Wine and WinNT wine.conf dumb question

Daniel Foesch krach42 at
Wed Apr 4 23:24:53 CDT 2001

>I've just installed Wine 20010305 on a box with SuSE 7.1 (kernel 2.4.2) and
>Win NT4.0.  I previously ran wine with no problems under SuSE 7.0.  Now when
>I try to start wine I get the error:
>Invalid path 'C:\winnt' for windows directory: does not exist.
>This is using the same wine.conf file as before.  Here are the relevant
>lines from the wine.conf file:
>[Drive C]
>"Type" = "hd"
>"Path" = "/windows/c"
>"Label" = "/windows/c"
>"FS" = "win95"
>"Windows" = "C:\\winnt"
>"System" = "C:\\winnt\\system"
>"Path" = "C:\\winnt;C:\\winnt\\system;E:\\;X:\\;Y:\\"
>"Profile" = "C:\\winnt\\Profiles\\Default User"
>The relevant line in the fstab is:
>/dev/hda1    /windows/c    ntfs    rw,user,umask=0000 0 0
>I can cd to /windows/c/winnt and ls the contents with no problem.  Does
>anyone have any suggestions.  I have tried running wineinstall and wineconf
>with no luck, but Winesetuptk finds my windows directories and agrees with
>what I have above.
>Any help greatly appreciated.

Wow... this seems like a wierd problem... frankly, I don't think it's a dumb
question, because this is perplexing... by all of your configs, everything
should be working... in truth, this is something that I don't think I could fix
unless I was at the control stick and able to poke at things until I see what's
up...  but, in an effort to help you in a situation where I can't:

  Could you post a direct tail of the output from wine?
  post a bit more from your wine.conf
  post your full fstab, and the output from mount, just so we can look at it.
(hopefully your fstab isn't 800 lines...)

Daniel "Krach" Foesch
"I'm all in favor of regulations dictating a standard placement of directions
on frozen foods" -Lyle McCracken

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