[PATCH 1/2] user32: Send WM_NCPAINT and WM_ERASEBKGND when window is shown and add tests

Fabian Maurer dark.shadow4 at web.de
Wed Feb 1 13:52:45 CST 2017

Fixes Bug 2624 and 6682 and a few others

v2: Make patch independent from the WM_NCPAINT issue

Signed-off-by: Fabian Maurer <dark.shadow4 at web.de>
 dlls/user32/tests/msg.c | 104 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dlls/user32/winpos.c    |   7 ++++
 2 files changed, 111 insertions(+)

diff --git a/dlls/user32/tests/msg.c b/dlls/user32/tests/msg.c
index 45b5222deb..eeb8e95d58 100644
--- a/dlls/user32/tests/msg.c
+++ b/dlls/user32/tests/msg.c
@@ -927,6 +927,79 @@ static const struct message WmShowVisiblePopupSeq_3[] = {
     { 0 }
+/* CreateWindow (for a popup window with WS_VISIBLE style set)
+ */
+static const struct message WmShowPopupFirstDrawSeq_1[] = {
+    { HCBT_CREATEWND, hook },
+    { WM_NCCREATE, sent },
+    { WM_NCCALCSIZE, sent|wparam, 0 },
+    { WM_CREATE, sent },
+    { EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE, winevent_hook|wparam|lparam, 0, 0 },
+    { WM_SIZE, sent|wparam, SIZE_RESTORED },
+    { WM_MOVE, sent },
+    { WM_SHOWWINDOW, sent|wparam, 1 },
+    { HCBT_ACTIVATE, hook },
+    { WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|optional },
+    { WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, sent|optional },
+    { WM_ACTIVATEAPP, sent },
+    { WM_NCACTIVATE, sent },
+    { WM_ACTIVATE, sent },
+    { WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|parent|wparam|optional, 0 },
+    { WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 1 },
+    { WM_IME_NOTIFY, sent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 2 },
+    { EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, winevent_hook|wparam|lparam, OBJID_CLIENT, 0 },
+    { HCBT_SETFOCUS, hook },
+    { WM_SETFOCUS, sent|defwinproc },
+    { WM_NCPAINT, sent|wparam, 1 },
+    { WM_ERASEBKGND, sent },
+    { WM_PAINT, sent },
+    /* ocasionally received on test machines */
+    { WM_NCPAINT, sent|beginpaint|optional },
+    { WM_ERASEBKGND, sent|beginpaint|optional },
+    { 0 }
+/* CreateWindow (for a popup window that is shown with ShowWindow(SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED))
+ */
+static const struct message WmShowPopupFirstDrawSeq_2[] = {
+    { HCBT_CREATEWND, hook },
+    { WM_NCCREATE, sent },
+    { WM_NCCALCSIZE, sent|wparam, 0 },
+    { WM_CREATE, sent },
+    { EVENT_OBJECT_CREATE, winevent_hook|wparam|lparam, 0, 0 },
+    { WM_SIZE, sent|wparam, SIZE_RESTORED },
+    { WM_MOVE, sent },
+    { HCBT_MINMAX, hook|lparam, 0, SW_MAXIMIZE },
+    { WM_GETMINMAXINFO, sent },
+    { WM_NCCALCSIZE, sent|wparam, TRUE },
+    { HCBT_ACTIVATE, hook },
+    { WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, sent|optional },
+    { WM_NCPAINT, sent|optional|wparam, 1 },
+    { WM_ERASEBKGND, sent|optional },
+    { WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED, sent|optional },
+    { WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE, sent|optional },
+    { WM_ACTIVATEAPP, sent },
+    { WM_NCACTIVATE, sent },
+    { WM_ACTIVATE, sent },
+    { WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|parent|wparam|optional, 0 },
+    { WM_IME_SETCONTEXT, sent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 1 },
+    { WM_IME_NOTIFY, sent|wparam|defwinproc|optional, 2 },
+    { EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, winevent_hook|wparam|lparam, OBJID_CLIENT, 0 },
