msi: Implement MsiGetComponentPathExA/W.

Hans Leidekker hans at
Fri Mar 3 04:52:36 CST 2017

Signed-off-by: Hans Leidekker <hans at>
 dlls/msi/msi.c       | 108 ++++++++++-------
 dlls/msi/msi.spec    |   4 +-
 dlls/msi/tests/msi.c | 322 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/msi.h        |   4 +
 4 files changed, 396 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/msi/msi.c b/dlls/msi/msi.c
index 1687a28a39..972eec6522 100644
--- a/dlls/msi/msi.c
+++ b/dlls/msi/msi.c
@@ -2778,8 +2778,28 @@ UINT WINAPI MsiVerifyPackageW( LPCWSTR szPackage )
     return r;
-static INSTALLSTATE MSI_GetComponentPath(LPCWSTR szProduct, LPCWSTR szComponent,
-                                         awstring* lpPathBuf, LPDWORD pcchBuf)
+static BOOL open_userdata_comp_key( const WCHAR *comp, const WCHAR *usersid, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT ctx,
+                                    HKEY *hkey )
+    {
+        if (!MSIREG_OpenUserDataComponentKey( comp, szLocalSid, hkey, FALSE )) return TRUE;
+    }
+    {
+        if (usersid && !strcmpiW( usersid, szAllSid ))
+        {
+            FIXME( "only looking at the current user\n" );
+            usersid = NULL;
+        }
+        if (!MSIREG_OpenUserDataComponentKey( comp, usersid, hkey, FALSE )) return TRUE;
+    }
+    return FALSE;
+static INSTALLSTATE MSI_GetComponentPath( const WCHAR *szProduct, const WCHAR *szComponent,
+                                          const WCHAR *szUserSid, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT ctx,
+                                          awstring *lpPathBuf, DWORD *pcchBuf )
     static const WCHAR wininstaller[] =
@@ -2797,20 +2817,20 @@ static INSTALLSTATE MSI_GetComponentPath(LPCWSTR szProduct, LPCWSTR szComponent,
     if (!squash_guid( szProduct, squashed_pc ) || !squash_guid( szComponent, squashed_comp ))
+    if (szUserSid && ctx == MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE)
-    if (MSIREG_OpenUserDataComponentKey(szComponent, szLocalSid, &hkey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS ||
-        MSIREG_OpenUserDataComponentKey(szComponent, NULL, &hkey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+    if (open_userdata_comp_key( szComponent, szUserSid, ctx, &hkey ))
         path = msi_reg_get_val_str( hkey, squashed_pc );
         state = INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT;
-        if ((MSIREG_OpenInstallProps(szProduct, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, NULL,
-                                     &hkey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS ||
-            MSIREG_OpenUserDataProductKey(szProduct, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED,
-                                          NULL, &hkey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) &&
+        if ((!MSIREG_OpenInstallProps(szProduct, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, NULL, &hkey, FALSE) ||
+             !MSIREG_OpenUserDataProductKey(szProduct, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, NULL, &hkey, FALSE)) &&
             msi_reg_get_val_dword(hkey, wininstaller, &version) &&
             GetFileAttributesW(path) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES)
@@ -2820,16 +2840,12 @@ static INSTALLSTATE MSI_GetComponentPath(LPCWSTR szProduct, LPCWSTR szComponent,
     if (state != INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL &&
-        (MSIREG_OpenProductKey(szProduct, NULL,
-                               MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED,
-                               &hkey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS ||
-                               &hkey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS))
+        (!MSIREG_OpenProductKey(szProduct, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, &hkey, FALSE) ||
+         !MSIREG_OpenProductKey(szProduct, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, &hkey, FALSE)))
-        if (MSIREG_OpenUserDataComponentKey(szComponent, szLocalSid, &hkey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS ||
-            MSIREG_OpenUserDataComponentKey(szComponent, NULL, &hkey, FALSE) == ERROR_SUCCESS)
+        if (open_userdata_comp_key( szComponent, szUserSid, ctx, &hkey ))
             path = msi_reg_get_val_str( hkey, squashed_pc );
@@ -2856,53 +2872,65 @@ static INSTALLSTATE MSI_GetComponentPath(LPCWSTR szProduct, LPCWSTR szComponent,
- * MsiGetComponentPathW      [MSI.@]
+ * MsiGetComponentPathExW      [MSI.@]
-INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiGetComponentPathW(LPCWSTR szProduct, LPCWSTR szComponent,
-                                         LPWSTR lpPathBuf, LPDWORD pcchBuf)
+INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiGetComponentPathExW( LPCWSTR product, LPCWSTR comp, LPCWSTR usersid,
+                                            MSIINSTALLCONTEXT ctx, LPWSTR buf, LPDWORD buflen )
     awstring path;
-    TRACE("%s %s %p %p\n", debugstr_w(szProduct), debugstr_w(szComponent), lpPathBuf, pcchBuf);
+    TRACE( "%s %s %s 0x%x %p %p\n", debugstr_w(product), debugstr_w(comp), debugstr_w(usersid),
