[PATCH v6 2/3] include/wmsdkidl.idl: Add more interfaces.

Alex Henrie alexhenrie24 at gmail.com
Wed May 10 22:51:43 CDT 2017

From: Alistair Leslie-Hughes <leslie_alistair at hotmail.com>

v6: Added a blank line between SetBufferingTime and GetUDPPortRanges and
removed the one between GetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection and

Signed-off-by: Alistair Leslie-Hughes <leslie_alistair at hotmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Alex Henrie <alexhenrie24 at gmail.com>
 include/wmsdkidl.idl | 399 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 399 insertions(+)

diff --git a/include/wmsdkidl.idl b/include/wmsdkidl.idl
index 433ec464b1..b62182674f 100644
--- a/include/wmsdkidl.idl
+++ b/include/wmsdkidl.idl
@@ -190,6 +190,35 @@ typedef enum WMT_CODEC_INFO_TYPE
+typedef enum WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS
+typedef enum tagWMT_STORAGE_FORMAT
+    WMT_Storage_Format_MP3  = 0,
+    WMT_Storage_Format_V1   = 1
+#include <pshpack2.h>
+typedef struct _WMStreamPrioritizationRecord
+    WORD wStreamNumber;
+    BOOL fMandatory;
+#include <poppack.h>
+typedef struct _WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE
+    WORD wPortBegin;
+    WORD wPortEnd;
@@ -255,6 +284,43 @@ interface IWMMutualExclusion : IWMStreamList
+    uuid(ad694af1-f8d9-42f8-bc47-70311b0c4f9e),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMBandwidthSharing : IWMStreamList
+    HRESULT GetType([out] GUID *guid);
+    HRESULT SetType([in] REFGUID guid);
+    HRESULT GetBandwidth(
+        [out] DWORD *bitrate,
+        [out] DWORD *buffer);
+    HRESULT SetBandwidth(
+        [in] DWORD bitrate,
+        [in] DWORD buffer);
+    object,
+    uuid(8c1c6090-f9a8-4748-8ec3-dd1108ba1e77),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMStreamPrioritization : IUnknown
+    HRESULT GetPriorityRecords(
+        [out] WM_STREAM_PRIORITY_RECORD *array,
+        [in, out] WORD *records);
+    HRESULT SetPriorityRecords(
+        [in] WM_STREAM_PRIORITY_RECORD *array,
+        [in] WORD records);
+    object,
@@ -353,6 +419,53 @@ interface IWMProfile : IUnknown
+    uuid(07e72d33-d94e-4be7-8843-60ae5ff7e5f5),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMProfile2 : IWMProfile
+    HRESULT GetProfileID([out] GUID *guid);
+    object,
+    uuid(00ef96cc-a461-4546-8bcd-c9a28f0e06f5),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMProfile3 : IWMProfile2
+    HRESULT GetStorageFormat([out] WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT *storage);
+    HRESULT SetStorageFormat([in] WMT_STORAGE_FORMAT storage);
+    HRESULT GetBandwidthSharingCount([out] DWORD *count);
+    HRESULT GetBandwidthSharing(
+        [in] DWORD index,
+        [out] IWMBandwidthSharing **bandwidth);
+    HRESULT RemoveBandwidthSharing([in] IWMBandwidthSharing *bandwidth);
+    HRESULT AddBandwidthSharing([in] IWMBandwidthSharing *bandwidth);
+    HRESULT CreateNewBandwidthSharing([out] IWMBandwidthSharing **bandwidth);
+    HRESULT GetStreamPrioritization([out] IWMStreamPrioritization **stream);
+    HRESULT SetStreamPrioritization([in] IWMStreamPrioritization *stream);
+    HRESULT RemoveStreamPrioritization();
+    HRESULT CreateNewStreamPrioritization([out] IWMStreamPrioritization **stream);
+    HRESULT GetExpectedPacketCount(
+        [in] QWORD duration,
+        [out] QWORD *packets);
+    object,
@@ -1174,6 +1287,292 @@ interface IWMHeaderInfo3 : IWMHeaderInfo2
         [in, size_is( codec_info_cnt )] BYTE *codec_info );
+    object,
+    uuid(96406bec-2b2b-11d3-b36b-00c04f6108ff),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMReaderNetworkConfig : IUnknown