+    { HCBT_SETFOCUS, hook },
+    { WM_SETFOCUS, sent|defwinproc },
+    { WM_NCPAINT, sent|wparam, 1 },
+    { WM_ERASEBKGND, sent },
+    { WM_MOVE, sent|defwinproc },
+    { WM_SIZE, sent|defwinproc, 0 },
+    { WM_PAINT, sent},
+    /* ocasionally received on test machines */
+    { WM_NCPAINT, sent|beginpaint|optional },
+    { WM_ERASEBKGND, sent|beginpaint|optional },
+    { 0 }
 /* CreateWindow (for child window, not initially visible) */
 static const struct message WmCreateChildSeq[] = {
     { HCBT_CREATEWND, hook },
@@ -4826,6 +4899,37 @@ static void test_messages(void)
     ok_sequence(WmDestroyOverlappedSeq, "DestroyWindow:overlapped", FALSE);
+    /* Test if window is correctly drawn when first shown - visible, redraw */
+    flush_sequence();
+    hwnd = CreateWindowExA(0, "TestWindowClass", "Test Popup", WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE,
+                             10, 10, 100, 100, NULL, 0, 0, NULL );
+    ok (hwnd != 0, "Failed to create popup window\n");
+    RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_UPDATENOW);
+    ok_sequence(WmShowPopupFirstDrawSeq_1, "RedrawWindow:show_popup_first_draw_visible", FALSE);
+    DestroyWindow(hwnd);
+    /* Test if window is correctly drawn when first shown - invisible, show, message */
+    flush_sequence();
+    hwnd = CreateWindowExA(0, "TestWindowClass", "Test Popup", WS_POPUP,
+                             10, 10, 100, 100, NULL, 0, 0, NULL );
+    ok (hwnd != 0, "Failed to create popup window\n");
+    ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOW);
+    SendMessageW(hwnd, WM_PAINT, 0, 0);
+    ok_sequence(WmShowPopupFirstDrawSeq_1, "RedrawWindow:show_popup_first_draw_show", FALSE);
+    DestroyWindow(hwnd);
+    /* Test if window is correctly drawn when first shown - invisible, show maximized, redraw */
+    flush_sequence();
+    hwnd = CreateWindowExA(0, "TestWindowClass", "Test Popup", WS_POPUP,
+                             10, 10, 100, 100, NULL, 0, 0, NULL );
+    ok (hwnd != 0, "Failed to create popup window\n");
+    ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);
+    RedrawWindow(hwnd, NULL, NULL, RDW_UPDATENOW);
+    ok_sequence(WmShowPopupFirstDrawSeq_2, "RedrawWindow:show_popup_first_draw_show_maximized", FALSE);
+    DestroyWindow(hwnd);
+    /* Test child windows */
     hparent = CreateWindowExA(0, "TestParentClass", "Test parent", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE,
                               100, 100, 200, 200, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
     ok (hparent != 0, "Failed to create parent window\n");
diff --git a/dlls/user32/winpos.c b/dlls/user32/winpos.c
index 2fa194fa1c..da3bc73ecb 100644
--- a/dlls/user32/winpos.c
+++ b/dlls/user32/winpos.c
@@ -2254,6 +2254,13 @@ BOOL USER_SetWindowPos( WINDOWPOS * winpos )
             SetForegroundWindow( winpos->hwnd );
+    /* Give newly shown windows a chance to redraw, skip unchanged windows to not send too many messages */
+    if((orig_flags & SWP_SHOWWINDOW)
+            && ((winpos->flags & SWP_AGG_STATUSFLAGS) != SWP_AGG_NOPOSCHANGE))
+    {
+        RedrawWindow( winpos->hwnd, NULL, 0, RDW_ERASENOW | RDW_ALLCHILDREN );
+    }
       /* And last, send the WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED message */
     TRACE("\tstatus flags = %04x\n", winpos->flags & SWP_AGG_STATUSFLAGS);

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