[PATCH] dmime: Support more interfaces in IDirectMusicAudioPath.GetObjectInPath

Alistair Leslie-Hughes leslie_alistair at hotmail.com
Wed Jun 28 05:50:52 CDT 2017

was: dmime: Query the Sound buffer for supported interfaces

v2: Fix compile warning.
v3: Add More tests. - Thanks michael
    Restricted to only some interfaces.
    Changed topic to reflect the updated patch.

Signed-off-by: Alistair Leslie-Hughes <leslie_alistair at hotmail.com>
 dlls/dmime/audiopath.c   | 21 ++++++++++-----------
 dlls/dmime/tests/dmime.c | 40 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/dmime/audiopath.c b/dlls/dmime/audiopath.c
index 04f0af03d0..cc7e4d12c9 100644
--- a/dlls/dmime/audiopath.c
+++ b/dlls/dmime/audiopath.c
@@ -137,17 +137,16 @@ static HRESULT WINAPI IDirectMusicAudioPathImpl_GetObjectInPath (IDirectMusicAud
         case DMUS_PATH_BUFFER:
           if (This->pDSBuffer)
-            if (IsEqualIID (iidInterface, &IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8)) {
-              IDirectSoundBuffer8_QueryInterface (This->pDSBuffer, &IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8, ppObject);
-              TRACE("returning %p\n",*ppObject);
-              return S_OK;
-            } else if (IsEqualIID (iidInterface, &IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer)) {
-              IDirectSoundBuffer8_QueryInterface (This->pDSBuffer, &IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer, ppObject);
-              TRACE("returning %p\n",*ppObject);
-              return S_OK;
-            } else {
-              FIXME("Bad iid\n");
-            }
+              if (IsEqualIID (iidInterface, &IID_IUnknown) ||
+                  IsEqualIID (iidInterface, &IID_IDirectSoundBuffer)  ||
+                  IsEqualIID (iidInterface, &IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8) ||
+                  IsEqualIID (iidInterface, &IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer)) {
+                  return IDirectSoundBuffer8_QueryInterface (This->pDSBuffer, iidInterface, ppObject);
+              }
+              WARN("Unsupported interface %s\n", debugstr_dmguid(iidInterface));
+              *ppObject = NULL;
+              return E_NOINTERFACE;
diff --git a/dlls/dmime/tests/dmime.c b/dlls/dmime/tests/dmime.c
index a154eac50b..62a977eeb7 100644
--- a/dlls/dmime/tests/dmime.c
+++ b/dlls/dmime/tests/dmime.c
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
 #include <wine/test.h>
 #include <dmusici.h>
 #include <audioclient.h>
+#include <guiddef.h>
 #define ARRAY_SIZE(a) (sizeof(a)/sizeof((a)[0]))
@@ -45,8 +46,14 @@ static void test_COM_audiopath(void)
     IDirectMusicAudioPath *dmap;
     IUnknown *unk;
     IDirectMusicPerformance8 *performance;
+    IDirectSoundBuffer *dsound;
+    IDirectSoundBuffer8 *dsound8;
+    IDirectSoundNotify *notify;
+    IDirectSound3DBuffer *dsound3d;
+    IKsPropertySet *propset;
     ULONG refcount;
     HRESULT hr;
+    DWORD buffer = 0;
     hr = CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_DirectMusicPerformance, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,
             &IID_IDirectMusicPerformance8, (void**)&performance);
@@ -89,6 +96,39 @@ static void test_COM_audiopath(void)
     ok(refcount == 5, "refcount == %u, expected 5\n", refcount);
     refcount = IUnknown_Release(unk);
+    hr = IDirectMusicAudioPath_GetObjectInPath(dmap, DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, buffer, &GUID_NULL,
+                0, &IID_IDirectSoundBuffer, (void**)&dsound);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed: %08x\n", hr);
+    IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(dsound);
+    hr = IDirectMusicAudioPath_GetObjectInPath(dmap, DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, buffer, &GUID_NULL,
+                0, &IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8, (void**)&dsound8);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed: %08x\n", hr);
+    IDirectSoundBuffer8_Release(dsound8);
+    hr = IDirectMusicAudioPath_GetObjectInPath(dmap, DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, buffer, &GUID_NULL,
+                0, &IID_IDirectSoundNotify, (void**)&notify);
+    ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Failed: %08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirectMusicAudioPath_GetObjectInPath(dmap, DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, buffer, &GUID_NULL,
+                0, &IID_IDirectSound3DBuffer, (void**)&dsound3d);
+    ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Failed: %08x\n", hr);
+    hr = IDirectMusicAudioPath_GetObjectInPath(dmap, DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, buffer, &GUID_NULL,
+                0, &IID_IKsPropertySet, (void**)&propset);
+    todo_wine ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed: %08x\n", hr);
+    if (propset)
+        IKsPropertySet_Release(propset);
+    hr = IDirectMusicAudioPath_GetObjectInPath(dmap, DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, buffer, &GUID_NULL,
+                0, &IID_IUnknown, (void**)&unk);
+    ok(hr == S_OK, "Failed: %08x\n", hr);
+    IUnknown_Release(unk);
+    hr = IDirectMusicAudioPath_GetObjectInPath(dmap, DMUS_PCHANNEL_ALL, DMUS_PATH_BUFFER, buffer, &GUID_NULL,
+                0, &GUID_NULL, (void**)&unk);
+    ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Failed: %08x\n", hr);
     while (IDirectMusicAudioPath_Release(dmap) > 1); /* performance has a reference too */

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