+           ctx, buf, buflen );
     path.unicode = TRUE;
-    path.str.w = lpPathBuf;
+    path.str.w   = buf;
-    return MSI_GetComponentPath( szProduct, szComponent, &path, pcchBuf );
+    return MSI_GetComponentPath( product, comp, usersid, ctx, &path, buflen );
- * MsiGetComponentPathA      [MSI.@]
- */
-INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiGetComponentPathA(LPCSTR szProduct, LPCSTR szComponent,
-                                         LPSTR lpPathBuf, LPDWORD pcchBuf)
+INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiGetComponentPathExA( LPCSTR product, LPCSTR comp, LPCSTR usersid,
+                                            MSIINSTALLCONTEXT ctx, LPSTR buf, LPDWORD buflen )
-    LPWSTR szwProduct, szwComponent = NULL;
+    WCHAR *productW = NULL, *compW = NULL, *usersidW =  NULL;
     awstring path;
-    TRACE("%s %s %p %p\n", debugstr_a(szProduct), debugstr_a(szComponent), lpPathBuf, pcchBuf);
-    szwProduct = strdupAtoW( szProduct );
-    if( szProduct && !szwProduct)
-        goto end;
+    TRACE( "%s %s %s 0x%x %p %p\n", debugstr_a(product), debugstr_a(comp), debugstr_a(usersid),
+           ctx, buf, buflen );
-    szwComponent = strdupAtoW( szComponent );
-    if( szComponent && !szwComponent )
-        goto end;
+    if (product && !(productW = strdupAtoW( product ))) return INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN;
+    if (comp && !(compW = strdupAtoW( comp ))) goto end;
+    if (usersid && !(usersidW = strdupAtoW( usersid ))) goto end;
     path.unicode = FALSE;
-    path.str.a = lpPathBuf;
+    path.str.a   = buf;
-    r = MSI_GetComponentPath( szwProduct, szwComponent, &path, pcchBuf );
+    r = MSI_GetComponentPath( productW, compW, usersidW, ctx, &path, buflen );
-    msi_free( szwProduct );
-    msi_free( szwComponent );
+    msi_free( productW );
+    msi_free( compW );
+    msi_free( usersidW );
     return r;
+ * MsiGetComponentPathW      [MSI.@]
+ */
+INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiGetComponentPathW( LPCWSTR product, LPCWSTR comp, LPWSTR buf, LPDWORD buflen )
+    return MsiGetComponentPathExW( product, comp, szAllSid, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_ALL, buf, buflen );
+ * MsiGetComponentPathA      [MSI.@]
+ */
+INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiGetComponentPathA( LPCSTR product, LPCSTR comp, LPSTR buf, LPDWORD buflen )
+    return MsiGetComponentPathExA( product, comp, "s-1-1-0", MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_ALL, buf, buflen );
 static UINT query_feature_state( const WCHAR *product, const WCHAR *squashed, const WCHAR *usersid,
                                  MSIINSTALLCONTEXT ctx, const WCHAR *feature, INSTALLSTATE *state )
@@ -3422,7 +3450,7 @@ static UINT MSI_ProvideQualifiedComponentEx(LPCWSTR szComponent,
         StringFromGUID2( &guid, comp, sizeof(comp)/sizeof(comp[0]) );
-    state = MSI_GetComponentPath( szProduct, comp, lpPathBuf, pcchPathBuf );
+    state = MSI_GetComponentPath( szProduct, comp, szAllSid, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_ALL, lpPathBuf, pcchPathBuf );
diff --git a/dlls/msi/msi.spec b/dlls/msi/msi.spec
index e0142c2d25..025ad6e56d 100644
--- a/dlls/msi/msi.spec
+++ b/dlls/msi/msi.spec
@@ -286,8 +286,8 @@
 290 stdcall MsiEnumComponentsExW(wstr long long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
 291 stdcall MsiEnumClientsExA(str str long long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
 292 stdcall MsiEnumClientsExW(wstr wstr long long ptr ptr ptr ptr)
-293 stub MsiGetComponentPathExA
-294 stub MsiGetComponentPathExW
+293 stdcall MsiGetComponentPathExA(str str str long ptr ptr)
+294 stdcall MsiGetComponentPathExW(wstr wstr wstr long ptr ptr)
 295 stub QueryInstanceCount
 @ stdcall -private DllCanUnloadNow()
diff --git a/dlls/msi/tests/msi.c b/dlls/msi/tests/msi.c
index 02298dfb2e..46d0b73597 100644
--- a/dlls/msi/tests/msi.c
+++ b/dlls/msi/tests/msi.c
@@ -3429,6 +3429,327 @@ static void test_MsiGetComponentPath(void)
+static void test_MsiGetComponentPathEx(void)
+    HKEY key_comp, key_installprop, key_prod;
+    char prod[MAX_PATH], prod_squashed[MAX_PATH];
+    char comp[MAX_PATH], comp_base85[MAX_PATH], comp_squashed[MAX_PATH];
+    char path[MAX_PATH], path_key[MAX_PATH], *usersid;
+    INSTALLSTATE state;
+    DWORD size, val;
+    REGSAM access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS;
+    LONG res;
+    if (!pMsiGetComponentPathExA)
+    {
+        win_skip( "MsiGetComponentPathExA not present\n" );
+        return;
+    }
+    if (is_wow64) access |= KEY_WOW64_64KEY;
+    create_test_guid( prod, prod_squashed );
+    compose_base85_guid( comp, comp_base85, comp_squashed );
+    usersid = get_user_sid();
+    /* NULL product */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( NULL, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_INVALIDARG, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok( !size, "got %u\n", size );
+    /* NULL component */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, NULL, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_INVALIDARG, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok( !size, "got %u\n", size );
