mono space font is missing

joe jcharth at
Mon Feb 12 06:49:03 CST 2001

when i run my app i get that the monospace font is missing every time i
see weird caracters on the screen i get 
fixme:toolhelp:InterruptRegister16 (0000, 0x26f00ba), stub.
fixme:font:GetCharABCWidthsW (1cda,0001,00ff,0x28bc6c08): stub
fixme:font:GetCharABCWidthsW (360e,0001,00ff,0x28bc6c08): stub
fixme:font:GetCharABCWidthsW (361a,0001,00ff,0x28bc6794): stub
fixme:toolhelp:InterruptUnRegister16 (0000), stub.

my app runs a ttf that it used for some questions and answers. i tried
installing a ttf font server but it did not help. does anybody know what
to do. i am runnig wine 10/2000 on freebsd 4.2

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