trunk build

buildbot at buildbot at
Mon Oct 10 17:55:26 CDT 2011

This is an experimental automated build and test service.
Please feel free to ignore this email while we work the kinks out.

For more info about this message, see

The Buildbot has detected a failed build on builder runtests-ati while building Wine.
Full details are available at: (though maybe not for long, as I'm still reinstalling the buildbot periodically while experimenting)
BUILD FAILED: failed shell_3

* Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error:  *
* Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error:  *
alarum: failed command was ../../../wine menu.c 
menu.c:3206: Tests skipped: interactive alignment tests.
menu.c:2021: Test failed: test 12
menu.c:2021: Test failed: test 14
menu.c:2021: Test failed: test 16
menu.c:1995: Tests skipped: test 27: failed to send input
err:menu:SetMenuItemInfo_common Loop detected in menu hierarchy or maximum menu depth exceeded!
err:menu:SetMenuItemInfo_common Loop detected in menu hierarchy or maximum menu depth exceeded!
make: *** [menu.ok] Error 3
alarum: failed command was ../../../wine brsfolder.c 
fixme:shell:BrsFolder_OnCreate flags BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE partially implemented
brsfolder.c:219: Test failed: Clicking "Make New Folder" button did not result in a new folder.
brsfolder.c:225: Test failed: The new folder did not get the name foo
brsfolder.c:232: Test failed: SHBrowseForFolder did not return the pidl for the new folder. Expected 'Z:\home\bob\wineslave.dir\sandbox\slave\runtests-ati\build\dlls\shell32\tests\test_click_make_new_folder_button\foo' got 'Z:\home\bob\wineslave.dir\sandbox\slave\runtests-ati\build\dlls\shell32\tests\test_click_make_new_folder_button'
fixme:shell:BrsFolder_OnCreate flags BIF_NEWDIALOGSTYLE partially implemented
make: *** [brsfolder.ok] Error 3

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