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, usersid, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size);
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_INVALIDARG, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok( !size, "got %u\n", size );
+    /* NULL buf */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, NULL, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok( size == MAX_PATH * 2, "got %u\n", size );
+    /* NULL buflen */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, NULL );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_INVALIDARG, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( size == MAX_PATH, "got %u\n", size );
+    /* all params valid */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok( !size, "got %u\n", size );
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Components\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, comp_squashed );
+    res = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path_key, 0, NULL, 0, access, NULL, &key_comp, NULL );
+    if (res == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)
+    {
+        skip( "insufficient rights\n" );
+        LocalFree( usersid );
+        return;
+    }
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* local system component key exists */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    res = RegSetValueExA( key_comp, prod_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"c:\\testcomponentpath", 20 );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* product value exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath" ), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Products\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, prod_squashed );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "\\InstallProperties" );
+    res = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path_key, 0, NULL, 0, access, NULL, &key_installprop, NULL );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    val = 1;
+    res = RegSetValueExA( key_installprop, "WindowsInstaller", 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* install properties key exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath"), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    create_file( "c:\\testcomponentpath", "c:\\testcomponentpath", 21 );
+    /* file exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = 0;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_MOREDATA, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !path[0], "got %s\n", path );
+    todo_wine ok( size == 40, "got %u\n", size );
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath" ), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %d\n", size );
+    RegDeleteValueA( key_comp, prod_squashed );
+    delete_key( key_comp, "", access & KEY_WOW64_64KEY );
+    RegDeleteValueA( key_installprop, "WindowsInstaller" );
+    delete_key( key_installprop, "", access & KEY_WOW64_64KEY );
+    RegCloseKey( key_comp );
+    RegCloseKey( key_installprop );
+    DeleteFileA( "c:\\testcomponentpath" );
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Installer\\Products\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, prod_squashed );
+    res = RegCreateKeyA( HKEY_CURRENT_USER, path_key, &key_prod );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* user unmanaged product key exists */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok(!size, "got %u\n", size);
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "Installer\\UserData\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, usersid );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "\\Components\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, comp_squashed );
+    res = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path_key, 0, NULL, 0, access, NULL, &key_comp, NULL );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* user unmanaged component key exists */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok(!size, "got %u\n", size);
+    res = RegSetValueExA( key_comp, prod_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"c:\\testcomponentpath", 20 );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* product value exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath"), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    create_file( "c:\\testcomponentpath", "c:\\testcomponentpath", 21 );
+    /* file exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERUNMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath"), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    RegDeleteValueA( key_comp, prod_squashed );
+    RegDeleteKeyA( key_prod, "" );
+    delete_key( key_comp, "", access & KEY_WOW64_64KEY );
+    RegCloseKey( key_prod );
+    RegCloseKey( key_comp );
+    DeleteFileA( "c:\\testcomponentpath" );
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "Installer\\Managed\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, usersid );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "\\Installer\\Products\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, prod_squashed );
