[4/7] webservices: Move heap support to a separate file

Hans Leidekker hans at codeweavers.com
Wed Mar 29 04:14:46 CDT 2017

Signed-off-by: Hans Leidekker <hans at codeweavers.com>
 dlls/webservices/Makefile.in           |   1 +
 dlls/webservices/heap.c                | 356 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dlls/webservices/reader.c              | 285 --------------------------
 dlls/webservices/webservices_private.h |   5 +
 dlls/webservices/writer.c              |  41 ----
 5 files changed, 362 insertions(+), 326 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 dlls/webservices/heap.c

diff --git a/dlls/webservices/Makefile.in b/dlls/webservices/Makefile.in
index 8caa8023cc..be783b44ce 100644
--- a/dlls/webservices/Makefile.in
+++ b/dlls/webservices/Makefile.in
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ IMPORTS   = winhttp rpcrt4 user32
 C_SRCS = \
 	channel.c \
 	error.c \
+	heap.c \
 	main.c \
 	msg.c \
 	proxy.c \
diff --git a/dlls/webservices/heap.c b/dlls/webservices/heap.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9e8e0bda6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dlls/webservices/heap.c
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+ * Copyright 2015, 2016 Hans Leidekker for CodeWeavers
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
+ */
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include "windef.h"
+#include "winbase.h"
+#include "winnls.h"
+#include "webservices.h"
+#include "wine/debug.h"
+#include "wine/list.h"
+#include "webservices_private.h"
+static const struct prop_desc heap_props[] =
+    { sizeof(SIZE_T), FALSE }, /* WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_MAX_SIZE */
+    { sizeof(SIZE_T), FALSE }, /* WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_TRIM_SIZE */
+    { sizeof(SIZE_T), TRUE }   /* WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ACTUAL_SIZE */
+struct heap
+    ULONG            magic;
+    HANDLE           handle;
+    SIZE_T           max_size;
+    SIZE_T           allocated;
+    ULONG            prop_count;
+    struct prop      prop[sizeof(heap_props)/sizeof(heap_props[0])];
+#define HEAP_MAGIC (('H' << 24) | ('E' << 16) | ('A' << 8) | 'P')
+static BOOL ensure_heap( struct heap *heap )
+    SIZE_T size;
+    if (heap->handle) return TRUE;
+    prop_get( heap->prop, heap->prop_count, WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_MAX_SIZE, &size, sizeof(size) );
+    if (!(heap->handle = HeapCreate( 0, 0, 0 ))) return FALSE;
+    heap->max_size  = size;
+    heap->allocated = 0;
+    return TRUE;
+void *ws_alloc( WS_HEAP *handle, SIZE_T size )
+    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
+    void *ret = NULL;
+    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC) goto done;
+    if (!ensure_heap( heap ) || size > heap->max_size - heap->allocated) goto done;
+    if ((ret = HeapAlloc( heap->handle, 0, size ))) heap->allocated += size;
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    return ret;
+void *ws_alloc_zero( WS_HEAP *handle, SIZE_T size )
+    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
+    void *ret = NULL;
+    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC) goto done;
+    if (!ensure_heap( heap ) || size > heap->max_size - heap->allocated) goto done;
+    if ((ret = HeapAlloc( heap->handle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size ))) heap->allocated += size;
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    return ret;
+void *ws_realloc( WS_HEAP *handle, void *ptr, SIZE_T old_size, SIZE_T new_size )
+    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
+    void *ret = NULL;
+    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC || !ensure_heap( heap )) goto done;
+    if (new_size >= old_size)
+    {
+        SIZE_T size = new_size - old_size;
+        if (size > heap->max_size - heap->allocated) goto done;
+        if ((ret = HeapReAlloc( heap->handle, 0, ptr, new_size ))) heap->allocated += size;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SIZE_T size = old_size - new_size;
+        if ((ret = HeapReAlloc( heap->handle, 0, ptr, new_size ))) heap->allocated -= size;
+    }
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    return ret;
+void *ws_realloc_zero( WS_HEAP *handle, void *ptr, SIZE_T old_size, SIZE_T new_size )
+    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
