[AppDB] Remove inactive user check

Rosanne DiMesio dimesio at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 5 13:30:29 CDT 2017

Fixes bug 19201.

Signed-off-by: Rosanne DiMesio <dimesio at earthlink.net>
 cron/cleanup.php | 121 +------------------------------------------------------
 include/user.php |  44 --------------------
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 164 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cron/cleanup.php b/cron/cleanup.php
index 4be3b9b..4f44660 100644
--- a/cron/cleanup.php
+++ b/cron/cleanup.php
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ require_once(BASE."include/mail.php");
 $sEmailSubject = "[Cron maintenance] - ";
 /* check to see if there are orphaned versions in the database */
@@ -34,102 +34,6 @@ cleanupVotes();
 /* Updates the rating info for all versions based on test results */
- * Warn users that have been inactive for some number of months
- * If it has been some period of time since the user was warned
- *   the user is deleted if they don't have any pending appdb data
- */
-function inactiveUserCheck()
-  $usersWarned = 0;
-  $usersUnwarnedWithData = 0; /* users we would normally warn but who have data */
-  $usersDeleted = 0;
-  $usersWithData = 0; /* users marked for deletion that have data */
-  notifyAdminsOfCleanupStart();
-  /* users inactive for 6 months that haven't been warned already */
-  $hUsersToWarn = unwarnedAndInactiveSince(6);
-  if($hUsersToWarn)
-  {
-    while($oRow = query_fetch_object($hUsersToWarn))
-    {
-      $oUser = new User($oRow->userid);
-      /* if we get back true the user was warned and flagged as being warned */
-      /* if we get back false we didn't warn the user and didn't flag the user as warned */
-      /*  because they have data associated with their account */
-      if($oUser->warnForInactivity())
-      {
-        $usersWarned++;
-      } else
-      {
-        $usersUnwarnedWithData++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* warned >= 1 month ago */
-  $hUsersToDelete = warnedSince(1);
-  if($hUsersToDelete)
-  {
-    while($oRow = query_fetch_object($hUsersToDelete))
-    {
-      $oUser = new User($oRow->userid);
-      if(!$oUser->hasDataAssociated())
-      {
-        $usersDeleted++;
-        deleteUser($oRow->userid);
-      } else
-      {
-        /* is the user a maintainer?  if so remove their maintainer privileges */
-        if($oUser->isMaintainer())
-        {
-          Maintainer::deleteMaintainer($oUser);
-        }
-        $usersWithData++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  notifyAdminsOfCleanupExecution($usersWarned, $usersUnwarnedWithData, $usersDeleted, $usersWithData);
-/* Users that are unwarned and inactive since $iMonths */
-function unwarnedAndInactiveSince($iMonths)
-    $sQuery = "SELECT userid FROM user_list WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL $iMonths MONTH) >= stamp AND inactivity_warned='false'";
-    $hResult = query_appdb($sQuery);
-    return $hResult;
-/* users that were warned at least $iMonths ago */
-function warnedSince($iMonths)
-    $sQuery  = "SELECT userid FROM user_list WHERE DATE_SUB(CURDATE(),INTERVAL $iMonths MONTH) >= inactivity_warn_stamp ";
-    $sQuery .= "AND inactivity_warned='true'";
-    $hResult = query_appdb($sQuery);
-    return $hResult;
-function deleteUser($iUserId)
-    $oUser = new User($iUserId);
-    warnUserDeleted($oUser->sEmail);
-    $oUser->delete();
-    echo "user ".$oUser->sEmail." deleted.\n";
-function warnUserDeleted($sEmail)
-    $sSubject  = "Warning: account removed";
-    $sMsg  = "You didn't log in in the past seven months to the AppDB.\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "As you don't have any data associated to your account we have removed it.\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "Please feel free to recreate an account anytime.\r\n";
-    mail_appdb($sEmail, $sSubject, $sMsg);
 function notifyAdminsOfCleanupStart()
@@ -142,29 +46,6 @@ function notifyAdminsOfCleanupStart()
         mail_appdb($sEmail, $sSubject, $sMsg);
-/* email all admins that the appdb cleanup script is executing */
-/* so we admins have some visibility into the background cleanup */
-/* events of the appdb */
-function notifyAdminsOfCleanupExecution($usersWarned, $usersUnwarnedWithData, $usersDeleted, $usersWithData)
-    global $sEmailSubject;
-    $warnedUsers = User::get_inactive_users_pending_deletion();
-    $sSubject  = $sEmailSubject."Inactive users\r\n";
-    $sMsg  = "Appdb inactive users cleanup executed.\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "Status\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "--------------------------\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "Users warned:".$usersWarned."\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "Users we would warn, but don't because they have data associated:".$usersUnwarnedWithData."\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "Warned users pending deletion:".$warnedUsers."\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "Users deleted:".$usersDeleted."\r\n";
-    $sMsg .= "Users pending deletion but have appdb data:".$usersWithData."\r\n";
-    $sEmail = User::get_notify_email_address_list(null, null); /* get list admins */
-    if($sEmail)
-        mail_appdb($sEmail, $sSubject, $sMsg);
 /* check for and report orphaned versions in the database */
 /* we don't report anything if no orphans are found */
 function orphanVersionCheck()
diff --git a/include/user.php b/include/user.php
index 2d62ea5..073f6e7 100644
--- a/include/user.php
+++ b/include/user.php
@@ -413,38 +413,6 @@ class User {
          return false;
-     /* warn the user that their account has been marked as inactive */
-     function warnForInactivity()
-     {
-         /* we don't want to warn users that have data associated with them */
-         if($this->hasDataAssociated())
-         {
-             return false;
-         }
-         if($this->isMaintainer())
-         {
-             $sSubject  = "Warning: inactivity detected";
-             $sMsg  = "You didn't log in in the past six months to the AppDB.\r\n";
-             $sMsg .= "As a maintainer we would be pleased to see you once in a while.\r\n";
-             $sMsg .= "Please log in or you will lose your maintainer's abilities in one month.\r\n";
-         } else
-         {
-             $sSubject  = "Warning: inactivity detected";
-             $sMsg  = "You didn't log in in the past six months to the AppDB.\r\n";
-             $sMsg .= "Please log in or your account will automatically be deleted in one month.\r\n";
-         }
-         $sMsg .= APPDB_ROOT."account.php?sCmd=login\r\n";
-         mail_appdb($this->sEmail, $sSubject, $sMsg);
-         /* mark this user as being inactive and set the appropriate timestamp */
-         $sQuery = "update user_list set inactivity_warned='true', inactivity_warn_stamp=NOW() where userid='?'";
-         query_parameters($sQuery, $this->iUserId);
-         return true;
-     }
       * Creates a new random password.
@@ -502,18 +470,6 @@ class User {
-      * Get the count of users who have been warned for inactivity and are
-      * pending deletion after the X month grace period
-      */
-     public static function get_inactive_users_pending_deletion()
-     {
-         /* retrieve the number of users that have been warned and are pending deletion */
-         $hResult = query_parameters("select count(*) as count from user_list where inactivity_warned = 'true'");
-         $oRow = query_fetch_object($hResult);
-         return $oRow->count;
-     }
-     /**
       * Get the email address of people to notify for this appId and versionId.
      public static function get_notify_email_address_list($iAppId = null, $iVersionId = null)

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