+    res = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path_key, 0, NULL, 0, access, NULL, &key_prod, NULL );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* user managed product key exists */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "Installer\\UserData\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, usersid );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "\\Components\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, comp_squashed );
+    res = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path_key, 0, NULL, 0, access, NULL, &key_comp, NULL );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* user managed component key exists */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    res = RegSetValueExA( key_comp, prod_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"c:\\testcomponentpath", 20 );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* product value exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath" ), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Products\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, prod_squashed );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "\\InstallProperties" );
+    res = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path_key, 0, NULL, 0, access, NULL, &key_installprop, NULL );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    val = 1;
+    res = RegSetValueExA( key_installprop, "WindowsInstaller", 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *)&val, sizeof(val) );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* install properties key exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath" ), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    create_file( "c:\\testcomponentpath", "C:\\testcomponentpath", 21 );
+    /* file exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_USERMANAGED, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath" ), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    RegDeleteValueA( key_comp, prod_squashed );
+    delete_key( key_prod, "", access & KEY_WOW64_64KEY );
+    delete_key( key_comp, "", access & KEY_WOW64_64KEY );
+    RegDeleteValueA( key_installprop, "WindowsInstaller" );
+    delete_key( key_installprop, "", access & KEY_WOW64_64KEY );
+    RegCloseKey( key_prod );
+    RegCloseKey( key_comp );
+    RegCloseKey( key_installprop );
+    DeleteFileA( "c:\\testcomponentpath" );
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Classes\\Installer\\Products\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, prod_squashed );
+    res = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, path_key, 0, NULL, 0, access, NULL, &key_prod, NULL );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* local classes product key exists */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok(!size, "got %u\n", size);
+    lstrcpyA( path_key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, "Installer\\UserData\\S-1-5-18\\Components\\" );
+    lstrcatA( path_key, comp_squashed );
+    res = RegCreateKeyExA( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,  path_key, 0, NULL, 0, access, NULL, &key_comp, NULL );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* local user component key exists */
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_UNKNOWN, "got %d\n", state );
+    todo_wine ok(!size, "got %u\n", size);
+    res = RegSetValueExA( key_comp, prod_squashed, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE *)"c:\\testcomponentpath", 20 );
+    ok( res == ERROR_SUCCESS, "got %d\n", res );
+    /* product value exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_ABSENT, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath" ), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    create_file( "c:\\testcomponentpath", "c:\\testcomponentpath", 21 );
+    /* file exists */
+    path[0] = 0;
+    size = MAX_PATH;
+    state = pMsiGetComponentPathExA( prod, comp, NULL, MSIINSTALLCONTEXT_MACHINE, path, &size );
+    ok( state == INSTALLSTATE_LOCAL, "got %d\n", state );
+    ok( !lstrcmpA( path, "c:\\testcomponentpath" ), "got %s\n", path );
+    ok( size == 20, "got %u\n", size );
+    RegDeleteValueA( key_comp, prod_squashed );
+    delete_key( key_prod, "", access & KEY_WOW64_64KEY );
+    delete_key( key_comp, "", access & KEY_WOW64_64KEY );
+    RegCloseKey( key_prod );
+    RegCloseKey( key_comp );
+    DeleteFileA( "c:\\testcomponentpath" );
+    LocalFree( usersid );
 static void test_MsiProvideComponent(void)
     static const WCHAR sourcedirW[] =
@@ -14559,6 +14880,7 @@ START_TEST(msi)
+        test_MsiGetComponentPathEx();
diff --git a/include/msi.h b/include/msi.h
index 6cbd26f752..55c8f92a6f 100644
--- a/include/msi.h
+++ b/include/msi.h
@@ -539,6 +539,10 @@ INSTALLSTATE WINAPI MsiGetComponentPathA(LPCSTR, LPCSTR, LPSTR, LPDWORD);
 #define MsiGetComponentPath WINELIB_NAME_AW(MsiGetComponentPath)
+#define MsiGetComponentPathEx WINELIB_NAME_AW(MsiGetComponentPathEx)
 #define MsiQueryFeatureState WINELIB_NAME_AW(MsiQueryFeatureState)

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