alpha centauri

bastian salmela bastian.salmela at
Tue Jul 24 10:22:07 CDT 2001

I am trying to get alpha centrauri to work under wine. I know it exists on 
linux version also, but I already have bought the windows version some time 
ago (stupid me) so I would like to at least TRY to get it working..

so, my problem is, that I can start it, but I am missing some colors, I 
think, and graphics perhaps.. the first menu that comes, where you select 
the game type etc, looks OK except the text on the buttons are missing. the 
same missing of text occurs in the actual game play menus, and other 
places. colors are a bit strange too. 

I am running the latest WINE, downloaded it as RPM and installed to my RH 
7.0 system. XFree is 4.0.3, and kernel 2.4.5..  graphic gard is matrox 
g400. (single)



email: bastian.salmela at

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