Quicken 99 internet options

gerard patel g.patel at wanadoo.fr.invalid
Wed Jun 27 14:43:59 CDT 2001

On Fri, 22 Jun 2001 01:58:12 GMT, "S. Mittelstaedt"
<ssmitt at spamcop.net> wrote:

>The internet configuration will not work from inside Linux.  I can set
>it up as direct connect from W98 but it won't hook up from inside Linux.
>Is this even possible to do or is it one of those things that is too
>tightly bundled with Windows?

I know nothing about Quicken but if it's a direct connection
using Tapi or Ras it's not likely to work as Wine support is
pretty non-existant. If you can't connect using the operating
system network level, it will probably not work (unless it's
really a direct connection at the hardware level, like it was
done with Windows 3, with 16-bits software)


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