Wine installer
lawson_whitney at
lawson_whitney at
Fri Jun 15 10:16:14 CDT 2001
On Fri, 15 Jun 2001, Peter Kirk wrote:
> Am Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2001 22:52 schrieben Sie:
> > On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Peter Kirk wrote:
> > > pwk at notch:~ > which wine
> > > pwk at notch:~ >
> >
> > This should be done from the same directory that you ran tools/wineinstall
> > from, to cater for the possibility that you have somehow configured your
> > system to have "." in PATH or something like that.
> >
Good point. :^). Here comes another.
> The thing is: it gives me something different for root, there it gives me:
> which: no wine in (/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/X11R6/bin)
> why is this ?
Not only is it possible that PATH can have a different effect depending
on the current directory by having ".", it is possible for each user to
have a different PATH, as set or amended by the per-user shell init
scripts (FI ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc), and different aliases, so
that in this case, "which" is actually a different command for root than
for the user. That message is from the which program, commonly
/usr/bin/which; I bet the user has an alias.
Most distros exclude /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin from root's
path, and /sbin, /usr/sbin, and /usr/local/sbin from other users.
Maybe a script will help. I am not going to remove my wine binary, so I
will use "nothing" as an example of a program I don't have.
Script started on Fri Jun 15 10:57:32 2001
[whit at giftie whit]$ which which
[whit at giftie whit]$ alias|grep which
alias which='type -path'
[whit at giftie whit]$ which nothing
[whit at giftie whit]$ echo $PATH
[whit at giftie whit]$ su wino
[wino at giftie whit]$ which which
[wino at giftie whit]$ which nothing
which: no nothing in (/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/X11R6/bin:/home/whit/bin)
[wino at giftie whit]$ alias |grep which
[wino at giftie whit]$ exit
[whit at giftie whit]$ su
[root at giftie whit]# echo $PATH
[root at giftie whit]# exit
[whit at giftie whit]$ exit
Script done on Fri Jun 15 11:11:11 2001
---cut here---
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