+    void *ret = NULL;
+    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC || !ensure_heap( heap )) goto done;
+    if (new_size >= old_size)
+    {
+        SIZE_T size = new_size - old_size;
+        if (size > heap->max_size - heap->allocated) goto done;
+        if ((ret = HeapReAlloc( heap->handle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, ptr, new_size ))) heap->allocated += size;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        SIZE_T size = old_size - new_size;
+        if ((ret = HeapReAlloc( heap->handle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, ptr, new_size ))) heap->allocated -= size;
+    }
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    return ret;
+void ws_free( WS_HEAP *handle, void *ptr, SIZE_T size )
+    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
+    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    if (heap->magic == HEAP_MAGIC)
+    {
+        HeapFree( heap->handle, 0, ptr );
+        heap->allocated -= size;
+    }
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+ *          WsAlloc		[webservices.@]
+ */
+HRESULT WINAPI WsAlloc( WS_HEAP *handle, SIZE_T size, void **ptr, WS_ERROR *error )
+    void *mem;
+    TRACE( "%p %u %p %p\n", handle, (ULONG)size, ptr, error );
+    if (error) FIXME( "ignoring error parameter\n" );
+    if (!handle || !ptr) return E_INVALIDARG;
+    if (!(mem = ws_alloc( handle, size ))) return WS_E_QUOTA_EXCEEDED;
+    *ptr = mem;
+    return S_OK;
+static struct heap *alloc_heap(void)
+    static const ULONG count = sizeof(heap_props)/sizeof(heap_props[0]);
+    struct heap *ret;
+    ULONG size = sizeof(*ret) + prop_size( heap_props, count );
+    if (!(ret = heap_alloc_zero( size ))) return NULL;
+    ret->magic      = HEAP_MAGIC;
+    InitializeCriticalSection( &ret->cs );
+    ret->cs.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": heap.cs");
+    prop_init( heap_props, count, ret->prop, &ret[1] );
+    ret->prop_count = count;
+    return ret;
+ *          WsCreateHeap		[webservices.@]
+ */
+HRESULT WINAPI WsCreateHeap( SIZE_T max_size, SIZE_T trim_size, const WS_HEAP_PROPERTY *properties,
+                             ULONG count, WS_HEAP **handle, WS_ERROR *error )
+    struct heap *heap;
+    TRACE( "%u %u %p %u %p %p\n", (ULONG)max_size, (ULONG)trim_size, properties, count, handle, error );
+    if (error) FIXME( "ignoring error parameter\n" );
+    if (!handle || count) return E_INVALIDARG;
+    if (!(heap = alloc_heap())) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
+    prop_set( heap->prop, heap->prop_count, WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_MAX_SIZE, &max_size, sizeof(max_size) );
+    prop_set( heap->prop, heap->prop_count, WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_TRIM_SIZE, &trim_size, sizeof(trim_size) );
+    *handle = (WS_HEAP *)heap;
+    return S_OK;
+static void reset_heap( struct heap *heap )
+    HeapDestroy( heap->handle );
+    heap->handle   = NULL;
+    heap->max_size = heap->allocated = 0;
+ *          WsFreeHeap		[webservices.@]
+ */
+void WINAPI WsFreeHeap( WS_HEAP *handle )
+    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
+    TRACE( "%p\n", handle );
+    if (!heap) return;
+    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
+    {
+        LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+        return;
+    }
+    reset_heap( heap );
+    heap->magic = 0;
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    heap->cs.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = 0;
+    DeleteCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    heap_free( heap );
+ *          WsResetHeap		[webservices.@]
+ */
+HRESULT WINAPI WsResetHeap( WS_HEAP *handle, WS_ERROR *error )
+    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
+    TRACE( "%p %p\n", handle, error );
+    if (error) FIXME( "ignoring error parameter\n" );
+    if (!heap) return E_INVALIDARG;
+    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
+    {
+        LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+        return E_INVALIDARG;
+    }
+    reset_heap( heap );
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    return S_OK;
+ *          WsGetHeapProperty		[webservices.@]
+ */
+HRESULT WINAPI WsGetHeapProperty( WS_HEAP *handle, WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID id, void *buf,