+    HRESULT GetBufferingTime([out] QWORD *buffering_time);
+    HRESULT SetBufferingTime([in] QWORD buffering_time);
+    HRESULT GetUDPPortRanges(
+        [out, size_is( *ranges )] WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE *array,
+        [in, out] DWORD *ranges);
+    HRESULT SetUDPPortRanges(
+        [in, size_is( ranges )] WM_PORT_NUMBER_RANGE *array,
+        [in] DWORD ranges);
+    HRESULT GetProxySettings(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [out] WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS *proxy);
+    HRESULT SetProxySettings(
+        [in] LPCWSTR protocol,
+        [in] WMT_PROXY_SETTINGS proxy);
+    HRESULT GetProxyHostName(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [out, size_is( *size )] WCHAR *hostname,
+        [in, out] DWORD *size);
+    HRESULT SetProxyHostName(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [in] const WCHAR *hostname);
+    HRESULT GetProxyPort(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [out] DWORD *port);
+    HRESULT SetProxyPort(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [in] DWORD port);
+    HRESULT GetProxyExceptionList(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [out, size_is( *count )] WCHAR *exceptions,
+        [in, out] DWORD *count);
+    HRESULT SetProxyExceptionList(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [in] const WCHAR *exceptions);
+    HRESULT GetProxyBypassForLocal(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [out] BOOL *bypass);
+    HRESULT SetProxyBypassForLocal(
+        [in] const WCHAR *protocol,
+        [in] BOOL bypass);
+    HRESULT GetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection([out] BOOL *detection);
+    HRESULT SetForceRerunAutoProxyDetection([in] BOOL detection);
+    HRESULT GetEnableMulticast([out] BOOL *multicast);
+    HRESULT SetEnableMulticast([in] BOOL multicast);
+    HRESULT GetEnableHTTP([out] BOOL *enable);
+    HRESULT SetEnableHTTP([in] BOOL enable);
+    HRESULT GetEnableUDP([out] BOOL *enable);
+    HRESULT SetEnableUDP([in] BOOL enable);
+    HRESULT GetEnableTCP([out] BOOL *enable);
+    HRESULT SetEnableTCP([in] BOOL enable);
+    HRESULT ResetProtocolRollover();
+    HRESULT GetConnectionBandwidth([out] DWORD *bandwidth);
+    HRESULT SetConnectionBandwidth([in] DWORD bandwidth);
+    HRESULT GetNumProtocolsSupported([out] DWORD *protocols);
+    HRESULT GetSupportedProtocolName(
+        [in]  DWORD protocol_num,
+        [out, size_is( *size )] WCHAR *protocol,
+        [in, out] DWORD *size);
+    HRESULT AddLoggingUrl([in] const WCHAR *url);
+    HRESULT GetLoggingUrl(
+        [in] DWORD index,
+        [out, size_is( *size )] WCHAR *url,
+        [in, out] DWORD *size);
+    HRESULT GetLoggingUrlCount([out] DWORD *count);
+    HRESULT ResetLoggingUrlList();
+    object,
+    uuid(d979a853-042b-4050-8387-c939db22013f),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMReaderNetworkConfig2 : IWMReaderNetworkConfig
+    HRESULT GetEnableContentCaching([out] BOOL *enable);
+    HRESULT SetEnableContentCaching([in] BOOL enable);
+    HRESULT GetEnableFastCache([out] BOOL *enable);
+    HRESULT SetEnableFastCache([in] BOOL enable);
+    HRESULT GetAcceleratedStreamingDuration([out] QWORD *duration);
+    HRESULT SetAcceleratedStreamingDuration([in] QWORD duration);
+    HRESULT GetAutoReconnectLimit([out] DWORD *limit);
+    HRESULT SetAutoReconnectLimit([in] DWORD limit);
+    HRESULT GetEnableResends([out] BOOL *enable);
+    HRESULT SetEnableResends([in] BOOL enable);
+    HRESULT GetEnableThinning([out] BOOL *enable);
+    HRESULT SetEnableThinning([in] BOOL enable);
+    HRESULT GetMaxNetPacketSize([out] DWORD *packet_size);
