Charset / Language with an NT installation?

Richard Lovejoy Richard.Lovejoy at
Wed Mar 21 20:35:01 CST 2001

  Hi there.

Thanks for your help, Gerard.

On Wed, Mar 21, 2001 at 08:28:55AM +0000, g.patel at wrote:
> Do you have a NTFS partition ? If yes, this is probably a lack
> of OS support. It's said often that Linux does not support reliably
> writing to a NTFS partition, for example. In this case, check for
> updates on the Linux side.

  The problems happen on e2fs as well.  :(  However...

> >Excel seems to find files, but complains that it doesn't understand
> >them.  Notepad loads files, but they turn to semi-gibberish.
> Maybe you have an old version of Wine; this Notepad problem was 
> fixed a few months ago I think.

  Ooops.  The notepad problem was my fault.  Forget about that bit!
So notepad appears to work OK.

> >All of this happens with simple filenames like "abcdefg.txt",
> >and it happens to files living in my home directory on an e2fs
> >filesystem, so it doesn't seem to be a problem with the ntfs driver.
> Including the file save problem ?
> If yes, try to use more builtin libraries (DllOverrides in the
> ~/.wine/config file). All system libraries under NT are fully
> Unicode and use NTsecurity, and Wine is not very 
> conformant here.Most NT system utilities, even simple ones,
> will not work correctly.
  I tried setting them all to builtin, to no avail.  

But, I had a thought.  Is it possible that when Microsoft Office was
installed on my computer, it used NT-type DLLs that include unicode
support?  Like, for example "wwintl32.dll" (which lives in the office
directory on my machine)?

If that is the case, then I'm basically screwed unless
- wine starts to support unicode a bit more
- I use a version of Office which was originally installed on 
  a win95/98 machine.

What do reckon?


Richard Lovejoy.                      Richard.Lovejoy at
+61 3 9301 6284
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