+                                  ULONG size, WS_ERROR *error )
+    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
+    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
+    TRACE( "%p %u %p %u %p\n", handle, id, buf, size, error );
+    if (error) FIXME( "ignoring error parameter\n" );
+    if (!heap) return E_INVALIDARG;
+    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
+    {
+        LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+        return E_INVALIDARG;
+    }
+    switch (id)
+    {
+    {
+        SIZE_T *heap_size = buf;
+        if (!buf || size != sizeof(heap_size)) hr = E_INVALIDARG;
+        else *heap_size = heap->allocated;
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+        hr = prop_get( heap->prop, heap->prop_count, id, buf, size );
+    }
+    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
+    return hr;
+struct xmlbuf *alloc_xmlbuf( WS_HEAP *heap )
+    struct xmlbuf *ret;
+    if (!(ret = ws_alloc( heap, sizeof(*ret) ))) return NULL;
+    if (!(ret->ptr = ws_alloc( heap, XML_BUFFER_INITIAL_ALLOCATED_SIZE )))
+    {
+        ws_free( heap, ret, sizeof(*ret) );
+        return NULL;
+    }
+    ret->heap           = heap;
+    ret->size_allocated = XML_BUFFER_INITIAL_ALLOCATED_SIZE;
+    ret->size           = 0;
+    return ret;
+void free_xmlbuf( struct xmlbuf *xmlbuf )
+    if (!xmlbuf) return;
+    ws_free( xmlbuf->heap, xmlbuf->ptr, xmlbuf->size_allocated );
+    ws_free( xmlbuf->heap, xmlbuf, sizeof(*xmlbuf) );
+ *          WsCreateXmlBuffer		[webservices.@]
+ */
+HRESULT WINAPI WsCreateXmlBuffer( WS_HEAP *heap, const WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY *properties,
+                                  ULONG count, WS_XML_BUFFER **handle, WS_ERROR *error )
+    struct xmlbuf *xmlbuf;
+    if (!heap || !handle) return E_INVALIDARG;
+    if (count) FIXME( "properties not implemented\n" );
+    if (!(xmlbuf = alloc_xmlbuf( heap ))) return WS_E_QUOTA_EXCEEDED;
+    *handle = (WS_XML_BUFFER *)xmlbuf;
+    return S_OK;
diff --git a/dlls/webservices/reader.c b/dlls/webservices/reader.c
index 07c645a1e2..6d15002d00 100644
--- a/dlls/webservices/reader.c
+++ b/dlls/webservices/reader.c
@@ -70,291 +70,6 @@ HRESULT prop_get( const struct prop *prop, ULONG count, ULONG id, void *buf, ULO
     return S_OK;
-static const struct prop_desc heap_props[] =
-    { sizeof(SIZE_T), FALSE }, /* WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_MAX_SIZE */
-    { sizeof(SIZE_T), FALSE }, /* WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_TRIM_SIZE */
-    { sizeof(SIZE_T), TRUE }   /* WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ACTUAL_SIZE */
-struct heap
-    ULONG            magic;
-    HANDLE           handle;
-    SIZE_T           max_size;
-    SIZE_T           allocated;
-    ULONG            prop_count;
-    struct prop      prop[sizeof(heap_props)/sizeof(heap_props[0])];
-#define HEAP_MAGIC (('H' << 24) | ('E' << 16) | ('A' << 8) | 'P')
-static BOOL ensure_heap( struct heap *heap )
-    SIZE_T size;
-    if (heap->handle) return TRUE;
-    prop_get( heap->prop, heap->prop_count, WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_MAX_SIZE, &size, sizeof(size) );
-    if (!(heap->handle = HeapCreate( 0, 0, 0 ))) return FALSE;
-    heap->max_size  = size;
-    heap->allocated = 0;
-    return TRUE;
-void *ws_alloc( WS_HEAP *handle, SIZE_T size )
-    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
-    void *ret = NULL;
-    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC) goto done;
-    if (!ensure_heap( heap ) || size > heap->max_size - heap->allocated) goto done;
-    if ((ret = HeapAlloc( heap->handle, 0, size ))) heap->allocated += size;
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    return ret;
-static void *ws_alloc_zero( WS_HEAP *handle, SIZE_T size )
-    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
-    void *ret = NULL;
-    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC) goto done;
-    if (!ensure_heap( heap ) || size > heap->max_size - heap->allocated) goto done;
-    if ((ret = HeapAlloc( heap->handle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, size ))) heap->allocated += size;
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    return ret;
-void *ws_realloc( WS_HEAP *handle, void *ptr, SIZE_T old_size, SIZE_T new_size )
-    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
