change location of .wine/

Ken Barr kbarr at
Tue Jun 26 20:09:58 CDT 2001

WINEPREFIX seems to conflict with the wine.conf directory established
when you configure with --sysconfdir.  Is this correct behavior?  I
thought that WINEPREFIX was to establish where the wineserver cruft
goes.  I guess not.

(actually, I don't think that sysconfdir works, but that's another

   cagfarm-15) /tmp/kbarr/wine-20010510 % ./wine
   Can't open configuration file /u/kbarr/.wine/config

hm.  Why didn't it find the global config file established by

   (cagfarm-15) /tmp/kbarr/wine-20010510 % printenv $WINEPREFIX
   WINEPREFIX: Undefined variable.
   (cagfarm-15) /tmp/kbarr/wine-20010510 % setenv WINEPREFIX /tmp
   (cagfarm-15) /tmp/kbarr/wine-20010510 % ./wine
   Can't open configuration file /tmp/config

Why are you looking there!?  

So, basically, I need the --config option back.  Which source file
contains the configuration loading code?

gerard patel wrote:
> On 26 Jun 2001 13:47:12 -0700, mitevski at (Vladimir) wrote:
> >Hi--
> >
> >  is it possible to change the location and the name of .wine/ folder?
> >
> how about WINEPREFIX environment variable ?
> export WINEPREFIX=/home/gerard/.wine
> Gerard

Ken Barr                                                (617) 225-1605 
kbarr at                             
MIT Laboratory for Computer Science        Computer Architecture Group

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