+    object,
+    uuid(96406bed-2b2b-11d3-b36b-00c04f6108ff),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMReaderStreamClock : IUnknown
+    HRESULT GetTime([in] QWORD *now);
+    HRESULT SetTimer([in] QWORD when,
+                     [in] void *param,
+                     [out] DWORD *id);
+    HRESULT KillTimer([in] DWORD id);
+    object,
+    uuid(cdfb97ab-188f-40b3-b643-5b7903975c59),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMPacketSize : IUnknown
+    HRESULT GetMaxPacketSize([out] DWORD *size);
+    HRESULT SetMaxPacketSize([in] DWORD size);
+    object,
+    uuid(8bfc2b9e-b646-4233-a877-1c6a079669dc),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMPacketSize2 : IWMPacketSize
+    HRESULT GetMinPacketSize([out] DWORD *size);
+    HRESULT SetMinPacketSize([in] DWORD size);
+    object,
+    uuid(d2827540-3ee7-432c-b14c-dc17f085d3b3),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMDRMReader : IUnknown
+    HRESULT AcquireLicense([in] DWORD flags);
+    HRESULT CancelLicenseAcquisition();
+    HRESULT Individualize([in] DWORD flags);
+    HRESULT CancelIndividualization();
+    HRESULT MonitorLicenseAcquisition();
+    HRESULT CancelMonitorLicenseAcquisition();
+    HRESULT SetDRMProperty(
+        [in] const WCHAR *name,
+        [in] WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE type,
+        [in, size_is( length )] const BYTE *value,
+        [in] WORD length);
+    HRESULT GetDRMProperty(
+        [in] const WCHAR *name,
+        [out] WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE *type,
+        [out, size_is( *length )] BYTE *value,
+        [in, out] WORD *length);
+    object,
+    uuid(befe7a75-9f1d-4075-b9d9-a3c37bda49a0),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMDRMReader2 : IWMDRMReader
+    HRESULT SetEvaluateOutputLevelLicenses([in] BOOL evaluate);
+    HRESULT GetPlayOutputLevels(
+        [out, size_is( *length )] DRM_PLAY_OPL *play,
+        [in, out] DWORD *length,
+        [out] DWORD *level);
+    HRESULT GetCopyOutputLevels(
+        [out, size_is( *length )] DRM_COPY_OPL *copy,
+        [in, out] DWORD *length,
+        [out] DWORD *level);
+    HRESULT TryNextLicense();
+    object,
+    uuid(e08672de-f1e7-4ff4-a0a3-fc4b08e4caf8),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMDRMReader3 : IWMDRMReader2
+    HRESULT GetInclusionList(
+        [out] GUID **guids,
+        [out] DWORD *count);
+    object,
+    uuid(bddc4d08-944d-4d52-a612-46c3fda07dd4),
+    pointer_default( unique ),
+    local
+interface IWMReaderAccelerator : IUnknown
+    HRESULT GetCodecInterface(
+        [in] DWORD output,
+        [in] REFIID riid,
+        [out] void **codec);
+    HRESULT Notify(
+        [in] DWORD output,
+        [in] WM_MEDIA_TYPE *subtype);
+    object,
+    uuid(f369e2f0-e081-4fe6-8450-b810b2f410d1),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMReaderTimecode : IUnknown
+    HRESULT GetTimecodeRangeCount(
+        [in] WORD num,
+        [out] WORD *count);
+    HRESULT GetTimecodeRangeBounds(
+        [in] WORD stream,
+        [in] WORD range,
+        [out] DWORD *start_timecode,
+        [out] DWORD *end_timecode);
+    object,
+    uuid(fdbe5592-81a1-41ea-93bd-735cad1adc05),
+    pointer_default(unique),
+    local
+interface IWMReaderTypeNegotiation : IUnknown
+    HRESULT TryOutputProps(
+        [in] DWORD output,
+        [in] IWMOutputMediaProps *props);
 cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WMCreateWriter(IUnknown*,IWMWriter**);")
 cpp_quote("HRESULT WINAPI WMCreateReader(IUnknown*,DWORD,IWMReader**);")

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