-    void *ret = NULL;
-    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC || !ensure_heap( heap )) goto done;
-    if (new_size >= old_size)
-    {
-        SIZE_T size = new_size - old_size;
-        if (size > heap->max_size - heap->allocated) goto done;
-        if ((ret = HeapReAlloc( heap->handle, 0, ptr, new_size ))) heap->allocated += size;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        SIZE_T size = old_size - new_size;
-        if ((ret = HeapReAlloc( heap->handle, 0, ptr, new_size ))) heap->allocated -= size;
-    }
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    return ret;
-static void *ws_realloc_zero( WS_HEAP *handle, void *ptr, SIZE_T old_size, SIZE_T new_size )
-    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
-    void *ret = NULL;
-    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC || !ensure_heap( heap )) goto done;
-    if (new_size >= old_size)
-    {
-        SIZE_T size = new_size - old_size;
-        if (size > heap->max_size - heap->allocated) goto done;
-        if ((ret = HeapReAlloc( heap->handle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, ptr, new_size ))) heap->allocated += size;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        SIZE_T size = old_size - new_size;
-        if ((ret = HeapReAlloc( heap->handle, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, ptr, new_size ))) heap->allocated -= size;
-    }
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    return ret;
-void ws_free( WS_HEAP *handle, void *ptr, SIZE_T size )
-    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
-    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    if (heap->magic == HEAP_MAGIC)
-    {
-        HeapFree( heap->handle, 0, ptr );
-        heap->allocated -= size;
-    }
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
- *          WsAlloc		[webservices.@]
- */
-HRESULT WINAPI WsAlloc( WS_HEAP *handle, SIZE_T size, void **ptr, WS_ERROR *error )
-    void *mem;
-    TRACE( "%p %u %p %p\n", handle, (ULONG)size, ptr, error );
-    if (error) FIXME( "ignoring error parameter\n" );
-    if (!handle || !ptr) return E_INVALIDARG;
-    if (!(mem = ws_alloc( handle, size ))) return WS_E_QUOTA_EXCEEDED;
-    *ptr = mem;
-    return S_OK;
-static struct heap *alloc_heap(void)
-    static const ULONG count = sizeof(heap_props)/sizeof(heap_props[0]);
-    struct heap *ret;
-    ULONG size = sizeof(*ret) + prop_size( heap_props, count );
-    if (!(ret = heap_alloc_zero( size ))) return NULL;
-    ret->magic      = HEAP_MAGIC;
-    InitializeCriticalSection( &ret->cs );
-    ret->cs.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = (DWORD_PTR)(__FILE__ ": heap.cs");
-    prop_init( heap_props, count, ret->prop, &ret[1] );
-    ret->prop_count = count;
-    return ret;
- *          WsCreateHeap		[webservices.@]
- */
-HRESULT WINAPI WsCreateHeap( SIZE_T max_size, SIZE_T trim_size, const WS_HEAP_PROPERTY *properties,
-                             ULONG count, WS_HEAP **handle, WS_ERROR *error )
-    struct heap *heap;
-    TRACE( "%u %u %p %u %p %p\n", (ULONG)max_size, (ULONG)trim_size, properties, count, handle, error );
-    if (error) FIXME( "ignoring error parameter\n" );
-    if (!handle || count) return E_INVALIDARG;
-    if (!(heap = alloc_heap())) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
-    prop_set( heap->prop, heap->prop_count, WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_MAX_SIZE, &max_size, sizeof(max_size) );
-    prop_set( heap->prop, heap->prop_count, WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_TRIM_SIZE, &trim_size, sizeof(trim_size) );
-    *handle = (WS_HEAP *)heap;
-    return S_OK;
-static void reset_heap( struct heap *heap )
-    HeapDestroy( heap->handle );
-    heap->handle   = NULL;
-    heap->max_size = heap->allocated = 0;
- *          WsFreeHeap		[webservices.@]
- */
-void WINAPI WsFreeHeap( WS_HEAP *handle )
-    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
-    TRACE( "%p\n", handle );
-    if (!heap) return;
-    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
-    {
-        LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-        return;
-    }
-    reset_heap( heap );
-    heap->magic = 0;
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    heap->cs.DebugInfo->Spare[0] = 0;
-    DeleteCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    heap_free( heap );
