const char* urlprefix;
@@ -2811,6 +2919,7 @@ START_TEST(shlexec)
+    test_class();

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