- *          WsResetHeap		[webservices.@]
- */
-HRESULT WINAPI WsResetHeap( WS_HEAP *handle, WS_ERROR *error )
-    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
-    TRACE( "%p %p\n", handle, error );
-    if (error) FIXME( "ignoring error parameter\n" );
-    if (!heap) return E_INVALIDARG;
-    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
-    {
-        LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-        return E_INVALIDARG;
-    }
-    reset_heap( heap );
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    return S_OK;
- *          WsGetHeapProperty		[webservices.@]
- */
-HRESULT WINAPI WsGetHeapProperty( WS_HEAP *handle, WS_HEAP_PROPERTY_ID id, void *buf,
-                                  ULONG size, WS_ERROR *error )
-    struct heap *heap = (struct heap *)handle;
-    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
-    TRACE( "%p %u %p %u %p\n", handle, id, buf, size, error );
-    if (error) FIXME( "ignoring error parameter\n" );
-    if (!heap) return E_INVALIDARG;
-    EnterCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    if (heap->magic != HEAP_MAGIC)
-    {
-        LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-        return E_INVALIDARG;
-    }
-    switch (id)
-    {
-    {
-        SIZE_T *heap_size = buf;
-        if (!buf || size != sizeof(heap_size)) hr = E_INVALIDARG;
-        else *heap_size = heap->allocated;
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-        hr = prop_get( heap->prop, heap->prop_count, id, buf, size );
-    }
-    LeaveCriticalSection( &heap->cs );
-    return hr;
 struct node *alloc_node( WS_XML_NODE_TYPE type )
     struct node *ret;
diff --git a/dlls/webservices/webservices_private.h b/dlls/webservices/webservices_private.h
index a70f7d5d4f..e93b03ebe1 100644
--- a/dlls/webservices/webservices_private.h
+++ b/dlls/webservices/webservices_private.h
@@ -27,8 +27,13 @@ struct xmlbuf
 void *ws_alloc( WS_HEAP *, SIZE_T ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+void *ws_alloc_zero( WS_HEAP *, SIZE_T ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 void *ws_realloc( WS_HEAP *, void *, SIZE_T, SIZE_T ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+void *ws_realloc_zero( WS_HEAP *, void *, SIZE_T, SIZE_T ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 void ws_free( WS_HEAP *, void *, SIZE_T ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+struct xmlbuf *alloc_xmlbuf( WS_HEAP * ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
+void free_xmlbuf( struct xmlbuf * ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 const char *debugstr_xmlstr( const WS_XML_STRING * ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 WS_XML_STRING *alloc_xml_string( const unsigned char *, ULONG ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
 WS_XML_UTF8_TEXT *alloc_utf8_text( const unsigned char *, ULONG ) DECLSPEC_HIDDEN;
diff --git a/dlls/webservices/writer.c b/dlls/webservices/writer.c
index 4736c07e0b..0ea9ac14ba 100644
--- a/dlls/webservices/writer.c
+++ b/dlls/webservices/writer.c
@@ -252,47 +252,6 @@ void WINAPI WsFreeWriter( WS_XML_WRITER *handle )
     free_writer( writer );
-static struct xmlbuf *alloc_xmlbuf( WS_HEAP *heap )
-    struct xmlbuf *ret;
-    if (!(ret = ws_alloc( heap, sizeof(*ret) ))) return NULL;
-    if (!(ret->ptr = ws_alloc( heap, XML_BUFFER_INITIAL_ALLOCATED_SIZE )))
-    {
-        ws_free( heap, ret, sizeof(*ret) );
-        return NULL;
-    }
-    ret->heap           = heap;
-    ret->size_allocated = XML_BUFFER_INITIAL_ALLOCATED_SIZE;
-    ret->size           = 0;
-    return ret;
-static void free_xmlbuf( struct xmlbuf *xmlbuf )
-    if (!xmlbuf) return;
-    ws_free( xmlbuf->heap, xmlbuf->ptr, xmlbuf->size_allocated );
-    ws_free( xmlbuf->heap, xmlbuf, sizeof(*xmlbuf) );
- *          WsCreateXmlBuffer		[webservices.@]
- */
-HRESULT WINAPI WsCreateXmlBuffer( WS_HEAP *heap, const WS_XML_BUFFER_PROPERTY *properties,
-                                  ULONG count, WS_XML_BUFFER **handle, WS_ERROR *error )
-    struct xmlbuf *xmlbuf;
-    if (!heap || !handle) return E_INVALIDARG;
-    if (count) FIXME( "properties not implemented\n" );
-    if (!(xmlbuf = alloc_xmlbuf( heap ))) return WS_E_QUOTA_EXCEEDED;
-    *handle = (WS_XML_BUFFER *)xmlbuf;
-    return S_OK;
  *          WsGetWriterProperty		[webservices.@]

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